He knows Ouyang Feng's character and methods best. He is the typical villain who "repays kindness without repayment is not bad, but does not repay revenge is scum".

So when you meet him in the future, although you are not afraid of him in terms of martial arts, you still have to be on guard against him at all times.

The words are divided into two parts.

After following the dumb servant to the guest room prepared by Huang Yaoshi for them, Ouyang Feng couldn't wait to ask Ouyang Ke: "Ke'er, why did you delay the time of the martial arts competition just now?"

"Actually, I fought against that kid surnamed Liu once, but I was seriously injured by him." Ouyang Ke replied quickly and respectfully: "So if it was a martial arts competition just now, I must not be his opponent."

"I beat you seriously!? Do you know which sect he is from?" Ouyang Feng asked in surprise.

Ouyang Ke was taught by Ouyang Feng, so Ouyang Feng is very clear about his martial arts.

So after knowing that Ouyang Ke was not Liu Xu's opponent, Ouyang Feng was quite surprised.

"I don't know about that either." After shaking his head, Ouyang Ke said pleadingly, "Uncle, you must help me this time."

"Silly boy, you are my nephew, who can I help if I don't help you?" Ouyang Feng said with a smile on his face.

After hearing his words, Ouyang Ke was overjoyed: "Thank you uncle!"


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Chapter 1232 The Seven-day Covenant, Women's Gossip

"It's not impossible for you to increase your skill greatly in the past few days." After thinking for a while, Ouyang Feng said.

"What is the solution, uncle, you should tell me quickly." Ouyang Ke said impatiently.

"Although this method can make your internal strength increase by leaps and bounds in the past few days, from now on, your internal strength will not increase at all. So you should think clearly." Ouyang Feng asked with a serious face .

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can marry Rong'er, I can give up my martial arts." Ouyang Ke said with a firm face, obviously he had a real affection for Huang Rong.

"Okay then, you stay here, I'll go get the things I need from the boat." After seeing his appearance, Ouyang Feng could only agree helplessly.

"Uncle, since there is such a method, why don't you use it?" Ouyang Ke asked a little strangely.

It's not that he is doubting Ouyang Feng, and because with Ouyang Feng's current cultivation base, it is not easy to make further progress.

So Ouyang Ke was very puzzled that Ouyang Feng didn't use this method.

"With my current skills, if I use that method, it will only be harmful and not beneficial." After Ouyang Feng finished speaking, he went back to get his things.

Looking at Ouyang Feng who had gone away, Ouyang Ke said with a ferocious expression: "My surname is Liu, after seven days, I will definitely let you not live, not die."

After leaving Huang Yaoshi's place, Liu Xu took Huang Rong to find Zhou Botong.

"Old naughty boy, just now you turned your back on what you said! Shouldn't you pass on Rong'er's powerful kung fu to make amends?" Liu Xu asked with a smile on his face.

"You married her, not me. Why should I teach her kung fu? Also, you should not marry her. There is no benefit after you marry her. You know, after marrying a woman, there are Many powerful martial arts cannot be practiced, and..." Zhou Botong began to speak earnestly again.

"Stop talking nonsense, are you teaching or not?" Liu Xu interrupted impatiently.

"No." Zhou Botong rebuffed categorically, and then said with a smile on his face, "Unless you beat me a few games with backgammon."

"I don't have that time." Liu Xu also refused straight away: "One last question, do you teach or not?"

Just kidding, Liu Xu was really annoyed by the old naughty boy before, so he used backgammon in the real world to win him a few games so that he would no longer pester him. come better.

Now when I play backgammon with Zhou Botong, it is not certain who will win, how could Liu Xu agree to his request.

"No, if you don't play with me, even if you beat me to death, I won't teach you." Zhou Botong said to him after turning his face away, obviously he was on the shoulder with Liu Xu.

"Well, don't regret it." After Liu Xu finished speaking with a sly smile on his face, he talked about Zhou Botong's weakness.

"Ah... why... don't read it! I'll teach! I'll teach!" As soon as he heard Liu Xu's words, Zhou Botong's expression changed, and he immediately compromised with him, "As long as you don't talk about it, I will teach you!" I must teach this girl martial arts."

"Hehe, wouldn't it be better if you promised earlier." Liu Xu said with a smirk on his face: "Remember, you must teach Rong'er powerful martial arts, don't try to use ordinary martial arts to make up for it, or I will be with you every day." Say that in front of you."

"I see." Zhou Botong replied dejectedly, and walked aside, probably still sullen!

"Brother Xu, what do you mean by what you just said? It was the same thing before, and the old naughty boy just refused to follow." After Zhou Botong walked away, Huang Rong came to Liu Xu's side and asked him quietly.

After all, women like to listen to other people's secrets.

"I don't know too well. Anyway, when he talks in his sleep, he often says these words, which may be very important to him! So I used these words to scare him. I didn't expect it to be so useful." Liu Xu lied without blinking.

"Brother Xu, you are so bad!" Huang Rong said to him after making a face.

"I'm so bad, isn't it all for your own good?" Liu Xu said sweetly, warming Huang Rong's heart.

"Old naughty boy! Don't think about running away, or I'll spread this matter to the world." Seeing Zhou Botong's intention to sneak away, Liu Xu hurriedly threatened him.

After hearing his words, Huang Rong naturally couldn't stop laughing, while Zhou Botong yelled "It's not nice to meet people" with a bitter face.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Botong finally thought of two advanced martial arts suitable for Huang Rong, and taught them to him.

And after Zhou Botong finished teaching martial arts, Liu Xu accompanied him to play a few games of backgammon.

After all, after a slap in the face, he was still given a candied date.

As Liu Xu expected, when playing backgammon with Zhou Botong, he actually lost more than he won, and people have to sigh Zhou Botong's game talent.

After playing a few games of backgammon with Liu Xu, Zhou Botong completely forgot about Liu Xu threatening him just now.

In the next six days, Liu Xu and Huang Rong played with Zhou Botong all the time, obviously they didn't take the fight with Ouyang Ke to heart.

After all, with Liu Xu's martial arts, not to mention the little toad Ouyang Ke, even the old toad Ouyang Feng would not be afraid...

Finally came the day of the competition, Liu Xu and Huang Rong Huang Yaoshi came to the martial arts arena, but I don't know if Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew are playing big cards, anyway, when Huang Yaoshi and others arrived at the martial arts arena on time, they didn't see the two of them. On the contrary, Zhou Botong met Zhou Botong there, and Zhou Botong could move around freely in Peach Blossom Island the day Ouyang Feng came.


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Chapter 1233 Martial Arts Field, Spirit Snake Fist

"So you are here! It made it hard for me to find them for a while." After seeing them, Zhou Botong said happily, "Hurry up and go back and play with me." Then, he took Liu Xu's arm and wanted to put him dragged away.

"Old urchin, stop messing around, he still has things to do." Huang Yaoshi frowned and said in a low voice.

"Oh? What fun thing?" Zhou Botong asked with interest.

"Brother Liu is going to compete with Ouyang Ke in a while." Huang Rong explained from the side.

"Ouyang Ke? It's the old poison's nephew!" Zhou Botong said with a look of surprise, and then he said to Liu Xu with a smile on his face: "Boy, for the sake of being good to you and this girl these days, I'll wait a while. Clean up that little poison for me."

"What? You have a grudge against Ouyang Feng?" Huang Rong asked curiously.

"Hmph! That despicable and shameless villain did a lot of bad things back then." Zhou Botong said angrily.

"Hahaha, old naughty boy, you don't have to keep hating me for what happened more than ten years ago!" With a burst of laughter, Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew walked into the martial arts arena.

Although Ouyang Feng hadn't changed much compared to seven days ago, Ouyang Ke had changed a lot. Not only was his temperament much more stable, but his eyes were also much brighter. Obviously, it was because his internal strength had improved by leaps and bounds in the past few days. So there is no time to adapt and converge.

"Old naughty boy, why are you here?" Ouyang Feng asked Liu Xu and the others after standing still opposite him.

"Since you can be here, why can't I?" Zhou Botong said provocatively, and then said after glancing at Ouyang Ke: "Old Poison, did you use some crooked methods for your nephew to save him in a short period of time?" Increased internal strength?"

His tone was full of schadenfreude.

"So what?" Ouyang Feng said lightly.

"Hahaha, that would be great." Zhou Botong said happily, "I didn't expect to see you for more than ten years, and your old poison has become an old fool."

"What do you mean?" The curious baby Huang Rong started to ask again.

"Hehe, although the method he uses can bring great benefits to people in the short term, it will cause endless troubles in the future. Therefore, this method does more harm than good. Therefore, anyone with a brain will not use this method. You said, he used this method on his nephew, is he not stupid or something?" Zhou Botong said with a wicked smile.

"That's right, that's right." Huang Rong nodded and smiled quickly.

As for Ouyang Ke's uncle, she would not give him any face.

"Hmph, my nephew did it all because of you!" Ouyang Feng said with an ugly expression.

"I didn't ask him to do that. He asked for it. Don't get involved with me." Huang Rong said angrily.

"You!" After hearing her words, Ouyang Feng wanted to get angry, but was interrupted by Huang Yaoshi.

"Okay, brother Ouyang, it's getting late, let them compete quickly!" Huang Yaoshi said while standing in front of Huang Rong with a smile on his face.

martial arts arena.

"Ouyang Ke, are you ready?" Liu Xu asked with a smile on his face.

"This time, I will definitely give you back all the shame you bestowed on me before." Ouyang Ke said with a ferocious face.

"Okay, it's getting late, boy Liu and nephew Ouyang Xian should hurry up and compete! Let me say one last thing, don't deliberately hurt the other party's life, otherwise the competition will be considered a loser." Huang Yaoshi said to everyone.

"Then let's compete quickly, so as to get rid of these idlers. Let me and Brother Yao become in-laws as soon as possible." Ouyang Feng said arrogantly.

"Oh, you're not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue." Zhou Botong said with a sarcasm.

"Brother Xu, you must teach this little toad a lesson and let him know that he is a toad who wants to eat swan meat." Huang Rong also raised her small fist and said incessantly.

"Understood, baby, you just wait to be a bride! Hahaha..." Liu Xu agreed with a relaxed and confident expression.

"Ouyang Ke, are you ready?" Liu Xu looked at him like a clown, obviously he didn't care about Ouyang Ke at all.

He is not arrogant, although Ouyang Ke's strength has improved a lot with Ouyang Feng's help, but at most he has been promoted to the day after tomorrow breakthrough stage, which is far behind Liu Xu.

After saying that, Liu Xu hit Ouyang Ke with one palm, but Liu Xu didn't use the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, but instead planned to make fun of Ouyang Ke, he dared to rob him, he really didn't know what to do.

Because he knew how powerful Liu Xu was, Ouyang Ke had been on guard against him from the very beginning. In addition, the other party deliberately released water, so he beat you back and forth, which was very good-looking.

"Ouyang Ke, it seems that your martial arts have improved a lot!" Liu Xu asked Ouyang Ke, "Did you just use the Spirit Snake Fist?"

"I didn't expect you to know the Spirit Snake Fist." Ouyang Ke was surprised at first, and then said proudly: "Don't worry, there are more surprises left for you than this!"

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Ke didn't speak any more, and immediately attacked Liu Xu.

"There are still surprises? Could it be Ha Toad Kungfu?" Before Liu Xu could figure out what he meant, Ouyang Ke quickly stepped back, and then squatted on the ground.

"Oh, that's the old poison's housekeeping skill, the Toad Kung Fu." Zhou Botong said from the side: "I never imagined that he was so good at this little poison, that he even passed on the Toad Kung Fu to him?"

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