Liu Xu also replied happily: "Well, I'm back. By the way, Lin Yu, let me introduce you to two new sisters."

That fairy-like woman is naturally Liu Xu's fairy sister, Lin Yu.

With that said, Liu Xu pulled Lin Yu to the front of Huang Rong's two daughters, Nianci, and introduced him, "Rong'er, Nianci, this is your elder sister Lin Yu; Lin Yu, these two are your Rong'er and Nianci." My sister is gone, we will be a family from now on, everyone should get along well!"

The three women are beautiful and beautiful, Liu Xu's eyes are dazzled when he looks at this and that.

A few people were chatting about each other here, forgetting a small light bulb aside.

Li Mochou's little loli was upset, she pursed her lips and shouted: "Hey, big whore, do you think this girl doesn't exist? Hmph!"

As soon as she made a sound, Mu Nianci at the side finally remembered that the little one was there just now.

She walked to Li Mochou's side and asked curiously, "Brother, who is this cute little sister?"

"Yes, yes!" Huang Rong at the side also came to join in the fun.

Before Liu Xu could speak, the little girl Mo Chou spoke up.

It turned out that although Li Mochou was a bit precocious, she was only a thirteen-year-old child, and her temper came and went quickly. When she saw this big sister who would make people like her at first glance, she praised her cuteness, and she immediately rushed to Mu Nianci happily. Said: "Sister, my name is Li Mochou."

Then, she pointed to Lin Yu and said, "I am the master's apprentice."


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Chapter 1216 Accepting Xiaolongnv as an apprentice, cooking snake soup with plain hands

For Li Mochou, who had no playmates since she was a child, she suddenly had two big sisters, so she was naturally very excited.

And Mu Nianci is a person with a lot of love, Huang Rong also likes a little sister who is as eccentric as her, how can she refuse the kindness of such a cute little girl!

After a while, Huang Rong fondled little Mochou's head, and the younger sister cried out.

At this time, the sharp-eyed little girl Mochou saw the little dragon girl in Mu Nianci's arms, and hurried to her side and said, "Sister, who is she, she's so cute!"

Little Dragon Girl's crystal-clear and jade-like appearance, let alone Mochou little lolita, even the fairy sister Lin Yu was also attracted by him.

Liu Xu knew from Lin Yu's appearance that she liked Xiaolongnv very much, so he took the opportunity to ask, "Sister, this is a baby girl I picked up. It's really inconvenient for me to be a big man. Look at this, how good is it?" I want you to accept her as a disciple of the Ancient Tomb Sect."

"Of course." Lin Yu replied happily.

In the following day, the girls around Liu Xu finally reunited for the first time.

I don't know if Liu Xu's soul-shifting method subconsciously implies an effective relationship. Huang Rong, Lin Yu and even Li Mochou get along very happily, let alone Mu Nianci.

The mountain behind the ancient tomb, which was originally quiet before Liu Xu's arrival, became more and more lively, with the noise of several girls playing and playing non-stop.

Among them, Liu Xu took the time to confess to the girls that he was King Rong of the Great Song Dynasty. The girls all said that no matter whether he was a relative of the emperor or a beggar, no matter what his status was, they would follow Liu Xu of.

At the same time, Liu Xu remembered that in the space of Zhu Xianjian, there was a precious snake that was snatched from the palace that day. Now that everyone was here, he asked Rong'er to cook it into snake soup so that several girls could be strong. skill.

After thinking about it, he took out the snake from the space of Zhuxian Sword, and said to Huang Rong, "That, Rong'er..."

Before he finished speaking, he was greeted by screams of "ah".

You must know that girls are naturally afraid of snakes and other animals. Even Huang Rong and Li Mochou, a daring little witch, suddenly cried out in fright when they saw Liu Xu take out such a big snake. Even Lin Yu Such a fairy-like person was suddenly frightened and his face turned pale.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. It's already a dead snake. And don't underestimate it. It has been fed precious medicinal materials since childhood. It is full of treasures." After showing a scared expression, Liu Xu hurriedly explained to them: "Even if we drink its blood, it will be of great help to the cultivation of internal strength in the future, so I think everyone is here, just let Rong'er make it into snake soup , to help everyone improve their skills."

At this time, the girls were relieved, and Huang Rong patted Yue Xiong's mouth and said, "Brother Xu, next time you bring out such a strange thing, let me know first. If a big snake suddenly appears like this, everyone will be frightened." Alright. Alright, then I'll make you a snake blood soup with herbs, it's guaranteed to be more effective than eating it raw!"

Hearing Huang Rong's words, Liu Xu couldn't help being full of anticipation.

Hong Qigong, who had even eaten the dishes in the Imperial Palace, actually taught Guo Jing martial arts for a whole month because of Huang Rong's skills, which shows how good Huang Rong's skills are.

As far as Huang Rong's craftsmanship is concerned, it didn't take long for a pot of fragrant snake blood soup to be prepared, and it was brought to the table, and everyone gathered around it.

"Let's try it quickly, it won't be good if it gets cold."

Everyone started to move after hearing Huang Rong's words. It's true to say her craftsmanship. A pot of snake blood soup was cooked by Huang Rong so that it was fragrant, tender and refreshing, but it didn't lose the original fishy smell at all.

Even if the powerful effect of this snake blood soup is not considered, it is an extremely rare delicacy. Liu Xu and Jimei almost swallowed their tongues after eating it, and they praised Huang Rong's craftsmanship repeatedly.

Huang Rong was delighted to hear Liu Xu's praise, she even got a little bit better at eating, and ate more than usual.

After several people had a gluttonous meal, there was almost nothing left in the pot of snake blood soup, which was considered to be the best use.

Among them, Liu Xu ate the most. He hadn't had dinner yet, and it was so delicious, so he ate a lot. Half of the snake blood soup in the pot went into his stomach.

The girls ate roughly the same amount, they all had small appetites as women, and Li Mochou and Huang Rong were two little lolitas, so they couldn't eat much at all.

After eating the snake soup, they all felt warm all over their bodies, as if they were warming up next to a big fire.

Liu Xu knew that the effect of the medicine in the snake's blood was gradually evaporating, so he hurriedly asked all the beauties to sit down and practice the power of the medicine, and then he crossed his legs into meditation and practiced the exercise.

After entering the concentration exercise, Liu Xu immediately felt the hot medicinal power of the snake blood soup radiating to the whole body.

After these medicinal powers were integrated into the zhenqi, Liu Xu suddenly felt the zhenqi in his body boiling up, just like boiling water in a pot. Every acupuncture point in the body launched an impact.

Liu Xu was overjoyed, and thought, "Is it going to break through the innate realm?"


I don't know how long it took, Liu Xu let out a long breath, got up, opened his eyes, and the two flashes of light disappeared in a flash, which was breathtaking.

"Brother Xu, you're awake!"

At this moment, a pleasant female voice came to his ears, and then a beautiful figure flashed in front of his eyes, and Huang Rong's pretty face appeared in front of his eyes.

Liu Xu looked up and saw that all the beauties were looking at him nervously. He couldn't help but smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, it's just that I just broke through, so it took a long time."

His so-called breakthrough is not breaking through the congenital realm, but the internal force cultivated to the peak of the congenital realm.


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Chapter 1217 Go against the sky and become a phoenix, named Xiaowu

Just when Liu Xu wanted to continue to reassure Zhongmei not to worry, suddenly there was a familiar yet unfamiliar pulling force from between the eyebrows.

"Come again!"

Liu Xu only had time to snort before he passed out again.

"Brother Xu!"

"Big Brother Liu!"

Seeing that he had fainted suddenly, the women hurried over to help him, but suddenly a thrust came from Liu Xu's body, pushing Zhongmei away.

Looking at Liu Xu again, I saw a dazzling multicolored light suddenly emanating from Liu Xu's body, illuminating the entire ancient tomb as if it were daytime, and he also rose slowly in the light and floated into the air.

It turned out that the big eagle in Zhu Xianjian was about to wake up.

In the space of consciousness, Liu Xu opened his eyes, and a pleasant bird song came from his ears.

He looked up, and saw a colorful and dazzling big bird flying down from the sky, singing continuously towards him.

Liu Xu walked up to it, looked it over carefully, and asked uncertainly, "Are you that big eagle?"

I saw that the colorful bird actually nodded.

Immediately, Liu Xu laughed and scolded: "Damn, didn't you say it was a golden roc, how did it become like this? It looks like a phoenix. Forget it, don't worry about it, it's still pretty."

In fact, Liu Xu was really fooled, and now the divine sculpture has really turned into a phoenix.

Originally, the divine eagle turned into a golden roc after blood purification, but during this period of time, he continuously absorbed the power of the dimension (the power collected from traveling through the world of Jade Dynasty) in the Jade Dynasty Sword, and continued to evolve, and has returned to his ancestors. A phoenix, moreover, a phoenix of yin and yang and five elements, with unlimited potential.

Now it can not only release the innate yin and yang qi, but also use the innate power of the five elements.

Although it has just been born now, its strength is at most similar to that of Liu Xu, and the innate yin and yang energy and the innate power of the five elements have not yet been used, but as it continues to grow with Liu Xu, one day its achievements will surpass his ancestors The first bird in the world, Feng Zu.

At this time, the colorful bird landed in front of Liu Xu and pecked him affectionately. Now the colorful bird is tall, a head taller than Liu Xu, and its wings spread more than ten meters.

Looking at the figure of the colorful bird, Liu Xu couldn't help muttering, "It would be much better if it could be made smaller."

As soon as Liu Xu finished speaking, he saw the body of the colorful bird gradually shrinking, and finally became the size of an ordinary bird and flew in front of him, chirping.

Liu Xu was suddenly excited, and he changed as soon as he said he would be a magic bird!

Seeing that the divine sculpture could evolve into a colorful divine bird, Liu Xu was overjoyed.

Looking at the colorful bird, Liu Xu loves it more and more. The colorful bird can become bigger and smaller. When you need to go on the road, you just need to let it grow bigger and ride on your back, and it can be smaller to accompany you at ordinary times. You can also play with the girls.

Looking at the little thing standing on his shoulder, Liu Xu said softly: "Little guy, since you have five colors now, from now on, you will be called Xiaowu!"

"No, I don't want to be called such an old-fashioned name." At this moment, Xiao Wu's retort came from Liu Xu's consciousness.

"Xiao Wu, are you talking?" Liu Xu asked the little guy standing on his shoulder after listening.

After waiting for a long time, the voice from Xiao Wu did not appear again in his consciousness, Liu Xu couldn't help but wondered in his heart: "I heard the voice just now, why is it gone now?"

Just when Liu Xu was puzzled, Xiao Wu's voice came from his consciousness again: "Of course I'm talking to you, and besides, I'm not Xiao Wu."

Now Liu Xu was finally sure that Xiao Wu could speak, but he could only speak with himself in his spiritual consciousness.

"If you don't call me Xiaowu, what's your name, or I'll call you Xiaoniao!"

"I don't want it." Before Liu Xu finished speaking, Xiao Wu's angry cry came from his consciousness.

"Anyway, I don't care, Xiao Wu and Xiao Niao, you can choose one!" Liu Xu said shamelessly to Xiao Wu.

"Woooooo, how could you treat me like this, I'm still a child!" Xiao Wu said aggrievedly.

Liu Xu said: "You are still a child, you are at least over a hundred years old now!"

"That was in the past, and now they are still in their infancy among their kind." Xiao Wu retorted.

"Protesting is invalid, naming pets is a sacred right bestowed by God on the owner."

In fact, what Liu Xu didn't know was that Xiao Wu was really just a child. In the past, it was just a relatively intelligent big eagle. It was only when it turned into a colorful bird that it became intelligent. There are still some impressions, and today's Xiao Wu can be said to be a newborn.

After hearing this, Xiao Wu knew that the objection was invalid, so he had no choice but to accept his fate.

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