With a "teng", Liu Xu's face turned red. Just now he told Huang Rong that Quanzhen Sect is his territory, and since the two guards don't know him, aren't they trying to tear him down?

"Hehe, brother Xu, none of your disciples know you, haha...it's so fun."

Liu Xu called out to the two little Taoist priests: "I am your head teacher Liu Xu, call me Xiaoma and Xiaoqiu."

A little out of embarrassment and anger, he directly called out the old naughty boy's name to Ma Yu and the others.

The two little Taoist priests looked at Liu Xu carefully in surprise, then quickly knelt down and said, "Damn it, the disciple didn't recognize the uncle who is in charge."

"Don't tell senior brother Ma that I'm back. Even the boss of my own family can't recognize me. If it spreads out, I won't let the world laugh at my Quanzhen sect." Liu Xu took advantage of the situation and began to lecture the younger generation.

The two disciples of Wang Chuyi, the little Taoist priests, quickly confessed their crimes and asked their master and uncle to punish them. They were so frightened that they hurriedly ran to inform their seven elder brothers that they had returned.

They feel wronged in their hearts, they don’t even recognize the headmaster of their own sect, it’s because you have always been the head of the sect and never took care of things, you go to the back mountain to play with those fairy sisters all day long, even if you want to see you I haven't seen you a few times, and you have been out for more than half a year...

After a while, Ma Yu, Sun Bu'er and He Datong's third son came out, but they did not see Liu Chuxuan, Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi, and Tan Chuduan.

But as they got closer and closer to Liu Xu, Ma Yu and the others felt a sense of coercion flashing over the teacher and apprentice.

This feeling was the same as the feeling given to them by their master Wang Chongyang back then, and everyone was immediately overjoyed, the innate realm, and the disciple who is in charge of the teacher has actually reached the innate realm.

Liu Xu was also very happy to see his cheap senior brothers, after all, they were also his own little half.

Going up to meet them, Liu Xu patted the shoulders of the three of them and said, "Hi, brothers and sisters, I miss you so much."

"Have you ever thought about them?" Huang Rong who was beside Liu Xu thought suspiciously.


"Junior Brother, have you reached the Innate Realm?" Three middle-aged men asked with bright eyes around Liu Xu.

Liu Xu froze for a moment, then said with a fluttering smile, "That's right, I'm a martial arts prodigy, hahaha..."

Although he was mentally prepared, Sanzi was still taken aback.

In fact, they didn't know that Liu Xu was already a congenital master when he met them, but at that time he planned to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, so he hid his skill, but now Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianzhang knew that he was a congenital master, so there was no need to hide it Only then will they be noticed by the Quanzhen Seven Sons.

At this time, Quanzhen's three sons were overjoyed, and they all came forward to praise Liu Xulai. For Quanzhen Sect, a congenital master is really very important, it is equivalent to a signboard and a treasure of the town's teaching!

Although Zhou Botong is also, but how can the old naughty boy who has been missing for fifteen years and is crazy all day can make Quanzhen Qizi feel at ease!

Now, Ma Yu and the others can finally say loudly: "Our Quanzhen Sect has finally risen again after the death of our master, the number one expert in the world."

So, they were all overjoyed.

"Where are Senior Brother Qiu and my father-in-law?" Liu Xu asked strangely.

How can I say that I have been out for half a year, how could they not come to welcome me?

Afterwards, Liu Xu knew the reason. It turned out that Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi and his father-in-law Yang Tiexin went to settle accounts with Wanyan Honglie and Yang Kang a few days ago.


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Chapter 1255 Sneak into the ancient tomb and attack Nianci at night

After Liu Xu heard what Ma Yu and the others had said, although he was a little worried about those senior brothers, it was only a little bit.

If the four sons and Yang Tiexin were together all the time, unless they met Ouyang Feng as an innate master, it would be enough to protect themselves and escape, and wouldn't there be Guo Jing and the Jiangnan Seven Monsters?

Although the Jiangnan Seven Monsters were not very good at martial arts, they were still a help, and Guo Jing, even under Ouyang Feng's hands, could probably escape unscathed.

Although Qiu Qianzhang was still there, the gift that Liu Xu put in the stone box back then should be enough for them to drink a pot.

Guo Jing and the others should not be in too much danger.

After greeting the three of them and chattering for a while, looking back at Huang Rong who had been waiting impatiently, Liu Xu bid farewell to the three senior brothers immediately.

Ma Yu and the others also knew Huang Rong, and when they saw her coming, they just smiled knowingly, and said to themselves, "My junior brother is indeed Fengliu, no wonder he didn't want to be a Taoist priest."


"Ah! Liu Xu, you're back. Why have you been away for so long, kid? Nianci has been talking about you every day since he came back. Oh! It's good that Rong'er is back."

Yang Tiexin was not there, but Bao Xiruo was.

"Hello, Aunt Yang." Huang Rong bouncing over to pull Bao Xiruo to start the household chores.

She and Bao Xiruo have always gotten along very well since they met each other.

After Liu Xu, Huang Rong and Bao Xiruo had a good chat for a few days, they were about to leave and go to find her daughter.

Bao Xiruo also wished that he would find Mu Nianci as soon as possible, as a mother, she knew very well that her daughter missed her lover very much.

Urgently pulling Huang Rong to the ancient tomb in the back mountain, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Rong'er, I'll take you to another passage in the ancient tomb and sneak in. Don't let sister Mu and the others find out."

Huang Rong blinked her eyes playfully and said, "I know what Brother Xu is thinking, you must give Sister Mu and the others a surprise! But it's already so dark now, they must be closed, how can you get in if you don't disturb them what?"

"You're a smart girl, your elder brother Shanren has a clever plan, and there is a way to get in without knocking." Liu Xu knocked on the head of Sister Rong'er and said.

Taking Huang Rong to the small water pool next to the ancient tomb, Liu Xu sighed for a while, and finally went home!

I don't know how these little girls have been doing in the past six months, have they lost weight, I really miss them!

"At night, hehehe, you can..."

"Brother Xu, what are you doing in a daze by this pool? Why don't you go to the ancient tomb soon?"

Huang Rong couldn't help but remind her when she saw that her lover was absent-mindedly dazed by the pool.

"Hey, little girl, this is the intersection of the ancient tomb! Sneak in from this pool to ensure that no one will notice."

Liu Xu smiled cheaply.

"What! There's another doorway under this."

Huang Rong covered her mouth in surprise and said in disbelief.

Liu Xu knew that the girl would react like this, so he sneaked into the ancient tomb with Huang Rong without explaining.


With a "poof", Liu Xu and Huang Rong emerged from the water.

Liu Xu has already confirmed that he has come to the ancient tomb, because he has walked this road a lot in the past three months in the ancient tomb.

"Brother Xu, is this in the ancient tomb? Why haven't I seen it before! By the way, sister Mu and the others?"

After Huang Rong and Liu Xu came out of the pool, they looked around and found nothing, so they asked Liu Xu.

"Hey, little girl, you are only allowed to have institutions on Peach Blossom Island, and you are not allowed to have ancient tombs!"

Liu Xu smiled and said, this girl sometimes gets confused.

As soon as Huang Rong heard it, she understood that there must be a secret door here.

Liu Xu touched his head and pushed hard, pushing the bottom of the stone coffin away, and then climbed up with Huang Rong.

It wasn't until this time that Huang Rong saw the ancient tomb she was familiar with.

He ordered Huang Rong to follow him, Liu Xu led the way, and they soon came to Liu Xu's room in the ancient tomb.

"It's so clean! It seems that Sister Mu and the others must have come to clean it after you left." Liu Xu pushed open the stone door and Huang Rong walked in.

After hearing Huang Rong's words, Liu Xu couldn't help but look carefully. The quilt was neatly folded, and the table was clean. When he left, oh, it shouldn't be said that it was even more tidy than when he left.

The nose is sour and a little touched, those little girls!

"Rong'er, take a rest and sleep in Brother Xu's room first. You must be tired after driving all day. I'll go and surprise your older sisters. Hehe..." Liu Xu got used to it again. Sexually smirked.

After being told by Liu Xu, Huang Rong really felt very tired. She lay down on Liu Xu's bed in a daze, and closed her eyes.

Sneaking out of his room, Liu Xu said with a smirk on his face, "Where should I go first? It's fine with Fairy Sister, Grandma Sun might be there too... Mochou little loli can't do it, I have to go first." For a while, I can't destroy the flowers of the motherland..."

After much deliberation, Liu Xu still felt that he should go to the gentle and lovely sister Nianci first.

Arriving at the door of Mu Nianci's room, Liu Xu thought that she was falling asleep inside, and his blood felt hot. It had been a long time since he had sex with that painful girl.

Liu Xu gently pushed the stone door open, trying not to let the stone door make any noise, thinking: "Then the girl didn't close the door tightly when she was sleeping?"

Probably because there are only a few women in the ancient tomb!

The room was very dark, but Liu Xu could smell who was sleeping inside, and the fragrance was from his precious Nianci.

Liu Xu walked slowly to Nian Ci's side without making a sound.

He looked carefully at the jade man on the stone collapse, Liu Xu saw that Nian Ci had lost a lot of weight, but it looked even more pitiful.

Gently stroking Mu Nianci's small face, seeing her reunited after a long absence, Liu Xu's heart was both warm and desire rising.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1256 Miss Nianci, Xiaobie is newly married

Mu Nianci was already asleep, but the woman's intuition woke her up. The room in the ancient tomb was very dark. She didn't open her eyes, but she realized that there was a person standing in her room.

Rubbing his eyes, Mu Nianci said, "Mochou, can't you fall asleep again? Didn't you say that if you can't sleep, you start counting sheep?"

Suddenly it felt wrong, because she smelled a very obvious masculinity.

Mu Nianci had smelled this kind of smell from his father when he was running the rivers and lakes, and he had smelled it from her husband Liu Xu after he got married.

"Who?" Mu Nianciwei was terrified in his heart. He used his internal strength, which is considered to be not high or low in the Jianghu, and punched the black shadow, but was caught by the black shadow, and he was restrained. Can't move at all.

Just about to call for help, hoping to attract sister Lin Yu, but a pair of strong hands pressed her mouth, and then she found that the man who suddenly appeared in the room pressed him up.

This time, Mu Nianci was scared out of his wits. It turned out that Liu Xu saw her, but obviously didn't recognize who he was, so he decided to play a joke on her.

Liu Xu pressed Mu Nianci's mouth with his hands, and then pressed his whole body up. When he pressed up, he couldn't help but let out a comfortable cry.

"It's so comfortable! This girl's body is still so soft." Liu Xu let go of her hand and blocked it with her mouth.

Mu Nianci struggled desperately, and when she found the man's mouth kissing her own, she felt that she was done.

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