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Chapter 1226 Mei Chaofeng Looks Alright

After hearing this, Huang Yaoshi looked up to the sky with a smile, and said: "Okay, okay, you are a little courageous if you dare to say it in front of me."

Immediately, his face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "I will give you a chance to kill this woman immediately, and I will promise Rong'er to you. If you don't want to, I will kill you."

"Daddy, how could you do this?" Huang Rong called out before Liu Xu could answer.

"Impossible, I will not give up either of them, I want both."

"What, are you not afraid that I will kill you immediately?" Huang Yaoshi said murderously.

"So what, is it because of this that I should bow down to you, even betraying my lover." Liu Xu said confidently to Huang Yaoshi: "Besides, you won't kill me either. "

Upon hearing this, Huang Yaoshi's eyes flashed with a sense of amusement and inexplicability, and he said strangely, "Why didn't I kill you?"

"Nonsense, if you kill me, your daughter won't be a widow for the rest of her life."

"I thought you had some reason! After I kill you, I can just marry my daughter to someone else. I have already given you a chance. If you refuse, you can die!" Huang Yaoshi said. Before he could react, Liu Xu was hit like a gust of wind.

Liu Xu blinked his eyes, and Huang Yaoshi had already arrived in front of his eyes, and the palm of Luoying's Excalibur struck him.

He was busy with his Xiantian skills and struck out a palm, the two palmed each other, and each took a few steps back.

"Ah!" Two exclamations sounded.

Mu Nianci hurriedly ran towards Liu Xu, who took a few steps back, but Huang Rong burst into tears, threw herself in front of Huang Yaoshi, stretched out her hand to stop him and said, "Rong'er, you are not allowed to kill Brother Xu, you are not allowed to kill Brother Xu, Rong'er I hate my father..."

"Okay... okay, that kid is fine." Seeing that his daughter had a tendency to run away, Huang Yaoshi hurriedly comforted her.

"Boy, what are you thinking about now? Do you want to marry Rong'er, or should I really slap you again?"

Before Liu Xu could speak, Mu Nianci stepped in front of him, and said with a sad expression: "Senior Huang, please don't make things difficult for elder brother, if it's just to make sister Rong'er happy, then kill Nianci! "

"Oh!" Huang Yaoshi glanced at his daughter's rival in love in surprise, nodded in approval and said, "You are a good girl, but I just don't know what qualifications someone has to marry you two at the same time?"

As he spoke, he squinted at Liu Xu.

"Whether I am qualified to marry Nian Ci and Rong'er is up to you! I like Rong'er and Nian Ci, and they like me too, so what if I want to marry them? You old bastard who is full and supporting yourself, it's okay." What are you doing to meddle in your own business?"

"You boy dare to scold me. I, Huang Laoxie, have not dared to scold me for decades. You want to die, don't you?" Huang Yaoshi laughed back angrily.

"So what if I scold you? If you weren't Rong'er's father, I would still beat you!"

"Hahahahaha, good! I like your kid's temperament. If you were submissive to me just now, Huang Laoxie will take Rong'er and leave without saying a word."


However, if you say a thousand words and ten thousand words, in the end, you still have to see the truth.

Would Huang Laoxie really marry his daughter to an empty talker?

Fortunately, Liu Xu refreshed Huang Yaoshi's three views in minutes with Dugu Nine Swords.

As for the grievances between Mei Chaofeng and the Jiangnan Seven Monsters, Huang Yaoshi didn't even bother to interfere with his seniority.

As for Guiyun Village, Liu Xu came forward in the end and asked Huang Yaoshi to take Lu Chengfeng back under his sect with the Nine Yin Manual as a gift.

The ending can be described as a happy ending.


Huang Yaoshi took Huang Rong's hand and said, "Girl, come back with me first."

"Daddy!" Huang Rong looked at Liu Xu reluctantly.

"Silly girl, can't you wait for a month?" Huang Yaoshi said.

"Hahaha!" Liu Xu laughed and said, "Thank you father-in-law, my son-in-law will definitely come to Peach Blossom Island to propose in a month's time."

"Boy, it's too early to call me father-in-law. You gave me the 'Nine Yin Manual'. Don't blame me for not reminding you. You must come to Peach Blossom Island in a month. Ouyang Feng didn't He sent someone and sent me a letter, saying that he would come to propose marriage to his nephew in a month."

For Liu Xu, Huang Yaoshi was generally satisfied. Even if he didn't take out the "Nine Yin Manual", Huang Yaoshi would tell him the news just by relying on the unpredictable "Dugu Nine Swords".

What, it's that wimpy Ouyang Ke again, last time he was slapped with a black iron sword, Ouyang Ke should burn incense if he recovered his life, and dare to hit his brother's wife?

After Huang Yaoshi left, no one suppressed Mei Chaofeng, and immediately rushed to the Jiangnan Seven Monsters, fighting with them.

Although Mei Chaofeng's martial arts are excellent, but after all, two punches are no match for four legs, and besides, she is blind.

In the end, Liu Xu couldn't stand it anymore, and rescued Mei Chaofeng who was gradually losing.

A few self-proclaimed heroes bullied a blind woman. Just now when Huang Yaoshi was around, they didn't dare to fart, not even Qiu Qianzhang. Now that their master is gone, they immediately jumped out and shouted to kill.

However, in the final analysis, the reason why Liu Xu made a move, in the final analysis, was because of...

Cough, to be honest, Mei Chaofeng looks pretty good.

After all, Yang Liping played it!

"Well, I, Ke Zhen'e, am really not only blind, but also blind in my heart. I don't want Liu Shaoxia to join forces with the notorious female devil who everyone wants to punish. I, Ke Zhen'e, really have something for Jinger." It’s shameful for someone like you to be a big brother.”

Ke Zhen'e pretends to be righteous and hates Mei Chaofeng extremely, so in his opinion, no one who gets involved with Mei Chaofeng is a good thing.

Since Ke Zhen'e was in the original book, he just suspected that Guo Jing was learning martial arts from Mei Chaofeng, so he knew it was about to kill him.

"Hmph, that sounds nice. You are dissatisfied with Mei Chaofeng. When Huang Yaoshi was around, why didn't you dare to lose your temper with him? I'm young and easy to bully, right?" Liu Xu threw the black iron epee in his hand hard. With a thrust on the ground, he snorted coldly.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1227 Climbing to Peach Blossom Island, Entering the Peach Blossom Formation

This hum full of internal energy made even Mei Chao feel dizzy for a while, and the Jiangnan Seven Monsters were so unbearable that they almost vomited blood.

"Hero Ke, you're getting old, you'd better keep your mouth clean."

After confirming that the elder brothers were fine, Han Xiaoying let out a coquettish cry, picked up the long sword, and slashed at Liu Xu, but was easily caught between his two fingers.

Han Xiaoying tried her best to break free, but she couldn't move.

"Hehehe, what are you doing, beautiful girl?" Liu Xu smiled and said, "It's not good to chop with that sword!"

"Seventh Sister is back." Ke Zhen'e yelled.

Han Xiaoying glared at Liu Xu and walked back to her side.

"Let's go." Ke Zhen'e understood that he was definitely not Liu Xu's opponent, since he was on Mei Chaofeng's side, he was only humiliating himself by staying.

Seeing the seven monsters in the south of the Yangtze River leave, Mei Chaofeng ignored his internal injuries and Lu Chengfeng's persuasion, jumped out of the gate with lightness kung fu, and floated away.

Five days after leaving Guiyunzhuang, Liu Xu sang modern ditties and headed for Zhoushan on the East China Sea.

Although it was still early in time, ever since he heard that Ouyang Feng and Ouyang Ke would also go to Peach Blossom Island, he had always had a thorn in his heart, wishing to be given wings so that he could go to Peach Blossom Island one step earlier.

As for Mu Nianci, Liu Xu has already escorted her back to the Ancient Tomb Sect by the people from Yuelai Inn. After all, she brought a woman with her when she went to other people's house to ask for a marriage. Isn't that just looking for a beating?

"Sister Rong'er, your elder brother Xu is here, we will meet again soon, this time I will definitely eat you up, hehehe..."

Liu Xu arrived at the shore of Zhoushan, but found many boatmen, but no one was willing to take him to Peach Blossom Island.

It wasn't until this time that Liu Xu remembered that the people on the beach here are afraid of Peach Blossom Island like snakes and scorpions, and they dare not approach the island within forty miles.

Liu Xu scolded Huang Yaoshi in his heart for being a poor character, but he couldn't even find a boat now.

"No one took me there, I'll get a boat myself, who wants to take your old antique boats! Fortunately, I have the foresight, otherwise I will be in trouble today."


Near a small island in the East China Sea, an extremely luxurious large ship is slowly moving, and there are several warships escorting the large ship.

On that luxurious big ship, I saw a handsome young man wearing a white scholar's uniform lying on the bow, and the big ship and several surrounding warships were full of soldiers.

The one lying on the luxurious ship is of course our Yushu Linfeng, Liu Xu who fascinates thousands of girls.

It turned out that as early as when he was still in Lin'an, Liu Xu used the name of his cheap master to propose several strategies for rejuvenating the country to Li Zong. One was to rectify the navy, develop sea power, and at the same time let the navy go to sea to open up the Maritime Silk Road. Raise military expenditures for future wars with the Kingdom of Jin and Mongolia.

So there are warships of the Song Dynasty everywhere along the coast. On that day, Liu Xu couldn't find a ship willing to take him to Peach Blossom Island, so he went to the nearby naval station to show his identity, so there were these warships and Soldier.

As for Liu Xu's luxurious big ship, it was originally built by the navy for the future emperor and military ministers to inspect the navy. As King Liu Xurong, it would be easy to come here, and this is how it is now.

"This is cool enough, handsome enough!"

"I want to scare Huang Laoxie to death, ashamed Ouyang Feng and Ouyang Ke to death, and fascinated sister Rong'er to death..."



Peach Blossom Island was not far away, Liu Xu did not let the warship land on the island, but only brought a few soldiers at the helm to drive the luxurious big ship to Peach Blossom Island.

Near the island, Liu Xu could smell the scent of flowers in the sea breeze. From a distance, the peach blossom island is lush, green, red, yellow, purple, white, colorful, and the end is full of flowers, which are fascinating.

"Rong'er, I'm here."

Thinking that he was about to see Huang Rong, Liu Xu was so excited that he ordered the soldiers on board to stop the big boat on the shore, and then jumped aboard with a loud cry.

His voice was carried far away by the internal force, and it lasted for a long time.

"What are you yelling, you came here quickly, let's talk about it after breaking through the peach blossom forest! It's not so easy to marry my daughter. If you don't let you suffer, how can you be worthy of Rong'er's status."

As soon as Liu Xu finished calling, Huang Yaoshi immediately replied.

Both of them have extremely strong internal energy, although the distance between the two is still very far away, it does not hinder their conversation.

"Huang Laoxie, are you married to your daughter? Would you like to invite my old naughty boy to have a wedding wine too?"

As soon as Huang Yaoshi finished speaking, a voice came from the peach blossom forest.

Just by listening to the voice, one could tell that his master's skill was not much inferior to Liu Xu and Huang Yaoshi, and he was already an innate master.

Seeing that Huang Yaoshi ignored him, the voice turned to Liu Xu and said, "Boy outside the Peach Blossom Forest, come in quickly! The old urchin is in the Peach Blossom Forest! Hahaha..."

Liu Xu looked at the peach blossom formation, where yin and yang open and close, and heaven and earth are reversed. There are trails in the southeast, north, and west.

Liu Xu is omnipotent with five visions, and the formations in martial arts novels are basically useless to him.

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