There was a muffled "bang", and the ground under the two of them cracked open with a "boom".


After more than half an hour, the two had already gone through thousands of moves, and the offensives of both sides were far less intense than at the beginning, obviously exhausting a lot of energy.

Seeing this, Liu Xu shouted: "Old naughty boy, my father-in-law, even if you fight until tomorrow, I'm afraid you won't be able to tell the winner, so let's stop for now!"

He didn't want Huang Yaoshi and the old urchin to be like Ouyang Feng and Hong Qigong in The Condor, but they seemed to be addicted to beating, and they didn't listen to him at all.

Liu Xu had no choice but to step forward and fly between the two of them, separating Huang Yaoshi with one hand and the old urchin with the other.

The two were blocked by him and couldn't get in any more.

"Hey! Brother, I didn't expect me to fight with Huang Laoxie for a long time, but you are the one with the highest martial arts!"

The old urchin sat down on the ground panting, Huang Yaoshi also nodded, acquiescing to his words.

In fact, this was because they underestimated themselves. They had spent too much energy fighting for a long time, and now it was not surprising that Liu Xu could suppress the two of them by himself.


And for the next six days, Liu Xu and Huang Rong have been playing with Zhou Botong like crazy, and it seems that the childlike mother-in-law also joined them.

Although Huang Yaoshi talked nonsense, everyone could see the happiness on his face.

The relationship between him and Zhou Botong has also eased because of his wife's relationship. After all, the old naughty boy doesn't know what holding grudges is at all.

Of course, during these six days, Liu Xu didn't just know how to be intoxicated in the gentle hometown of Ronger's sister, and do what he loves to do when he has nothing to do. Instead, he always took time to fight with the old naughty boy and Huang Yaoshi every day, which greatly improved his life. Gained his own fighting experience with masters.

It was not until six days later that Liu Xu proposed to Huang Yaoshi's family to leave Peach Blossom Island temporarily.

After all, it has been half a year since he came out to travel, and he misses Mu Nianci and Sister Fairy in the ancient tomb, the cute little dragon girl, and even the naughty little loli Li Mochou.

It's time to go back and see them, but before that, let's go back to Lin'an. I remember that in the original book, Ouyang Feng seems to be with Wanyan Honglie, and see if he can take the opportunity to kill Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew.

Huang Yaoshi also knew that Liu Xu was not just Huang Rong, and although he was a little unhappy, he finally agreed.

After all, his daughter and his wife didn't seem to have much dissatisfaction. In fact, Huang Yaoshi didn't know Huang Rong's grievances, but he didn't dare to express it, lest his parents find trouble with the villainous brother.

Peach Blossom Island, pier.

Huang Yaoshi's family followed Liu Xu and the old urchin to see them off.

"Rong'er, are you really not going to leave with me?" Liu Xu looked behind him and asked Huang Rong reluctantly.

"Brother Xu, I also want to go with you, but my mother just returned to Rong'er's side, and Rong'er is also reluctant to part with her!"

Huang Rong lowered her head, a little submissive, as if she was afraid that Liu Xu would blame her for it.

"Okay, okay! What are you talking about? It's not about life and death, making your mother-in-law and I seem like a villain who beats mandarin ducks." The mother-in-law put her hands on her hips and said bluntly to Liu Xu: "I tell you Whenever you miss Rong'er, come to the island by yourself, don't even think about snatching my little baby away from me."

Then, she put her arms around her daughter and scented her little face, and gave Liu Xu a demonstrative look.

Liu Xu was depressed when he saw Feng Heng, the top-notch mother-in-law, who looked a little bit proud. After getting along with her these days, he knew that his mother-in-law was an ever-changing witch. It made him often feel that she might be more like Dongxie than her husband.

"Also let me tell you, don't think that Rong'er is not by your side, so you will flirt with me everywhere, you already have three wives, if it weren't for the sake of your kid saving my mother's life and being good to Rong'er, my old lady I have to smoke you."

"Even if Rong'er pleads for you, it's the same, Rong'er is an honest girl, you can't bully her."

Seeing Liu Xu's gloomy look, the mother-in-law was amused instead, and started to teach Liu Xu a lesson in a chattering voice.

When Huang Rong heard her mother's reminder, she remembered that her love brother was a maple seed. If she didn't follow him, she didn't know how many sisters he would find for herself!


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Chapter 1243 The luxury ship returns to the mainland with beauty

Thinking of this, Huang Rong couldn't help but glared at Liu Xu, and said, "Brother Xu, I will look for you in a short time. If you dare to find me a sister again, I will die for you, a big hearted carrot." .”

After hearing what the mother and daughter said, Liu Xu kept apologizing, saying that he would never dare to live again, but his heart was sweating profusely.

Is Huang Rong an honest girl?

Of course, that depends on who you compare with.

If you are only comparing yourself with your mother-in-law, you are really honest. I don't know how my father-in-law can stand it.

"Ah! Huang Laoxie, you are so stingy, why did you give us such a small boat?" The old urchin pointed dissatisfiedly at the boat that Huang Yaoshi prepared for Liu Xu and the others.

His words reminded Liu Xu, isn't there still a luxurious ship parked on the shore of Peach Blossom Island?

Recently, because I had so much fun with Huang Rong (something I love to do), I even forgot about that big boat for a while.

Looking up, I found out that the place where Liu Xu landed on Peach Blossom Island was the west side of Peach Blossom Island, and the east side of Peach Blossom Island is its regular pier, and I am here now.

It seems that the luxury ship is still parked in the west and has not been discovered.

Zhou Botong was dissatisfied with Huang Yaoshi for giving him a small boat as in the original book, pointing to the tall ship with a tall stern, gorgeous shape, brilliantly painted hull, and a newly built big boat, Sapo pretended to want to sit on that boat.

"No! Old Urchin's boat is the most unlucky, and the people sitting on it are either sick or in disaster, so it is never used to berth here." Huang Yaoshi's face changed slightly at the moment, "How can I be stingy? If you don't believe me, I will call They burned the boat for you to see."

Zhou Botong sat on the ground arrogantly and said, "I just want to ride in a new boat! Huang Laoxie, you would rather burn it than let others sit on it, but you are too mean to let my old urchin sit on it."

Huang Yaoshi's face tightened, Zhou Botong thought he was right when he saw this.

Immediately, rolling on the ground, Zhou Botong shouted: "I want to take a new boat, I want to take a new boat!"

Huang Rong couldn't bear Zhou Botong's naughty appearance, so she suppressed a smile and walked over, kicked his ass, and said, "Old naughty boy, have you had enough trouble? That boat is where I go to play every time. , Daddy always sternly forbids me to go up, let alone sit for you."

"That's why I said that Huang Laoxie is stingy!" Zhou Botong pulled his beard again and stared at him, saying, "You won't even let your own daughter sit? I just want to sit, I just want to sit!"

Liu Xu saw that he was making a fuss, so he couldn't help but said: "Okay, old naughty boy, if you must take a new boat, I will give you a better one. Don't always ask for my father-in-law's treasure. That boat The boat is so beautiful, it must have been made by my father-in-law before and wanted to go out with my mother-in-law, why would anyone just sit on it!"

After listening to Liu Xu's words, the mother-in-law gave Huang Yaoshi a deep look. If anyone is familiar with the plot of shooting the eagles, how could he not know that the big boat is the "burial boat" that Huang Yaoshi used to die for his wife.

Although my mother-in-law didn't know the plot of Shooting the Condors, she could easily figure it out based on her understanding of Huang Yaoshi after Liu Xu's intentional awakening.

"Really? You didn't lie to me?" Zhou Botong looked at Liu Xu suspiciously and asked.

Liu Xu nodded, and at the same time said to Huang Yaoshi's family: "I have a boat parked on the west pier, let's go there now!"

After all, he was the first to walk ahead.

"Hahaha! What a beautiful big boat. It's ten times better than Huang Laoxie's. No, no,'s a hundred times better. I want to take this one." Zhou Botong cheered. At the same time, Huang Yaoshi's family looked at the boat. The luxurious ship was also stunned.

"Boy, you have a lot of strange things."

Although Huang Yaoshi and his mother-in-law lived with Liu Xu for a while recently and had a certain degree of immunity to some of his things, they still shocked the luxury wheel in front of them.

Only Huang Rong had nothing to do. Liu Xu had already said everything he needed to say when he was having sex with her.

"Let's go, now that there is a big ship, there shouldn't be trouble!" Liu Xu turned around and smiled at the old urchin.

After all, I wanted to board the big ship first.

"and many more."

"what happened?"

The mother-in-law smiled and said to Liu Xu: "Rong'er and I have already discussed it, it is better to let Rong'er stay by your side, so that no one will catch you promiscuous everywhere."

Huang Rong also nodded her head seriously.

Liu Xu has a black hair, feeling this superb mother-in-law has been discussing this in whispers with Huang Rong on the way here from the east pier!

He had been wondering just now.

"Why..." Seeing his appearance, Huang Rong stared at his beautiful eyes, put her hands on her hips, and said to him coquettishly, "I'm following you, don't you feel happy?"

"No, no, how could it be! Your elder brother Xu is just too happy." Liu Xu waved his hands again and again.

He knew that if he answered later, Huang Rong would definitely give him a "gentle" hug.

Five days later.

The vastness of the sea, the moonlight that cultivates people, the sound of gulls, and the exile of cheerful air, the wind is calm and the sea is calm, all the way back to Zhoushan Wharf safely.

Because Liu Xu knew that his luxurious ship and the soldiers of the warship were too conspicuous, he deliberately came to a remote pier. After arriving on the shore, he let the soldiers go back.

"Ah! I finally left that hateful Peach Blossom Island. My old naughty boy is back."

Zhou Botong, who was walking on the street, looked at the lively scene of people coming and going, and thought that he hadn't been out for fifteen years, so he couldn't help shouting loudly.

As soon as he heard his shout, Liu Xu immediately pulled Huang Rong and Zhou Botong away calmly. He didn't want himself and Huang Rong to be seen as lunatics like the old naughty boy.


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Chapter 1244 Master's demeanor, extraordinary bearing

Sure enough, as soon as Liu Xu left, people around him pointed at Zhou Botong.

He has long beard and long hair, looks like a savage, and the loud yell just now attracted the attention of passers-by, as if they saw a madman or a monster.

After realizing that Liu Xu and Huang Rong were far away from him, Zhou Botong quickly came to their side, and complained, "Don't go so fast! Wait for me, old naughty boy."

"Old naughty boy, don't yell in the future, okay? Even if you don't feel ashamed, Rong'er and I still feel ashamed!" Liu Xuzai said angrily.

"Yes, yes! Brother Liu is right, there is nothing hateful about our Peach Blossom Island, what nonsense are you talking about?" Huang Rong also looked at Zhou Botong dissatisfied.

"I'm so happy to be out for the first time in fifteen years!" Zhou Botong looked at Liu Xu and Huang Rong with a bit of aggrievedness, and the former gave him a chill.

Seeing what Zhou Botong wanted to say, it was probably to teach him the martial art of turning things into nothing.

"Okay, it's getting late, don't say anything else, let's go to the restaurant for something to eat." Liu Xu quickly took Huang Rong's arm and left quickly.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Seeing that they were going far away, Zhou Botong quickly chased after them, shouting.

Liu Xu and Huang Rong, who had not gone far, actually stopped.

After coming to them, Zhou Botong said with a smile on his face: "Ha, this time you are really obedient!"

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