Liu Xu didn't say much, and walked directly in front of Zhao Zhijing, and after posing as an elder, he asked: "Zhao Zhijing, what did you mean by that gesture you made to my father-in-law just now? Let me tell you, be lenient when you confess, and be lenient when you resist." ...Fah, what am I talking about! Anyway, explain your criminal behavior just now."

"Uncle Liu, I didn't... nothing!" Zhao Zhijing said tremblingly with cold sweat.

He just watched Liu Xu become his uncle, and based on the situation just now, he can be sure that Yang Tiexin is indeed Qiu Chuji's friend and has a close relationship, while Zhao Zhijing wanted to blackmail the teacher's uncle and Qiu's uncle. Make friends.

How dare he say it in front of his master and all his uncles?

To let Qiu Chuji know that Zhao Zhijing was blackmailing his friends and teacher disciples, because of his violent temper, he didn't immediately get rid of Zhao Zhijing, even his master Wang Chuyi would not protect the calf.

Huang Rong, who had been watching the excitement, saw that Zhao Zhijing was hesitating, and said to Qiu Chuji impatiently: "Hmph, you are a good nephew, just now Uncle Yang asked him to pass it on to you, but he wants to accept our favor." .”

"What? Brother Yang, is what the little girl said true?"

"Hey, what little girl, what do you mean!"

"This, this..."

Huang Ruo could yell unhappily, but Yang Tiexin didn't know how to answer Qiu Chuji's question.

Seeing Yang Tiexin's appearance, Qiu Chuji knew that Huang Rong's words were true, and immediately became very angry, as did the others, and Zhao Zhijing's master, Wang Chuyi, was even more angry and scolded: "A traitor, as a monk, you actually blackmailed me." The pilgrim, even blackmailed the head teacher and the elders."

At this time, Ma Yu stood up and asked Zhao Zhijing to be dragged to the back of the mountain to face the wall, and copied the Tao Te Ching [-] times, and he was not allowed to come out until he had finished copying.

Afterwards, the Seven Sons of Quanzhen introduced Liu Xu and his party to Chongyang Palace, arranged for accommodation respectively, and instructed Liu Xu to leave one after another after going to the square tomorrow morning to take over as the head teacher.

As soon as the Quanzhen Seven left, Huang Rong took Liu Xu's arm and shook it.

"Brother Xu, since you have become the head teacher of Quanzhen Sect, then this is your territory, why don't you take me out for a stroll?"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Liu Xu eagerly, just like a kitten looking at her master to please her.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1214 Molesting two women and doing shameful things

Liu Xu looked at those big eyes that seemed to say "promise me", and seeing Huang Rong's daughter Qiao Didi, couldn't help it anymore, hugged her, and kissed Huang Rong's cute red mouth Son kissed the past.

"Woo!" A delicate cry came from Sister Rong'er's mouth.

After parting her lips for a long time, Huang Rong came to her senses and pushed away Liu Xu, the big wolf. The female Qiao was so ashamed that her ears were all red, and she said softly, "Brother Xu is a big villain."

Liu Xu felt proud for a while, because although Huang Rong said so, there was no look of blame on her face!

But then he felt something on his back, and a faint gaze shot at him.

Looking back, I saw sister Nianci, although she was flushed with shame at their actions, but the resentment in her eyes was so obvious when she looked at Liu Xu.

"Mistake, mistake, how did you forget the gentle sister Nianci?" Liu Xu reviewed himself in his heart.

Seeing that Sister Rong'er was still in a shy state for the time being, Liu Xu planned to molested Sister Mu Nianci.

He swayed, posing like a hooligan trying to molest a beautiful woman, and walked in front of sister Nianci.

"Nianci, my father-in-law promised you to me. You will be my wife from now on, right? I swear that I will treat you well in the future." Liu Xu looked at his sister Nianci with affectionate eyes and said .

After hearing Liu Xu's words, Mu Nianci's heart beat violently, her cheeks were bright red, her pair of big eyes were like the dark night sky, she looked at Liu Xu timidly, with a bit of shyness, she whispered: "Liu, Liu, Liu Brother... I, I, I..."

Then, she didn't say anything anymore, her little face turned red up to her neck.

"No, no, no!" Looking at the charming appearance of Sister Nianci, Liu Xu shouted in his heart: "Sister Nianci's appearance is really too attractive now."

"Hehehehe, I ate sister Rong'er's mouth today, and sister Nianci can't let it go. I'm fair and I won't favor one person over another." Liu Xu cheered himself up brazenly in his heart.

He pulled Mu Nianci into his arms, feeling a burst of sweet love in his heart.

Nestling in Liu Xu's arms, Mu Nianci raised his head and looked at him with shy eyes that almost drove Liu Xu crazy.

Liu Xu hugged Mu Nianci tightly, buried his head deeply in her beautiful long black hair, tasting the faint fragrance of her hair.

The faint jasmine perfume, mixed with a virgin orchid body fragrance, is like mellow fine wine, which makes people drunk before drinking, and penetrates into the heart.

Liu Xu whispered in his sister Nianci's ear: "From today on, you only belong to me. Do you ask Brother Liu to do what Brother Rong'er did just now?"

This sound of spring rain, which is like moistening things, hit the heart of sister Nianci. Her heart was swayed, and there was a little shyness in the sweetness. A chuckle appeared on her face, and she said in his ear: "Brother Liu, you are really good!" I don't want a disciple!"

Hearing this soft voice, Liu Xu's blood spurted immediately, and he felt that the words of the girl in his arms seemed to have a strange magic power, and he couldn't help but began to be dishonest.

Mu Nianci was shocked. After all, she and her father Yang Tiexin had been wandering in the rivers and lakes for many years.

Although she guards herself like a jade, she is still a shy and innocent little girl, but it doesn't mean she doesn't understand anything.

Have you ever seen a pig run before eating pork?

Feeling Liu Xu's restlessness, Mu Nianci quickly tried to push him away.

"Brother Liu, don't do this, Nian Ci is already your wife, but Sister Rong'er is still here! I don't want anyone else!"

How could it be so easy for Liu Xu to let Mu Nianci break free? He hugged her even tighter and said with a smile, "Nianci, what do you mean, when there is no one, you can do anything?"

Seeing that the little girl was getting shy and about to cry, Liu Xu knew that the fire was almost over, if it went on like this, it would only be counterproductive, and if the little girl hated it, it would not be worth the loss!

But just let it go, and felt that he was at a disadvantage, so Liu Xu said: "Nianci is so beautiful, brother is really reluctant to let go, this is good, Nianci and brother will do what they did with Rong'er just now, and make up for it Big brother, how are you?"

Liu Xu also said by the way that he didn't have too much hope, even if Mu Nianci didn't want him, he would still let her go.

Unexpectedly, after listening to his words, Nian Chi stomped her little feet, stood on tiptoe, licked Liu Xu's big mouth with her soft lips, and turned around to run away.

Liu Xu was taken aback, and subconsciously reached out to hug her again.

For Nian Ci, Liu Xu is her husband, and she has her father's matchmaker's words, so there is nothing she can't give him. She only wants to leave Liu Xu's relationship because of her shyness and Huang Rong's big light bulb. embrace.

Now she is hugged by Liu Xu, unable to escape, she can only close her eyes and accept her fate.

Just when the atmosphere between the two is getting more and more ambiguous, when the torrential river is about to get out of hand.

A soft snort rang in their ears, and Mu Nianci woke up suddenly, pushing Liu Xu's mouth like a frightened deer, and broke free from his arms.

Mu Nianci covered his blushing face, not daring to look at anyone.

Liu Xu turned his head to look at Sister Rong'er who had come out of the shy state, and saw that she was looking at him dissatisfied with her mouth pouted.

Just when Liu Xu thought that the jar of jealousy had been overturned, girl Rong'er made a move that made him dumbfounded.

Huang Rong raised her little hand to shave her right cheek, and said while shaving, "Brother Xu and Sister Mu are not shy!"

Then, she stuck out her tongue at Liu Xu, made a grimace, and then looked at him with aggrieved expression.

The little girl completely forgot that her shy object had just done the same thing to her.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1215 All beauties gather together, the country is beautiful and heavenly

At this time, Liu Xu's face straightened, and he solemnly said to Huang Rong and Mu Nianci, "Rong'er, Nianci, in fact, I already had a woman before you, and she lived near here."

At this point, the voice paused, and Liu Xu asked, "Are you still willing to be with me?"

"As the saying goes, marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog. Since my father has betrothed me to you, then I am yours. Besides, I can see that you are a big shot. It is normal to have three wives and four concubines. It's enough to have me."

Of course it was the gentle, virtuous and kind Mu Nianci who said this.

Liu Xu was not surprised by Mu Nianci's answer, but Huang Rong's words later surprised him.

"Hmph! Big villain, brother Xu, I knew you were a big radish, but now people's heart is all on you!" Huang Rong replied unexpectedly docilely.

Liu Xu was overjoyed when he heard this, and secretly thought that his soul-shifting method had worked.

It turned out that Liu Xu would use the soul-shifting method in front of Huang Rong every day to secretly hypnotize Huang Rong.

Of course he wouldn't harm Huang Rong, he just planted the idea that all his women are her good sisters in her mind.

The main thing is to let Huang Rong not be too hostile to Mu Nianci and Lin Yu, otherwise, if his woman quarrels a little every day and makes a big quarrel every three days, it will not annoy Liu Xu to death, and only Huang Rong and Mo Chou If Lolita really had a fight, these two little witches would have had a quarrel!

Liu Xu happily said to the two women: "Great, now I will take you to meet your sister Lin Yu."

At this time, Huang Rong returned to her usual weirdness, and asked curiously: "Brother Xu, does this elder sister live near here? Could it be a Taoist nun from the Quanzhen Sect? No wonder you brought me here .”

Liu Xu replied dumbfounded: "Of course not, you will know later when we arrive."

Liu Xu grabbed the two women and walked towards the ancient tomb in the back mountain of Zhongnan Mountain. Along the winding mountain road, the back mountain was lush and green, and the land was full of forests for more than ten miles.

Liu Xu led the two women to a dense forest, and there was a stone tablet in front of him. He looked down and saw four words engraved on the tablet: "Outsiders stop."

They walked slowly to the depths of the forest. The forest was deep and the grass was lush, and the grass in many places was knee-high. After walking for a short time, they came to a clearing in the forest. Behind the clearing was the tomb of the living dead.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Huang Rong was very curious about the huge ancient tomb in front of her. She took Liu Xu's hand and asked curiously, "Brother Xu, where is this? Why is there such a tomb in the back mountain of Quanzhen Sect?" Ancient tomb! Could it be Wang Chongyang's tomb? By the way, where is the sister you mentioned?"

Liu Xu and Huang Rong, who was looking at the ghost, had a rare look of doubt, and said to her happily, "This is it. Your sister Lin Yu lives in this ancient tomb."

"What, living in an ancient tomb?!" Huang Rong and Mu Nianci both asked in surprise.

Just when Liu Xu was about to explain to the two of them, suddenly, a coquettish scolded: "Hmph, the big bastard still knows how to come back, look at the sword."

A shadow dressed in white stepped into the air carrying a three-foot green blade, the point of the sword pointing randomly, stabbing Liu Xu straight.

Although he was not flustered, when he heard the roar of swords behind his head, he hurriedly took a wrong step.

Liu Xu took a closer look and found that it was Li Mochou's little girl.

"Little girl, what are you doing!" Liu Xu picked up the lightness kung fu that he learned from the Ancient Tomb Sect, and he didn't care too much about Li Mochou, and started to deal with her.

"Hmph! You've been out for so long, didn't you say you wanted to take me out to play? Why did you come back now?" Seeing that she couldn't attack for a long time, the little girl became annoyed, and her sword skills changed.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." He stabbed at Liu Xu with a sword, it seemed that he wanted to give him a good look.

"Mochou, hurry up and stop." A clear, gentle voice sounded, Huang Rong and Mu Nianci both turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice.

I saw a woman walking out slowly from the entrance of the ancient tomb. She was dressed in white clothes with an elegant and elegant temperament, and her long skirt was fluttering. She was as holy and noble as a fairy above the nine heavens, without a trace of fireworks. Lin Yu's celestial appearance was shocked.

The two women thought silently: "I never thought there would be such a fairy-like figure in the world, it's really cheap for that big hearted carrot."

The fairy-like woman walked up to Liu Xu and said softly, "Are you back?"

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