Huang Rong was stunned, she never expected that Qiu Qianzhang would be so shameless, it was already obscene and nasty.

She screamed, afraid that Qiu Qianzhang would let go of his pants, so she turned around and ran to Liu Xu's side.

Liar Qiu laughed triumphantly just now, when he suddenly saw Liu Xu approaching him, he immediately froze.

This move of his is of no use to men. He was bullied so badly by Huang Rong just now that he even forgot for a moment that he still has a backer.

"Hmph, you old man likes to take off your pants everywhere, don't you! Well, that young master will fulfill you."

Liu Xu was right next to him, and Qiu Qianzhang was also a little annoyed that he dared to use this method in front of Huang Rong.

" do you want to do? I warn you, don't mess around..."

The liar Qiu looked as if he was going to have his chrysanthemum exploded, and he was holding up his pants with both hands, people who didn't know really thought that Liu Xu had some bad hobbies!

Liu Xu was not in the mood to continue talking nonsense to this old liar, and turned to Huang Rong and said, "Rong'er, turn around and close your eyes."

Huang Rong followed her words very obediently, as if she knew what Liu Xu was going to do.

Liu Xu's eyes flashed, and he used the soul-shifting method in the Nine Yin Scriptures to hypnotize Qiu Qianzhang.

The expression on Qiu Daliar's face, which was uneasy in his heart, immediately changed, and he began to become demented.

"You will run around the city while undressing for me, and when you run, you must shout that I am a liar, I am 'Iron Palm Water Drifting' Qiu Qianren, our family likes to do this, okay, Go ahead!"

After hearing Liu Xu's words, the big liar Qiu started to go out, and started to yell while taking off his clothes.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, Brother Xu, you are so bad, I didn't expect your exercise to be so interesting." Huang Rong immediately said coquettishly after Liar Qiu left her eyeliner: "I don't care, you must use this exercise. To teach me."

"Yes! Yes, brother, you must teach me!"

At this time, Zhou Botong was also at the side to join in the fun.

"Okay, as long as I have time, I will definitely teach you."

Facing Huang Rong's coquettish attack, Liu Xu was immediately defeated, but he turned around and smiled evilly at Zhou Botong, and said, "And you, old naughty boy, are you sure you want to learn? This is the "Nine Yin Manual" The martial arts on the top!"

"Ah! Let's forget it then!" The old urchin shrank immediately after hearing the Nine Yin Manual.

After a while, there was the exclamation of the waiter in the downstairs shop, and then there were men's shouts and screams from the street, and the women's screams, it must have been caused by the great feat of the big liar...

Liu Xu and Huang Rong laughed again.

As the saying goes, good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

After today, the body art performance of Iron Palm floating on the water and running naked with clothes should be spread all over the rivers and lakes.

It’s just that it’s not known whether the ancient people would appreciate this art, which is absolutely avant-garde in the modern society of later generations.

Liu Xu didn't feel guilty at all about whether he had gone too far by doing this. Qiu Qianzhang's family was not a good thing, so he had nothing to feel guilty about.

"Brother Xu, that old man seems to be telling us to go to Tiezhang Mountain to have a break with him, shall we go or not?"

"What's there to do? I think he just wants to call out his younger brother to stand up for him..." Liu Xu said halfway, when he suddenly remembered that Wu Mu's suicide note seemed to be in the forbidden area of ​​Tiezhang Mountain. Go and have a look, don't let others take the national treasure left by Yue Fei to do bad things.

But this has to be discussed after I have met the wives and wives in the ancient tomb, and I can't take Huang Rong there. In the original book, Huang Rong was almost beaten to death on Tiezhang Mountain.

Although this kind of thing will never happen now that I am here, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Thinking about it, no one would go to the forbidden area of ​​Tiezhang Mountain for a while. When Wanyan Honglie was looking for Wu Mu's suicide note, he only went to the palace of Song Dynasty, just to play with them.


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Chapter 1247

Ten days later, Liu Xu and Huang Rong finally arrived in Lin'an in a carriage, but Zhou Botong left alone to play because he was too bored.

This Lin'an was originally a prosperous place in the world. At this time, the Song Dynasty traveled south and established its capital here.

The two waited for Chaomen to enter the city from the east, Huang Rong said coquettishly: "Brother Xu, let's play for a day before leaving!"

Liu Xu nodded with a smile, and said, "Let's find an inn to stay first, and then go out for a stroll."

The two came to the Broken Bridge by the lake. The "remnant snow on the Broken Bridge" is one of the ten scenic spots of West Lake. At this time, it was very hot, but there were lotus flowers under the bridge.

Huang Rong saw that a small restaurant by the bridge was very elegant and clean, and said, "Brother Xu, let's go have a drink and look at the lotus flowers."

Liu Xu said, "Alright."

The two sat down inside, and the bartender served wine and dishes. The dishes were exquisite and delicious, and they drank and enjoyed the lotus, feeling happy.

At this time, Liu Xu looked out the window.

Unexpectedly, under this look, he actually saw an old acquaintance.

"Huh? Liang Ziweng has already arrived in Lin'an City?" Liu Xu was a little puzzled, "He must have come with Wanyan Honglie, right? Then they are about to break into the palace?"

Thinking of this, Liu Xu's eyes lit up immediately, and he thought to himself, "Maybe we can kill Ouyang Feng this time."

Liu Xu and Huang Rong separated at the small restaurant and followed Liang Ziweng secretly.

"Tch, I didn't expect this old guy to be a pervert."

Seeing Liang Ziweng staring at the beauties all around while hurrying, Liu Xu thought to himself, "Look at how old he is, I really don't know if he can still do it now?"

Thinking of Liu Xu here, he couldn't help laughing evilly, which made several girls who happened to see him intoxicated.

After following Liang Ziweng, an old pervert, for about half an hour, Liu Xu came to a very inconspicuous inn.

If Liang Ziweng hadn't been leading the way, he really wouldn't have noticed this inn that was not only remote, but also looked very ordinary.

And after seeing Liang Ziweng walk into that inn, Liu Xu didn't go in with him, because this inn was obviously Jin Guo's stronghold in Lin'an City.

Otherwise, the inn with no location, no special features, should have closed down a long time ago, how can it still be open until now?

So in order not to startle the snake, Liu Xu could only quietly climb over the wall and enter the inn when there was no one around.

Because the inn is not very big, Liu Xu quickly found Liang Ziweng.

As expected, Wanyan Honglie came to Lin'an City.

Apart from Wanyan Honglie and Wanyan Kang, many of the second-rate masters that Wanyan Honglie invited were with them.

However, to Liu Xu's surprise, Ouyang Feng and Ouyang Ke were not in this inn.

That's good too, since there is no Ouyang Feng in there, then Liu Xu can safely and boldly eavesdrop on their conversation.

With the skills of the second-rate characters inside, it was impossible to spot Liu Xu outside.

"Old Immortal, how is the inquiry going?" After Liang Ziweng came in, Wanyan Honglie asked him impatiently.

"Our luck this time is very good. Except for the two priests who protect the emperor tonight, the other priests of the Song Dynasty will leave because of one thing, so if we act tonight, the possibility of success will be very high. .” Liang Ziweng looked excited, and after hearing his words, the others also showed joy.

"Oh? Then, can the old fairy find out why these Song priests left the palace for?" Wan Yankang asked curiously.

"That matter is too confidential, so I didn't find out what it was." Liang Ziweng said with a wry smile.

"Kang'er, our goal this time is Wu Mu's suicide note. It's better not to mess with irrelevant things." After watching Yan Kang's appearance, Wanyan Honglie knew what he was thinking, so Wanyan Honglie couldn't help but said to him .

"I know this too, but since this matter can attract those worshipers from the Great Song Dynasty, it is obviously not a small matter. If we can accomplish this matter, it may be of great benefit to our Dajin Council!" Yan Kang said with some regret.

"Okay, don't think about it anymore, as long as we can get Wu Mu's suicide note, then our Jin Kingdom's army will be invincible." Wanyan Honglie said to him confidently: "At that time, don't you worry about not getting it? Is there something you want?"

It turned out that Wanyan Honglie was going south to steal Yue Wumu's suicide note after Liu Xu and the others left.

Because Mongolia aggressively cut gold at that time, Yanjing, the central capital, was besieged for several months, and the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun belonged to Mongolia, and the state of Dajin was in danger.

Wanyan Honglie was extremely worried, seeing the fierce Mongolian soldiers, although the golden soldiers were ten times as numerous, they were defeated every time they fought, there was no other way but to pin all their hopes on the Wumu suicide note, thinking that as long as they won This military book, of course, can use soldiers like a god and be invincible, just like Yue Fei back then, even if the Mongolian soldiers were elite, they would be invincible.

This time he led the crowd to the south, and his whereabouts were surreptitious. He was afraid that the Southern Song Dynasty would find out and he was on guard, so he changed to the sea route, and he was determined to land on the coast of Zhejiang without anyone noticing, and quietly entered Lin'an to steal books.

Today, I just asked Master Lingzhi to inquire about the news, but I didn't expect to be bumped into by Liu Xu, which is quite sad.

But there is something even more tragic. He didn't know that Liu Xu was actually King Rong of the Great Song Dynasty. They took the bait.

"My lord, since we have to act tonight, I'll go back to my room to recharge my batteries." After hearing what Master Lingzhi said, Liu Xu left the inn immediately.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1248 Cuihan Hall, play games

"Brother Xu, what are you going to do? You left in such a hurry and didn't take me with you." Seeing Liu Xu's return, Huang Rong pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

"I happened to see Liang Ziweng just now, so I followed her to have a look." After gently scratching Huang Rong's little nose, Liu Xu said to her.

Perhaps because she was used to it, Huang Rong was no longer as shy about Liu Xu's behavior as before.

"What is Liang Ziweng doing in Ancheng?" Huang Rong asked him strangely.

"Not only him, but Wanyan Honglie and his group also came. As for their purpose, they went to the palace to get something, and they decided to do it tonight." Liu Xu threw the things in his hand on the table. , asked Huang Rong: "Anyway, we don't have anything particularly important to do tonight, why don't we go to the palace with them tonight?"

"Wow! Wow! I've grown up so much, I've never been to the imperial palace!" After agreeing excitedly, Huang Rong pointed to the things on the table and asked Liu Xu: "Brother Xu, why are you buying these things? "

What Liu Xu put on the table were two masks with blue faces and fangs, which he bought just now when he came back.

Because in the original book, Peng Lianhu and others seem to be particularly afraid of ghosts, so Liu Xu plans to go to the palace tonight to scare Wanyan Honglie and his group.

"Brother Xu, you are still a child at heart, so you bought it to play with yourself?" Huang Rong said jokingly.

After hearing Huang Rong's words, Liu Xu gave her an angry look.

"I just plan to use those masks to pretend to be ghosts and scare Yan Honglie and his group at night. Don't guess." Liu Xu quickly explained that he didn't want Huang Rong to misunderstand him.

"Okay, okay, I get it, I was just teasing you." Huang Rong said after making a face at Liu Xu.

"Okay, since you have decided to go to the palace tonight, you should go back to your room to recharge your batteries!" Liu Xu said to her.

"Alright then, I'll go back first." After hearing Liu Xu's words, Huang Rong returned to her room.


"Brother Xu, they're out!" Huang Rong whispered to Liu Xu beside her.

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