"Left and right hands fight, how do you fight? Call me." Liu Xu let out a sigh of relief, and finally said that it was time to get to the point.

Zhou Botong laughed, and said: "Okay, okay, now I pretend that my right hand is Huang Laoxie, and my left hand is an old urchin. I hit him with the palm of my right hand, and then punched me with my left hand, and the fight started like this."

As he said that, he really made moves with both hands, attacking from left to right and defending from right.

"Old naughty boy, the moves of your hands are completely different. Isn't it like two people making their own moves? When facing an enemy, if you use this set of kung fu, it will be two against one. It's very useful!" Liu Xu saw through the extraordinary features of the left and right fights at a glance, "Although the internal strength can't be doubled, the tricks always take a big advantage."

Zhou Botong was able to create Kongming Fist by himself, so naturally his understanding of martial arts has reached the level of a master. He used to treat his left and right fights as entertainment, but now Liu Xu used Guo Jing's words in the original book to remind him, and he suddenly became enlightened. Let's start, jump up the old high, cry and laugh from time to time.

"Wow ha ha ha ha, my martial arts are number one in the world, my martial arts are number one in the world..."

Liu Xu saw that he had been crazy for a long time without any sign of stopping, so he stretched out his hand to pull him and said, "Old naughty boy, are you happy enough? I've already told you the method. Quickly teach me all your martial arts, don't you?" Do you want to be lazy?"

"Who said it, who said it, the old naughty boy is already number one in the world, so how could he play tricks!"

After hearing Liu Xu's words, Zhou Botong straightened his waist and stared at him, as if you don't want to slander others, but I am number one in the world.

"Uh..." Liu Xu really wanted to say something, "No. [-] in the world doesn't seem to have anything to do with being rascal, right?"


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Chapter 1230 Tongxi Dilong Wan, a toad hired to eat a goose

One morning five days later, Liu Xu and Huang Rong were chatting together by the beach.

In the past few days, Huang Rong always ran out to meet Liu Xu every day.

Although Huang Yaoshi knew it, he didn't say anything, or just like Huang Rong said, he turned a blind eye.

Liu Xu, who was eating Sister Rong'er's tofu, suddenly moved his ears, and heard a hissing sound like a snake in the distance from the sea.

He immediately became alert and looked back towards the sea, and sure enough, he saw a big ship sailing towards here.

Ouyang Ke and Ouyang Feng came.

"You go to your father-in-law first, and I'll find a matchmaker."

"What kind of matchmaker, Rong'er doesn't care."

"That's not acceptable. Ouyang Ke has Ouyang Feng to help me out as a matchmaker, so I should always find someone." Liu Xu touched Huang Rong's small nose, "Why don't you embarrass your father-in-law?"

Originally, Hong Qigong was the most suitable, but he didn't seem to come here like in the original book, so Liu Xu could only find the old naughty boy Zhou Botong.

Huang Rong came to Huang Yaoshi, and Ouyang Feng's big boat docked at this moment. First, layers of green-bodied vipers on the big boat rushed to the shore, and then came through with a rustling sound.

Huang Rong looked up and saw that the snake team was still coming in rows, but this time it was no longer a green-bodied viper, but a strange snake with a giant long tail and shiny golden scales. , the black snake rushed to.

Thousands of snakes shook their heads on the big lawn, and flames danced wildly.

The snake driver arranged the snake team east and west, leaving a passage in the middle, and dozens of women in white clothes came slowly with their graceful figures.

A few feet away, there were two more people walking slowly behind, the one in front, wearing a white satin robe embroidered with gold thread, holding a folding fan, was Ouyang Ke.

It's just that his face was quite pale. Obviously, the injury he suffered when Liu Xu slapped him with the black iron epee hadn't completely healed.

The man behind was tall and tall, holding a steel staff and also dressed in white, who else could it be if it wasn't Ouyang Feng?

Huang Rong snorted coldly, and said in a low voice: "What's the use of showing off, I just hate it."

Ouyang Ke approached the woods, put away the fan in his hand, knelt down and kowtowed three times to Huang Yaoshi, and said: "My son-in-law kowtows to my father-in-law, please give my father-in-law Jin An."

"Damn, who is your father-in-law now? You don't even look at your virtues. How shameless." Huang Rong made a face at Ouyang Ke on the ground and said contemptuously.

Ouyang Ke was furious in his heart, looked up, and immediately threw his anger into the Pacific Ocean.

He looked at Huang Rong obsessively.

Ouyang Ke swears that he has never seen such a woman who makes him fall in love in his life. It is in vain that he claimed to have read all the beauties in the world. Compared with the woman in front of him, his so-called beauties are nothing but shit.

Originally, this time he and his uncle came to propose marriage just because they wanted to steal Huang Yaoshi's skills, and the proposal was just a bridge, but looking at the current situation, even if Ouyang Ke died immediately, he had to marry this beautiful woman in front of him first!

"Rong'er, shut up, how can you be so rude?" Huang Yaoshi stretched out his hand to help, and then said to Huang Rong with a cold face on purpose.

"Hahahaha, Brother Yao don't need to be angry, the children just misunderstood." Ouyang Feng stepped forward and said to Huang Yaoshi: "Brother Huang, this is the bride price I prepared for my nephew."

As he spoke, he reached into his bosom, took out a brocade box, opened the lid, and saw a yellow ball the size of a pigeon egg on the brocade inside the box, the color was dull and inconspicuous.

Ouyang Ke said with a smile to Huang Rong: "This 'Tongxi Dilong Pill' is obtained from the body of an exotic beast in the Western Regions, and it has been refined with medicinal materials. It is worn on the body and is immune to all poisons. There is only one in the world. That's all. After you become my daughter-in-law, you don't have to be afraid of your uncle's poisonous snakes and insects. This earth dragon pill is very useful, but it is not a rare treasure. My father-in-law is all over the world, and there are no treasures. Ever? The countryman's meeting ceremony I prepared really made him laugh."

"Huh, you have a reputation for knowing yourself. You know that you are a meeting gift for a country guy. To be honest, it's really shameful for you to show this little thing."

"Who is so bold?" Ouyang Feng heard someone taunting Ouyang Ke, and immediately shouted at the forest.

Liu Xu walked out of the woods.

"Brother Xu, where's the old urchin?"

"Don't mention him, he said he was invincible in the world, but when I said Ouyang Feng was coming, he was so frightened that his legs went limp, saying that he was most afraid of snakes..."

"Boy, who are you?"

"Below is Chenglong Kuai's son-in-law of Peach Blossom Island, Liu Xu."

"Brother Yao, is what this kid said true?"

"Stinky boy, I don't seem to have promised you yet, have I?"

"Isn't it a matter of time?" Liu Xu glanced at Ouyang Ke, "Hey, little toad, you're not dead yet? Why are you here today because you want me to strike you again?"

Ouyang Ke was in a cold sweat from the moment he saw Liu Xu, if not for his big backer Ouyang Feng standing in front of him, he might have turned around and ran away.

He admitted that since he almost died in Liu Xu's hands that time, he has had a serious psychological shadow on Liu Xu in his heart.

Thinking of that brush with death, Ouyang Ke unconsciously took two steps back.

"Boy surnamed Liu, do you know what a toad wants to eat swan meat?" Ouyang Feng said coldly.

"Toad, are you talking about your nephew? You are really self-aware! It seems that you have already passed on the skills of Toad to your nephew." Liu Xu laughed loudly.

After listening to Liu Xu's words, Huang Rong also laughed crisply, and the corners of Huang Yaoshi's mouth twitched as well.

Everyone knows that Xidu Ouyang Feng's best martial art is Ha Toad Kungfu, what he said is really shooting himself in the foot.

Ouyang Feng's face almost turned blue, he wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Huang Yaoshi.


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Chapter 1231 Contest?Give him another sword

"You!" The annoyed Ouyang Feng wanted to attack Liu Xu, but he stopped suddenly when he raised his hand halfway, and said with a frown, "Brother Yao, what do you mean?"

"Brother Ouyang, why do you have to be as knowledgeable as a junior?" Huang Yaoshi, who stood in front of Liu Xu, said with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, I'll let you go this time for Brother Yao's sake." Seeing Huang Yaoshi favoring Liu Xu so much, Ouyang Feng had no choice but to stop.

"Brother Yao, tell me something sweet, can my nephew be your son-in-law?" There was no smile on Ouyang Feng's face.

"Since both of them want to marry Rong'er, I have no choice but to choose the best of them." Huang Yaoshi said with a smile on his face.

After all, the two were vying to marry his daughter, which made the father Huang Yaoshi very happy.

"Then I don't know how brother Yao will choose?" Ouyang Feng frowned, he had a very bad feeling in his heart, and the others also raised their ears, waiting for Huang Yaoshi's answer.

"Since we are people in the martial arts world, of course we are going to compete in martial arts." After hearing Huang Yaoshi's answer, the whole family was naturally happy and worried.

After all, not only was Ouyang Ke defeated by Liu Xu, but he almost died.

As for Liu Xu, in fact, even in the three exams in the original book, Liu Xu was very confident.

Of course, he has the confidence to win in the martial arts exam.

In the test of silently reciting the Nine Yin Scriptures, even the Nine Yin Scriptures were taken out by him, so is it still necessary to take the test?

For the temperament test, if Liu Xu did not even understand the staves in the real world before, but after experiencing so many worlds of martial arts, chess, calligraphy, medicine, astrology, and temperament, Liu Xu now is no better than him. Cheap father-in-law Huang Laoxie.

So Liu Xu didn't feel much after hearing Huang Yaoshi's words. At most, he felt that it was a pity that he didn't show off in front of Huang Rong and Huang Yaoshi, but it was good because it didn't have to be so troublesome.

Tournament?Give him another sword.

In fact, Liu Xu was thinking in vain before.

Because in the original book, when Guo Jing came to Peach Blossom Island, Huang Yaoshi didn't like him very much, so the three exams he gave were all made to make things difficult for Guo Jing.

Therefore, Liu Xu, who was admired by Huang Yaoshi, of course would not encounter those exams.

"Okay, let's do it like this." Ouyang Feng had confidence in Ouyang Ke's martial arts, so he agreed immediately, but he didn't notice at all that his beloved nephew's face had changed after hearing Huang Yaoshi's words. up.

"I have no objection either." For this method, Liu Xu raised his hands in favor, and took the lead to walk outside the Bamboo Hall, "In that case, let's compete outside!"

"Wait!" Before everyone could move, Ouyang Ke had no choice but to speak.

"Nephew Ouyang Xian, what else can you do?" Huang Yaoshi asked.

"Island Master Huang, this junior is not feeling well these days, I wonder if the competition can be postponed for a few days." Ouyang Ke said sincerely.

"Brother Yao, since Ke'er is not feeling well, why don't we postpone the competition for a few days?" Although he didn't know why Ouyang Ke pretended to be sick, Ouyang Feng still followed his will.

"Hmph, even in a few years, you won't be Liu's opponent. There's no need to delay here. You'd better admit defeat!" Before Huang Yaoshi could answer, Huang Rong said to Ouyang Ke sarcastically.

Ouyang Ke blushed a while after being told, and looked at Liu Xu with even more resentment.

"Since nephew Ouyang Xian is not feeling well, let's postpone the competition for seven days." For Ouyang Feng's sake, Huang Yaoshi finally agreed, "But if nephew Ouyang Xian still can't compete after seven days, then I'll take it for you to admit defeat."

"Thank you, Island Master Huang." After thanking him with a happy face, Ouyang Ke pulled Ouyang Feng to leave in a hurry.

"Have you fought against Ouyang Ke?" Huang Yaoshi asked the two beside him, seeing Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew who had gone away.

Liu Xu answered with a slight smile.

"Then you should be more careful when you walk in the rivers and lakes in the future." Huang Yaoshi reminded with a serious face: "Although Ouyang Feng's character is not very good, his martial arts are comparable to mine. If he finds you in the future If you have trouble, you may suffer."

After hearing his advice, Huang Rong disapproved, while Liu Xu nodded in agreement.

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