After listening to Liu Xu's question, Yang Tiexin realized that he and others didn't know where to go. He originally wanted to talk about going to his hometown, Niujia Village, but when he thought about it, Wanyan Honglie must know his hometown.

But he really couldn't think of where to go, so he had to say to Liu Xu: "It's decide!"

"Who is Wanyan Honglie? Why are you hunting us down?" After hearing their conversation, the two women finally stopped being ostriches and raised their heads to ask together.

Then, Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiruo told them everything that happened to them.

The story of their reunion eighteen years later moved the two girls deeply.

Huang Rong yelled at Yang Kang and Wanyan Honglie as big villains, and told Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiruo that she would protect them in the future, making several people laugh secretly.

When Mu Nianci found out that Liu Xu had saved Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiruo, he was even more grateful to him.

The way she looked at Liu Xu, she was about to drip water gently.

Seeing this, Liu Xu smiled secretly in his heart: "Wow, haha, Nian Ci also came to the bowl."


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Chapter 1210 Zhongnanshan, Zhao Zhijing

In the end, they listened to Liu Xu's words and went to Quanzhen Sect with him.

As for the reason, first, there is Yang Tiexin's old friend, Changchunzi Qiu Chuji, and Wanyan Honglie is not easy to find there, Qiu Chuji will naturally protect them.

Second, Liu Xu also wanted to go back to the ancient tomb to see Elder Sister Fairy and Little Lolita Mochou, after all, it had been a long time since they left the ancient tomb.

Third, what the little girl Rong'er said, go play, the environment on the mountain is good.

After establishing his goal, Liu Xu headed for Zhongnan Mountain without hesitation.

On the way, Liu Xu and his party left the caravan and drove towards Zhongnan Mountain in a carriage.

After traveling for more than ten days, they finally arrived at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain. Everyone got off the carriage and walked up the mountain.

Not long after, we came to the halfway up the mountain. The sun was shining brightly at this time, and the clear forests and light flowers of Zhongnan Mountain were particularly conspicuous.

A gray-robed Taoist priest came in front of him.

Yang Tiexin was overjoyed, a Taoist explained that the Chongyang Palace is nearby!

He rushed up to greet him, clasped his fists and asked, "Dare to ask if the chief is under the gate of Chongyang Palace?"

Coming towards him was a young Taoist priest, wearing a yellow crown and a gray robe, with a long sword on his waist, but there was a vague sense of triviality about him.

The Taoist saw that it was a middle-aged man, dressed in brocade, and thought: "Could it be that he came to worship at Zhongnan Mountain again, he must be a big fat sheep."

So, he proudly replied: "I am Zhao Zhijing, the first disciple of Quanzhen Sect, Yuyangzi Wang, what do you want to do with the Chongyang Palace?" glanced over.

When Yang Tiexin heard that he had indeed arrived at Mount Zhongnan, he was immediately filled with joy, and quickly said: "My name is Yang Tiexin, and I am a friend of Qiu Chuji, the Daoist Changchun Master of your teaching. I hope the Taoist priest will inform me."

Hearing what Yang Tiexin said, Zhao Zhijing thought to himself: "I guess he is another person who worships Martial Uncle Qiu, or a good friend of Martial Uncle Qiu, why have I never heard of it? But he can be brutally slaughtered. "

He said to Yang Tiexin: "Oh, Master Qiu's friend, but I've never heard of it! But it's not impossible for me to inform you." After finishing speaking, Shen stretched out his right hand and rubbed it, which was clearly for the benefit what!

"Zhao Zhijing?" Liu Xu, who was originally standing aside, got angry when he heard that it was this person. This is a despicable and shameless thing, which really makes people not interested in talking to him.

Seeing that he still dared to seek benefits from Yang Tiexin now, he was even more furious.

Immediately Liu Xu walked over and said with a smile: "I have always admired Quanzhen Sect. I heard that Quanzhen Sect is full of heroes. Now it seems..." He smacked his lips as he spoke.

That Zhao Zhijing is not a stupid person, upon hearing this, the cockfighting cocks opened wide, pressed their swords with both hands, and asked slowly: "Could it be that you look down on me, Quanzhen Sect?"

Liu Xu shrugged and smiled noncommittally.

Zhao Zhijing said angrily: "Look at you with a long sword, you are also a trainer, right? You look down on me, Quanzhen Sect, and I will meet you, let's see how many catties you have?"

After speaking, he jumped back, tightened the corner of the gray robe to his waist, and drew out the sword with a "choke", pointing the tip of the sword obliquely at Liu Xu, and shouted: "Quickly brighten your weapon! I'll take care of you, you bratty little thief!"

Liu Xu made a gesture of hooking his fingers.

"Stinky boy, you are courting death." Zhao Zhijing stabbed straight at Liu Xuyuexiong in a menacing manner.

To deal with garbage like him, Liu Xu didn't bother to use Dugu Nine Swords, that was an insult to Dugu Nine Swords.

Seeing Zhao Zhijing rushing forward, Liu Xu directly took out the black iron epee and sent him flying.

It should be said that Zhao Zhijing was even more unlucky than Ouyang Ke. He was also slapped flying by the black iron epee. Ouyang Ke was only seriously injured, while Zhao Zhijing was directly slapped on the face, making him a big pig.

Zhao Zhijing got up dejectedly, didn't even bother to pat the dust on his body, pulled out the sword on the ground, turned around and ran up the mountain without saying a word.

After running far away, Zhao Zhijing turned his head and cursed inarticulately: "You little thief wait for me, I'll go up the mountain to ask my master and the others to teach you a lesson!"

Liu Xu shook his head at his back. Dogs that bite people never bark. Who cares about something that only yells?

Besides, even if the Quanzhen Seven Sons were here, Liu Xu would not pay attention to them.

Coincidentally, I don't know the way to Chongyang Palace, so let's go up the mountain with him!

But Yang Tiexin who was on the side worried: "This is not good!"

"Father-in-law, don't worry. With your friendship with Daoist Qiu, he won't blame him, and it was the Taoist priest who made the mistake first."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu took them along with Zhao Zhijing's figure and slowly went up the mountain, walking and stopping.

He was walking on this side, while Zhao Zhijing ran back to Chongyang Palace in a despondent manner, weeping and embellishing his master Wang Chuyi, saying how wronged he was, and that Liu Xu was going to kill him up the mountain.

Before Wang Chuyi had time to speak, Hao Datong, the son of Guangning, was already annoyed and shouted: "If this can be done, people will kill him, I will take a few people to find him!"

Hao Datong has a hot temper, Wang Chuyi was afraid that he would go out and cause some trouble, so he persuaded him: "Junior Brother Hao! You are too impatient, if you go to find him in Zhongnanshan, why don't you come here?" Chongyang Palace is waiting for him, if it is true what Zhijing said, he will definitely come!"

"If that's the case, then let's go to the Sanqing Palace and wait for him! Come and open the mountain gate!" Wang Chuyi finished speaking, and a mighty group of people went out.

Not long after, Liu Xu and his party arrived at the gate of the Sanqing Hall of Chongyang Palace, and saw Taoist priests of the Quanzhen Sect standing outside the gate, and the leaders were Quanzhen Seven Masters.

At this time Yang Tiexin had already seen Qiu Chuji, and Qiu Chuji also recognized him.

Just when the two were about to recognize each other, Zhao Zhijing pointed to Liu Xu and said to Sun Buer, the Taoist aunt next to him: "Master Sun, that kid insulted my Quanzhen sect."


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Chapter 1211 Fight against Sun Buer, Quanzhen Innate Skill

"Boy, are you the one who dares to insult my Quanzhen sect?" Sun Buer shouted immediately.

"What are you doing, nun? What are you yelling at? Can you yell at my elder brother?" Huang Rong immediately became unhappy when Sun Buer questioned Liu Xu.

Sun Bu'er has a high status in Quanzhen Sect. Seeing that she is the youngest and dotes on her very much, the senior brothers basically don't disobey her. They also cultivate her middle-aged and still grumpy character.

Being disrespected by such a young girl, Sun Buer's anger was ignited immediately, and he shouted: "A stinky girl, dare to make a loud noise in front of my Chongyang Palace, I really don't know how to live or die."

After saying that, he flew up and raised his hand, wanting to slap Huang Rong when he waved his palm.

Liu Xu next to him saw that someone was going to hurt his intended concubine, how could he ignore it?


He snorted coldly, stepped forward and grabbed Sun Buer's raised hand, clasped it tightly in the palm of his hand and said: "When the Taoist priest comes, he doesn't ask what is right and wrong, but just hits people. Isn't it too arrogant and unreasonable?"


Huang Rong also stuck out her tongue and made faces at her at the right time, Nian Ci who was beside her also frowned, thinking: "This Quanzhen sect is too domineering."

Sun Buer actually regretted it when she just raised her hand to hit Huang Rong, and thought to herself: "I'm over forty years old, why are I so fussy with a kid in my teens!"

But at this time, her face was getting darker and darker, as if it was going to rain.

It wasn't because of the little girl's grimace, nor because of Liu Xu's words, but because he forgot one thing.

In ancient times, the defense between men and women was very serious, especially in the Song Dynasty where Liu Xu is now.

Even if Sun Buer is over forty years old, even if she is a Taoist nun, she is still a woman.

Liu Xu couldn't help saying that holding her hand in his palm was considered a serious insult to her reputation in that era.

"Boy, be bold!"

Sun Buer yelled angrily, and withdrew the hand held by Liu Xu.

Annoyed and furious, she slapped Liu Xu's right rib with her inner strength, and her palm was full of energy formed by inner strength.

If it was true, even Liu Xu would be seriously injured by her without any defense.


Four screams came out.

"Big Brother Liu!"

"Brother Xu!"

The two girls cried out coquettishly, and Ma Yu and Qiu Chuji also called out together: "Junior Sister, please be merciful."

Although Zhao Zhijing said that Liu Xu was here to make trouble, it was his own opinion after all, and Ma Yu didn't expect Sun Buer to be so easy to deceive.

Now that Liu Xu and the others have come to Quanzhen Sect, they are the guests of Quanzhen Sect. If Sun Buer really hurt the guest, then Quanzhen Sect will be despised by everyone in the world, so Ma Yu also Anxious.

On the other hand, Qiu Chuji saw Liu Xu and Yang Tiexin together, so he must have something to do with Yang Tiexin. He didn't want to have trouble with Yang Tiexin after they hadn't seen each other for eighteen years.

Liu Xu was also surprised, he didn't expect Sun Buer to attack him suddenly.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and used all kinds of martial arts he had learned in a hurry, this time it was innate skills.

Liu Xu Xiantian skillfully waved his palms to block, and exchanged two palms.


Sun Buer took a few steps back, but Liu Xu also backed up again and again.

Although Liu Xu's martial arts is much higher than that of Sun Bu'er, after all, he was unprepared just now. He didn't want a well-known master like her to sneak attack, and he made a hasty move, so naturally the fight was evenly matched.

"Brother Liu, are you okay?"

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