"Let's go, Xiao Wu, I'll take you outside to play with some older sisters." Liu Xu said to Xiao Wu who was standing on his shoulder.

At the same time, with a flash of consciousness, Liu Xu, who had risen in mid-air in a coma, suddenly opened his eyes, and a colorful bird suddenly appeared on his shoulder, and slowly fell down.

Liu Xu looked at the sleeping women who were guarding him, and felt warm in his heart.

Just about to wake them up, Liu Xu suddenly felt a strong repulsive force around him, as if the whole world wanted to exclude him, just like the feeling he felt every time he traveled through the world.

It turned out that Liu Xu's skills had reached the upper limit of this world, faintly reaching the level of shattering the void, and he was rejected by the original will of this world.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xu restrained his breath, then walked to the girls and woke them up one by one.

"Brother Xu!"

"Big Brother Liu!"

All the girls saw that Liu Xu had woken up, and they were all very happy. Huang Rong hugged him even more.

"Okay, it's okay. I just made a sudden breakthrough in a magical skill I practiced, which made you worry. You are tired, go and rest!" Liu Xu didn't want to tell them about world travel, but he thought The time has not yet come.

He planned to tell them when he left after he had settled the matters in the Condor Shooting World.


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Chapter 1218 His Royal Highness King Rong, Successor Headmaster

"Well, I got it." All the girls were intelligent people, and they all knew that Liu Xu wasn't telling the truth, but since he didn't want to tell, they wouldn't ask any more questions.

And Li Mochou's carefree little loli still didn't understand what they were talking about after listening for a long time, so she didn't think about it anymore, because her mind had already been attracted by the little five on Liu Xu's shoulder. .

"Hey, hello, big whore, where did this little bird come from? It's so beautiful! Can you play with me?" Little Mochou immediately took Liu Xu's hand and said coquettishly to him.

Seeing that this lawless little witch would act like a baby to him, Liu Xu immediately agreed happily, and prayed for that poor little five in his heart, hoping that he would not be crippled by the little witch Mochou. The Lord is not good!

The next morning, Liu Xu returned to the Chongyang Palace alone, while Huang Rong and Mu Nianci stayed in the ancient tomb. After all, the Chongyang Palace is a Taoist temple. Lin Yu was relieved to take care of Liu Xu.

When they came to Chongyang Palace, Liu Xu first went to inform Yang Tiexin and his wife that they could go to the ancient tomb if they had time.

Go to the ancient tomb?

How does it sound weird!

Then, Liu Xu was summoned by the Seven Sons of Quanzhen to attend the succession ceremony, and a bunch of tedious etiquettes during the process were not mentioned one by one.

After the grand ceremony, Liu Xu sat at the head, and the Quanzhen Seventh Son sat below.

At this moment, Liu Xu said: "Senior brothers, since I have taken over the post of head teacher, my identity should also be disclosed to you. To be honest, this Liu Xu is just an alias I got for the convenience of traveling in the rivers and lakes. My real name It's Zhao Yurui, who are the younger brothers of the current Holy Majesty, titled King Rong."

At this moment, the Seven Masters of Quanzhen were all taken aback, they didn't expect that this newly-accepted master teacher had such an identity, they quickly saluted and said: "I have seen His Royal Highness King Rong."

"Brothers, you don't need to be too polite. Since you recognize me as a junior, we are a family. When I was still young, I met my former master Wang Chongyang. My first master saw that my emperor brother is the master of Zhongxing in the Song Dynasty. I was also amazed at my skeleton, which is really a good material for martial arts. He taught me innate skills, and told me a few strategies to rejuvenate the country, and let me take the opportunity to tell the emperor brother. Now that the country is in crisis, the Great Golden Mongol is eyeing it. Brother has been working hard in the past few years, and the national power has improved, but after all, the time is too short. So I would like to ask everyone from Quanzhen Sect to help me Da Song." Liu Xu took the opportunity to say the excuse he had thought up earlier, his right and wrong It is impossible to tie the Quanzhen religion to the Song Dynasty chariot as free labor.

The Seven Masters of Quanzhen hurriedly replied: "Don't dare, all the top and bottom of the Quanzhen Sect are Han people, and they will definitely help me in the Song Dynasty. Besides, the master took it as his duty to fight against the Dajin during his lifetime. Quanzhen will teach you how to do it."

Seeing that Quanzhen Quanquan had taken the bait, Liu Xu hurriedly said seriously, "I won't let Quanzhen's disciples fight the enemy yet. I want to use the name of Quanzhen Sect to call on all the heroes in the rivers and lakes to fight against foreign enemies together."

"All the members of the Quanzhen Sect, please follow the edict of the teaching." The seven disciples of Quanzhen said in unison.

At this moment, Liu Xu thought of them again and said: "By the way, I will go back to Lin'an in a few days. That night in Wanyan Honglie's residence, I overheard Marshal Yue Feiyue leaving a suicide note of Wu Mu, and this book It is hidden in the Lin'an Imperial Palace. Wanyan Honglie summoned all martial arts masters to go to Lin'an to break into the palace and steal Wu Mu's suicide note. So I have to go back to Lin'an to report to the emperor, and I have to prepare well so that they will come and go. So Please ask Senior Brother Ma to continue to manage the teaching affairs, and please Senior Brother Qiu to take care of Uncle Yang.”

"Senior brother is serious."


After Liu Xu came out of Chongyang Palace, he returned to the ancient tomb, but he turned around and didn't see anyone else.

"Looks like Rong'er went to play with that little girl Mochou again." It turned out that since little girl Mochou got Xiaowu, Huang Rong often played Xiaowu with her, alas, poor Xiaowu!

It turned out that the little witch Mochou was tortured to death, and now the big witch Huang Rong came to suffer even more, and Lin Yu took the little dragon girl outside to bask in the sun.

"Haha, it happens that they are not here now, so I can eat my obedient little sister Nianci, anyway, I have an engagement with her, and we can be regarded as husband and wife. I am indeed a genius! Hahaha!"

Liu Xu sneaked towards Mu Nianci's room.

I don't know what happened, but now his mind is full of those things, and his desires are flying.

Knocking on Mu Nianci's stone door, Liu Xu shouted, "Nianci, open the door, it's me!"

With a "squeak", the stone door opened.

As soon as the door of Mu Nianci's stone room opened, Liu Xu rushed in.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Sister Nianci asked tremblingly.

Although she vaguely guessed why Liu Xu knocked on her door, she still couldn't help herself to open the door and let him in.

"Hey, I saw the beautiful shadow of sister Nianci from the window, so I couldn't help but want to come in."

From the moment Liu Xu opened his mouth, he said words to make the girl happy.

He saw his younger sister Nianci standing pretty in the hall with a red face.

Mu Nianci looked like he was about to take a nap, his knots were untied, his long hair covered his shoulders to his pretty buttocks, and the emerald yellow clothes outside were also taken off, and the pure white tight dress inside showed the slenderness of the girl figure.

Seeing her body with the logo under her small blouse is pleasing to the eye, her bulging delicate moon is very attractive, her eyebrows are smiling, her cheeks are bright, and when the sun shines, her delicate appearance is even more radiant.

After Liu Xu watched carefully, the Mu Nianci in front of him was so beautiful that he was a little crazy.

Seeing that Liu Xu was staring at him, Mu Nianci couldn't help feeling a little coy and shy, and said softly, "Brother, you... what do you think Nianci is doing?"

"Sister Nianci is so cute and beautiful, brother can't help but be dumbfounded!" Liu Xu said without shame.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1219 I hope you will take pity on me and sleep with beauty

As he said that, Liu Xu stepped forward and embraced Mu Nianci's slender waist, and put his arms in his arms. He smelled the faint fragrance from her beautiful hair, and he kissed Mu Nianci's hair in a heartbeat.

Mu Nianci did not resist his movements, and leaned into his arms obediently, "Brother, you are Nianci's husband, Nianci... Nianci will always be yours."

Seeing that Mu Nianci didn't seem to recognize his actions, Liu Xu was extremely happy. What are you waiting for?

He couldn't help posting it...

On the couch, Mu Nianci opened his eyes slightly, revealing two foggy eyes, bit his red lips lightly and said: "I hope you will take pity on me."

The sound is like mosquitoes, but it is like the sound of nature.

Liu Xu said softly, "Nianci, I'm here."

Clouds turn and rain turn, the taste is not enough for outsiders.


Just when the two were about to sleep peacefully, a naughty and immature voice sounded outside: "Sister Mu, sister Mu, come out!"

The voice just fell.

The door of Mu Nianci's stone room was kicked open, and Li Mochou's little girl and Huang Rong's sister rushed in.

Mochou's little girl was still running and yelling, "Sister Mu, come out quickly! Come and judge me, Sister Rong always bullies me."

But when he saw two people sleeping on the bed, he immediately covered his little eyes, turned his head and ran out, shouting as he ran, "Ah! You're here too, big bastard, I... what can I do?" Didn’t see it, really didn’t see it.”

"Ah!" Huang Rong obviously saw it too, and hurriedly covered her eyes and wanted to run out with Mochou little Lolita.

"Ah!" Sister Nianci felt as if her face was burning, she shrieked and shrank into Liu Xu's arms.

"Damn it, you little loli won't knock on the door normally! If I hadn't finished it just now, I wouldn't have been frightened into a weak brother by you brat!" Liu Xu saw that Huang Rong was about to run out, feeling lustful in his heart He thought to himself: "It's easy to get in, but hard to get out, so you should stay too!"

He stretched out his hand to suck, and the palm of his hand produced a suction force, and Huang Rong's petite body was forcibly pulled onto the sleeper's bed.

"Ah! Big villain, big bastard!" Huang Rong covered her eyes and yelled, but in her heart she was thinking: "Big brother, secretly eat up sister Mu, no, I can't be behind sister Mu, Cheap you big bastard."

But after waiting for a long time, Liu Xu didn't see any movement. Huang Rong quietly opened her eyes, only to see him looking at her with a wicked smile on his face.

"Hahaha! Don't worry, I won't eat you now. Your sister Mu is already engaged to me, we are already husband and wife, and you... I haven't even met my father-in-law! Wait My father-in-law agrees, I will use eight palanquins to marry you, and then I will see how I eat you." Huang Rong felt a burst of warmth and a burst of loss when she heard Liu Xu's words, and she didn't know how to describe it.

In this way, Liu Xu held Huang Rong and Mu Nianci and took a sweet nap. During this period, he did what he said and did not eat Huang Rong, but he took advantage of it all.

Liu Xu touched Huang Rong almost all over her body, and this bastard took all the advantages.


"Drive, drive..." A young man with a colorful bird parked on his shoulder galloped on the avenue, followed by two young women on horseback.

These three people and one bird are naturally Liu Xu and his party.

Following him were two daughters, Huang Rong and Mu Nianci.

Originally Liu Xu also wanted to bring Lin Yu out, but she said she wanted to take care of the little dragon girl and she didn't come with her. Of course, Little Lolita Mochou clamored to come out with Liu Xu and the others, but under Lin Yu's suppression, I had no choice but to pout and say goodbye to them.

The little witch kept muttering, "Smelly lecherous thief, bad lecherous thief, I took Sister Huang Rong and Sister Nianci out to play by myself, you said you would take me out to play! And just leave, why take Xiao Wu away too! Hmph!"

In fact, the last sentence is the key!

As for Liu Xu and the others galloping back to Lin'an now?

Of course not.

Now Liu Xu and the others are heading towards the Lingjiu Palace on Misty Peak, the former site of the Xiaoyao Sect. As for the report to the Quanzhen Seven Sons that Wanyan Honglie wanted to break into the palace to steal Wu Mu's suicide note, it was of course a lie. The people from Yuelai Inn sent a letter to Lin'an, so there's no need for him to go there himself!

Besides, anyone who has read the original work knows that Wu Mu's suicide note in the Lin'an Palace is long gone, so there is no need to worry, it is just an excuse.

But Liu Xu and his party left Zhongnan Mountain and headed south all the way towards Dongting Lake.

Liu Xu wanted to join in the excitement of Guiyun Village, and meet the number one flicker of the Condor Shooting and his cheap father-in-law Dongxie Huang Yaoshi.

On this day, Liu Xu and others came to the boundary of Xiqing Mansion, it was near Duanyang, and it was already quite hot.

The three of them galloped on horseback for a long time, a round of red sun was shining directly on their heads, Liu Xu and Huang Rong had better internal energy, but Mu Nianci was sweating on his forehead and back.

The road was full of dust, sticking to his face and making him feel very uncomfortable.

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