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Chapter 1222 Subduing Dragon Palm, Qiu Qianzhang

Hong Qigong looked at Huang Rong and Mu Nianci in amazement and said, "Ah, you two girls are really smart, you have already learned how to do it after watching me play a few times, unlike some Humans are as stupid as a rock. My God! The biggest failure in my life is to accept that silly boy as an apprentice!"

"Old man, you have another apprentice, who is it?" Although Liu Xu was asking, he already knew the answer in his heart.

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Hong Qigong said angrily: "It's a stupid boy named Guo Jing. I just accepted him a few days ago. Every time I watch him practice, I almost vomit blood because of his anger. Hmph, if I didn't watch other people It’s not bad, and he’s willing to work hard, I’ve kicked him out of the school long ago.”

"You think my second brother is so bad, why did you accept him?" Liu Xu sighed inwardly, and it really was that kid Guo Jing.

After hearing Liu Xu's words, Hong Qigong asked a little strangely: "Huh? Why, do you know Guo Jing?"

Liu Xu explained to Hong Qigong: "Of course, I'm that kid's sworn brother. I met him a few months ago!"

"Oh, so that's the case. I didn't teach him the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms." Hong Qigong explained, "It was actually a coincidence that I accepted him. That day..."

It turned out that that kid Guo Jing was worthy of being the protagonist in the original novel, and his luck was invincible. Even because of Liu Xu's relationship, he has now been reduced from the protagonist to a supporting role.

At first, Liu Xu thought that without Huang Rong from the original novel by his side, Guo Jing would have been so soy sauce, and it would be impossible for him to learn any powerful martial arts. Unexpectedly, in the end, he still learned the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.

When Guo Jing first returned to the Central Plains, he was thrown off a cliff because Huang Rong from the original book was not with him.

But after falling off the cliff, not only did Guo Jing not fall to his death, but he also let him find a martial arts secret book at the bottom of the cliff, Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.

Hearing this, Liu Xu felt that his brain was short-circuited. He found the secret technique of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms at the bottom of the cliff. the cliff.

Later, by coincidence, Guo Jing saved the lives of several beggars.

And these were all seen by Hong Qigong passing by.

Of course, that's fine, because of this alone, Hong Qigong wouldn't accept Guo Jing as his apprentice, but when he saved people, he used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms he learned at the bottom of the cliff.

After Hong Qigong inquired about Guo Jing's experience, he felt that he was related to himself and the Beggar Gang, so he accepted him as his disciple and began to teach him the real Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

In Guo Jing's hands, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms he had learned and practiced by himself were the most for subduing snakes, and Hong Qigong couldn't stand it at all.

However, because there was no food temptation from Huang Rong, after Hong Qigong taught Guo Jing the first ten palms of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms in more than ten days, he left because he couldn't bear his dullness.

Thinking of the maddening experience of teaching Guo Jing to practice martial arts, Hong Qigong yelled: "Oh my God! That kid is really stupid."

"My second brother is actually not very stupid, it's just that he is a bit wise and stupid." Liu Xu defended Guo Daxia from the side.

After all, if Guo Jing was really an idiot, it would be impossible to practice Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms in the end.

"Okay, whether he is stupid or wise or stupid, it has nothing to do with us now." Hong Qigong said to them while standing up: "For us, the most important thing now is to go back quickly and eat meat. Delicious dishes prepared by two little girls, Er and Nianci."

As he spoke, he took the lead and walked in front, while Liu Xu and Huang Rong Mu Nianci followed behind him after looking at each other and smiling.

After being with Liu Xu and Huang Rong and Mu Nianci for more than ten days, Hong Qigong taught Huang Rong and Mu Nianci all the martial arts he could teach, and then he left without saying goodbye.

For Hong Qigong, it was impossible for him to stay in one place for a long time.

If it weren't for Huang Rong and Mu Nianci's cooking skills, the old man would have patted his ass and left long ago.

However, in the end, Liu Xu also learned the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon. In Hong Qigong's words, that boy Guo Jing will teach Liu Xu in the future, and his family doesn't want to teach him martial arts anymore.


After parting with Hong Qigong, the three of Liu Xu traveled to the mountains and rivers along the way, went south along the canal, and arrived in Yixing that day.

Going further eastward, I soon arrived at the edge of Taihu Lake.

Huang Rong said, "Brother Xu, let's go play in the lake!"

Liu Xu and Mu Nianci naturally had no objections.

The three of them found a fishing village by the lake, left their donkeys and horses at the fisherman's house, and borrowed a small boat. As soon as they arrived at the lake, they saw a crowd of people yelling and shouting.

"Wow! That's amazing. Is this still a human being? Isn't the iron cylinder in his hand too big? It weighs at least a few thousand catties!" said Passer-by A.

"Ha, I haven't seen it yet, he is a master of martial arts." Passer-by B replied.

"A master?" Liu Xu couldn't help being a little curious. You must know that there are only a few people who can be called masters in front of him in today's world of eagle shooting.

He glanced and saw a person in the distance by the lake, with a big vat on his head, his appearance was extremely strange.

With Liu Xu's eyesight, he naturally and easily saw that it was an old man with white beard, wearing a yellow kudzu blouse, waving a big cattail fan in his right hand, walking lightly and quickly towards the lake.

The vat was made of pig iron, it was huge, it looked like it weighed at least a thousand catties, but the old man held it with one hand like nothing.

He swayed his body slightly, and suddenly some water poured out of the tank, it turned out that the tank was full of Qing Dynasty, and the weight of nearly a hundred catties had to be added.

The old man came to the lake and looked around.

Everyone in the audience thought: "There is no bridge here. See if he is going east or west?"

Only Liu Xu knew about the old man, and the old man would definitely "float" over the lake with the big tank in his hand.

Liu Xu couldn't be happier when he saw the old man's appearance just now. This is funny and fiercely dressed. In the whole world of eagle shooting, I am afraid that except for Qiu Qianzhang, a bluff and swindler, he can no longer find the first one. There are two.


Chapter 1223 Guo Jing, this is your sister-in-law, Huang Rong

"Hahahaha..." Liu Xu laughed, jumped up, and arrived in a few strides. Behind Qiu Qianzhang, he clasped his fists at him and said, "Xiaosheng is a newcomer to the rivers and lakes known as 'Jade Face Little White Dragon'." , I saw that senior is so heroic today, could it be that he is known as the great hero Qiu, senior Qiu?"

"Hey! How did you know about this old man, you little doll? I haven't walked around the rivers and lakes for more than [-] years." When Qiu Qianzhang saw someone recognized him, he stroked the beard around his mouth and pretended to be The appearance of immortal style.

"Sure enough, it's Senior Qiu. This junior learned about Senior's demeanor from Master Quanzhen Ma Yu. His tutor once said that Senior's lightness kung fu is the best in the world. I'm lucky to see you today. You must show the juniors a lesson!"

Seeing Liu Xu's fanatical expression, Qiu Qianzhang felt complacent, and secretly thought that this was another fan of his younger brother.

"It turned out to be Ma Yu's apprentice. Well, I'll let you, a junior, see it today."

"Relying on the old and selling the old, I want you to cry later."

Liu Xu looked at Qiu Qianzhang who walked to the lake, his eyes flashed.

Qiu Qianzhang jumped and just landed on a wooden stake in the lake. The lake water only soaked up to his calves. From a distance, he seemed to be floating on the water.

Except for Liu Xu who knew he was lying, everyone on the shore exclaimed.

Seeing him walking towards the opposite bank step by step, Liu Xu twitched the corners of his mouth, and said in a low voice: "Damn it, this guy is fooling too much, right? Walking freely on the lake with such a big tank, I thought You are a master of Shattered Void, so there should be a limit to deceiving people, right?"

And Liu Xu was very skeptical, did this old man spend the whole night fixing stakes in the lake, so he could perform the lightness skill of floating on the water for himself today?


Seeing that Qiu Qianzhang was about to walk to the other side triumphantly, Liu Xu laughed a few times, picked up a small stone on the ground, and shot it out of his hand with a puff, hitting his heel just right.


With a scream, Qiu Qianzhang disappeared on the water, leaving only a large water tank floating on the lake.

The glasses of the spectators on both sides of the river were broken all over the floor, their mouths were wide open, and the old man with a long beard fluttering just now, holding a large tank in his hand, he looked like a master of the world. Walking on the waves like walking on the water, now it has suddenly disappeared.

Especially the few teenagers on the other side of the lake, two of them saw that Qiu Qianzhang was approaching them, and just wanted to say: "The old man's magical skills are unrivaled for generations to come, and I admire them very much."

But he saw that the miraculous old man had already entered the lake to feed the fish, and after a while, there was still no movement on the water.

"The old man drowned, right? That would be no fun."

With a thought in mind, Liu Xu also jumped and landed on the wooden stakes covered by the water in the lake. After a few strides, he floated to the other side of the lake in an instant.


It was another burst of amazement, at first it was the old man with a sense of demeanor, but now this young man is so powerful.

Just as Liu Xu landed on the opposite bank, there were two teenagers walking towards him.

Taking a closer look, Liu Xu was slightly surprised.

Because one of the two teenagers is Guo Jing, I didn't expect him, the cheap second brother, to be here.

Guo Jing's eyes lit up when he saw Liu Xu, and he said happily, "Brother, it turned out to be you."

At this time, Huang Rong and Mu Nianci had already rowed over, and Liu Xu introduced the two girls, "Ronger Nianci, this is the second younger brother Guo Jing I mentioned to you; second brother, this is your second brother." A sister-in-law, Huang Rong and Mu Nianci."

Guo Jing looked at the two daughters Huang Rong and Mu Nianci in surprise. He didn't expect such a beautiful woman, but when he heard Liu Xu say that this was his sister-in-law, he quickly called out sister-in-law obediently.

Huang Rong was amused, but Mu Nianci buried her head in Liu Xu's arms in shame and dared not come out.

"Oops, we forgot about that old senior. He hasn't come up from the lake for so long, can't he know how to water? I'll go down first and have a look. No matter what he looks like, that old senior seems to be visiting our Guiyun Manor what!"

At this time, the brother who was with Guo Jing finally woke up from the beauty of Huang Rong and Mu Nianci said.

Liu Xu watched Lu Guanying start to take off his clothes, ready to go into the water to catch people, and thought in his heart: "No way, could it be that Xi Qianzhang really didn't know how to water, so he just drowned like this? It's impossible in theory, he is the number one shooter. What a fool, if he goes to the Spring Festival Gala, Zhao Benshan will have to be laid off!"

At this moment, there was a loud bang, water splashed everywhere, and Xi Qianzhang had jumped onto the pier.


Everyone was surprised, and saw that Xi Qianzhang, who had been in the lake for a long time, walked towards everyone energetically, but Sihao was short of breath.

"Haha, the old man's internal energy has already been practiced to the point where man and nature are one, and he has already mastered the inner breath." Qiu Qianzhang said proudly: "When I usually practice, I stay underwater for seven days and seven nights. I just fell into the lake on purpose just now, so that Just wait and see the old man's miraculous skills."

After hearing his words, Liu Xu had the urge to faint.

It turned out that the old man deliberately stayed in the lake for a long time, just to cover up his inexplicable fall into the lake and almost missed the bottom, so that man and nature are one?This cheek, this cheek... speechless...

Lu Guanying and Guo Jing cupped their hands in admiration and said, "Senior is really a god."

Although Liu Xu seems to be very powerful, but his appearance is not as good as this old man with a sense of demeanor.

Hearing what Qiu Qianzhang said, all the doubts in his heart just now disappeared, and he was annoyed that he should not have blasphemed an expert.

Suddenly, Lu Guanying asked without warning: "My father received a strange gift today, does senior know about it?"

Qiu Qianzhang said, "What strange gift?"

Lu Guanying said: "It's a dead man's skull with five holes on the top of the head."


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