"Old Sha!"

The three-headed jiaohou Tonghai and the thousand-handed man Tu Peng Lianhu rushed out of the crowd almost at the same time, reaching out to catch Sha Tongtian.

But as soon as they started, the two of them immediately felt a huge force coming from Sha Tongtian's body.

Hou Tonghai groaned and fell directly to the ground, Peng Lianhu's face turned red suddenly, and he took a few steps backwards before barely standing on his feet.

Everyone present was shocked immediately. If Liu Xu's display of power had only surprised everyone before, then it was shocking now.

Lifting the epee can also be said that Liu Xu's talent in strength is outstanding, but the tyrannical strength Liu Xu has shown now is somewhat beyond the cognition of these people.

Severely injuring Sha Tongtian, knocking down Hou Tonghai, knocking Peng Lianhu back, just pick out one of these three things, not many people in Jianghu can do it, but Liu Xu only used one punch.

This is too scary!

Peng Lianhu, who had stabilized his figure, looked at Liu Xu in horror, then hurriedly took out the healing medicine and gave it to Sha Tongtian.

Sha Tongtian, who was seriously injured, took the medicine from Peng Lianhu and didn't say anything.

Even the three-headed Jiaohou Tonghai, who was usually reckless, just groaned twice when he got up, and didn't dare to yell at Liu Xu, as if he fell down by himself.


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Chapter 1208: Swinging a Sword is Light as a Feather, and Bearing a Sword is as Heavy as Mount Tai

Liu Xu's powerful strength really frightened them a little, and the two concubines Ji who had seen Liu Xu before rushed to Ouyang Ke's side.

They whispered something, probably telling about their previous encounters. After hearing this, Ouyang Ke took a deep look at Liu Xu, with a look of fear flashing in his eyes.

Liu Xu glanced at Wanyan Honglie and the others, then turned his head to Yang Tiexin and said, "We'll talk after leaving here."

"Okay, okay, thank you little brother Liu." Yang Tiexin was so grateful that he didn't know what to say. Although he had decided to go to Huangquan with Bao Xiruo before, it was because he was forced into a desperate situation and had no choice but to come out. Worse, if they can live, how many people are really willing to die?

Seeing that Bao Xiruo was about to be killed, Wanyan Honglie hurriedly shouted an order: "Let me rush in, whoever can save the princess will be rewarded by the king!"

He wanted to rely on the many to win, and took advantage of the chaos to rush in and take Bao Xiruo back.

Although Bao Xiruo is determined to be with Yang Tiexin, Wanyan Honglie's feelings for her these years are not fake, but he can't just give up.

What's more, even if you don't talk about feelings, the dignified royal concubine of Prince Zhao's mansion ran away with a reckless person in the rivers and lakes in full view. If it gets out, where will he put the face of the Dajin King?

Wanyan Honglie gave an order, and the personal guards under his command suddenly agreed, and immediately rushed towards Liu Xu and the others.

Although they also knew that Liu Xu's martial arts were powerful, but after all, he was only one person, how could he stop so many of them from charging?

What's more, under a heavy reward, there must be a brave man. They all know Wanyan Honglie's character. He risked his life to fight.

The whole scene suddenly became chaotic again because of Wanyan Honglie's order.

Although the huge reward Wanyan Honglie promised dazzled the minds of his soldiers, it failed to impress the few masters he invited.

Sha Tongtian was severely injured by Liu Xu's punch and was unable to use force for a while. Hou Tonghai still had to take care of his brother, so naturally he would not go to the front for Wanyan Honglie.

And Peng Lianhu is shrewd, with Sha Tongtian's lessons learned, even if he wanted to do it, he would have to think about it.

It's not that none of these people made a move, but there was one person who couldn't help but to make a move, and that person was Ouyang Ke.

One of the reasons he came to the Central Plains was to find news about the Nine Yin Scriptures for his uncle Xidu Ouyang Feng, and the other was to make his name known. Now was a great opportunity, how could he let it go.

I saw his body move towards Liu Xu, and shouted loudly: "Nobody, how dare you kidnap the princess, and don't kneel down to die."

"I'm really looking for death!" Liu Xu saw that the situation he had calmed down just now became chaotic again, and Ouyang Ke, who didn't know how to die, even ran out to let him kneel down to die, his expression turned cold, his figure fluttered, Facing Ouyang Ke, a black iron epee was shot horizontally.

Ouyang Ke's expression changed in astonishment, and he hastily unleashed the White Camel Snow Mountain Palm, which was passed down from the White Camel Mountain family, to parry with both palms.

With a muffled "bang", the black iron epee seemed as light as a feather in Liu Xu's hands, but it was as heavy as Mount Tai to the person who was beaten.

Ouyang Ke's face suddenly turned pale, and his body retreated violently as if he had been electrocuted. He staggered a few feet away and landed on the ground. striking.

Liu Xu, who knocked Ouyang Ke back with a sword, did not stop, put away the black iron epee, took out the sharp sword, and jumped into the crowd of golden soldiers rushing towards him.

"Puff puff puff..."

The cold light flashed, the sword light was like a dragon, and Liu Xu walked freely in the crowd like a dragon swimming. The sword light criss-crossed and the golden soldiers fell down with blood, and the screams of despair continued, which was breathtaking.

Dugu Nine Swords is indeed the best swordsmanship in the world!

In just a few breaths, dozens of golden soldiers fell under Liu Xu's sword, and all the golden soldiers who rushed into the courtyard without exception became ghosts under Liu Xu's sword.

The Jin soldiers who had been charging bravely seemed to have seen a ghost, screaming and retreating one after another, and the place in the courtyard that was engulfed by the turbulent crowd suddenly became empty again.

After all, no matter how high the reward Wanyan Honglie promised, he had to die to get it. Facing Liu Xu who harvested their lives like a god of death, even the soldiers of the royal family who were dazed by the reward regained their sobriety, and their hearts surged again. Aroused the fear of death.

Liu Xu took the opportunity to grab Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiruo and fled to the palace, but the guards still didn't dare to chase after them.

Liu Xu fled all the way and finally returned to the door of the inn. Only then did Yang Tiexin come to his senses and hand in hand with Bao Xiruo, thanking him: "Brother Liu, today is really thanks to you! I, Yang Tiexin, am really grateful." Endless!

Bao Ruoxi also said: "Yes, thanks to the son, Tie Xin and I can live together."

"Hey, father-in-law and mother-in-law, don't be polite. Didn't father-in-law give me the best thank you gift? Nianci can't be exchanged at any price! Besides, when father-in-law promised his daughter, we were a family Is it? So I will help my mother-in-law and let our family reunite. "

This kid has already brazenly called his father-in-law.

After hearing Liu Xu's words, Yang Tiexin naturally knew what he meant, but Bao Xiruo held up that pretty face that was no worse than any girl in her twenties even though she was in her forties, Yang Tiexin said: "Do you have a daughter and a wife again? It's fine, I... I don't care."

That's what I said, but even a fool can see the resentment in those big eyes.

When Yang Tiexin saw it, he couldn't bear it anymore, and hurriedly told about his adoption of Mu Nianci as a righteous daughter.

Bao Ruoxi was very happy after hearing Yang Tiexin's explanation, and the grateful eyes she looked at Liu Xu became the meaning of a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law.


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Chapter 1209 Family reunion, two girls fall in love

Liu Xu went up to the second floor of the inn, and shouted through the door: "Rong'er, Nian Ci, come out quickly."

After a while, Huang Rong opened the door with Xiaolongnu and Mu Nianci in her arms.

Both women were very happy to meet Liu Xu.

Huang Rong's eyes lit up when she saw Yang Tiexin downstairs from Liu Xu, and that the person he was holding was Princess Tiantian, and the words "Super Gossip" were clearly written inside.

Liu Xu has no time to talk to them now, he knows that Wanyan Honglie is definitely looking for them all over the world.

Grabbing the two little hands of the two girls, Liu Xu led them downstairs and walked towards Yang Tiexin.

Huang Rong was fine with being caught by her small hand. In her view, it was only natural for Liu Xu to grab her hand.

But even though Mu Nianci thought that Liu Xu was her future husband, after all, he hadn't known him for a long time, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

Mu Nianci's little hand was in Liu Xu's palm, and he twitched slightly, but he didn't pull it out. He could only comfort himself in his heart that Liu Xu was her future husband, and the eyes he looked at Liu Xu were even more watery.

Walking downstairs, Mu Nianci saw Yang Tiexin and the woman he was holding in his arms. He was very surprised and couldn't help asking: "Father, is she..."

Yang Tiexin said: "Nianci, she is your mother!"


Although Mu Nianci didn't understand the cause and effect of why he suddenly had an extra mother, but since Yang Tiexin said so, he blushed and yelled.

Bao Xiruo just found out that she had such a daughter, now that she saw Mu Nianci as pretty as a flower, she liked her even more, so she held her hand and called repeatedly: "Good daughter, good daughter..."

Immediately, she thought of her unworthy son again, and felt uncomfortable for a while.

At this time, Liu Xu had already called a carriage and brought the group of people to the back door of the inn.

After leaving the inn, Liu Xu and his party went to Wang's business.

Taking out the personal jade pendant, the people from Wang's House quickly came out to greet him, and prepared a caravan according to Liu Xu's request, and Liu Xu and the others mixed in and left Dajin.

The Wang family can be said to be the most wealthy businessman in Dajin, and even Wanyan Honglie did not dare to offend them, so Liu Xu and his party left Shangjing smoothly.

Sitting in the carriage of the caravan, Mu Nianci, like her parents, was filled with disbelief. Not only was Liu Xu highly skilled in martial arts, but he just took out a jade pendant, and the richest businessman of Daikin obediently followed his instructions. If he wanted to do it, his status must be very noble. Mu Nianci felt that his future husband was even more mysterious.

The happiest person is Huang Rong, who thinks that his elder brother Xu is the most powerful person in the world, even his father Huang Yaoshi is only ranked second now.

If Huang Yaoshi knew that his precious daughter was fooled by a brat whom he had only known for a few days so that even his father almost forgot, he wondered if he would come and slap Liu Xu to death.

At this moment, Huang Rong was holding Liu Xu's hand, chirping, "Brother Xu, where did you get this jade pendant? Why did the Wang family become so respectful when they saw this jade pendant? What are you talking about?" What does he do? Rong'er wants it too, okay?"

Liu Xu was acted like a spoiled child by his little sister Rong'er, and when he saw her flushed face flushed with excitement, how could there be any objection?

Liu Xu quickly said: "Rong'er, mine is a personal jade pendant, which is inherited from my ancestors and is a symbol of my identity."

"Oh, then I don't want it anymore." Huang Rong immediately said sensiblely when she heard that Liu Xu's jade pendant was an ancestral item.

"Really don't want it?" Liu Xu said to her with a mysterious face.

Looking at Huang Rong who nodded her head without hesitation, Liu Xu pretended to be amazed: "Oh, I originally wanted to give it to Rong'er and Nianci, because my father and mother said that this jade pendant was given to me. The future daughter-in-law, I didn't expect Rong'er not to want it, it seems that I can only give it to you, Sister Mu."

After hearing Liu Xu's words, Huang Rong hurriedly shouted, "Yes, I want it!"

After shouting, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

Noticing that Liu Xu was looking at her with a smile on her face, Huang Rong's face became even redder, and she quickly lowered her head to tease the little dragon girl in her arms, not daring to look up again.

Seeing him lower his head, Liu Xu looked at Mu Nianci again.

Mu Nianci saw Liu Xu looking at her, and heard his confession just now, like Huang Rong, shyly acting like an ostrich.

Seeing the reactions of the two women, Liu Xu felt so relieved!

The two women were also flustered by being molested, otherwise they should have thought about it, how can a jade pendant be given to two women?

Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiruo looked at it and shook their heads, thinking to themselves, "It's nice to be young!"

They could naturally see that the relationship between Liu Xu and Huang Rong was unusual, but they didn't say anything.

The lives of my husband and wife were saved by others, not to mention that I don't mind seeing my daughter, so what else can they say?

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law, Wanyan Honglie must be chasing us all over the world now, do you have any good places to go?"

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