Both Liu Xu and Huang Rong looked at each other, because they had never seen Huang Yaoshi so happy when they came out.

"Father-in-law, you just said that the thousand-year-old Nine Yang Blood Dragon Ginseng Grass can only save people who died within three hours." Liu Xu thought for a while, because he knew who the "Ah Heng" Huang Yaoshi was talking about , so he felt that Huang Rong's father should be reminded, otherwise it would be a bad feeling to rise from heaven to the highest point and then suddenly fall down.

"Of course I know." Huang Yaoshi waved his hand, but his face was still very happy.

"Father, is what you said just now true? Can Rong'er still see her mother?" Huang Rong said excitedly at this time, also half-believing.

After all, she knew that her mother passed away not long after she was born, and it has been more than fifteen years since she was born.

"Of course it's true, Rong'er and Liu Xiaozi, you are now my son-in-law Huang Yaoshi, and you are no longer an outsider, so I will take you to meet your future mother-in-law, Rong'er's mother!"

"But..." Liu Xu wanted to remind him again.

At this time, Huang Yaoshi looked up to the sky and sighed: "Rong'er's mother, she hasn't died yet..."

Huang Yaoshi led the two of them towards the peach blossom forest, and when they arrived at Huang Rong's mother's tomb, he stepped forward and opened the mechanism of the tomb.

When the tombstone slowly moved away, revealing a stone tunnel, Huang Yaoshi turned to the two of them and said, "Come in together! Your mother, Rong'er, is inside. I thought she would sleep there for the rest of her life."

Huang Yaoshi's expression was complicated, as if he felt helpless because he couldn't save his wife, but he glanced at the thousand-year-old humanoid Nine Sun Blood Dragon Ginseng in his hand, and instantly became bright again, and took the lead into the tomb.

Liu Xu and Huang Rong peeped at each other, and followed Huang Yaoshi in.

"Daddy wait for me!" Huang Rong moved cleverly, and came to Huang Yaoshi's side, tugged at the corner of his clothes, looked left and right.

Mother died when Huang Rong was just born, and she hadn't really met her before, so she was also in a hurry.

Liu Xu is very familiar with the tomb. Although it is not as big as the tomb of the living dead on Zhongnan Mountain, he feels that this project is not small, and he secretly admires Huang Laoxie's handiwork.

Walking along the passage, I felt the coldness getting heavier and heavier, as if I had come to an ice cellar. Ordinary people would never come here, or they would definitely get seriously ill even if they survived the cold. Fortunately, the three people who came in were all martial arts masters.

Liu Xu silently used the Nine Suns magical power to dispel the cold, and thought to himself: "According to what Huang Yaoshi said earlier, his wife should have been hanged by him in some special way. Such coldness must be Huang Yaoshi's way to protect his wife." Ways! It’s so cold here, there must be a lot of ice cubes inside? I really don’t know how my cheap father-in-law managed to transport the ice here without melting.”

After entering the tomb, there are countless rare treasures everywhere. Those pearls and jades, emeralds and agates glow faintly under the light, and there are countless strange flowers and plants, revealing a fragrance of one after another, which makes people feel fascinated. It was a shock, of course, it would be better if it wasn't so cold here.

"This cheap father-in-law is really rich! It seems that I don't have to be a guest of Chu Xiangshuai in the future!" Liu Xu shamelessly attributed Huang Yaoshi's wealth to himself, showing signs of becoming a full-time soft rice king.

When he entered the innermost part, Liu Xu raised his head and scanned around. What surprised him was that there was no piece of ice in the entire tomb. So how did Huang Yaoshi make the tomb so cold?

Huang Rong was not surprised by this, she knew her father's tricks since she was a child.

Huang Yaoshi opened a felt curtain, revealing a coffin made of white jade. The whole coffin is white and exudes a slight chill. The coffin is carved with dragons and phoenixes. Obviously, this is the coffin of a royal family who does not know that generation However, Huang Yaoshi learned from Bu Jingyun and forcibly robbed him to save his wife.

The tomb is so cold, it seems that it is mainly related to the white jade coffin.

"Aheng, Aheng, I brought our son-in-law and daughter to see you, and soon I will wake you up to see that our daughter has grown up, and let her see mother too." Huang Yaoshi stroked gently. Touching the coffin, as affectionately as touching a lover, Liu Xu's scalp felt a little numb.

"Father, hurry up and let mother eat brother Xu's thousand-year-old Nine Suns Blood Dragon Ginseng! Let her wake up quickly." Huang Rong was in a hurry, and kept pacing on the side.

Anyone who knows that his mother, who has been dead for more than ten years, is about to be resurrected, may not be able to calm down.

Liu Xu stepped forward and grabbed Huang Rong's little hand, and said, "Rong'er, don't worry, your mother will definitely come back to life."

"Drink!" Huang Yaoshi supported his hands, and the white jade coffin was pushed away, revealing a peerless beauty inside.

She was so tall in a cloud bun, her eyebrows were trimmed and raised slightly, her lips were ruddy, and the skin on her face was as white and tender as fat. She was definitely a peerless beauty.

Liu Xu opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it. Of course, it wasn't because of seeing the peerless beauty. There was only one reason for this. The main reason was that this woman looked too much like Huang Rong, and she seemed to be not much older than Huang Rong. Looks like a lot.

If Huang Rong's sister with the same father and mother was believed by others, Liu Xu felt a little depressed when he remembered that he would call this woman who looked almost younger than him "mother-in-law".


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Chapter 1237 The pharmacist was embarrassed, Ah Heng took the initiative

In fact, not only Liu Xu, but even Huang Rong was taken aback by her mother's appearance. Although she had been here before, she had never opened a white jade coffin. Naturally, she had never seen her mother's real face. Unexpectedly Her mother is so young.

Huang Rong's mother had been sleeping in a coffin of ice since she was about twenty years old. Although it had been sixteen years, it was precisely because of this that her body was stuck in sixteen years ago.

"Father-in-law, quickly feed your mother-in-law a thousand-year-old Nine Yang Blood Dragon Ginseng, or it will be terrible." Liu Xu knew that when the ice coffin was opened, Huang Rong's mother's life energy would flow away faster.

Huang Yaoshi nodded, and put the thousand-year-old Nine Yang Blood Dragon Ginseng into his wife's mouth.

The thousand-year-old Nine Yang Blood Dragon Ginseng is worthy of being a magic medicine, it melts into Ah Heng's body as soon as it enters the mouth, and there is no need for people to deliberately swallow it.

After the thousand-year human-shaped Nine Sun Blood Dragon entered Ah Heng's body, her body began to shake slowly and immediately became more and more intense, and her body temperature also started to climb from almost the same temperature as ice cubes and became hotter and hotter.

"My lord father-in-law, quickly transport the power of the medicine to digest it." Liu Xu said.

Actually, needless to say, Huang Yaoshi had already started to put his hands on his wife's back.

After all, there is no one to guide it, and the powerful medicine that can bring people back to life may not take long for the user to explode and die.

"Boy Liu, come here to help your mother-in-law untangle the power of the medicine." Huang Yaoshi thought for a while, and felt that it was not safe for him to be alone, so he called Liu Xu, an innate expert like him, to help him. Don't dare to be sloppy.

Liu Xu stepped forward without hesitation and put his palm on the back of his mother-in-law. Two streams of innate qi were constantly flowing and washing in Ah Heng's body, helping to digest the medicinal power of the thousand-year-old Nine Yang Blood Dragon Ginseng.

An hour passed, and slowly, Liu Xu felt that the power of the medicine in his mother-in-law's body was almost exhausted, and her face began to become rosy and shiny, showing signs of waking up.

Ah Heng's vitality began to recover, and just when Liu Xu was about to finish his work with Huang Yaoshi, he suddenly felt a soft body enter his arms.

Liu Xu's nose was touched by a soft object, followed by a soft touch on the left cheek, and then moved to his lips.

He hurriedly looked around, and there was a blurry and beautiful face close to his own, and his face was close to his own, and his beautiful lips kept kissing his face...

What's happening here?

Ah Heng has woken up, but his whole body is in a daze, and it seems... It seems that he is thirsty and dissatisfied.

Although the distance was too close and his eyes could not focus, Liu Xu also knew that this beautiful face, which he couldn't see clearly, belonged to his mother-in-law.

Liu Xu was shocked and quickly pushed her away.

Although this mother-in-law is indeed very beautiful, he knows that if he doesn't react and push her away quickly, he will definitely die ugly.

Because Huang Yaoshi kept his eyes open!

Fortunately, Huang Rong was sent outside by Huang Yaoshi, because luck is easily disturbed and affected by external factors. In order for Ah Heng to resurrect smoothly, it is natural to prevent any accidental factors.

It was also at this time that Huang Yaoshi remembered that the people who had been saved by the thousand-year-old human-shaped Nine-Yang Blood Dragon Ginseng would be very lustful when they just woke up, because the thousand-year-old human-shaped Nine-Yang Blood Dragon Ginseng is the most yang-like magic medicine , and the nine ginseng whiskers are all in the shape of a dragon, and the nature of a dragon is obscene!

After pushing his mother-in-law away, Liu Xu saw Huang Yaoshi looking at him as if he was about to kill someone.

Coughing, Liu Xu turned his head and said awkwardly: "Ahaha, father-in-law, you and mother-in-law talk slowly, I and I went out first to find Rong'er."

Liu Xu wanted to leave, but was stopped by Huang Yaoshi.


Don't be so stingy!

It was my mother-in-law who took the initiative just now...

Liu Xu looked at Huang Yaoshi suspiciously, but the latter showed a hesitant expression on his face.

"Leave me here!" Huang Yaoshi said with a livid face.

"Oh, good!" Liu Xu agreed casually, but suddenly felt that something was wrong, and said in surprise, "What?"

Fortunately, the sound insulation in the tomb is very good, otherwise Huang Rong outside would be alarmed.

"Father-in-law, stop joking." Liu Xu looked puzzled.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Huang Yaoshi said coldly.

"But...but..." Liu Xu felt as if ten thousand beasts were trampling through his heart.

"Hey..." Huang Yaoshi sighed, "A few years ago, I hurt my body from practicing kung fu, so I can't... can't be humane..."

"..." Liu Xu understood, but was also dumbfounded. Huang Yaoshi can't have sex, doesn't it mean that the best mother-in-law will always be a widow in the future?

If this is the case, it is better not to save it!

"The power of the medicine is too overbearing. If you don't let it out, Ah Heng's body won't be able to bear it." Although Huang Yaoshi was very reluctant in his heart, he had no choice. He couldn't just go to the island and find someone. !

Moreover, there are also requirements for this candidate, at least he must be a warrior who has stepped into the realm of innateness. In the entire Peach Blossom Island, except for Huang Yaoshi himself, there are only Liu Xu and... the old naughty boy Zhou Botong is a congenital master. Between Liu Xu and Zhou Botong, Huang Yaoshi thought the former was better, and even if Huang Yaoshi wanted to choose Zhou Botong, would the old urchin agree?

"Okay, move faster." After Huang Yaoshi said the last sentence, he didn't dare to look at his wife A Heng again, turned and left the tomb.

There are only two people left in the tomb, Liu Xu and A Heng. One is young and energetic, and the other is as beautiful as a flower, burning with desire...

"Rong'er, I was forced." Liu Xu only had this last thought in his head, and then he was drowned in the enthusiasm of the best mother-in-law...


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Chapter 1238 Stunning mother and daughter, playing in the sea

Clouds and rain.

Liu Xu got up and got dressed, and then helped Ah Heng get dressed too. He didn't want Huang Yaoshi to come in and look at his naked wife...

The picture was so beautiful that Liu Xu was afraid that his father-in-law's blood vessels would burst when he watched it.

Ah Heng fell asleep, exhausted, with a... white...

Liu Xu quickly wiped it off.

Ah Heng fell asleep, with a sweet and beautiful smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was doing a beautiful beauty.

Liu Xu left the tomb and changed to Huang Yaoshi and Ah Heng to be alone, but for some reason, after learning that Huang Yaoshi had lost the ability to be a man, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Such a beautiful and superb mother-in-law, I will definitely want to Honor her well.

After learning that her mother, A Heng, had woken up, Huang Rong wept with joy, but at this time, A Heng needed to rest, and the meeting was left for later.


"Old urchin, I'm back!"

Liu Xu took a lot of food and wine, took Rong'er's sister's hand, and returned to the cave where the old urchin was.

"Is everything done for you?"

After hearing his words, Zhou Botong jumped out immediately, and immediately found something in Liu Xu's hand, and said, "Huh? Miss Rong'er is here too, what's in your hand?"

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