As soon as he stepped into the room, Liu Xu felt the smell of the medicine rushing into his nose, and he saw that the tables, couches, and the ground were filled with all kinds of medicinal materials, as well as large and small bottles, jars, jars, and bowls.

Liu Xu searched around the house, because the house was not very big, he found Liang Ziweng's blood snake in a big bamboo basket after a while.

I saw a big red snake lying in the big bamboo basket, but I don't know if it was fed by Liang Ziweng, and now it is lying quietly in the big bamboo basket.

"Hey! This is a good thing that can increase your skill!" Liu Xu said excitedly to himself: "But without the big snake, wouldn't Guo Jing's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms become a castrated version?"

Remove the cover, Liu Xu's sword is in hand.

The big snake seemed to have sensed it, and opened its eyes suddenly, and the blood-red snake body jumped out at once, and rushed towards Liu Xu's face.


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Chapter 1206

I saw that snake's body was as thick as a small bowl, half of its body was still in the basket, its length was unknown, the strangest thing was that its whole body was vermilion, the snake's head stretched and retracted suddenly, a forked tongue protruded from the snake's mouth, and kept shaking towards him.

It was indeed Liu Xu's powerful sword to meet it, and there was a "bang", before the giant python knew what was going on, it lost its soul to the west.

Liu Xu looked at the big dead snake in front of him and laughed straight, and put it into the space of Zhuxian Sword. It turned out that he thought it was too disgusting to drink it raw like in the original book, and it would probably waste the efficacy of the medicine, so he put it into Zhuxian In the space of the sword, go back and let Huang Rong cook well.

After finishing the work, Liu Xu walked out humming a little song.

"Halo! It's really bad news to be discovered."

As soon as he left the house, Liu Xu's five senses far surpassed that of ordinary people, and he sensed that someone was coming, and he was not far away.

As soon as the visitor saw Liu Xu, he asked viciously, "You... who are you? What are you doing here?"

Liu Xu saw that the other party was an old man with a childlike face and white beard without a hair on his head, so he guessed that he was the old weird Liang Ziweng who was called "Shenxian".

Birds of a feather flock together, Wanyan Honglie doesn't have a good thing around him.

This guy used to be a visitor in Changbai Mountain, and later killed a senior who was seriously injured. He got a secret book of martial arts and more than ten prescriptions from the opponent's pocket, practiced and studied according to the method, and since then he has mastered martial arts He is also proficient in pharmacology.

About twenty years ago, this old guy actually believed in the heresy of harvesting yin to replenish yang, found many beautiful virgins, broke their bodies, and said that he could live forever.

As a result, Hong Qigong, who was passing by, caught him while committing crimes, beat him severely, and tore off all his hair.

Hong Qigong forced Liang Ziweng to send those girls back home, and made a solemn oath that he would never do such evil deeds in the future. If Qigong bumped into him again, he would not be able to live or die.

Later, Liang Ziweng was indeed afraid that Hong Qigong was not committing crimes, but he had a bad nature. As soon as he heard that the King of Zhao, Wanyan Honglie, was recruiting martial arts people, he rushed to help the evildoers.

"Hehehe, I'm passing by. If there's nothing else to do, I'll go first!" Liu Xu looked up to the sky and laughed.

Liang Ziweng wouldn't listen to Liu Xu's nonsense passing by, so he took a look into the house and saw that the lid of the big bamboo basket had been overturned...

He immediately turned pale with fright, his teeth gritted, and an uncontrollable anger flashed in his eyes, like an enraged lion.

Liang Ziweng stared at Liu Xu fiercely, cursing dirtyly: "Ah! My snake, you little bastard, dare to steal my precious snake? You want to die."

"Hey, old man, keep your mouth clean, who are you calling a bastard?"


As soon as Liu Xu finished speaking, Liang Ziweng rushed over.

He stared at Liu Xu, and threw an iron stick at him, as if he was going to smash Liu Xu into meatloaf.

Liang Ziweng kept shouting loudly: "Give me back the snake, give me back the snake..."

Connaught is crazy.

Liu Xu snorted coldly and said, "Good job."

A black iron epee suddenly appeared in his hand, and with the power of the epee, he slammed it at Liang Ziweng's oncoming iron staff.

With a loud "Dang", the epee hit Liang Ziweng on the iron staff supported by both hands. He and Liu Xu confronted each other, and the ending was self-evident.

With a scream of "ah", the figure flew out and flew straight several feet away before landing with a "bang". Big mouthful of blood.

I saw that the iron rod in Liang Ziweng's hand was almost bent into a bow shape, his fingers were all cracked, and blood flowed profusely.

Liu Xu's sword almost killed half of his life.

"Hmph! I originally planned to come to you to steal it, but since you have such a warm welcome, I have no choice but to steal it."


Liang Ziweng spit out another mouthful of blood when he heard someone's shameless words.

He pointed at Liu Xu with trembling hands, and said intermittently: "You, you..."

"What are you? Old guy, I'm leaving, you can slowly enjoy the beautiful night sky and scenery on the ground! Bye."

Liu Xu doesn't intend to kill Liang Ziweng now. Although he hates Jin people like Wanyan Honglie, and even more Han traitors who bully Han people for Jin people, but Liu Xu knows that the biggest enemy of the Song Dynasty is not Jin Guo, but the country of Jin. Mongolia is eyeing up.

According to historical records, they were more cruel than the Jin people. Every time they captured a city, they had to slaughter the city like the Nanjing Massacre.

At best, Jin Guo is just a tiger made of paper. It looks majestic on the surface, but any gust of wind can blow it to pieces.

Today, the main enemy of the Great Song Dynasty is still the Mongolian tribe where Temujin belongs. They are definitely a hungry wolf.

If the Mongols were allowed to destroy the Kingdom of Jin, the Song Dynasty, where the Han people were, would be the next to face them.

The entire Jin Kingdom is only Wanyan Honglie still has some skills, not killing Liang Ziweng is to increase his strength, so that when he fights against the Mongols in the future, he will consume a lot of Mongols' strength.

Even so, the outcome of the already corrupt Jin Kingdom being destroyed by Mongolia will still remain unchanged, but it is still good to delay for a while.

Seeing that Liu Xu was about to leave, Liang Ziweng on the ground hurriedly said, "You boy, don't leave, take the snake..."

Speaking of this, it seemed that he suddenly remembered that it was impossible to threaten Liu Xu with his own abilities and his half-dead body.

Liang Ziweng stopped abruptly, stretched out his hands trembling, turned his body vigorously and knelt on the ground, and said in a crying voice: "Master, please do me a favor, I beg you, give me back my precious snake." , that is the precious snake that I spent [-] years raising, show mercy, please do me a favor, you can ask me to do anything, as long as you give it back to me... I will kneel down and kowtow to you !"

After all, he really kowtowed his head with a "bang bang", hoping that Liu Xu would soften his heart for a moment and return the precious snake to him.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1207 Black iron epee, blown away with one punch

"It's a joke, there's no reason to let go of what this young master got."

Seeing that there was no hope of begging, Liang Ziweng sat on the ground and began to cry louder and louder.

"Hey, your grandma, don't make me seem like a villain, okay?" Liu Xu's mouth twitched, seeing the depression for a while, he directly knocked him out with a black iron epee, and then turned to Walk deep into the palace.

Not long after, Liu Xu saw a hall from a distance, with three large characters Xiangxue hall written on the door.

There were dozens of steps away from the entrance of the hall, and two guards with lanterns came up to meet them, holding steel knives in their right hands, and shouted: "Stop, who is it..."

Before they finished speaking, the two of them felt a numbness in their ribs, unable to move, because Liu Xu had already hit the acupoints.

Liu Xu carried the two guards behind the flowers and bushes, and walked to the Xiangxue Hall.

He jumped up, grabbed onto the eaves, and looked in through the crack of the window.

I saw the bright lights and candles in the hall, and a table of banquets was set up. Liu Xu couldn't help being stunned when he saw the people sitting around the table. Rentu Peng Lianhu and Master Lingzhi were all sitting around the table, and there was another young man in white at the table, and the next prime minister was accompanied by the sixth prince of the Great Jin Kingdom, Wanyan Honglie.

Liu Xu thought in his heart: "Except for that Liang Ziweng, everyone is pretty good."

As for that white-clothed young man, Liu Xu had already guessed who it was. If Wanyan Honglie received hospitality in this palace, who else would it be besides the young master of White Camel Mountain, Ouyang Ke?

After drinking for three rounds, Wanyan Honglie revealed the material of Wu Mu's suicide note, he only heard him say: "However, the place where his relics are hidden is also very important, so is this matter difficult? Of course it can be said to be extremely difficult. However, in the eyes of those with great skills, it is extremely easy. It turns out that his relics are hidden in..."

Right at this point, the hall door suddenly opened, and a person rushed in, rushed to Wanyan Honglie, said something in a low voice, and then both of them left.

Knowing that Yang Tiexin had been discovered, Liu Xu hurriedly ran out without making a sound.

After running for a while, Liu Xu saw the farmhouse where the princess lived in front of him, and immediately jumped into the wall. As soon as he entered the inner courtyard, he saw a group of soldiers from the palace surrounding two people from a distance. These two people were Bao Xiruo and Yang determined.

And the leaders of this group of soldiers are Yan Honglie and Yang Kang.

Yang Kang begged Bao Xiruo in Yang Tiexin's arms, "Mother, the father is here, come quickly! He will forgive you."

Naturally, Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiruo couldn't be separated again, so it's useless to talk too much, Wanyan Honglie made people attack him, but he deliberately confessed that he couldn't hurt the concubine.

The soldier stepped forward, and at this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "What is that?"

The voice was terrified.

I saw a huge iron gate rushing towards them.

"Protect the king!"

I don't know who shouted.

The huge iron gate rushed in front of the soldiers, and with a slight movement, a row of soldiers flew away, and stopped in front of Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiruo.

"What kind of monster is this?" Wanyan Honglie and others looked at this place and did not dare to approach, Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiruo also watched vigilantly.

This is the huge iron gate rising slowly, revealing the figure of a handsome young man. At this time, everyone took a closer look, it is not a huge iron gate, it is clearly a huge iron sword.

Yang Kang and Yang Tiexin shouted at the same time: "It's you!"

This boy is naturally Liu Xu, and the huge iron sword is the black iron epee.

While everyone was still immersed in the sudden change, a figure suddenly flew out from Wanyan Honglie's side, and rushed straight towards Bao Xiruo who was holding Yang Tiexin's hand.

This man is bald and hairless, and he is the ghost dragon king Sha Tongtian invited by Wanyan Honglie.

It turned out that he wanted to take advantage of Bao Xiruo's rare opportunity to escape from the other party's guards to snatch her back. Although Yang Tiexin stood beside Bao Xiruo holding hands, Sha Tongtian didn't take him seriously.

"Go back!" Liu Xu's eyes turned cold, he moved to block Bao Xiruo, and punched Sha Tongtian who was rushing over.

Sha Tongtian saw Liu Xu suddenly appear to block him, and quickly changed his grasp into palms to meet Liu Xu's heavy punch, his heart was still full of confidence.

Although the strength Liu Xu showed was terrifying, after all, he was still young and could only use brute force, so his martial arts skills were definitely not as deep as his.

It's just that Sha Tongtian's thought was dispelled by horror in the next moment. With a "bang", fists and palms intersected, Sha Tongtian only felt an extremely powerful force rewinding back like a raging tide, and suddenly blood spurted wildly. The body flew back at a faster speed than when it came.


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