Seeing that he was about to go on stage, Huang Rong, who was beside Liu Xu, pouted her little mouth, feeling very jealous. Moreover, she didn't know the depth of Liu Xu's martial arts, and was afraid that he would get hurt if he fought with Yang Kang.

Seeing Huang Rong like this, Liu Xu felt happy for a while, knowing that his hard work for two days was finally not in vain, but he was also secretly suspicious in his heart. He hadn't seen Guo Jing until now. Wing him away!


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Chapter 1204 Winning the martial arts competition and marrying Mu Nianci

It turned out that after Guo Jing and his party separated from Liu Xu, they also found Ouyang Ke's maid who was picking flowers everywhere, so they secretly followed the woman from Baituo Mountain, and discovered that Ouyang Ke led his concubine Ji to rob a woman from a good family that night.

The Jiangnan Seven Monsters couldn't just sit back and watch, and immediately started fighting with him.

Although Ouyang Ke's martial arts are high, but the seven monsters have practiced hard in the desert for more than ten years, their kung fu has changed greatly, and Guo Jing is added.

Seven people besieged him alone, Ouyang Ke ate Ke Zhen'e's stick, and Zhu Cong twisted his left little finger with a broken hand, so he had to abandon the girl he had captured and fled to help him do evil However, one concubine Ji was beaten to death by Nan Xiren and Quan Jinfa respectively.

The Seven Monsters and Guo Jing sent the girl home, and then went after Ouyang Ke.

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Ke was so slippery, he walked around and couldn't find him.

The seven monsters knew that they could fight alone, and their skills were not as good as him, so they didn't dare to scatter and round them up, so they had to follow them all the way together, and they haven't reached the capital yet.

Liu Xu knew that Huang Rong had already developed feelings for him, so he couldn't help saying confidently: "Don't worry, Rong'er, your brother Xu is amazing!"

After hearing what he said, Huang Rong stopped talking.

She fell in love with a young girl, and she didn't know that she fell in love with Liu Xu, but when she saw him fighting for other girls, she thought she felt uncomfortable for no reason.

Liu Xu walked onto the stage confidently. When Yang Kang saw him on the stage, his eyes showed disdain.

Yang Kang is extremely conceited now, not like the low self-esteem mentality in the original book after knowing his real life, but quite a kind of look that I think the second among my peers in the world, no one is qualified to be the first.

With this mentality, Yang Kang pointed his nostrils at Liu Xu and said, "When I throw you off the field later, I will try to be as gentle as possible, don't worry!"

"Let your sister go, pretending to be a warm boy in front of me!" Liu Xu pointed his nostrils at him, imitating Yang Kang and said, "I will try to be as gentle as possible when I throw you off the court later."

When Yang Kang heard this, he was furious. He is still just a spoiled playboy who likes martial arts. How could he bear Liu Xu's arrogant attitude?

Yang Kang ran towards Liu Xu all at once, and punched him with his inner strength.

When Liu Xu saw Yang Kang's approach, he immediately judged that Yang Kang's strength was only a little stronger than the monk and the fat man just now, and Liu Xu could take him down even without internal force.

Seeing that Yang Kang's fist was almost in front of his own, Liu Xu also punched him with all his strength.

Seeing Liu Xu's lack of internal energy, Yang Kang showed more obvious disdain in his eyes, and thought to himself: "What, it turns out that he is just a reckless man who doesn't know martial arts, and he dares to compare himself with Xiao Wang. He really overestimates himself."

But then his eyes turned from disdain to astonishment, Yang Kang only felt a strong force coming towards him, and he was even stronger than himself.

The fists of the two collided heavily, and there was a "pop", making the sound of air being squeezed.

Yang Kang was thrown into the air at once, and fell heavily to the ground.

The surrounding audience was full of empty voices, which were extremely harsh to Yang Kang's ears, and the eyes looking at Liu Xu also changed from anger to resentment.

Yang Kang no longer thinks that Liu Xu doesn't know martial arts, but thinks that he has practiced some secret kungfu, mixing pigs and eating tigers.

With a loud shout, Yang Kang got up from the ground, his five fingers turned into claws, and covered Liu Xu's forehead.

Liu Xu saw Yang Kang's arms waving like the wind, with a hint of greenness between his five fingers, he flew back quickly, and said to himself, "Nine Yin White Bone Claw? It seems that Yang Kang's Nine Yin White Bone Claw has gone astray like Mei Chaofeng. Let's see what tricks he has."

Therefore, Liu Xu avoided Yang Kang's sharp claw skills and circled him at his own speed.

Seeing that he couldn't attack the opponent for a long time, Yang Kang felt anxious, and finally revealed a flaw.

Seeing this, Liu Xu punched Yang Kang behind him with all his strength and knocked him out of the ring.

Yang Kang was lying on the ground, struggling to stand up, at this moment a few strange-looking people hurried over to support him and said, "Little prince, are you alright?"

Then, they yelled at Liu Xu on the ring: "Where did you come from, do you know who you just beat?"

When speaking, the tone of the other party can be described as extremely arrogant.

Liu Xu knew at a glance that these weird-looking guys were Sha Tongtian and others, so he ignored them.

Sha Tongtian and others were so angry that they shouted, and they were about to come up and teach him a lesson.

Yang Kang pushed Sha Tongtian and the others away, gave Liu Xu a hard look, and said coldly, "Let's go."

He knew that if Sha Tongtian and the others were allowed to mess around, it would only make him more ashamed.

When he was about to lift his feet to leave, a follower said to him: "Little prince, the princess is here."

In the end, just like in the original book, Yang Tiexin immediately forgot his own name when he saw the concubine.

He just kept saying "cherish the weak, cherish the weak...", not even knowing that Yang Kang and others had left.

Mu Nianci yelled for a long time before he woke up.

Originally, Liu Xu wanted to compete with Mu Nianci, but now that Yang Tiexin saw Bao Xiruo, why would he be in the mood to engage in martial arts contests and recruit relatives, and he also saw that Liu Xu's martial arts were much better than Mu Nianci's, so he directly Betrothed his daughter to Liu Xu, and then told him to treat Mu Nianci well, and he still had things to do before leaving.

Liu Xu naturally knew what Yang Tiexin was going to do, and also knew that going to the palace with his ability would not only fail to bring back Bao Xiruo, but would also involve himself in it, thinking: "For the sake of giving me a beautiful woman, I will Help me!"

He took Huang Rong's hand and said to her, "Rong'er, take your sister Mu back to the inn first, okay? I still have something to do, so I'll go back later."

Huang Rong was very happy when she saw that he had defeated Yang Kang, jumping up and down with Xiaolongnv in her arms, but when she saw that Yang Tiexin betrothed Mu Nianci to him, she couldn't help puffing up her mouth and getting angry.

Seeing that Liu Xu wanted to take Mu Nianci back, Huang Rong couldn't bear it any longer, her small mouth was flattened, and tears rolled down her face.


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Chapter 1205 Sisters and sisters are pretty, the palace steals snakes

When Liu Xu saw it, he immediately lost his mind. He quickly supported Huang Rong's shoulders and said, "Rong'er, what's wrong with you? Don't cry if there is something wrong! Who is bullying you?"

"It's you who bullied me. Brother Xu, you have Sister Mu now, so you must not let Rong'er go?"

Speaking of this, Huang Rong felt that she was even more wronged, and her tears fell even faster.

Liu Xu knew it, the little girl was jealous, he quickly hugged Huang Rong and swore: "What did you say, Rong'er, why would my brother not want you? I said that I will treat you well for the rest of my life, even if my teeth fall out and my hair loses my hair." I won't want Rong'er if I become a husband, if I don't want Rong'er one day, I will be punished by God..."

He coaxed for a long time, finally stopped Huang Rong's tears, she sobbed, "Really?"

Seeing that she finally stopped crying, Liu Xu nodded vigorously and said, "Of course it's true!"

Mu Nianci listened to their conversation for a long time and knew about their relationship, but he didn't say anything.

She was originally a traditional Han woman. In Mu Nianci's view, she had been promised to Liu Xu by her father, so he was her heaven and her land.

It was common for the ancients to have three wives and four concubines. What's more, although Mu Nianci had identified Liu Xu as his husband, he didn't have a deep relationship after all, so he wasn't jealous.

Mu Nianci was kind-hearted, seeing this little sister who was as beautiful as a fairy crying pitifully, she also came to comfort Huang Rong.

Huang Rong was still young, seeing that the sister whom she disliked just now because she might snatch her brother Liu was so kind to her, she quickly forgot the previous displeasure, and shouted at sister Mu Nianci .

She felt that this elder sister was not so annoying anymore, and thought to herself: "Rong'er will not lose to this elder sister Mu, even if this elder sister stays with elder brother Xu, elder brother Xu must like Rong'er more."

Thinking of this, Huang Rong immediately took Mu Nianci's hand happily, obediently obeyed Liu Xu's words, and went back to the inn to wait for him to come back after finishing his work.

Seeing Huang Rong and Mu Nianci, the pretty pair of sisters, walking away hand in hand, Liu Xu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When Liu Xu came to the palace, he saw towering flagpoles on the left and right in front of the vermilion gate, two majestic and ferocious jade lions sitting cross-legged beside the gate, and a row of white jade steps leading to the front hall, which was extremely majestic.

In the middle of the gate, there are three gold characters "Zhao Wang's Mansion".

Liu Xu performed lightness kung fu and flew in from the wall.

Suddenly, he remembered that there was a blood snake in Liang Ziweng's place, and he thought: "By the way, I should get it too. Anyway, my cheap father-in-law should not be discovered so soon, but such a big palace, where can I find it?"

A light flickered in front of him, and a man was holding a lantern, humming a little tune, and approached slowly.

But Liu Xu went up to meet him. The man was startled, but he didn't speak yet.

Flipping his wrist, a gleaming sharp sword was already at his throat, Liu Xu shouted, "Who are you?"

The man was scared out of his wits, and after a while, he stammered: "I... am Jane's housekeeper in the are you doing?"

I didn't expect to be so lucky this time, and I caught someone randomly, and it turned out to be the chief steward of the palace. Now the next thing is much easier.

Liu Xu said: "What are you doing? I'm going to kill you! You're the steward, that's great! Old monster Liang Ziweng of Sanxian, you should know where you live now, right?"

Butler Jane said, "I... I don't know!"

Liu Xu squeezed his wrist with his left hand, and slightly moved his right hand forward, and the sharp sword was embedded in his throat a bit.

Butler Jian only felt pain in his wrist, but he didn't dare to cry out.

Liu Xu shouted in a low voice: "Are you saying it or not?"

Butler Jane said, "I really don't know."

Liu Xu pulled off his hat with his right hand, pressed it on his mouth, and then pulled and twisted it with his left hand. With a "click", the bone of his right arm was instantly broken.

The housekeeper Jian yelled, and immediately fainted, but her mouth was held down by the hat. The scream was suffocated and could not be heard.

Liu Xu poked Steward Jian twice, and the man woke up.

He put the hat on top of his head and shouted: "Do you want to break your left arm too?"

Butler Jane was in tears from the pain, knelt down on her knees, and said, "I got it! I got it!"

Liu Xu said: "Lead the way ahead! If there are any traces, I will break your neck, and your neck will be broken in two with a click." As he spoke, he pressed the butler Jane's head and twisted it hard.

Butler Jian shivered, got up, gritted his teeth, and rushed to Liang Ziweng's residence reluctantly.

Along the way, the butler Jian was sweating profusely, and suddenly a burst of strength came from somewhere, and she hurried forward.

On the road, I met seven or eight servants one after another. When all the servants saw Liu Xu with him, no one questioned him.

The two walked through the corridor, and the housekeeper came to another courtyard and said to Liu Xu, "Hero, this is where Shenxian lives."

Looking at some Chinese herbal medicines in the yard, Liu Xu knew that the butler hadn't lied to him.

Liu Xu knocked him unconscious, stepped on him a few times, and threw him casually behind a relatively hidden rockery.

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