Huang Rong and Mu Nianci's voices were full of panic, they ran over to support Liu Xu.

After calming Yue Xiong's breath, looking at the two women who cared about him, Liu Xu said softly, "I'm fine, don't worry."

"Hey! Damn nun, are you a mad dog? Why are you biting people all of a sudden? It's useless for you to claim to be famous and decent. Daddy said that it is true. You are all a bunch of hypocrites." Huang Rong stared at Sun Buer and sternly said.

Liu Xu also looked at them with a gloomy face at this time and said, "Is this the Quanzhen Sect's way of hospitality?"

He still doesn't understand why Sun Bu'er suddenly attacked him, except that this dead Taoist nun has a narrow heart.

Ma Yu stepped forward and cupped his fists and said, "It's true that my junior sister was wrong just now, I'm really sorry, is there something wrong with this young master?"

"Hmph, my master's life is hard, it's good if he doesn't die!"

Embarrassed by Liu Xu's words, Ma Yu looked at Zhao Zhijing who had turned into a pig's head in the distance, and then said: "Although I was wrong in Quanzhen's teaching just now, since you are guests in my teaching, why did you make a move again?" Hurt my disciples of the Quanzhen Sect?"

Although there was a trace of apology in the tone, there was also obvious blame.

This time without Liu Xu answering, Huang Rong jumped out, pointed at Zhao Zhijing angrily, and said, "You stinky Taoist priest has the face to say, ask that stinky Taoist priest on the ground yourself!"

Although Ma Yu frowned when he was called a stinky Taoist priest by a little girl, he was not angry, after all, he had the best temper among the Quanzhen Seven Sons.

If Qiu Chuji had come here instead, he would have been furious already.

At this time, Sun Buer, who had been inexplicably looking at his palms in a daze, suddenly raised his head after he had exchanged palms with Liu Xu just now.

The angry look on her face disappeared for some reason, and Sun Buer said anxiously to Ma Yu: "Brother, don't say anything, I have one most important thing to ask."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to Liu Xu with a strange and excited expression, "Did you use my master's innate skills just now? Don't say no, I will never admit to my master's martial arts."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Liu Xu and Ma Yu all became very exciting, one was excited inside, while Liu Xu had the feeling of being found out as a thief.

After all, Xiantian Kung Fu is a Kung Fu taught by Quanzhen, and now it is caught by the right master, so Liu Xu's face can hardly bear it.


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Chapter 1212

"His grandma's, why did I forget that Xiantian Kung Fu was originally the martial art of their master, how could I choose it! I would have known that I could use Nine Yang Divine Kung Fu or Nine Yin Manual, hey, Yisun Buer is against Xiantian If you are familiar with Gong, how could you not discover it!"

Although Liu Xu admitted embarrassingly that he had stolen other people's martial arts, he didn't want to deny it.

If you learn it, you learn it, and I have been discovered. I still dare not admit it?

Liu Xu didn't believe what they could do to him. Besides, Liu Xu had planned to find a chance to recognize these cheap senior brothers. It was best to drag them all onto Da Song's boat. don't want.

At that moment, he raised his head and said proudly: "So what? I just learned the innate skills."

Seeing Liu Xu's admission, Ma Yu and Sun Bu'er were not angry but happy, looking at Liu Xu with enthusiasm.

Ma Yu shouted to the other Quanzhen disciples in the distance: "Hurry up, brothers and sisters, come quickly, I have something important to announce."

"Uh, Daoist Ma, are you planning to win with numbers?" Liu Xu frowned.

"Hehe, little brother misunderstood, it's not what you think, you'll find out later." Ma Yu actually smiled smirk at him.

Now it's not only Liu Xu, but even the girls are full of question marks.

After only a while, the other Quanzhen Seven Sons came over, and the one who walked in the front was Qiu Chuji who was already very excited, and before Ma Yu could speak, he reached out to hug Yang Tiexin.

"You!? You are really Big Brother Yang, alas, you are really Big Brother Yang. Eighteen years have passed, and we finally meet again. I'm so sorry for you!"

And Yang Tiexin also comforted: "It's okay, I have found Xiwei now, and our family has been reunited, but Brother Guo's family has suffered a lot!"

Qiu Chuji calmed down, organized his thoughts, and slowly said to Yang Tiexin: "Brother Yang, don't worry, I already have news about Brother Guo's descendants. When Brother Guo was killed, Mrs. Guo disappeared with his children... …It wasn’t until I received a letter from the Seven Heroes of the South of the Yangtze River a few years ago that I found out that Mrs. Guo took his children and fled to Mongolia…”

Liu Xu also interjected: "Father-in-law, don't worry, I actually met Brother Guo a few months ago!"

At this time, Qiu Chuji finally saw Bao Xiruo who was with Huang Rong and Mu Nianci, and said to Yang Tiexin, "Congratulations, Brother Yang, you are finally reunited with your sister-in-law's family. By the way, where is your son Yang Kang?"

Hearing Qiu Chuji's question, Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiruo felt bitterness on their faces, and then explained the reason to Qiu Chuji.

After listening to Yang Tiexin's narration, Qiu Chuji kept shouting "rebel" loudly in grief and indignation, wishing to go to Shangjing to clean up the house immediately.

At this time, Ma Yu couldn't help but said to Qiu Chuji: "Junior Brother Qiu, we will discuss the matter of Yang Kang later, I called you here, there is really an important matter to discuss."

Then, he turned to Liu Xu and said earnestly: "Liu Xiaoyou, can you show your innate skill again and show it to the brothers of Pindao."

Liu Xu heard that this was the problem, and without thinking about it, he said, "Of course there is no problem."

Since he planned to accept these free thugs, he thought that there was no need to hide it any longer.

"Brother Ma, is what you said true? Brother Liu really knows the innate skills of the master, so he is not the person the master said?"

After listening to Ma Yu's words, Qiu Chuji finally understood why Ma Yu called them over.

"Yeah yeah?"

The others also echoed.

Liu Xu didn't even think about what the person in the words of the Quanzhen Seven Masters meant, and immediately slapped out the inner strength of the Xiantian Gong.

"Wow! It's really an innate skill!"

Relying on their familiarity with innate skills, the Seventh Brothers all at once determined Liu Xu's internal force attributes, and shouted and yelled loudly from their mouths. It seemed that they were extremely shocked.

"Uh, these Taoist priests won't get their heads kicked by donkeys, right?" Liu Xu and the two women looked at each other and thought to themselves.

In their eyes, the few Quanzhen Taoist priests whose heads were kicked by donkeys were shocked, and held their disciples salute with both hands, bowed to Liu Xu and said: "Ma Yu, Tan Changzhen, Liu Changsheng, Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi, Hao Datong , Sun Bu'er has met the disciple in charge."

Liu Xu was slightly stunned, and said in a daze: "Hey, Daoist Ma, isn't the head teacher of the Quanzhen sect yourself? Who are you saluting to? Could it be that the head teacher of the Quanzhen sect is someone else, and Already here?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head around and looked around to see if anyone appeared, but he was thinking in his heart: "When I was watching the eagle shooting, why didn't I find that there was a disciple in charge behind the Seven Masters of Quanzhen? Could it be Mr. Jin?" Is it okay to miss the person?"

At this time, Sun Buer said: "You don't need to look for the apprentice in charge, the person we are talking about is you!"

"Me?" Liu Xu pointed to himself, and seeing Sun Buer nodded, he was sure that she was right.

"Hey, Daoist Sun, I can understand that you are the youngest among the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, so you feel unbalanced, but you can't just call me junior or recognize your relatives indiscriminately!"

"It's fine if you identify your relatives indiscriminately, how can you also take the position of the head teacher of Senior Brother Ma! This is really uninteresting."

Sun Bu'er's head was full of black lines.

It wasn't until the Quanzhen Seven Sons were called Liu Xu's teacher and disciple that he was sure that Sun Buer was not misidentifying relatives.

"Hey, did the priests make a mistake? When did I become your head teacher? Didn't I just learn the innate skills!"

Although Liu Xu didn't know exactly why these Taoists called him junior brother, it must have something to do with innate skills.

"Master once left a last word, as long as our Quanzhen Seven Sons are still alive, if there is someone who has practiced the innate skills left by the master, this person must be my teacher."

Liu Xu understood that the predestined person appointed by Wang Chongyang not only wanted to inherit his innate skills, but also inherited the Quanzhen Sect.


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Chapter 1213 A person from another world, not a Taoist priest

"My day, it's no wonder that on the first page of the secret book of Xiantian Gong, it is written that the person who obtains this secret book must be a disciple of Wang Chongyang who has passed through the world. So that's what it means! Fortunately, when I first read it, I didn't see it. He takes it seriously."

"Wait, wait, Daoists, I am a super promising young man, and I am destined to have the most beautiful wife in the world in the future."

As he said that, Liu Xu pointed to Mu Nianci and Huang Rong, and said, "How can you become a Taoist monk! Isn't this a loss to all the beauties in the world? Can you bear it?"

Shameless and shameless!

After hearing Liu Xu's words, everyone present made a seat for him in their hearts.

"Junior brother, are you sure you will never become a monk?" Ma Yu asked.

"Absolutely, there is no discussion, you can keep this head teacher, Daoist Ma!" Liu Xu refused resolutely.

Just kidding, becoming a Taoist monk, isn't that killing him?

"What should I do!" the Quanzhen Seven Sons thought to themselves.

The teaching of Quanzhen Sect is that the head teacher must be a monk, but the teacher ordered Liu Xu to be the head teacher. The teacher's order and the teaching intention conflicted, which made them struggle in their hearts.

"Could it be hard?" Quanzhen Seven thought to themselves.

It was immediately rejected, not to mention whether they would be ridiculed by the people of Jianghu if they forced people to become monks and priests, just because the person they forced was their future boss, this is absolutely impossible.

"Uh, seniors, if you don't want me to become a monk, I'll force myself to be the head teacher!"

After Liu Xu finished speaking, there was another painful expression on his face, as if he had been wronged by being the head teacher of Quanzhen Sect.

In fact, this kid was thinking in his heart: "Master Wang Chongyang loves you so much, he sent me a group of younger brothers to beat me up. The Quanzhen Sect is the largest religion in the world, and there are eight disciples if not ten thousand." Thousands! There will be difficulties in the future, you Quanzhen seven sons, I am blessed to be the head teacher to enjoy it, just to tie the Quanzhen religion to the chariot of the Song Dynasty, and rely on the prestige of the Quanzhen religion in the world to deal with Jin Guohe for the Song Dynasty Mongolia, but of course the premise is that I promise not to go out."

After a struggle in their hearts, the Quanzhen Seven Sons believed that it was the master's order that prevailed.

"Since junior brother is unwilling to become a monk, I will not force him, but we must abide by the last order of master. Please come to the hall with me tomorrow morning." Ma Yu stepped forward and said, "I will call all the disciples to come to the hall." Come, declare that you will inherit the position of head teacher."

"No way! It's all right, Wang Chongyang, I love you again, your ability to teach your apprentices can compete with Huang Yaoshi, and you are so obedient even after death."

Not evading at the moment, Liu Xu enthusiastically stepped forward and called out to the Quanzhen Seventh Brother and Junior Brother, without feeling embarrassed at all.

"Okay, okay! You actually became the head teacher of the Quanzhen sect, brother, you're out of luck."

Huang Rong clapped her hands and applauded. In the past few days, she has learned a lot of Liu Xu's modern nouns, such as this sentence.

Mu Nianci also expressed his opinion.

At this time, Qiu Chuji finally remembered that pig-headed Zhao Zhijing, and he couldn't help asking a little hesitantly: "Excuse me, Master Master, nephew Zhijing is..."

He wasn't stupid either. Since Zhao Zhijing was pointing at Liu Xu, he had something to do with him.

If it was before, no matter how much Qiu Chuji admired Liu Xu and his nephew was beaten like this, he would definitely ask the other party for an explanation.

But now that Liu Xu has become his junior, it's different, and the word "Head Teacher" must be added before the title of this junior...

Even if Liu Xu really hit Zhao Zhijing, it was the elders who taught the younger ones, even his master Wang Chuyi couldn't say anything, let alone him as an uncle.

In other words, beatings were for nothing, so Qiu Chuji was too embarrassed to ask.

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