He glanced sharply, he was already thinking about it, smiled slightly, and said loudly: "Although this flower formation is wonderful, it is ultimately a death formation. If you want to stop me with this, I'm afraid it will be a bit worse."

After all, he ran into the flower array.

I saw Liu Xu swaying in the middle of the flowers, and disappeared for a moment. He walked towards the island in a zigzag way. Sometimes the path was broken. After circling back and forth for a few turns, the path became clearer as I walked.

Liu Xu walked faster and faster, and as soon as he turned a corner, a cluster of white flowers suddenly appeared in front of him, stacked one above another, like a small lake made of white flowers under the moonlight, and there was a high bulge among the white flowers.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1228 How can I defeat the Immortal Sword if I don’t know how to walk the maze...

Liu Xu walked to the raised height, and it turned out to be a stone tomb, and the tombstone in front of the tomb was engraved with eleven large characters "the tomb where Feng's family, the heroine of Peach Blossom Island", was engraved.

"This must be Rong'er's mother." He glanced at the grave, "Since you have come to propose, the future mother-in-law will still pay homage to her."

At that moment, Liu Xu bowed three times.

Afterwards, Liu Xu went into the bushes again. After walking for a while, he turned around a hill, and a large grassland appeared in front of him. To the north of the grassland was a row of bamboo forests.

There is a pavilion made of bamboo branches in the bamboo forest. The banner on the pavilion can be clearly seen in the sunlight. It is the three characters "Jicui Pavilion", and there are couplets hanging on both sides, which are exactly "the sword is flying in the shadow of the peach blossom, and the tide is born in the blue sea". Yuxiao" those two sentences.

I saw Huang Yaoshi sitting on a bamboo chair in the hall, holding the Nine Yin Manual in his hand as if trying to figure out the artistic conception in it, and Huang Rong, who hadn't seen him for a long time, was standing beside Huang Yaoshi.

When Liu Xu walked into the Jicui Pavilion, Huang Yaoshi put down the Nine Yin Manual and said to Liu Xu: "Boy, I never thought that you are also proficient in strange arts, so you can come here."

Liu Xu smiled evilly, and said to himself: "How can you beat the fairy sword if you don't know how to navigate the maze..."

At this time, Huang Rong, who was beside Huang Yaoshi, called Liu Xu's name, threw herself into his arms, hugged Liu Xu's neck, laughed and danced.

Huang Rong smiled and said, "Father, why are you making things difficult for Brother Liu?"

Huang Yaoshi said unhappily: "This kid is so capable, why should I lead him in?"

Liu Xu stepped forward and saluted, "Junior pay homage to Island Master Huang!"

That day, Liu Xu settled down on Peach Blossom Island.

Sleeping until midnight, Liu Xu was awakened by Huang Yaoshi's Bihai Chaosheng song.

It turned out that Huang Yaoshi and Zhou Botong were fighting each other.

After thinking about it, Liu Xu got up and went out, heading towards the place where the howling sound came from.

"Island Master Huang, since you have obtained the entire Nine Yin Manual and fulfilled your wish, you don't have to trap him anymore!" Liu Xu said in a voice.

Since he is the head teacher of the Quanzhen Sect, Zhou Botong is also his uncle, so Liu Xu can't pretend not to see it.

"Hmph!" Huang Yaoshi glanced at Liu Xu, snorted and left.

Liu Xu heard the snoring and knew that Huang Yaoshi had already been transported, so he walked over slowly.

The place was densely populated with flowers and trees, although there was a bright moon in the sky, the moonlight was blocked by dense branches and leaves, so it couldn't penetrate. It was only when he was a few feet away from Zhou Botong that he could vaguely see his face.

When Liu Xu saw him, he was taken aback.

I saw that old naughty boy with long hair, hanging straight to the ground, with long eyebrows and beard, covering his nose and mouth. At this time, the moonlight shone down from the flowers and trees, and his face was covered with flowers.

The hair on the head is gray, not completely white, but it has not been shaved for many years, and it looks like a wild velvet, which is very scary.

"This old naughty boy is too unkempt!"

Zhou Botong woke up with his breath and suddenly saw a handsome young man appearing in front of him, he was extremely happy.

Zhou Botong had been in Peach Blossom Island for so many years, and this was the first time he saw people from outside the island, and they looked much more fun than those dumb and deaf people on Peach Blossom Island.

Zhou Botong put on a funny face and jumped towards him.

"Ah, little brother, you are the person in the daytime! Hahahaha!! Finally someone came to relieve the old naughty boy. Those deaf and dumb people in Peach Blossom Island wouldn't talk to me at all. That's great, ahhahahahaha..."

After speaking, he put his hands on his waist and laughed again, as if he suddenly picked up a five million lottery ticket on the ground.

"That's right, that's right, little brother, who are you? Why did you come to Peach Blossom Island? Oh! I know, you are here to find Huang Laoxie's precious daughter, anyway, you are definitely not here to find Huang Laoxie's ice cube Yes, I'm so smart..."

Seeing the old naughty boy jumping around beside him, nagging non-stop, with a very funny expression on his face, like a child playing with others, Liu Xu suddenly felt that his mood had also changed for the better. .

Although he knew that Zhou Botong was nominally his uncle, the new head teacher of the Quanzhen Sect, but he also knew that he couldn't talk about seniority at all, so he couldn't be treated with common sense.

Sit on the ground.Liu Xu asked, "Are you the ancestor of the old urchin Zhou Botong's Quanzhen sect, and the younger brother of Wang Chongyang, number one in the world?"

"Ah ha ha... that's right, my name is the old urchin Zhou Botong. Now that you know me, tell me what your name is, why don't we play later!" asked.

"My name is Liu Xu, but if you say you are an old naughty boy, you are fine. I heard that the old naughty boy is very good at martial arts. I want to fight you."

"Okay, okay, fight and fight, the old naughty boy likes to play fighting the most."

The old naughty boy was so happy that he attacked before Liu Xu could reply.

Seeing him attacking, Liu Xu didn't say a word, and hit "Kanglong Youhui" in the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon with his backhand.


After blocking Liu Xu's palm, Zhou Botong yelled, jumped to the side, and shouted: "Little brother, why do you know the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms of the old beggar? Are you his apprentice?"

"Let's talk after you fight! You'll be more and more surprised when you fight..."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Xu suddenly jumped up from the ground, and hit Zhou Botong's Yuexiong with the move "Juyang Kaihuo" in Wang Chongyang's innate skill.

The inner strength unique to innate skills gushes out.

"Ah! It's innate skills! How do you know my senior brother's martial arts?" Zhou Botong would be more surprised when he heard what Liu Xu said.

"It's all said and done." Liu Xu laughed.

"Okay, let's talk after the fight is over." Zhou Botong was addicted to martial arts, and now he was happy to see Lie, so he quickly threw out a Kongming fist, which met Liu Xu's single palm.

The fight between the two, one is fierce at times and soft at the other, but it is hard to guard against, and the other has long beard and long hair flying around, but his moves seem to be illusions and real.

Occasionally, the strength generated by a head-on encounter would cause the ground to crack for a while, and the surrounding peach blossom trees were also toppled one by one by the two of them.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1229 Fortunately, I didn't sleep with my wife...

In Liu Xu's Nine Yin Manual, he used the palm of the heart, the white bone claw of the Nine Yin, and even performed the Nine Swords of Dugu with his hand instead of a sword, which made Zhou Botong exclaim that it was wonderful.

Zhou Botong probably had no one to fight with him for a long time, and he also used all his unique skills. Although the quality was not as good as Liu Xu's, he was much more proficient than him.

Excitement flashed in the eyes of the two, and the fight became more and more intense.


The old naughty boy shouted: "Huh, no more!"

When Liu Xu used the Nine Yin Manual and the Nine Yang Divine Art together, Zhou Botong couldn't hold it anymore.

Panting, he walked into the cave, looking very embarrassed, and muttered in his mouth: "Old naughty boy, I was exhausted just now, and I want to sleep, boy, just stay there and don't disturb my clear dream. "

Seeing Zhou Botong changing what he was saying, Liu Xu found it very funny.

The next day, Liu Xu was in a daze, half asleep and half awake.

Suddenly, a loud roar sounded in his ears.


Liu Xu shivered in reflex, and instinctively struck in the direction of the sound.


The old naughty boy yelled, jumped to the side, and shouted: "Little brother, don't hit me, I'm just playing with you! Hehehe, were you startled just now?"

"Old naughty boy, it's very immoral for you to disturb people's dreams. What's the matter?" Liu Xu rolled his eyes, "Fortunately, he didn't sleep with his wife..."

Zhou Botong looked around Liu Xu several times, and suddenly winked and said: "Little brother, how can you have so many powerful martial arts? Even my senior brother's innate skills? The old naughty boy thought for a long time, and he thought that you would not be a A thief! The kind that specializes in stealing other people's martial arts? Haha, it's fun, why didn't the old naughty boy think of learning martial arts secretly!"

"You can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. My martial arts..." Liu Xu talked about how he learned innate skills, as well as his relationship with Quanzhen Sect and Wang Chongyang, and finally added, " Don't think about me calling you Shishu, if Qiu Chuji and Ma Yu insisted on me being the Quanzhen Headmaster, I wouldn't do it either."

"Understood, my old naughty boy also hates those seniority things the most. Boys like Ma Yu, I get annoyed when I see them!" Zhou Botong agreed.

Suddenly, he salivated and said to Liu Xu: "Little brother, can you teach me all these powerful martial arts? I don't know why, but senior brother doesn't teach me innate skills. At worst, I can worship you as my teacher..."

Liu Xu pushed away Zhou Botong's face, and said, "Old naughty boy, the master of Xiantian Kungfu said he can't teach you, so I won't teach you. If you want to learn the Nine Yin Manual, you can."

Hearing this, the old naughty boy shook his head again and again, and said sadly: "I really want to learn the Nine Yin Manual, but my brother won't let me learn it! I have to listen to my brother, wow..."

As he spoke, he burst into tears on the ground.

"Hahaha, what can't you learn? I'm also a Quanzhen disciple, so I haven't learned it yet." Liu Xu said.

"It's fine after you learn it. Since senior brother even taught you the innate skills, he should also learn the Nine Yin Manual for you." The old naughty boy thought he was smart.

What logic is this!

Liu Xu was sweating!

"Hey, I have a method that allows you to be number one in the world even if you don't learn the Nine Yin Manual." Liu Xu paused, and said to the old naughty boy, "Do you want to know?"

When the old urchin heard this, he stopped messing around immediately, his eyes lit up, and he said eagerly, "Think about it, little brother, tell me quickly."

After all, he stood aside like a good baby, listening to the following statement with a motionless face full of longing.

"But after I tell you, you have to teach me all your martial arts!"

"Okay, okay!" The old urchin nodded without hesitation, "Say it quickly."

"Do you know how to fight with your left hand and your right hand?" Liu Xu asked.

"Ah! How do you know?" cried the old urchin, as if he had seen a fairy.

"Don't worry about how I know, will you?"

"Yes, I've lived on Peach Blossom Island for fifteen years. I'm usually bored and have only one person, and because there's no one to solve the boredom, I have to let my left hand and right hand fight to relieve boredom."

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