When Master Lingzhi laughed at Sha Tongtian and Sha Tongtian for their cowardice, other people also came out of the cave one after another.

"Okay, don't worry about them anymore, let's go back quickly!" Yang Kang said to the others while shaking his clothes.

After hearing Yang Kang's words, Liang Ziweng and others immediately felt chills, even Master Lingzhi who had a grudge against Sha Tongtian and the others was no exception.

After all, since Yang Kang was able to abandon Sha Tongtian and the two today, he might abandon them tomorrow, so it was inevitable that they would feel sad.

"That's right, since the palace is quiet, they must not have been discovered by Ouchi's guards, so we don't have to worry about them."

Compared to Yang Kang, who was a little immature, Wanyan Honglie was much more sophisticated, and with just a few words, the knots in Liang Ziweng's and others' hearts were wiped away.

"Let's get out of here quickly. If we stay here for a while longer, we will be in more danger." After Yang Kang finished speaking, he walked in the direction they came, and the others also hurriedly followed.

"Damn it, there's no chance to scare them!" Huang Rong said disappointedly seeing Wanyan Honglie and the others walking out in a hurry.

"Hey, since we can't finish the game, let them have a good time!" Then, Liu Xu said to Huang Rong, "Plug your ears quickly."

After seeing Huang Rong plug her ears as she said, Liu Xu mobilized his internal energy and shouted, "There are assassins! There are assassins!"

Liu Xu's astonishing cry was comparable to a Buddhist lion's roar. It not only successfully attracted the attention of the whole palace to the Cuihan Hall, but also shocked Wanyan Honglie and others who had not yet left the Cuihan Hall. dizziness.


After shouting, Liu Xu immediately dragged Huang Rong to the gate of the imperial city.

As King Liu Xurong, of course he was not afraid of those big inner guards, but he wanted to stop Wanyan Honglie and his party at the city gate.

With Liu Xu and others' lightness skills, after bypassing Wanyan Honglie and his party, and avoiding several groups of guards running towards Cuihan Hall, they soon arrived at the gate of the imperial palace.

"Brother Xu, didn't you yell too loudly just now?" Huang Rong said with some complaints, "My ears still hurt a little!"

Because the distance from Liu Xu was too close, even though Huang Rong blocked her ears, Liu Xu's shout still made her deafen.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will definitely pay more attention next time." Liu Xu, who knew he was wrong, quickly apologized with a smile on his face.

"They're here!" Just when Huang Rong was about to complain, Liu Xu suddenly said to her.

When Liu Xu looked towards the intersection, he saw a few figures walking towards them in a hurry.

Master Lingzhi who was running in front said viciously while running: "Don't let me know who shouted just now, otherwise, see if I don't tear him into pieces."

After watching Yan Honglie and the others in distress, it was obvious that they had suffered a lot because of Liu Xu's yelling.

"Come on, based on the internal strength he has just revealed, we are not his opponent even if we add up." Peng Lianhu who followed behind him said with a sneer on his face: "You will be fine if you don't get smashed into pieces by him." gone."

"Hmph, that's not necessarily the case, as long as he dares to stand in front of me, see if I don't take him..." However, Master Lingzhi was interrupted by Liu Xu before he finished speaking.

"Yo, what else do you want to do to me?" Liu Xu asked Master Lingzhi with a sarcasm as he came out of his hiding place.

After seeing Liu Xu, Wanyan Honglie and the others immediately stopped.

After seeing Liu Xu's appearance clearly, Peng Lianhu stared at Master Lingzhi with a complaining face and thought in his heart: "Damn it, you damn crow's mouth."

Peng Lianhu and others were not necessarily Liu Xu's opponents even in their heyday, what's more, their internal strength had already been exhausted when they escaped from the palace, so they are now a dead end against Liu Xu.


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Chapter 1251 Humiliation under the crotch, sneak attack

The situation was stronger than others, so Wanyan Honglie had no choice but to ask Liu Xu in a low voice: "I don't know why the young hero is here?"

"It's nothing, the moonlight is good tonight, so I'm going out for a walk." Liu Xu said with a smile on his face.

The moonlight is good?

"This excuse is too far-fetched!" After taking a look at the dark cloud and moon-covered weather, Huang Rong thought dumbfoundedly, "Brother Xu has such a thick skin!"

"Since that's the case, then we won't disturb the young man."

Although he knew Liu Xu was talking nonsense, Wanyan Honglie didn't have time to worry about it.

After all, their primary purpose now is to quickly go back to the inn to hide, and they can ignore other things.

"Wait!" Seeing that Wanyan Honglie and the others wanted to go immediately, Liu Xu immediately stopped them, "Did I tell you that you can leave?"

"Then what does the young hero want?" Wanyan Honglie asked him helplessly.

After all, now they are fish and meat, while Liu Xu is killed by knives, so they can only be slaughtered by Liu Xu.

"Get through!" After putting his right foot on a city wall, Liu Xu pointed to his crotch, and said to Wanyan Honglie and the others: "If you want to survive, just get through here!"

"Boy, don't go too far!" Master Lingzhi shouted to Liu Xu with a livid face, while the faces of the others were not so good-looking.

They had only heard flattery from others before, and had never been insulted like this at all.

After hearing Master Lingzhi's words, Liu Xu couldn't help frowning, and then directly flicked a golden bean at him.

As for the Lingzhi master who only has three or four success powers left, how can he avoid the supernatural powers that Liu Xu learned from his cheap father-in-law Huang Laoxie? Before he had time to react, his right arm was captured by Liu Xu. The popped golden beans were pierced.

However, Master Lingzhi was quite stubborn. Although Liu Xu pierced his right arm, he didn't even hum.

"You'd better be honest with me, otherwise, the next time you get hit, it won't be as simple as your arm." Liu Xu threatened him with a sneer.

If it wasn't for keeping them against the Mongols, Liu Xu would have killed them a long time ago, how could they have survived till now.

This guy dared to be arrogant with Liu Xu. He was looking for death, and Liu Xu's warning was obviously very useful.

"Are you going to drill, or not?" Liu Xu said impatiently: "If Ouchi's guards chase after me, even if I don't do it, you will die as well."

After a round of struggle, Wanyan Honglie took the lead in crawling under Liu Xu's crotch, then quickly got up and ran towards the inn where they were staying.

When the others saw that he, the king of gold, had crawled over, they also crawled over silently, then got up and tried to get out of Liu Xu's sight as fast as they could.

After all, as long as they see or think of Liu Xu, they will think of the shame and humiliation they have just suffered, so it is better to stay away from Liu Xu as soon as possible.

"Damn it! Why is it so quiet? I thought they would crawl through the bottom after saying some high-sounding words like in the original book!"

Looking at Wanyan Honglie and others who had gradually disappeared, Liu Xu felt a little depressed.

The silent attitude of Wanyan Honglie and others gave Liu Xu the feeling of punching the air.

"What's the matter? They've already crawled over, what's your dissatisfaction?" Seeing Liu Xu's appearance, Huang Rong asked angrily.

"It's nothing, it just feels weird." Liu Xu frowned and said strangely.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Wanyan Honglie and his group stop suddenly, and turned his head with strange excitement in his eyes.

"It's not right!" Liu Xu had just flashed these three words in his mind, when a burst of palm wind came from behind him.

The internal force carried in this palm is not much inferior to his.

If he was hit by a surprise attack with almost no defense, even he would not feel good!

Liu Xu quickly hugged Huang Rong who was at the side, started the ancient tomb sect lightness kung fu, and turned around to get out of the way.

"Damn, it really is that old bastard Ouyang Feng again!"

After seeing the attacker's face clearly, Liu Xu cursed with hatred.

Sure enough, the one who attacked him was Ouyang Feng, and the one standing beside him was his nephew Ouyang Ke, but at this time another white-haired old man wearing a yellow kudzu shirt and waving a cattail fan stood beside Wanyan Honglie, He was exactly what Qiu Dafu looked like, but Liu Xu knew that since he was with Wanyan Honglie, he should be the real one.

However, after Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew failed to propose marriage on Peach Blossom Island and left that day, Ouyang Ke mentioned that the sixth prince of the Dajin Kingdom treated him with courtesy and asked him to conspire with him for a big cause. Go to Lin'an.

Ouyang Feng loved Ouyang Ke very much, and after hearing what he said, he agreed to go to Lin'an with Ouyang Ke.

As for Wanyan Honglie, when Ouyang Ke had something to leave that day, although Wanyan Honglie knew that he was a very capable master, he couldn't wait for him alone, so he had to make an agreement with Ouyang Ke that after the Lin'an meeting, Wanyan Honglie and the others set off on their own.

After that, Ouyang's uncle and nephew had just arrived in Lin'an, and the two met in Lin'an. Wanyan Honglie was very happy to see that Ouyang Ke had not only returned, but also brought his uncle with him.

As for that Qiu Qianzhang, he had been in contact with Jin Guo early in the morning, knowing that Wanyan Honglie was coming, of course he rushed over.

And the reason why I didn't see them just now was because I thought they were of different identities, and refused to take the books with Wanyan Honglie, but just met them outside the palace, and would rescue them if something happened.

At this time Liu Xu saw Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianzhang were there, so he knew it was difficult to deal with, so he asked Huang Rong to step aside, and jumped to attack Wanyan Honglie and the others.


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Chapter 1252 Two masters, one against two

Wanyan Honglie and his party saw Liu Xu rushing over by himself, they couldn't help but be taken aback, Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianzhang were the quickest among the crowd, they were about to rush forward to capture Liu Xu, but they didn't want Liu Xu to join them. Instead of fighting them, he yelled loudly to attract all the Ouchi guards.

Ouyang Feng scolded: "Brother Qiu, the two of us will work together to beat this kid to death first."

After all, start light work, and then rush away.

Qiu Qianzhang also outflanked from the left and approached quickly.

At this time, the lanterns and torches around the entire palace were already shining like daylight, and the palace guards rushed over in batches.

Wanyan Honglie saw that Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianzhang could not take down Liu Xu in a short time, and the guards in the palace were about to arrive, so he immediately shouted: "Quick, quick. Let's go!"

Master Lingzhi said: "My lord, don't panic, the little monk will protect you out."

After finishing speaking, he waved his left palm to block in front of his body, Hesha Tongtian and others protected Wanyan Honglie and his son and continued to rush outside the palace wall and back to the inn.

At this time, the area around the palace wall was lit with lanterns and torches, and the guards from other places also rushed to get the news.

Seeing this, Liu Xu didn't run around, playing hide-and-seek with Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianzhang on the roof, only to see him using the ancient tomb sect's light kung fu, like a shooting star banishing an immortal.

Liu Xu suddenly laughed loudly, only to hear the sound of shaking the roof tiles, he laughed and shouted: "Old Poison, Qiu Tiezhang, you two can't take me down with your combined efforts, our victory or defeat has been decided, do you accept it?! "

Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianzhang saw that Liu Xu had never confronted them head-on, but at this moment he was begging for cheap, how could they be convinced? !

But he said that Liu Xu and the two joined forces because they wanted to use the two top experts to train themselves. She has her own jade card with Huang Rong, and the palace guards will not make things difficult for her.

Now with Liu Xu's skill at this time, he is not his opponent even if he fights alone. He had no choice, since he had no worries, he was naturally happy to see Lie Xin, only to hear Liu Xu yell: "Old poison, Qiu Tiezhang, let's go shoulder to shoulder! Let's settle the past grievances today!"

After finishing speaking, before Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianzhang could reply, he jumped up and slammed at Ouyang Feng with a move of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Ouyang Feng had experienced how powerful he was, so he stretched out both palms to resist with all his strength.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xu didn't want to confront him head-on, but he took advantage of the situation and drew both his and his palms away, and slashed at Qiu Qianzhang with a slanted palm.

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