Seeing this, Huang Rong said, "Brother Xu, the weather is very hot, let's not rush on our way, let's find a shady place to rest."

Liu Xu looked at the scorching sun above his head and saw Mu Nianci's uncomfortable face, and agreed, "Okay, let's make a pot of tea in the town ahead."

While Liu Xu and the others were walking, they suddenly heard the murmur of water behind a row of big trees.

Huang Rong rode her horse around the big tree and suddenly shouted for joy.

Liu Xu and Mu Nianci followed, and it turned out to be a deep stream with a clear bottom. The bottom of the stream was made of small green, white, red, and purple pebbles. There were weeping willows on both sides of the stream, with branches brushing the water, and fish swimming in the stream. countable.

They hurriedly got off their horses and walked to the stream. The three of them played for a long time, and they were still very excited. They went up the stream and found a large waterfall more than ten feet high.

Huang Rong said, "Brother Xu, let's rest here!"

Liu Xu said: "Okay! The scenery here is very beautiful, I will catch two fish for dinner!"


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Chapter 1220 Hong Qigong, Pretty Cook

Liu Xu took off his coat, jumped into the water with a splash.

After staying for a while, Liu Xu held up his hands and caught a herring.

The fish flicked its tail and struggled desperately.

Liu Xu shouted, "Catch it."

He threw the fish ashore, Huang Rong stepped forward to grab it, but the fish was slippery and slipped away immediately, writhing and jumping on the ground.

This scene made Liu Xu laugh out loud, and even Mu Nianci covered his mouth and chuckled.

Huang Rong stopped immediately, and said angrily: "Ah, bad brother, what's so funny, and sister Mu, you are not allowed to laugh." Saying that, she grabbed Mu Nianci's waist.

While the two girls were playing and playing, by the time Liu Xu came ashore, it was already dusk, and the sky was full of stars twinkling.

When the three of Liu Xu were grilling fish, suddenly dark clouds overwhelmed the sky, and the surroundings were pitch black. Then lightning and thunder came one after another, and every Jiao Lei seemed to hit the top of the head.

Liu Xu took Huang Rong and Mu Nianci into his arms and called out, "Rong'er, Nianci, are you afraid?"

Huang Rong and Mu Nianci both smiled and said, "With Brother Xu (Brother Liu), I'm not afraid."

The heavy rain in summer comes and goes quickly, but after a while, the sky is clear and the moon is hanging in the sky.

Liu Xu got up to find some orange branches to start a fire.

The two daughters of Huang Rong and Mu Nianci took out the two clothes in the package, changed them separately, and dried the clothes on the fire.

That night, the three of Liu Xu slept in the open by the stream, and the sky gradually turned white.

When Huang Rong and Mu Nianci woke up, they saw Liu Xu returning with a fat pheasant under his arm.

Huang Rong cut open the rooster's belly with a dagger, washed and stripped the internal organs without plucking the hair, wrapped the outside of the rooster with water and a ball of mud, lit a fire and roasted it.

After roasting for a while, the mud reveals a sweet fragrance. After the mud is dried out, the chicken feathers fall with the mud, and the chicken is white and tender, with a strong aroma.

Huang Rong and Mu Nianci were about to tear the chicken apart when someone behind him suddenly said, "Tear it into four parts and give me the chicken butt."

The three of Liu Xu were taken aback. Someone walked in behind, but they didn't realize it and turned their heads in a hurry.

"Senior, please sit down and wait a moment!" Liu Xu smiled slightly, and he knew when the man approached.

I saw that the person who came was a middle-aged beggar.

This man has a square face, a slight beard under his chin, thick hands and big feet, his clothes are covered with patches here and there, but they have been washed clean, and he holds a green bamboo stick in his hand, which is as bright as jade. , carrying a big vermilion lacquered gourd on his back, with a salivating look on his face, and an anxious expression, as if if he didn't give him the ass, he would reach out and snatch it.

Before the three of Liu Xu could answer, he had already sat across from him, took the gourd from his back, unplugged it, and the aroma of wine was overflowing.

The beggar drank a few sips, handed the gourd to Liu Xu, and said, "Baby, you are good at it! The old beggar invited you to drink."

Liu Xu took the gourd and stopped Mu Nianci who recognized Hong Qigong and was about to greet him with his eyes.

Back then Hong Qigong taught Mu Nianci martial arts for three days, although she didn't accept any apprentices, but she always remembered the kindness of passing on the skills.

Liu Xu then took a big sip, and said to the beggar: "Good wine! I don't have anything good, I only have this beggar chicken to honor you!" After finishing speaking, he tore off half of the beggar chicken, and it was indeed attached to the chicken. The ass was given to him together.

The beggar was overjoyed, grabbed it with his hands, and ate it cleanly, while eating, he couldn't stop praising: "It's wonderful, it's wonderful, even my beggar ancestor can't control such a great beggar chicken. "

Huang Rong and Mu Nianci smiled at each other, and handed him the remaining half of the chicken.

The beggar said embarrassingly: "How can it be done? You three dolls haven't eaten yet."

He spoke politely, but he reached out to take it early, and in a short while he ate it until there were only a few chicken bones left.

Patting his belly, the old beggar shouted: "Belly, belly, such a delicious chicken, you rarely eat it?"

Liu Xu smiled and said: "This beggar chicken is nothing. It is our honor to be praised by Hong Qigong, one of the five wonders in the world. My sister Rong'er also has a few special dishes, and you have eaten us. But it hasn't moved yet! Let's go to the front town together, shall we?"

The beggar was overjoyed and shouted: "Wonderful! Wonderful! Hehe... It seems that you have recognized me."

"It's nothing to be surprised about. I can't think of anyone other than Hong Qigong, the nine-fingered god beggar, who can approach us silently."

The three of Liu Xu and Hong Qigong traveled south together, and came to a town called Jiangmiao Town, invested in an inn, and then booked a small independent courtyard with a kitchen.

Huang Rong said: "Let's go buy the seasoning, you two should rest with Qi Gong for a while!"

Hong Qigong looked at the backs of Huang Rong's two daughters, and said to Liu Xu with a smile, "Are they your little daughters-in-law?"

Liu Xu smiled slightly and said, "You have a good eye! Rong Er and Nian Ci are my confidante."

"Good boy, lucky." Hong Qigong laughed loudly, squinting his eyes and leaning back on the chair to doze off.

After more than half an hour, the second daughter of Huang Rong bought vegetables and came back to the kitchen to clean up.

Liu Xu wanted to help, but Huang Rong pushed him out with a smile.

Another half an hour later, Hong Qigong yawned, sniffed it twice, and shouted, "It smells so strange! What kind of dish is that? It's a bit weird. The situation is very wrong!"

He stretched his neck and kept looking into the kitchen.

Liu Xu couldn't help laughing secretly when he saw his impatient and itchy look.

The aroma was bursting out from the kitchen, but Huang Rong and Mu Nianci never showed up.

Hong Qigong scratched his ears and touched his cheeks, sat down and stood up, stood up and sat down, it was very difficult, at this time, the two daughters of Huang Rong and Mu Nianci finally brought out a wooden plate with smiles on their faces, put it on the table, and put it on the plate. Three bowls of white rice, a wine glass, and two large bowls of dishes on another plate.


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Chapter 1221 Two female apprentices, dog-beating stick method

Liu Xu only felt sweet and tangy, and it was indescribably comfortable. He saw that one bowl was roasted beef strips, but the aroma was strong, and there was nothing special about it. There are seven or eight pieces of pink petals floating, and the bottom is lined with young bamboo shoots, red, white and green, bright and dazzling, and the fragrance of lotus leaves is in the soup. I think this clear soup is made of lotus leaves up.

Huang Rong poured wine into the glass, put it in front of Hong Qigong, and said with a smile: "Qigong, how about you try my handicraft? Are you satisfied?"

Hong Qigong didn't wait for Huang Rong to say the second sentence, and he didn't drink any alcohol. He picked up two beef strips with his chopsticks and put them in his mouth. , or plump and tender, or sweet and crisp, the flavors are diverse and changeable, just like the endless moves of martial arts masters, which are unpredictable.

Hong Qigong was full of surprises. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that each piece of beef was composed of four small strips of meat.

Hong Qigong couldn't stop eating beef strips, drinking fresh soup, and didn't even have time to drink wine. He opened his mouth and had no time to answer Huang Rong's question, until there was only a tenth or two left in the two bowls, and then he said: "Well, I'm satisfied. Apart from the delicious mandarin duck and five delicacies in the palace, this meal is considered the best, hehe..."

Liu Xu joked with a smile: "Did Qi Gong go uninvited?"

Hong Qigong laughed and said: "You baby, not bad! I hid on the beam of the imperial kitchen for three months, and I will give him a taste of every dish that the emperor eats. It’s not good, let the emperor eat it by himself. The people in the imperial kitchen are suspicious, and they all said the fox!"

When everyone heard what Hong Qigong said, they all burst into laughter.

Liu Xu even smiled and said: "If Qigong really likes the mandarin duck and five precious dumplings, you can let me know when you go to Lin'an in the future, and I will invite you to taste it every day."

Hong Qigong didn't take it seriously, and said to Liu Xu with a smile: "Baby, let's talk about it later! But you two daughters-in-law are the best in the world in cooking, and you will be blessed in this life. Damn it, I Why didn't I meet such a capable woman when I was young?"

The words seem to be deeply regretful.

Liu Xu joked: "Qi Gong gave in. Fortunately, the boy is not bad looking, and he is lucky, otherwise I will be like you in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, Huang Rong and Mu Nianci were extremely ashamed, while Hong Qigong burst out laughing.

After everyone finished eating, Mu Nianci stood still from the table, bowed to Hong Qigong and said, "Qigong, do you remember teaching a little girl Kung Fu for three days in Hetang Village, Lin'an Prefecture?"

Hong Qigong was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he smiled and said, "So it's you, a little doll! You've grown up so much in a blink of an eye, and you already have lovers."

When Mu Nianci heard Hong Qigong's teasing, his face flushed with shame.

Hong Qigong rubbed his stomach with a smile, and said: "You three dolls are good at martial arts, I've seen it for a long time! The two dolls have put in so much effort to prepare such a good dish for me. They must be uneasy and kind. I have to teach you a few hands. Well, after eating these good things, it’s really unreasonable not to teach a few hands. But this smart kid’s kung fu is very good, even my old beggar can’t tell the depth, it must be a I'm a master of one against one, I really don't know what to teach a smart baby!"

At this time Liu Xu said: "I don't need Qigong to worry about it. I have learned a lot myself, so I won't learn it before I am proficient, but my two ladies still look to Qigong for advice."

This time it wasn't that Liu Xu was being polite, but that Hong Qigong, the northern beggar, had the best martial arts skills, namely Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and Dog Beating Stick.

He has always used weapons, and he has practiced the Dugu Nine Swords, and he also has a lot of kung fu in the outer sect of the Nine Yin Manual, so the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms become dispensable. As for the dog beating stick method Liu Xu is practical Not interested.

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Hong Qigong pointed to him and said, "Forget it, since I ate your daughter-in-law's cooking, what's the point of me teaching them martial arts? But I have a question, your own martial arts, It is also the pinnacle of the world, except for a few of us old guys, it can be said that we can already walk sideways in the rivers and lakes, why don't we teach them?"

"There are too many skills to overwhelm you! And I know myself, so it's okay to ask me to practice martial arts by myself, but when it comes to teaching martial arts, I'm really not very good at it." Liu Xu explained to him with a smile on his face that most of his martial arts are With the halo of traveling, you can achieve it overnight, and if you want to teach others indiscriminately, there will definitely be problems.

"In that case, come, come, come with me." After pointing to Huang Rong and Mu Nianci, Hong Qigong lifted the gourd and bamboo stick, got up and left.


In a pine forest outside the town, under the shade of the trees, there are two rattan chairs and two cups of tea.

One old and one young, squinting their eyes slightly, looked at the two young girls not far away, with exquisite footwork on their feet, like fairy dance steps, holding a bamboo stick in their hands, practicing a set of stick skills.

"Beat the dog's head with a stick", "cut the dog's buttocks", "take the stick from the mouth of the mastiff", "beat two dogs with a stick"...

Huang Rong and Mu Nianci kept on walking, and after using a whole set of dog beating sticks, they walked up to Hong Qigong panting and said: "Master, Rong'er, Nianci has finished beating."

Two days ago, Huang Rong and Mu Nianci had learned martial arts from Hong Qigong, and even worshiped Hong Qigong as their teacher.

Originally, according to Liu Xu's intention, Huang Rong and Mu Nianci made delicious food for Hong Qigong, and Hong Qigong taught them martial arts, but after the two girls found out, they were resolutely unwilling, and they must worship Hong Qigong as their teacher.

They don't think that the few meals they cook are better than others' excellent skills. If they learn without a teacher, don't they take advantage of Hong Qigong?

Seeing their insistence, Hong Qigong also took advantage of the situation to accept these two disciples. Anyway, let him take in two apprentices who are so good at cooking, Hong Qigong couldn't wish for it!

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