After dinner, they came to the inn where Wanyan Honglie and others were staying, and not long after they arrived, Wanyan Honglie and his group came out of the inn.

"Well, let's follow them."

Afterwards, Liu Xu and the others hung far behind Wanyan Honglie and his group, and followed them to the Great Song Palace.

Because the emperors of the Southern Song Dynasty always wanted to recover the lost land in the north, they did not expand the palace of Lin'an City much.

Therefore, the city wall of the imperial palace is actually not very high. Even Wanyan Honglie, who doesn't know any martial arts at all, was able to climb over the wall with the help of Liang Ziweng and others, let alone Liu Xu, who practiced martial arts. people.

Moreover, Liu Xu used to come to the palace every day, so he was very familiar with the palace, so he directly bypassed Wanyan Honglie and the others, and hid outside the Cuihan Hall first.

Suddenly, a person in the distance shouted loudly: "Who is it?"

At this time, there were two more "hehe..." sounds, although the voice was extremely deep, but it could be heard that it was the sound of exhalation after being hit on the acupuncture points.

Liu Xu thought: "It's finally here?!"

Only one person whispered: "According to the map of the imperial palace, the house next to the waterfall is the Cuihan Hall. Let's go there."

This voice is Wanyan Honglie.

Liu Xu hid behind the rockery and remained motionless. He looked towards the front of the hall under the faint light of sparse stars, and could vaguely see figures. Apart from Wanyan Honglie, Yang Kang and others had arrived together, but they still didn't see Ouyang Feng's nephew or nephew. I don't know if it's coming or not.

After hearing Yan Honglie lower his voice, he said: "Xiao Wang carefully read the secret letters left by Yue Fei, and also searched the documents of the Gaozong and Xiaozong dynasties, and concluded that Wu Mu's suicide note was hidden in the emerald house of Da Nei. Fifteen steps east of the cold hall."

Everyone's eyes followed his fingers, and they saw that there was clearly a waterfall fifteen steps east of the hall, and there was nothing else.

Wanyan Honglie said: "It's hard for Xiao Wang to guess how the books are stored under the waterfall, but according to the documents, it must be in this place."

Sha Tongtian is known as the "Dragon King of the Ghost Gate", and he has excellent water quality, so he said: "Let me go into the waterfall and see for myself."

As soon as the voice was finished, he fell into the waterfall twice, and jumped out again in a short while.

Everyone went forward to meet him, only to hear him say: "My lord really saw clearly that there is a cave behind this waterfall, and there is an iron gate at the entrance of the cave."

Wanyan Honglie was overjoyed, and said: "Wu Mu's suicide note must be inside the cave, so please open the iron gate and go in."

Some of the people who came with them had sharp swords and sharp blades. After hearing this, they all wanted to make meritorious deeds and immediately rushed to the waterfall.

At this time, only Sha Tongtian and Hou Tonghai were left guarding outside the cave.

"These idiots, it would be strange if they could find Wu Mu's suicide note!"

After knowing that Wanyan Honglie and the others were targeting Wu Mu's suicide note this time, Huang Rong, who had been told by Liu Xu that there was no Wu Mu's suicide note here, said gloatingly.

"Strange? Why hasn't Ouyang Feng come yet? Could it be that he won't come today?" Liu Xu thought with some regret.

In the original book, Ouyang Feng came to Cuihan Hall with Wanyan Honglie and others.

"Forget it, don't come if he doesn't come, anyway, there will be a chance in the future." Thinking of this, Liu Xu distributed the mask in his arms to Huang Rong, and then said to her with a smirk: "Hehe , it's time to play the game."

"Hey, I'll scare them to death soon." Huang Rong also took the mask with a smirk.

After putting on the mask, Liu Xu said to her, "I'll go up first."

As he spoke, he performed lightness kung fu and quietly came behind Sha Tongtian and Hou Tonghai.


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Chapter 1249 Pretending to be a ghost and scaring people, the spiral nine shadows

Because the two of them turned their backs to Liu Xu, no one noticed him.

"Brother, tell me..." After turning around, Hou Tonghai, who wanted to say something to Sha Tongtian, immediately spotted Liu Xu standing behind Sha Tongtian.

"What?" Sha Tongtian said impatiently.

"You, you, you... behind..." Hou Tonghai pointed at Liu Xu tremblingly, and stammered to Sha Tongtian.

"Junior brother, what happened to you today?" Sha Tongtian frowned, he didn't remember that his junior brother had a stuttering problem.

"Junior brother, what happened to you today?" Sha Tongtian frowned and asked Hou Tonghai. He didn't remember that his junior brother had a stuttering problem.

"There is a ghost behind you!" Hou Tonghai finally finished speaking with a look of horror.

"What?!" After hearing Hou Tonghai's words, Sha Tongtian was startled, and quickly turned around to look back.

But when he turned around, he saw nothing.

"It's nothing, Junior Brother, don't make fun of this kind of thing in the future." Sha Tongtian said with a relaxed and complaining face: "However, you really pretended to be like that."

"He he he... has been right behind you." However, after Sha Tongtian turned around, Hou Tonghai's body trembled more violently than before.

It turned out that when Sha Tongtian turned around just now, Liu Xu had been quietly following behind him.

Because Liu Xu performed the Lightness Kung Fu of the Ancient Tomb School, when he moved with Sha Tongtian's movements, not only was he silent, but he also looked light and ethereal, just like a legendary ghost.

Therefore, after seeing Liu Xu's way of moving, Tong Hai was immediately frightened to death by him.

After seeing Hou Tonghai's appearance, Sha Tongtian immediately started to walk around twice in the same place, thinking that he would rather believe what he had than believe what he hadn't.

But with his current martial arts, it is impossible to see Liu Xu performing the light kung fu of the Ancient Tomb School.

As a result, after turning around twice, Sha Tongtian still did not see Liu Xu.

"Junior brother, no matter how boring you are waiting, don't make such jokes!" Sha Tongtian said angrily.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was his junior, Sha Tongtian would definitely teach this guy who played tricks on him twice in a row.

"Master, brother, you... there are six more ghosts behind you!" Hou Tonghai's face was completely drained of color, and his legs began to tremble unconsciously.

If there were other people by their side now, besides Liu Xu standing behind Sha Tongtian, there were six faint white shadows floating not far behind Sha Tongtian.

Unlike Liu Xu who was standing next to him, these six white shadows were actually floating in mid-air.

These six white shadows in the mid-air, of course, are not ghosts, they are just six afterimages produced by Huang Rong's "Spiral Nine Shadows" in the Nine Yin Manual taught to her by Liu Xu.

Due to the lack of light, these somewhat transparent afterimages looked more like ghosts than Liu Xu.

And they are all afterimages, so after appearing in the air for a while, they disappeared without warning.

So after seeing these strange phenomena, Hou Tonghai was so frightened that his legs went limp.

However, if Huang Chang found out that Huang Rong used his unique technique to pretend to be ghosts and scare people, I don't know if he would jump out of the grave angrily and trouble Huang Rong.

"Enough, don't say any more." Sha Tongtian said angrily, "We didn't come here to play, if we want, think, think..."

Having said this, Sha Tongtian couldn't go on talking anymore, and started to break out in a cold sweat.

Because, Sha Tongtian saw a ghost with a green face and fangs standing behind Hou Tonghai.

"Gudong!" After swallowing hard, Sha Tongtian said to Hou Tonghai who was about to collapse, "You have one behind you."

"Really?" After squeezing out a smile that was uglier than crying, Hou Tonghai began to turn his already stiff neck.

"Uh!" To everyone's surprise, after seeing Huang Rong wearing a mask, Hou Tonghai rolled his eyes and passed out, which really made Liu Xu and others dumbfounded.

"Everyone, everyone, we just happened to pass by here. If we disturb you, then we must leave here immediately." Sha Tongtian said to Huang Rong tremblingly.

At the same time, he turned his head slightly and looked behind him.

Because Liu Xu didn't dodge this time, Sha Tongtian just turned his head halfway when he saw Liu Xu standing behind him.

"You made me miserable, and I will never let you go." After seeing Sha Tongtian turn his head, Liu Xu said to Sha Tongtian in a ghostly manner, "I will never let you go. "

"It's not me, it's not me, you recognize the wrong person, you recognize the wrong person." After quickly saying this sentence with a face of panic, Sha Tongtian immediately grabbed Hou Tonghai in front of him, and then ran away.

Even Liu Xu was amazed at that speed.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting." Looking at Sha Tongtian who fled, Huang Rong clapped her hands and said to Liu Xu, "Brother Xu, let's hide and scare Wanyan Honglie and the others later."

"It might not be that easy this time!" Liu Xu said after shaking his head.

The reason why they were able to frighten Sha Tongtian and Hou Tonghai so easily was entirely because the latter's brains were a bit dull.

Among the remaining people, there are quite a few smart people. It is not easy to deceive them.


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Chapter 1250 Lion's Roar, Crow's Mouth

"I know that too, but this game is really fun! Anyway, let's hide it quickly, and it's only one who can be fooled."

After finishing speaking, Huang Rong dragged Liu Xu to the hiding place just now.

Seeing someone coming out of the water, Huang Rong quickly said to Liu Xu excitedly, "They're out, they're out."

"Please, even if they come out, you don't have to be so excited, right?" Liu Xu thought to himself after rolling his eyes at Huang Rong.


It turned out that Wanyan Honglie and the others had already entered the water curtain in the cave, everyone pushed vigorously, and the two iron doors at the entrance of the cave flew inward.

Yang Kang stepped into the cave, Master Lingzhi and others hurriedly followed in.

Yang Kanghuang turned on the fire to observe the situation in the cave, and saw dust piled up underground, apparently no one had come here for a long time, a stone table stood alone in the middle, and on the table was a two-foot-square stone box, the box mouth was pasted. Seals and nothing else.

When Yang Kang took a closer look at the fire fold, the handwriting on the seal was already unrecognizable due to the passage of time.

Yang Kang shouted: "The book is in this box."

He was overjoyed, stretched out his hand to hold it, and held the stone box under his side.

Yang Kang shouted: "You're done, everyone get out!"

After all, he opened the way ahead, and everyone retreated.

"Huh? Where did Sha Tongtian and Hou Tonghai go?" Liang Ziweng, who was the first to come out, looked around and asked a little strangely.

"Hmph, maybe they slipped away first because they were afraid?" After hearing Liang Ziweng's words, the second Master Lingzhi who came out of the cave said sarcastically.

Since the first meeting, Master Lingzhi has been at odds with the brothers Sha Tongtian, so how could he miss this opportunity to laugh at them both!

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