After a long while, Huang Rong raised her tear-stained little head, and seeing Liu Xu, who was neglected by her, sitting there mourning and complaining, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Pulling his hand to her mother, Huang Rong blushed and said, "Mother, let me introduce you, he is my daughter's... brother..."

Seeing his daughter's shy little face, Feng Heng didn't understand that the word "love" should be added in front of this brother, right?

In fact, she also felt weird for a while, not only did her daughter grow up after sleeping, she even had a son-in-law, but from her husband, Feng Heng already knew that she was able to reunite with her husband and daughter, and this son-in-law was the most important contributor.

"Mother-in-law!" Liu Xu greeted with a smile. To this beautiful mother-in-law who "molested" him once, his impression of her was simply "too bad". Is my brother such a casual person?

Hmph, come and don't go indecently, one day, brother must come back indecently.

"Oh, so the young master is the young master Liu that brother Yao said? Thank you, Mr. Liu, for saving my life. I have nothing to repay me and I can only agree with my body!" Feng Heng made a blessing and asked with a smile: " I don't know if the young master is willing to accept it or not?"

With a "bang", Liu Xu listened to Feng Heng's words, looked at her flowery face, and leaned against the pillar of the gazebo all at once, with a look of fear on his face.

"I mean let my daughter make the promise instead! Hasn't your father-in-law already agreed? Even if you are happy, you don't have to be so excited! You almost fell down? Hehehe!"

The beautiful mother-in-law looked at Liu Xu's embarrassment, covered her little mouth and giggled.

Feng Heng had been asleep for [-] years, and time had stopped on her body for [-] years.

So strictly speaking, Feng Heng's age is actually less than twenty years old, and the girl's heart has not been completely erased.

So, at this time, he actually started a joke about his son-in-law.

"Okay, Ah Heng, stop making trouble." Huang Yaoshi knew his wife, she was the kind of person who looks quiet on the outside but likes to be funny like her daughter on the inside, so he would neither be surprised nor dissatisfied with her words. But Huang Rong, a little girl, was quite frightened.

Liu Xu wiped off his sweat, this mother-in-law is really top-notch!

The appearance is superb and even the character is perfect.

"Liu Xu, I plan to let you and Rong'er get married now." Huang Yaoshi said to Liu Xu, holding his wife's hand.

"What?" Huang Rong and Liu Xu jumped up in shock.

Huang Rong had a coquettish and shy face.But Liu Xu seemed to have seen a ghost.

"Well, isn't this a little too fast, do you want to wait for a while?" Liu Xu stammered.

Although he had always wanted to marry Huang Rong, Liu Xu was caught off guard when he first heard that they were going to get married now.

"Why?" Huang Yaoshi suddenly said with displeasure on his face, "Could it be that you despise Rong'er?"

"No, no." Liu Xu quickly denied.

Seeing his younger sister Rong'er and Huang Yaoshi's top-notch mother-in-law showing murderous looks, Liu Xu knew that if one of them answered badly, he would definitely die ugly, and he would be whipped a hundred times a hundred times!

"Then why?" Both Huang Yaoshi and the best mother-in-law were puzzled.

Huang Rong also looked at him with grievances, her watery eyes were clearly marked with "Xin Xin Da Carrot".

"I just feel like it's a bit too hasty. Of course, if Rong'er is willing, I'd love it." Liu Xu said with a serious face.

His words made Huang Rong's happy little daughter show her full expression. After hearing Liu Xu's words, Huang Yaoshi and the top-notch mother-in-law were naturally full of satisfaction.

"Rong'er, are you willing?" Ah Heng asked while hugging his daughter's shoulder.

Huang Rong lowered her head, looked at Liu Xu and nodded her head.

"Hehe, okay, since we all agree, then you can worship heaven and earth and get married here now, and then go to the bridal chamber!" The superb mother-in-law giggled.

"Ah! What?" Liu Xu stretched his neck and shouted, "Is that enough?"

"Why? Can't you?" The superb mother-in-law nodded her delicate chin, and said with a matter of course: Brother Yao and I used to be like this, do you want to pray or not?

Liu Xu almost fainted again after hearing this, and then remembered that Taohua Island really has such a habit, for example, when sister Mei Chaofeng married her husband Chen Xuanfeng, it was just the two of them.

It seems that Huang Yaoshi's Dongxie is not a fake. In his opinion, all he needs to do is to like each other to get married. Why do you need so many red tapes?

Then Liu Xu had no choice but to pay homage to the shy Huang Rong, and the superb mother-in-law at the side was happily shouting to worship the world and the like.

Although being thundered hard, Liu Xu and Huang Rong were extremely happy to worship. With the last "sent to the bridal chamber", the two were officially married.

"Hehehe, Mr. Liu, I have entrusted my daughter to you, you can't bully her! By the way, Taohua Island usually only has me and Brother Yao, and those dumb servants usually don't wander around, so You and Rong'er can be married anywhere." Feng Heng said another sentence that made Liu Xulei twitch, "And you can rest assured that I won't peek at you."

"Mother, there is an old naughty boy in Peach Blossom Island." Huang Rong, who had been shy just now, had no choice but to remind her mother, now she has seen how powerful her mother is.


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Chapter 1241 Weird Feng Heng, Huang's sister-in-law

"What! Old naughty boy? Brother Yao, why is he in our Peach Blossom Island?" The mother-in-law looked puzzled, logically speaking, Huang Yaoshi should not like outsiders living on Peach Blossom Island.

"Why else, of course it was Daddy who caught him and locked him up on Peach Blossom Island. I went to visit him before, but Daddy still scolded me. Woooooo...Rong'er was so sad at the time! Mother..." Huang Rong cried Hug mother said.

Now that she has the support of her mother, she is considered arrogant, so she seized the opportunity to complain to Feng Heng, and sued her father Huang Yaoshi.

The mother-in-law hugged her daughter for a while to comfort her, then rolled her husband's eyes and said, "You didn't arrest him sixteen years ago and imprison him for sixteen years, did you?"

She is extremely smart and familiar with Huang Yaoshi's personality, so she naturally understands why Zhou Botong was arrested and imprisoned on Peach Blossom Island by her husband who loves to vent her anger. It must be because of her almost death.

Huang Yaoshi nodded in embarrassment, now that his wife is resurrected, he is in a good mood, remembering that he has imprisoned Zhou Botong for [-] years, although now he is allowed to walk around casually, he suddenly feels a little guilty.

"That's it! Let's go see him." The superb mother-in-law knew that she had just been resurrected, so she was interested in everything.

She dragged Huang Rong and Huang Yaoshi to visit Zhou Botong, but Liu Xu shook his head and followed.


"Old naughty boy, wake up, an old friend has come to see you."

As soon as they came to the cave, they saw Zhou Botong sleeping on the ground like a dead pig.

"Hey, brother, you're back? Is there an old urchin who came back to see me? Is it Miss Rong'er or Huang Laoxie? They are the only ones on this Peach Blossom Island." Zhou Botong rubbed his sleepy eyes and said.

"Yeah, my father and I have come to see you, but there is one person you will never think of!" Huang Rong walked in front of Zhou Botong and said to him.

"What, Huang Laoxie is really here?"

Hearing that Huang Yaoshi was coming, Zhou Botong suddenly regained his energy. He saw him with a glance, and quickly jumped in front of Huang Yaoshi and said, "Huang Laoxie, you are finally here! Come on, come on, my old naughty boy's martial arts is not as good as it is now." Already number one in the world, this time I must fight you hard to let you know how powerful I am, wow ha ha..."

Ever since he learned how to fight left and right, he has always wanted to have a good fight with Huang Yaoshi, the man who has bullied him for more than ten years.

"Could it be that you have already practiced the Nine Yin Manual! That's why you are so confident." Huang Yaoshi imprisoned Zhou Botong for more than ten years. With his intelligence, he already knew Zhou Botong's character like the back of his hand. Seeing his confident appearance now, he naturally knew him. There must be something to stand on.

"Haha, it doesn't matter if the old naughty boy practices the Nine Yin Manual or not, he can defeat you, Huang Laoxie."

As soon as Zhou Botong finished speaking, he leaned forward, but suddenly found a figure standing in front of Huang Yaoshi. It turned out to be a little girl who was slightly older than Huang Rong, and she looked very similar to Huang Rong.

"Hey! Huang Laoxie, when did you have another daughter? Forget it, no matter how many daughters you have, little girl, please get out of the way, my old naughty boy's martial arts are very high, if you accidentally hurt you, don't worry." Good." Zhou Botong waved to Feng Heng.

Liu Xu and Huang Rong looked at each other, knowing that there was a good show to watch.

Feng Heng had originally come here holding the hands of his husband and daughter, stepping on the flowers, full of joy, but he had just arrived at Laowantong's residence, at first glance, his heart was sore, and he saw Zhou Botong who looked like an old man again. Looking like a child, remembering that he had been in this cave for more than ten years because of his own reasons, a burst of guilt welled up in his heart, and he couldn't help but give his husband another look.

Feng Heng saluted Zhou Botong Yingyingly, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhou still remembers my younger sister. It was the younger sister who said that Brother Zhou's Nine Yin Manual was fake, and was transferred by Ouyang Feng..."

"Oh! I remembered, you are the sister-in-law of the Huang family." Zhou Botong turned to Huang Yaoshi again and said, "Huang Laoxie, you brought your wife here to do things..."

Before he could say anything, he suddenly seemed to remember something, his teeth chattered non-stop, and he looked as if he had seen a ghost!

Well, I actually saw a ghost.

"Ghost, ghost! Help! Don't come looking for me, old naughty boy..." Zhou Botong screamed miserably, running around a few times to the left and right, trying to find a place to hide.

But where else could he hide in a bare cave?

In the end, I could only put my face in my arms, as if I couldn't see you and you couldn't see me, and my body kept swinging, obviously frightened.

"Brother Zhou, it's all because of you showing me the Nine Yin Scriptures that killed me. I'm back to look for you." Feng Heng, who loves to be funny, said to Zhou Botong in a "gloomy" way.

"Don't care about my old urchin, you must read it yourself. I told you not to watch it! Don't come to me!" Zhou Botong buried his head in his arms and shook it vigorously.

"Hahahaha..." Liu Xu and the others couldn't help laughing when they saw his appearance.

It was Sister Rong'er who had a conscience, seeing Zhou Botong's trembling, stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Old naughty boy, my mother is not dead yet, open your eyes to see clearly!"

"I don't watch it, even if I'm killed." Zhou Botong said coyly.

At this time, he was also a little clear-headed, how could a ghost appear with a large group of people in broad daylight!

Zhou Botong couldn't help raising his head to take a look, and sure enough he saw the long shadow of Huang's sister-in-law dragging on the ground.

"Huh! It really isn't a ghost, ouch, you scared my old naughty boy to death." Zhou Botong let out a big breath, and collapsed on the ground with a look of lingering fear.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Zhou Botong jumped up and shouted at Huang Yaoshi, "Huang Laoxie, you are so despicable! Not only lied to me, old urchin, that your wife is dead, but also used this as an excuse to break my legs. The old naughty boy was imprisoned on Peach Blossom Island for sixteen years. Don’t you just want the Nine Yin Scriptures? Just say no. I didn’t expect you, Huang Laoxie, to be so hypocritical and shameless. My old naughty boy looks down on you, looks down on you.”


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1242 On the eve of leaving the island, the witch mother-in-law

The old urchin pointed at Huang Yaoshi angrily.

Although Huang Yaoshi was a little guilty of the old urchin, he was still annoyed when he saw him pointing at his nose and yelling.

"Hmph, don't think that you can treat me so presumptuously after practicing the Nine Yin Manual. I, Huang Yaoshi, don't bother to talk about my relatives."

"Fuck! Old urchin, what nonsense are you talking about? My father is not that kind of person."

"Brother Zhou (old naughty boy), you have misunderstood." Huang Rong and Feng Heng also said together.

Only Liu Xu thought unscrupulously about fighting, this guy was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and he really wanted to see who is the stronger of the two top masters, Huang Yaoshi and Zhou Botong?

God seemed to have heard his prayers, Zhou Botong ignored Huang Rong and the others' explanations at all, walked around them, stepped on the seven stars, his whole body was as loose as cotton, his punches seemed to be chaotic, and he punched exactly seventy Two-way Kongming boxing plus left and right fight each other.

Zhou Botong punched with both hands at the same time, one punch was aimed at Huang Yaoshi's face, and the other punch was aimed at his abdomen.

For an ordinary person, if two fists are struck at the same time, the power contained in each punch is definitely not as powerful as the full power of a punch after accumulating power, but the old naughty boy who is proficient in left and right fights is not among them.

The power contained in Zhou Botong's fists is all his power.

Not to be outdone, Huang Yaoshi blocked the old urchin's two punches with both hands.

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