"You can see for yourself?" Liu Xu handed the things in his hand to Zhou Botong.

"Wow! Roast goose, sauced beef, wine, haha, my old urchin likes it." Zhou Botong said excitedly.

"It's rare that you still know how to bring these things to me. It's not in vain that I have taught you so much kung fu these days." He patted Liu Xu on the shoulder and said with a full face.

"Hey, old naughty boy, you should thank me if you want to thank me. I made all these things." Huang Rong waved her small fist.

"Haha, it's the same, anyway, you are my brother's little wife, thanking him is the same as thanking you." The old naughty boy said while eating.

Seeing the old urchin working hard on the food, Liu Xu took Huang Rong's hand and walked out quietly.

"Brother Xu, I, I..." Huang Rong hesitated to speak.

"What are you?" Liu Xu asked seeing Huang Rong's hesitation.

Huang Rong sighed and said: "Although I didn't have a mother since I was a child, I have dreamed of my mother countless times in my dreams. The appearance of my mother in the dream is so kind and beautiful. I finally saw my mother just now. Yes, but..."

"But what? Isn't it good that your mother came back to life?" Liu Xu actually knew that Huang Rong, who had never had a mother since childhood, suddenly had a mother. Although she was happy, she was not used to it.

"Of course not, Rong'er is very happy! But she is a mother. Although she is very similar to the mother in the dream, she is too young, and seems to be about the same age as Rong'er. Rong'er wants to be called a mother, but I'm afraid I won't be able to yell after a while." Huang Rong said in a rare and melancholy way.


"Ouch! What are you doing?"

Huang Rong rubbed her knocked head, and looked dissatisfied at the beau who had sneaked up just now.

"Why! Who told you to ask for trouble? It's your mother, why can't you say it?" Liu Xu looked at this little girl amusedly, but he and Ah Heng and his mother-in-law called it very fluently, because one side Calling mother-in-law, while having sex, is it super sensational?

"Hee hee, it seems to be the same. It's really that Rong'er is thinking too much. Brother Xu, do you think I am beautiful or my mother is beautiful?"

"Of course my sister Rong'er is beautiful." Liu Xu pinched Huang Rong's nose, this little vinegar jar even ate the jealousy of the mother-in-law.

In fact, both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. They are peerless beauties, but Liu Xu will not say it stupidly. He is not Guo Jing's stupid goose. In fact, Liu Xu has been thinking about a problem. When Guo Jing slapped, did he change his position?

Seemingly satisfied with Liu Xu's answer, Huang Rong took his hand and said, "Shall we go swimming?"

Liu Xu looked up, and found that they had arrived at the beach of Peach Blossom Island, nodded and said, "Okay!"

He chuckled, didn't a man and a woman swimming make it clear that they want to take advantage of themselves?

Huang Rong grew up on Peach Blossom Island in the East China Sea, and went out to play in the sea every day when she had nothing to do. Swimming was a great hobby for her.

Huang Rong's mother was resurrected, she was overjoyed, and asked Liu Xu, "Brother Xu, can you swim?"

Liu Xu shook his head, this kid can't do it, but he just wanted to let his sister Rong'er take him swimming to take advantage of it.

Besides, taking ten thousand steps back, even if Liu Xu can't swim, his internal strength cultivation has reached the innate state, or even the broken state. It is not easy to hold his breath in the water and keep his internal breath alive. .

Huang Rong quickly jumped into the sea, followed by Liu Xu.

She took his hand and said, "Brother Xu, let me teach you how to swim!"

Huang Rong looked excited, Liu Xu nodded, and immediately followed her into the water.

The two were playing in the water. Although Liu Xu could swim, he was far behind Huang Rong, a master.

Huang Rong told Liu Xu all the methods of moving hands and feet in the water, and with the convenience of his inner breath, he quickly mastered all of what Huang Rong taught.

It didn't take long for him to be as dexterous as Huang Rong in the water.

The two of them played in the water for most of the day, when they heard Huang Rong calling softly in front of them: "Brother Xu, come and chase me!"

After speaking, a fierce son plunged into the water.

Liu Xu laughed, and chased in Huang Rong's direction, and he quickly chased after him relying on his advanced skills.

"Where are you going to escape?" He hugged the beauty in his arms.

Huang Rong tilted her head and said softly, "Your martial arts are much better than mine, isn't this bullying!"

At this time, her clothes were soaked in water, and they were tightly attached to her body, and her exquisite figure appeared in front of Liu Xu.

Huang Rong's face was pretty, her skin was as thick as fat, and her body was well developed, Liu Xu couldn't help but feel hot.


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Chapter 1239 Mother and Daughter Recognize, Family Reunion

In this situation, Liu Xu couldn't bear it anymore, his head became hot, and he lowered his head and kissed her.

It wasn't until Huang Rong exhausted her breath in one breath that Liu Xu carried her to the shore.

Reaching out to untie her belt, Liu Xu whispered in Huang Rong's ear, "Rong'er, I want you."

Huang Rong uttered an indistinct "um" in a nasal voice, Liu Xu was overjoyed, and accepted this beauty desperately.

"Brother Xu, do you want to have a baby with Rong'er?" Huang Rong asked Liu Xu vaguely.

"Is Rong'er willing to have a baby with me?" Liu Xu asked panting.

Huang Rong nodded without hesitation. She likes this man and wants to give everything to him.

Since the heart was given to him long ago, the body must be given to him sooner or later.


An hour later, when the wind stopped and the rain stopped, Liu Xu gently hugged Huang Rong, feeling happy for a while.

The passion is gone, what is left now is warmth and sweetness.

"Today is my Luckyday. It turns out that the stressed pronunciation of lucky day is in the man-made verb 日." Liu Xu proudly proudly.

Huang Rong rested her head in his arms, and only heard Liu Xu say: "Rong'er, your body is really flawless, even your elder sister Mu can't compare to it."

Huang Rong froze, hugged Liu Xu tightly, glared at him and said, "What did you say? Now you're still talking about Sister Mu to me, why did you steal Sister Mu so early?"

Huang Rong was very angry, she was doing "shameful things" with herself just now, but now she mentioned other women.

She stretched out her hand and pinched Liu Xu's body fiercely.

"Ah!" Liu Xu exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"I knew you were a big carrot, but Sister Mu didn't say anything, so Rong'er won't lose to her! Now you are with Rong'er, you are not allowed to think about other women, you can only think about Rong'er." Huang Rong burst into tears and said wronged.

"Yes, yes, I only want Rong'er now." Liu Xu hugged her and comforted her softly, but he was thinking in his heart that coordinating the relationship between the women in the harem is the top priority no matter which world it is.

Now that Mu Nianci is the obedient and obedient type, he should be easy to get along with, and Sister Xianzi is not a person who likes to fight. As long as Huang Rong is dealt with, everything will be easy to talk about.

It's still ancient!

The two played for a while, and suddenly there was a whistle.

They peeped at each other, got up quickly, and put on the clothes that Liu Xu had dried with internal force.

"Hehe, the father-in-law and mother-in-law are calling us!" Liu Xu took Sister Rong'er's hand and walked towards Xiao Sheng.

After a while, the two came to a small pavilion on Peach Blossom Island, and saw Huang Yaoshi standing there playing a jade flute in his hand, and beside him a beautiful woman who looked very similar to Huang Rong was sitting there quietly.

The wind blowing from the surroundings danced the corners of their clothes, like a couple of gods and gods.

At this time, silence is better than sound, and everything is silent.

It's a pity that Liu Xu knew that because Huang Yaoshi practiced kung fu and hurt his body, he would not be able to have a husband and wife life with Ah Heng from now on, so they would definitely not be happy in the future. .

The so-called hard work for the capable, father-in-law, don't worry!

I will take care of Rong'er and Aheng for you, Liu Xu became extremely shameless in his heart.

When Liu Xu's mother-in-law saw Huang Rong approaching, she stood up happily.

Feng Heng had already fallen into a deep sleep sixteen years ago, and the memory of his daughter naturally stayed with Huang Rong as a baby who was lying in his arms. I thought I just fell asleep.

Just now, Feng Heng even foolishly asked Huang Yaoshi if her daughter had eaten milk, if she was hungry, and brought her over to show her.

Feng Heng's silly and cute appearance made Huang Yaoshi, who was still immersed in the more than ten years of life and death and was so excited to meet again, couldn't help laughing, and almost laughed.

Then Huang Yaoshi told her everything about Feng Heng's sleep, including the little things about her daughter growing up and even getting married and sleeping with her for sixteen years.

Feng Heng listened softly. The more he opened his mouth, the more he knew that he was almost separated from his family and was saved because of Liu Xu's appearance. She was very grateful to this son-in-law who "has never been masked".

She hugged the dazed Huang Rong in her arms, and stroked this face that was just a little younger than she imagined.

Feng Heng murmured: "Ronger, you are my Ronger, right? Ronger, I am your mother!"

She supported Huang Rong's pretty shoulders with trembling hands, and she said with tears in the corners of her eyes, "Pharmacist, look, sixteen years have passed, and our daughter is already this big."

Huang Yaoshi pulled Huang Rong again and said, "Rong'er, call your mother, your mother is back."

"Mm, ah..." Huang Rong opened her mouth wide, looking at this beautiful woman who looked very similar to herself, and was only a few years older, she couldn't even cry out.

Although when seeing her, Huang Rong found that her heart was full of intimacy.

"Rong'er, what's the matter, haven't you been arguing with your parents for a mother since you were a child?" Huang Yaoshi looked at Huang Rong who was a little dazed, and said with a smile: "Now your mother is in front of you, why don't you talk? "

"Mother, mother, Rong'er also has a mother!" Huang Rong heard Huang Yaoshi's words and saw Liu Xu's encouraging gesture, and finally couldn't help but threw herself into Feng Heng's arms, telling herself that she was the one in her dream. A mother who thinks a lot.

Feng Heng happily hugged Huang Rong tightly.

"Okay, okay, our family is finally reunited, hahaha..." Huang Yaoshi gently spread his shoulders, put his arms around the two of them, and sighed, he never imagined that the sky would be so kind to him, that the family would be able to reunite more than ten years later.

The Huang family sighed and sighed there, the scene was touching, and someone suddenly felt that he seemed to be ignored.


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Chapter 1240 Promised by a woman, sent to the bridal chamber

"Hey, father-in-law, Rong'er..." Liu Xu pointed to his nose and said, "There's still me! There's still me!"

He loudly reminded them not to forget his biggest hero, but unfortunately no one paid attention to him.

"Damn it! Rong'er ignores me!" Liu Xu had black hair, he really wanted to remind Huang Yaoshi that he had spent a lot of time on her to save his wife Feng Heng just now.

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