Liu Xu smiled knowingly, and there was only sister Fairy in the entire ancient tomb.

Getting up gently without disturbing the rest of the two women, Liu Xu walked out without even wearing clothes. Anyway, when he was in the ancient tomb, he was naked in front of Lin Yu not once or twice.

"Ah!" Lin Yu covered her mouth and frowned, but immediately relaxed, "Little thief, you are really serious, just came back and messed around with two younger sisters like this, and didn't put on your clothes. It looks ugly."

When Liu Xu saw Lin Yu seeing him, he obviously had an expression of surprise, but he deliberately put on a faint expression with that dusty face, but he couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes, and felt a burst of excitement in his heart. funny.

Pulling Sister Fairy's little hand in front of Yue Xiong, Liu Xu said, "Sister, I miss you, do you miss me?"

"What is there to think about, you little thief, you promised to come back soon, but you have been away for so long, and you still say you miss me? I thought something happened to you! By the way, where is Sister Rong'er? You Did you bring her back? Huang Yaoshi is not easy to get along with..." Lin Yu chattered, her appearance tended to evolve from a fairy sister to a bitter woman.

"Hehe, sister, what can't be done with your little man alone? Isn't it just to get rid of Huang Yaoshi? No, not long ago he sent his daughter here, crying Shouting and begging my young master to take it home as a treasure!" Liu Xu said with a smile as he put on a pose that he thought he was handsome.

Lin Yu is both demonic and charming, yet out of this world, he rolled his eyes at a certain man, but felt a burst of warmth in his heart. It had been a long time since he had seen his little man speak such strange things in front of her. words.

"Sister, I've been out for so long, have you completed the final stage of your Jade Heart Sutra?" Liu Xu said, deliberately raising his eyebrows at Sister Lin Yu.

"Little pervert doesn't want good things all day long." Lin Yuyu blushed slightly, spat, and turned around.

Liu Xu didn't care about anything, he hugged Lin Yu from behind and said, "I remember my sister's agreement very clearly! When will you realize my dream?"

Seeing that Lin Yu couldn't say a word for a long time, Liu Xu became anxious, and said again: "Sister, we have been together for so long, but you only let me see that I can't eat, so you can't say nothing!"

Lin Yu finally reacted at this time, turned around, tapped Liu Xu's forehead, and said angrily, "Isn't it okay for my sister to promise you a bad brat? But absolutely not today."

"Why!" Liu Xu said angrily.

"You have been with those two little girls for so long, I forbid you to be so careless about your body." Lin Yu said firmly.

It turned out to be for myself!

Liu Xu was happy. Although he really wanted to tell Lin Yu, "Your little thief, it doesn't matter if I am strong. For the sake of my sister, I will accept my fate even if I am exhausted." But he knew that it would be useless to say it. , anyway, just wait a day or two, no big deal.

The mountain behind the ancient tomb, which was originally quiet before Liu Xu's arrival, became more and more lively. There were a few girls playing and making noise. Of course, there was an important little guy who was just able to shake The little dragon girl who walks and calls master in a childish voice.

Huang Rong, who just came back, loves Xiaolongnv's crystal-clear and jade-like appearance very much, and likes to hug her and tease her every day.

Of course, the other girls are no exception. Liu Xu sighed that he, who was supposed to be the first core focus of the ancient tomb, was left out because of that little girl who was one and a half years old, but who called that little dragon girl so attractive? It hurts!

Not to mention those girls who are full of motherhood, even I can't help but hug and kiss her little cheeks from time to time.

But what depressed Liu Xu was the question of what Xiaolongnv called him. Originally, Liu Xu and Lin Yu planned to let Xiaolongnv call him daddy or uncle, but now he has become an elder brother.


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Chapter 1259 I will deal with you when you grow up and become Liu Yifei...

The reason is that more than half of the people in the ancient tomb call him brother. For example, Mu Nianci, Huang Rong, and even Li Mochou would sometimes call him brother. Xiaolongnv would call him "brother" when adults called him that. , nothing can be changed.

Luckily for Liu Xu, fortunately, Li Mochou would not call him a big lewd thief in front of his master.

Otherwise, if Xiaolongnv learned it, Liu Xu really can't imagine what it would be like to be chased by a little girl behind her buttocks, shouting "a lewd thief" in a milky voice. It is to be killed with contempt by those who hear it.

"Look, even such a small child who has just learned to walk and talk is not spared..."

"I don't know what he did to that child? Being chased by others and calling him a prostitute..."



Moreover, Xiaolongnv is now the treasure of everyone in the Ancient Tomb Sect. To Liu Xu, the leader of the faction, she doesn't give any face at all, she shits and shits...

Liu Xu thought bitterly in his heart: "I'll take care of you when you grow up and become Liu Yifei..."


A few days later, Qiu Chuji, Yang Tiexin and others who went to seek revenge on Wanyan Honglie and Yang Kang also came back in embarrassment.

Both Wang Chuyi and Yang Tiexin were seriously injured. If Liu Xu hadn't sent a lot of Jiuhua Yulu Pills, the holy medicine for healing that he scavenged from his cheap father-in-law, they might have gone to Dali to alert Master Yideng.

As soon as Qiu Chuji came back, he kept yelling at the traitor in grief and indignation. It turned out that when they were looking for Wanyan Honglie and Yang Kang, the Jiangnan Seven Monsters found Mei Chaofeng and chased after them with Guo Jing.

Only the four sons were left to look for them, but they happened to meet Wanyan Honglie and Yang Kangdai who had returned from Lin'an, and they were directly beaten by Wanyan Honglie and his group.

Yang Kang didn't care about them at all. Among them, one was his master and the other was his biological father.

Although Liu Xu used the trap hidden in the stone box in Lin'an back then, and both of them were wounded, but there were two masters, Qiu Qianzhang and Ouyang Feng, in the group fight, and they were of course no match at all.

In the end, if Zhou Botong who appeared out of nowhere surprised Qiu Qianzhang away, and Ouyang Feng had a relapse of his old injury, they probably wouldn't be able to come back.

Of course, although Qiu Chuji and the others escaped back, they also put aside the scene.

They asked Yang Kang to come to the Misty Rain Building in the original book to settle all grievances on August [-]th. Yang Kang and his adoptive father naturally agreed arrogantly.


"Who are you? What's the purpose of coming to my Quanzhen sect? Leave quickly, or don't blame me for being rude."

Outside the Chongyang Palace, two little Taoist priests held their swords and looked at the man in black vigilantly in front of them.

Everyone knows that dressing up like this and sneaking to Quanzhen Sect must have malicious intentions.

Liu Xu laughed arrogantly after hearing what they said, and said: "You two little Taoists are not worthy of knowing who I am. Anyway, you just need to know that I am here to make trouble in your Quanzhen sect. Hurry up and call me!" You elders come out to die."

The reason why Liu Xu dressed up like this and came to Quanzhen Sect was to fight Tiangang Beidou.

He has long heard that the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation of the Quanzhen Sect is the largest formation of the Condor Shooting Formation, and he feels a little itchy.

Although if he asks the Seventh Sons to compete, they will be very willing, after all, it is only natural for the younger brother to compete with himself and others.

But in this way, Qizi will definitely keep his hands everywhere, and he will not meet Liu Xu's standard at all. It is better to dress up and let Qizi mistake himself for an enemy, so that they will definitely use all their strength to deal with him.

Of course, by the way, measure the power of Tiangang Beidou, this is just a joke with a few senior brothers, hehe, they should not be angry!

One of the fat little Taoist priests rolled up his sleeves and shouted: "Bold! You bastard, do you know where this place is? You're welcome if you don't walk the road again!"

When he was talking, the fat on his face trembled, no matter how he looked at it, he deserved a beating, and the other fat little Taoist priest also yelled and cursed.

Liu Xu was a little angry now, if it wasn't for the fact that they were all his disciples and didn't know his identity, if someone dared to scold him like that, he would definitely have to teach him a lesson.

Also, you are guarding the gate, it is an image project, representing the face of Quanzhen Sect, this way of doing things is too cheap.

"Who is your master?" Liu Xu said coldly, "Why are you so uneducated?"

"Who is our master who doesn't need you, a shameful bastard?" Seeing that Liu Xu hadn't left, the little Taoist stretched forward with a fat paw, trying to grab his collar.

Seeing that his mouth was still dirty, Liu Xu couldn't help getting angry, and seeing that he was going to be rude to him, how could he succeed, he grabbed the fat Taoist priest's wrist and pressed it behind his back.

Another little Taoist priest saw that his brother was captured, and knew that the person who came was powerful, so he turned around and ran away without any "righteousness".

While running, he shouted, "Come on! Someone is coming to our Quanzhen Sect to make trouble!"

Liu Xu also ignored him, and said to the fat little Taoist priest who was sweating from the pain of his pinched wrist: "Now can you tell me who your master is! Huh?"

" let go of me, my master, otherwise my master Zhao Zhijing and the ancestors will definitely not be as good as you when they come."

When Liu Xu heard it, he turned out to be the disciple of that big traitor, no wonder he was so uneducated.

He remembered that Zhao Zhijing's apprentices seemed to be traitors just like him when he was in the Condor of the Gods.

It seems that this cheap teacher of his own needs to clean up the house when he has time. Liu Xu slapped the fat little Taoist priest, knocked him unconscious again, and walked into the Chongyang Palace swaggeringly.

The escaped Taoist priests were also alarmed when they called the Quanzhen Seven Sons, and ran out with a group of disciples.

Seeing a man in black in the Chongyang Palace, they all went over to surround him.


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Chapter 1260 Quanzhen Beidou formation, molesting the little girl

Ma Yu arched his hands and said, "Who is your Excellency who broke into my Quanzhen Sect for no reason?"

"You don't need to know who I am, I've already said it, you just need to know that I'm here to trouble you Quanzhen Sect." Liu Xu said in a changed voice.

"Senior brother, don't be polite to him. This person is sneaky and sneaky. He is definitely not a good person to break into Chongyang Palace at night. Let's take him down first." Sun Buer and Qiu Chuji said.

The others also nodded in agreement.

Ma Yu hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay!"

He said to Liu Xu again: "Since you don't want to show your true colors to others, I have no choice but to offend you. I, Quanzhen Sect, are not just for anyone to wander around at will..."

"Where are so many nonsense coming from, if you want to fight, hurry up." Liu Xu said proudly: "I advise all the priests to fight together."

Originally what he said was true, but Qiu Chuji couldn't listen anymore, jumped out and said coldly: "Your Excellency looks down on my Quanzhen Teaching too much, although Qiu is not good, but I will come to learn about Your Excellency's brilliant moves first."

Liu Xu didn't answer, he just released the aura he deliberately suppressed.

With a "boom", he chopped his foot on the ground, and the sound waves produced made everyone in Chongyang Palace dizzy.

The seven sons were shocked, and the disciples they brought screamed out in panic.

"It seems that Pindao has overestimated his capabilities." Qiu Chuji retreated to the side of the other six sons.

Although he is irritable and somewhat impulsive, he is not a person who does not know good and evil, and he will never do things that he knows he can't do.

Ma Yu's face is suspicious, this person's martial arts are so terrifying, the Quanzhen sect is probably only the head teacher and disciple who retreated in the back mountain with martial arts comparable to him.

Although I don't know whether it is an enemy or a friend, at least from now on, it seems that the possibility of being an enemy is definitely greater than being a friend, so let's talk about this person first.

I just heard Ma Yu suddenly sing: "I've lived in a nest for decades."

Then, he stepped out of the station and took a position.

Immediately afterwards, Tan Chuduan, who was ranked second in seniority, went on to chant: "It's been a long day with a disheveled head."

The eldest son Liu Chuxuan who was third in the row did not want to be left behind, he jumped and stood in a position behind, only to hear him chant in a long voice: "Chongyangzi under the Begonia Pavilion."

Seven sons came out one after another and read a sentence, and then stood in a different seat.

Liu Xu almost laughed out loud when he saw it. He really wanted to say to the seven sons: "Brothers, what are you reading? Is this a fight or a poem? I have come to prepare for such a long poem, I am afraid that it will not be long before I will be hanged up. Fortunately, this time I am a person who does not have any malicious intentions. Then it’s time to go up and attack.”

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