Both hands desperately pushed the person on top of him, wanting to call for help, but there was no chance to open his mouth.

The room was very dark, and Mu Nianci really couldn't see that person's appearance clearly. She clenched her teeth tightly, and tears fell down involuntarily. She thought to herself that she must never be sorry to her husband Liu Xu.

Mu Nianci had already made a decision in his heart, if he was bullied by that person, then he would not be able to live anymore, and he would no longer be able to follow her husband Liu Xu, and the tears became more urgent.

Liu Xu also suddenly noticed Mu Nianci's tears at this time, and secretly scolded himself for being confused.

Know that you can't joke anymore, or it will go too far.

Liu Xu left Mu Nianci's mouth, just pressed it with his hand, and said in a different voice: "Little beauty, you have to follow me tonight! I guarantee you will be very happy."

Mu Nianci was relieved to see that he didn't continue to bully her, but after hearing what he said, she became nervous again, and shook her head vigorously, Liu Xu said again: "So that you can understand who bullied you, I'm going to light a candle, You have to take a good look at me, I am very handsome, make sure you take a look, then you can never let me go."

After speaking, he reached out and lit the candle beside the pillow.

Mu Nianci felt that there was light in the stone room, and she couldn't help staring fiercely. She wanted to see the villain clearly, and then told Liu Xu and Lin Yu to avenge herself. After that, Mu Nianci couldn't think about it anymore. up...

Gradually, she could see the person who was still pressing her body, she couldn't believe her eyes, that outline was actually her husband Liu Xu.

After blinking his eyes, Mu Nianci was finally sure that he saw clearly that it was Liu Xu who was right.

At this time, Liu Xu stretched out his arms to hug Mu Nianci with a smirk on his face.

With tears still in the corners of Mu Nianci's eyes, he beat Liu Xu, the hateful guy, without even making a sound for a while.

"Hey, Mrs. Nianci, do you miss your husband?"

Mu Nianci's tears began to fall again.

"You bad guy, you're really a bad guy, you almost scared me to death just now, I've already thought about..."

At this point, Mu Nianci suddenly felt that he shouldn't say that he wanted to commit suicide, so he couldn't continue.

Seeing that Mu Nianci seemed to be really scared, Liu Xu quickly wiped away her tears, and apologized: "I'm sorry, baby, don't cry, I also want to give you a surprise, it's my husband's fault, hehe , but who told you that your body is so beautiful! Husband, I couldn't hold back for a moment just now, I forgot that you didn't know I was back, but your teeth are still clenched so tightly that I really can't pry them open. "

After hearing what he said, Mu Nianci apologized in a serious manner at first, but in the end, he became forceful, and couldn't help but beat his chest again with his hands.


The so-called "little farewell is better than a newlywed", ahem...

Please imagine the picture below.

Just when the two of you have me and you, two girls passing by at the door heard the voice.

These two girls are Li Mochou and Huang Rong.

Li Mochou, the little lolita, would come to talk to sister Mu Nianci every time she was so energetic that she couldn't fall asleep. When she passed by Liu Xu's room, she saw Huang Rong.

Knowing that Liu Xu and the others were back, Li Mochou took Huang Rong to Mu Nianci's place to talk and talk about interesting things about the world.

"Ah! Sister Rong, what's wrong with Sister Nianci? Is she sick? Why does she seem to be crying in pain?"

Little Lolita, who had no experience in human affairs, looked dumbfounded, but when Huang Rong heard such a voice, her face immediately turned red and her feet went limp.

Of course she knew what the sound was, and she was still cursing her brother Xu for going to look for sister Mu as soon as he came back, but he still walked to the door of Mu Nianci's room very quickly.

As soon as little girl Mochou stepped into Mu Nianci's room, she saw a strong man pressing down on her sister Nianci, under the dim candlelight...

Little Mochou didn't have time to think about how this happened, and didn't take a closer look at the man's appearance, so she yelled in grief and indignation: "The pervert, I'm going to kill you."

Huang Rong, who was a step behind her outside, rushed in immediately, and said anxiously, "Wait a minute, Mo Chou, that's..."

Just when little girl Mochou was about to rush forward to fight the man who was a prostitute, Liu Xu suddenly turned around and made a face to let the two girls know it was her and not to disturb him.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1257 Mo Chou sued, the so-called bullying

"Long time no see, little girl Mochou! Is Sister Rong awake yet?" Liu Xu smiled and said, "Are you guys here to have a bridal chamber? Do you want to come together?"

Huang Rong seemed to wake up suddenly, screamed, covered her face and ran out.

Although little girl Mochou didn't understand everything, she was still fourteen years old, and her feminine nature made her run out with her face covered.


"Brother, it's over, how can Nian Ci face Sister Rong'er and Mo Chou in the future! It's so can you do this!"

"Hehe, they are all my sisters and sisters, what does it matter!"

Liu Xu comforted him, but he thought lustfully in his heart: "One day, my young master wants you to sleep with me obediently..."

"Brother, why are you smiling so badly!" Mu Nianci raised the little head buried in Liu Xuyue's mouth, and said coquettishly to him.

"It's nothing, big brother is so wise and powerful, how can you laugh so badly? You girl is really talking nonsense. That's right! Big brother has brought Rong'er back, do you sisters want to meet?"

Liu Xu defended for a while, and then tried to divert the attention of sister Nianci, and told Huang Rong about Huang Rong.

"Really! That's great, I'm going to meet Sister Rong'er, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

When Mu Nianci heard that Huang Rong had returned, she was very happy, after all, Huang Rong was her first sister in this life!

Because she was too shy just now, Mu Nianci actually only saw Mochou little loli, as for Huang Rong behind her, she didn't see her at all.

Shouting to get up to see Huang Rong, Mu Nianci tried her best and wanted to get up immediately, but she wanted to leave, and she wanted to ask Liu Xu if he would agree, and the answer was naturally no.


At this moment, Huang Rong and Mochou little Lolita ran into the same room with blushing faces. They both blushed so hard that they looked at each other embarrassedly, and they could see the shyness in each other's eyes.

At this moment, the minds of the two girls were full of Liu Xu and his wicked smile.

Especially Huangrong, which has tasted fishy.

"It's disgusting! That big bastard bullied Sister Nianci like this as soon as he came back, and disturbed our peace." Little Mochou couldn't help but stood up and shouted: "No, I'm going to tell you Master, that big whore is back, let her teach the big whore who bullies others a good lesson."

After finishing speaking, she took Huang Rong's hand again: "Sister Rong'er, let's go together, the master's room is far away from here, so we don't need to hear this uncomfortable voice anymore."

"Um, Sister Mochou, go to your master's place! Sister, I'm fine here." Huang Rong replied.

Little Loli didn't doubt that it was there, and ran towards the master with her little feet.

She had had enough, and went to sue her master.

After confirming that the little girl had left, Huang Rong's traitors went to Mu Nianci's place again...


"Master, master, open the door?" Little Lolita patted on the door.

After a while, the door opened, revealing the face of Grandma Sun.

"Big girl, why are you here? Can't sleep again, come, come, come in quickly."

As soon as little Lori entered the stone room, she saw Lin Yu and yelled, "Master, Granny Sun, it's terrible, the big bastard is back."

Lin Yu, who was sitting on the bed, opened his eyes that could turn all sentient beings upside down, looked at the panting and flushed apprentice, hugged her lovingly with one hand and said, "What's wrong with you little girl? Speak softly , Long'er just fell asleep! Who is the big whore?"

Little Loli looked into the master's arms, and she saw that the younger sister Xiaolong, who had just turned one year old and looked more and more pink, was sleeping sweetly with her little mouth pouted. She quickly lowered her voice and pulled the master's hand to shake it. She said coquettishly, "The big pervert is brother Liu Xu! He's back, and he's still bullying sister Nianci! He's good or bad, master, you must teach him a lesson!"

For this master, Li Mochou is getting closer and closer.

She didn't know why, it seemed that since the big lewd thief took the master back, the former cold master who made her afraid seemed to suddenly become more and more popular, and often laughed at herself!

"What? The little thief is back? Where is he now? Take your teacher to see him." Lin Yu, like a fairy sister, stood up and stopped sitting on the bed.

"F-yet... don't go! He's bullying and bullying Sister Nianci now." Little Lolita said nonchalantly, her aura of going to teach the big lewd thief just now disappeared.

"Bullying? Why are you bullying?" Lin Yu couldn't help asking, but seeing Tuer's red face suddenly seemed to understand something.

"It's just pressing and bullying sister Nianci... Sister Nianci yelled loudly... That seems to be what Grandma Sun and Master said before, losing chastity and being bullied by men! It should be! Anyway, it makes people very shy for no reason ..."

Little Lolita has always been an honest and good child in front of the master. Although she vaguely knows that girls should not say this, she still uses her imagination to tell the truth when asked by the master.

As soon as this statement came out, how could Grandma Sun, who had lived for forty years or more, not understand.

After Lin Yu's face turned red from being infected by his apprentice, he thought a little sourly in his heart: "The big villain didn't come back to see my sister first, he only thought about that kind of thing, he really is a little prostitute, but who Tell me that I didn't hand over all of myself to the little thief!"

Lin Yu's thoughts flew back to many months ago.


Lin Yu: "Little thief, don't, stop now, it's not enough yet..."

Liu Xu: "Good sister, what's the matter? Why don't you give it to me?"

Lin Yu shyly said: "Although my sister has reached the innate state, the last level of the Jade Heart Sutra is still a bit short. The double cultivation of the Jade Heart Sutra requires two people with equal skills, and only one person who has practiced the Jade Heart Sutra to the last level can do it. If my sister I hand over my body to you now, and we won't be able to use the skill of double cultivation to advance to the next level. After my sister has practiced, my sister will give it to you... okay, okay?"

Liu Xu: "Haha, so that's the case! I thought my sister didn't like me anymore, don't worry, sister, I will wait for you...hehe..."

Pass Chapter 1258 Goodbye Lin Yu, happy ancient tomb

Lin Yu fell into the memory, but Grandma Sun kept chanting beside her, "Tongyan Wuji, Tongyan Wuji!"

He was referring to Li Mochou, of course.

Lin Yu came back to her senses, seeing that the fourteen-year-old apprentice who could marry in an ordinary family seemed to have a vague understanding of the relationship between men and women, Sister Fairy sighed secretly that her education was not up to standard.

"Master, do we want to save Sister Nianci?" Little Lolita asked in a daze when she saw that Master was stupefied, her little face turned red.

"You silly girl, what are you saving? Don't worry about the little thief and your sister Mu. The master has something to tell you." Lin Yu knocked on her small forehead and said a little depressed.

It seems that I really should tell her that two people who are in love do this kind of thing is not a loss of chastity, lest she meet a good man who is willing to die for her in the future, and think that the husband is going to be bad for her when they are in the same room!

Lin Yu has been completely reborn now. Having tasted the sweetness of love, she automatically abolished the rule she set up. The rule that women from the Ancient Tomb School are not allowed to marry if there is no accident is completely against human nature!

After fighting for most of the night, Liu Xu was finally satisfied at this time.

After sleeping for more than two hours hugging each other, Liu Xu woke up on time. Now he rarely sleeps for more than three hours. time.

At this moment, the two girls were so exhausted that they were still asleep. Liu Xu looked at their beautiful appearance, and a tenderness surged in his heart, thinking: "I must take pity on them, don't let them be wronged." , but if you feel wronged by yourself being bullied on the bed, there is nothing you can do about it.”

Of course, he added a sentence later.

Suddenly, Liu Xu sensed that someone was coming, and the skill of the coming person was not inferior to his, so he lingered outside the door.

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