"Hey, if you put it this way, this little poison looks like a toad." Huang Rong said with a smile on her face, "Brother Xu is right, this little poison is indeed a toad."


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Chapter 1234 Toad skill, mutual skill

"That's right, that's right, he's a little toad, and the one standing over there is an old toad, hahaha..." Zhou Botong laughed and said, while Huang Yaoshi next to him had a tense face, but his The corners of his mouth were twitching non-stop, obviously holding back was very hard.

"Hmph!" After hearing what they said, Ouyang Feng, who was far away, couldn't help but let out a cold "hum" as a warning.

However, what kind of people are Zhou Botong and Huang Rong?Those were all daring masters, they didn't take Ouyang Feng's warning seriously at all, instead they laughed even more happily.

"Okay, you better stop laughing." Huang Yaoshi said to the unscrupulous two people: "Let's see how Boy Liu will deal with Ouyang Ke's Ha Toad Kung Fu! It's no small matter."

After hearing his words, Huang Rong quickly put away her smile and looked towards the arena, while Zhou Botong also put away her smile after laughing a few times, and watched the martial arts competition seriously.

As soon as Ouyang Ke took that pose, Liu Xu knew that he was going to use Ouyang Feng's unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box, the toad skill.

Toad Gong talks about braking with stillness, so if you don't move, you will use it, and if you move, you will shake the sky.

But that depends on whose hands it is. After seeing Ouyang Ke's slightly smug and provocative eyes, Liu Xu cursed in his heart: "Damn! You really think I can't do anything about you?"

Liu Xu picked up the black iron epee that had been placed on the weapon rack in the martial arts field in advance, and was ready to fight Ouyang Ke for real.

At this time Ouyang Ke suddenly jumped up and attacked Liu Xu, expecting that the enemy would be caught off guard suddenly, and the opponent's eyes would be swollen, his nose would be cracked, and he would let out a sigh of relief.

At worst, I also hope to take the lead.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xu just turned his body slightly and avoided it. He raised the black iron epee lightly, and slapped it at his Yuexiong mouth again.

With a "bang", the black iron epee was hitting Ouyang Ke's left Yuexiong, and there was a clicking sound. When Liu Xu's black iron epee touched Yuexiong's mouth, Ouyang Ke already knew that the opponent's strength was too strong. will be seriously injured.

If you don't use your internal strength to resist your heart and lungs, your heart and lungs will be in danger of being shattered, so you hurriedly followed the trend and concentrated your internal strength at Yuexiong's mouth.

However, a rib was slightly broken, but Ouyang Ke reacted in time, and the injury was not serious.

He flew straight up to the bamboo pavilion, staggered a few steps, and then landed on the ground.

Liu Xu secretly cried out that it's a pity, if Ouyang Ke had been late in mobilizing his internal energy just now, his sword would have allowed him to lie on the bed for a year or so, and now it is estimated that he will be fully recovered in a week.

"Ouyang Ke, you have already lost." Liu Xu said to Ouyang Ke who had been supported by Ouyang Feng.

Huang Rong clapped her hands and said happily, "Yes, brother Xu is great."

She jumped up and down and made faces at Ouyang Ke.

Ouyang Ke was greatly shocked, his face looked like the sky was falling, and he was lifeless.

"Smelly girl, I, Keer, are all for you, how can you do this?" Ouyang Feng felt distressed for a while, and was even more angry at Huang Rong's gloating.

"Who asked him to do it for me? Did I ask him to do it for me? Who told him to be cheeky to propose marriage." Huang Rong said indifferently and contemptuously.

"Old Toad, you should take your precious son and get out! Today, for the sake of my father-in-law, I will save you and Ouyang Ke first. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to tell a story, that is A certain person seduced his sister-in-law, committed incest and gave birth to evil offspring, and it is said that it was in the Western Regions..." Liu Xu suddenly remembered that Ouyang Feng's big gossip hadn't been publicized by him, and he hadn't done it yet. After leaving Peach Blossom Island, smear some piss on his face.

"Shut up!" Ouyang Feng jumped up and rushed towards Liu Xu in an instant, smashing the steel rod in his hand at him.

He was so pissed off, even though Liu Xu was referring to someone, any fool could tell that it was him, Ouyang Feng.

Seeing that the faces of the people around were obviously very interested, Ouyang Feng was very anxious, and regardless of his scruples about Huang Yaoshi, he vowed to teach Liu Xu a lesson and make him shut up forever.

"Good job!" Liu Xu took advantage of the situation and struck the black iron epee at the iron staff. How could he be pinched by Ouyang Feng at will, unless Dugu came back to life after seeking defeat.

"Dang" there was a loud noise, the black iron epee hit the direction of Ouyang Feng's iron staff, and a burst of dust flew up.

After the battle of swords, Ouyang Feng stepped back three more steps, his arms went numb.

Liu Xu didn't get any cheap, but he didn't worry about it. When the difference in skill between the two is not too big, some special skills can make a decision.

While holding the epee in one hand, Liu Xu also drew out the sharp sword at his waist.

There was a gleam in his eyes, and he shot away with murderous aura.

Ouyang Feng felt a chill in his heart, and his aura instantly weakened a lot.

When Liu Xu gained power, he used the left and right fighting technique he learned from the old naughty boy. He spun the epee around his body and made a cleave with his left hand, but it slashed towards Ouyang Feng.

Ouyang Feng was not one to wait for nothing, when Liu Xu's epee struck, he dodged repeatedly and blocked the blow, only to find that Liu Xu was fighting with himself, and Huang Yaoshi had no intention of stopping him, he knew instantly that he was determined to do so. I want to take this opportunity to observe my own strength.

Thinking up to this point, I wanted to keep my strength and prevent Huang Yaoshi from exploring it thoroughly, but after a few tricks with Liu Xu, I realized how ridiculous the idea of ​​wanting to keep my strength is, and I can do my best to ensure that I won't be defeated by him. Fortunately.

I saw Liu Xu holding an epee in one hand and a sharp sword in the other. On one side of both hands was the epee wide open and closed, and on the other was the extremely exquisite Dugu Nine Swords.

But Liu Xu also knew that Huang Yaoshi would never let him kill Ouyang Feng, so he still took face seriously.


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Chapter 1235 The Daughter Sells for a Sky-high Price

The more Huang Yaoshi looked at it, the more surprised he was, he couldn't help but secretly sighed, and said in his heart: "I have practiced hard on Peach Blossom Island for many years, and I heard that Ouyang Feng was abolished by Wang Chongyang back then. He is number one in the world, but who would have thought that the old Poison went to another way, and he has practiced such a respectable kung fu again! It is not much better than me. And that boy Liu is even more terrifying. I didn't expect him to be faint Jojo suppresses the old poison."

Ouyang Ke and Huang Rong had their own concerns, they only hoped that one of them would win soon, and nervously looked at the two who kept moving on the field.

Both of them fought fast, and the sonic boom produced by the collision of internal forces made the servants present cover their ears desperately.

Even Huang Rong and Ouyang Ke felt dizzy after watching for a little longer, after all, there is a qualitative gap between nature and nurture.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of moves were passed, and Huang Yaoshi had roughly understood the current strength of Ouyang Feng and Liu Xu, so he said: "Boy Liu, Brother Feng, please stop!"

This sound was mixed with a lot of internal force, Liu Xu and Ouyang Feng's weapons were ready to be retracted as soon as they were touched, and they retreated back at the same time.

As soon as Liu Xu stood still, he shrugged helplessly and smiled at Huang Yaoshi, "My lord father-in-law, I'm almost winning!"

Ouyang Feng snorted coldly, expressing that this is impossible.

"You don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, you kid. If brother Feng didn't see in my face that I don't have the same knowledge as a junior like you, how could you survive until now." Huang Yaoshi gave Ouyang Feng a step and said.

"Cut!" Liu Xu realized that his future father-in-law was actually thick-skinned, why didn't he realize it before!

"Boy, let's wait and see." Ouyang Feng said to Liu Xu.

"Old toad, you said what I wanted to say. And you were the one who attacked me first! You are shameless!" Liu Xu said disdainfully.

"That's right, that's right, I must spread today's incident throughout the Jianghu, so that everyone in the Jianghu will know how despicable you are." Zhou Botong beside him said excitedly.

But Ouyang Feng ignored them, and after a cold snort, he came to Ouyang Ke's side and checked his injuries.

"Ker, how are you? Is the injury serious?" Ouyang Feng asked nervously.

"It's fine, just rest for a few days." Ouyang Ke said sadly.

After all, he lost the competition in which his future was gambled. Not only would he not be able to marry Huang Rong, but his internal strength would not improve a bit in the future.

Ouyang Feng saw that it would be meaningless for him to stay here any longer. Looking at Liu Xu's appearance, he might become more and more dangerous if he stays here again. , Farewell."

After finishing speaking, leading Ouyang Ke and his subordinates who were looking at Huang Rong sadly, they hurriedly turned around and wanted to leave.

But Huang Yaoshi suddenly said: "Brother Feng, wait a minute!"

Ouyang Feng paused, his heart tightened.

"Could it be that he sees that I can't do anything to that kid surnamed Liu, and wants to keep me here." He turned around solemnly and said, "Brother Yao, what advice do you have?"

In fact, this is Ouyang Feng's complete judgment of others by himself, Huang Yaoshi is so arrogant, how could he be like this.

Feeling Ouyang Feng's nervousness, he was very happy, and said with a smile on his face, "I don't dare to take the advice, but this 'Tongxi Dilong Pill' that can make people invulnerable to all poisons is really worthy of it. Please ask Feng Brother, take it back!"

Ouyang Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and thought: "It seems that Huang Yaoshi is still the proud Huang Yaoshi from before!"

Ouyang Feng who took back the Tongxi Dilong Pill comforted the gloomy Ouyang Ke: "Don't be sad, Uncle will definitely help you find a better woman than her, let's go now!"

After hearing his words, Huang Yaoshi next to him immediately turned a little ugly. If he wants to find a woman who is better than his daughter, I'm afraid you will never be able to find a woman who is better than his daughter.

Watching Ouyang Feng's big ship with the double-headed snake flying away, Huang Yaoshi said to Liu Xu and Huang Rong who were laughing happily.

"You two little guys, are you happy now? Well, later, you will go to your mother's grave with me to see your mother."

"Well, the three of you should go! I can't stand the atmosphere there." After hearing Huang Yaoshi's words, Zhou Botong shook his head and headed towards Taolin.

That's right, with Zhou Botong's temperament, if you want him to stay quietly for a while, it is probably more difficult than killing him.

Liu Xu heard Huang Yaoshi meant that he had agreed to betroth Huang Rong to him, and hurriedly said: "Then the son-in-law will visit his father-in-law."

"Hmph, it's too early to be happy, kid! Rong'er can't marry you yet!"

"What!" Liu Xu and Huang Rong's expressions changed drastically.

At this time, Huang Yaoshi suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be nervous, boy, you come to propose, what about your betrothal gift?"

"Oh, it turned out to be this. If I told you earlier, it made me and Baby Rong'er nervous for a long time." Liu Xu curled his lips. After all, he is also His Royal Highness King Rong of the Song Dynasty. Great offer, but he really wanted to complain: "Have you already given it? Doesn't the Nine Yin Scriptures count? Huang Laoxie is really a black-hearted father, and his daughter sold for a sky-high price..."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu took out a brocade box from his bosom. When he opened the brocade box, it turned out to be a plant of humanoid ginseng.

"This is the thousand-year-old Nine Yang Blood Dragon Ginseng!" Huang Yaoshi exclaimed when he saw the ginseng.

"Well, father-in-law, do you know this ginseng?" Liu Xu shouted when Huang Yaoshi saw the ginseng plant regardless of his appearance, obviously he knew this ginseng.

It turned out that this ginseng was obtained by Liu Xu when he ransacked the treasury of the Jin Kingdom. There were originally two ginsengs, but after giving a century-old ginseng to Yueshan, a better one was left.


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Chapter 1236 Huang Rong's mother, the best mother-in-law

Huang Yaoshi didn't have time to reply to Liu Xu's words. He picked up the brocade box, stroked gently on the ginseng, and muttered in his mouth: "This thousand-year-old human-shaped Nine Yang Blood Dragon Ginseng has the ability to bring back the dead, and keep youth forever." As long as the body is intact, it can be revived within three hours of death, and it can be revived with the help of innate masters to digest the power of the medicine. Hahaha! Ah Heng, ah Heng, you are saved!"

After speaking, he looked up to the sky and laughed.

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