I saw that Ma Yu is Tianshu, Tan Chuduan is Tianxuan, Liu Chuxuan is Tianji, Qiu Chuji is Tianquan, and the four of them form the leader of the fight; Wang Chuyi is Yuheng, Hao Datong is Kaiyang, and Sun Buer is Yao Light, the trio form a bucket handle.

Among the seven stars of the Big Dipper, Tianquan has the dimmest luminosity, but it is the place where Jukui handles meet and is the most important. Therefore, Qiu Chuji, the strongest martial artist among the seven sons, is responsible for it. Wang Chuyi took the responsibility.

Liu Xu waited until all the cheap senior brothers had set up their formations before he proudly smiled: "Are you ready? Then let me come down and run into your 'Tiangang Beidou' formation!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and quickly approached the surrounding Quanzhen disciples.

Liu Xu came in front of a pretty little girl, probably a disciple of Sun Buer, and she should be a lay disciple, because Liu Xu found that she was not wearing Taoist robes.

Quickly, at a speed that everyone couldn't see clearly, while pinching the panicked little girl's face, Liu Xu smiled and snatched the long sword tightly held in her little hand. It is also indispensable to secretly hold someone's little hand.

The rest of the Quanzhen Sect didn't expect that the man in black would do such a thing, and they were shocked.

Sun Buer even exclaimed, until finally seeing that the man in black just asked for the sword in the little girl's hand, they all felt relieved.

The little girl was stunned to see the sword in her hand being snatched away. Looking at the man in black who returned to her master and uncle, she remembered that she had been pinched in the face just now, and felt that everyone was looking at her. A blushing, almost crying out of embarrassment.

She quietly hid behind a few good sisters in the weekdays, secretly watching the scene in the middle of the field.

Liu Xu held the sword in his hand and kept slashing his wrist, cutting across a large area, and at the same time swept towards Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi and Hao Datong, who were relatively strong in martial arts.

Liu Xu was afraid that the Seven Masters of Quanzhen would not be able to bear it, so this sword only used [-]% of its power. He thought that even so, he would be able to force the opponent to dodge, but it was not the case. The sword was handed to his longsword at the same time.

At the same time, the other four people's long swords hit his eyebrows and eyes, and the Yuexiong's big acupoint, and the remaining two cut at his left and right calves respectively.

The "Tiangang Beidou" formation is the number one person in the world at the time. Liu Xu's Yi master Wang Chongyang exhausted his painstaking efforts to create the formation. How can it be easy to match?

When this formation is activated, the seven people are connected with each other, and their skills are interlinked, just like one person with several people's martial arts, even if they block the opponent's attack, they will not be afraid, it is indeed unstoppable.

Now the internal forces of the Quanzhen Seven Sons and the seven people seem to be connected together, and the internal forces of the seven regiments merged into one, resulting in a qualitative change.

Liu Xu saw that the qi attached to their swords was clearly innate qi, and he almost had hallucinations for a moment, as if seeing the seven people turned into one person, and this person was an innate master.

It's fine to be a congenital master, but there are fourteen congenital masters attacking him with seven swords in their hands.


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Chapter 1261 Pros and Cons of Tiangang, Big Dipper Formation

"His grandma, no wonder in the original book, Huang Yaoshi, who is proficient in formations and has reached the innate level, can't break the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, and still feels faintly suppressed... Although my skill is already higher than Huang Yaoshi, he has also learned formations , but the ability has been sealed. If the phantom formation is okay, relying on the five-sighted omnipotence, it is not afraid. There is really no way to attack the large formation with all the people working together. Now that there is no need to suppress the bottom of the box, I am afraid that it will be possible in a short time. Can't beat the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation."

The entire Chongyang Palace was filled with sword qi and true qi, and the three generations of disciples brought by the Seven Sons couldn't stand it anymore, and they all hid far away, so as not to be accidentally caught by the eight fiercely fighting people in the field. If it becomes a hedgehog, or if it is photographed as a meatloaf, then it will be wronged.

Liu Xu seized an opportunity, no longer held back his hand, and swung his sword at Ma Yu with all his strength.

Ma Yu saw Liu Xu attacking with a sword, behind him Tan Chuduan had already put his left palm on his shoulder, and the other five disciples also put their palms on the previous one's shoulder one by one.

The seven people combined their whole body's energy and transmitted it along the Beidou formation, turning it into innate qi. Liu Xu's fierce sword was unexpectedly resisted by Ma Yu.

With a long roar, Liu Xu stepped towards the Quanzhen Seven Masters step by step, pushing his body skills to the extreme, and every time he took a step forward, a deep footprint would be left on the ground.

Dust and gravel sprang up from the cracked ground by his amazing skill, splashing in all directions, and the scene was extremely impressive.

The three or even four generations of Quanzhen Sect disciples who looked at it from a distance but did not dare to take a step closer swallowed deeply.

God!What kind of monster is this?

Could it be that the Valkyrie failed to come to the world?

Everyone in Quanzhen Sect thinks so.

They never thought that martial arts could be practiced to such a terrifying level.

Although the seven sons looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, their faces turned blue for a while, but they still kept their defenses tight, not daring to show even the slightest timidity.

They all understand that as long as there is a trace of fear in the battle, the original strength of resistance will completely disappear.

Not seeking merit but seeking no faults, the Seven Sons of Quanzhen knew that it was too difficult to defeat the person in front of them, so they chose to use the flexibility of the Tiangang Beidou Formation to defend desperately.

Needless to say, if the Tiangang Beidou formation only seeks defense and not offense, it is simply a big tortoise shell.

After all, the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation was left by Wang Chongyang for the Quanzhen Seven to save their lives, so naturally they paid more attention to defense than offense.

Liu Xu shot with all his strength several times, relying on his deep and extreme skill, he smashed all the seven sons of Quanzhen to the ground, but he just didn't smash them down completely.

But from everyone's point of view, the defeat of the Quanzhen Seven is a matter of time, after all, they were completely suppressed and beaten.

At this moment, Ma Yu in the formation frowned, thinking that this would not work, this person's martial arts were as terrifying as ghosts and gods, and in a short time, the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation might be broken.

Ma Yu made a decision in his heart, even if he was ridiculed by the people of Jianghu, he would not hesitate, because if this person came with malice, once the formation of his seven people was broken, the Quanzhen Sect would be slaughtered.

Ma Yu suddenly shouted loudly: "Your Excellency's martial arts are extremely strong, and the Quanzhen Seven Masters are willing to bow down, but the Quanzhen Sect is not only the Quanzhen Seven Masters! All disciples obeyed the order, and set up the 'reverse Tiangang Beidou Great Formation'!"

Ma Yu was helpless, the martial arts of the men in black let him know that the Tiangang Beidou formation composed of seven of them could not do anything to others, and now they could only rely on the superiority in numbers to fight in groups.

Although the Quanzhen Seven Sons are used to gang fights, after all, in the hearts of the people in the Jianghu, they are the Seven Sons as one. It is not too shameful for the seven to fight together, but if the Quanzhen people fight with one person now, even The Quanzhen Seven Sons themselves blushed for a while, let alone other people in the world.


When the disciples in the square heard Ma Yu's order, they roared loudly and powerfully.

The so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, although those disciples were all amazed by Liu Xu's martial arts.

But now it’s different to use the "Prosperity and Anti-Tiangang Big Dipper Formation" with all the disciples. This formation is the "magic formation" in their hearts that must win. In front of his disciples, he praised him once or twice.

Everyone thought, even if the masked man in black is really as powerful as a god, but after all there is only one person, even if he is a god, they still have a god array!

"Stop stop! Stop! I have something to say."

Liu Xu saw the hundreds of Taoist priests who were about to roll up their sleeves and put them on their shoulders in a murderous spirit. He quickly split the Quanzhen Qizi with his sword, and raised his hand and shouted.

He didn't think that his senior brothers were really more shameless than himself, and he wanted hundreds of people to join him. He was not afraid of hundreds of people. With his current martial arts, let alone hundreds of people, even if there were thousands of people It's not a well-equipped and well-trained army or cavalry, Liu Xu doesn't think he can do anything to himself.

But if it's a group of guys whose martial arts are not too weak, using a pro-and-reverse formation that is more advanced than the small formation of the Quanzhen Seven Sons, they still shamelessly beat up a group of themselves, the key is that Liu Xu himself can't be ruthless , then no matter how advanced his martial arts is, he will be a rat everywhere.

No wonder that after Wang Chongyang's death, the Quanzhen Sect can still maintain its former power in the arena. The two large and small formations left by Wang Chongyang definitely contributed the most.

Without these two formations, even if Quanzhen Sect is still a big faction, it will definitely not have the status in the world that is almost equal to half of Taishan Beidou in the martial arts. After all, after Wang Chongyang's death, Quanzhen Sect will not be able to make a move The super master.

There is also Qiu Qianren in the Iron Palm Gang!

Who is Quanzhen?

The old urchin Zhou Botong?

If something really happened, are you sure you can find him?


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Chapter 1262 The little girl being molested is Cheng Yaojia...

"What else do you have to say?" Seeing Liu Xu jumping away, Ma Yu also stopped and clasped his fists.

"Hey hey, I said that we don't seem to have such a deep hatred!" Liu Xu said carelessly: "Are you going to block the Quanzhen Sect's reputation and fight me desperately?"

"Hmph, you sneaked into the Quanzhen sect and fought with us, isn't this enmity?" Sun Buer stepped forward and said, the others also nodded in agreement with beards and stares.

"Hahahaha! It's only natural for me to fight with you!"

At this moment, Liu Xu didn't deliberately suppress his voice to speak. Before Qi Zi could react to the sudden change in his voice, Liu Xu tore off the black cloth on his face, and teasingly said: "Everyone! Brothers and sisters, I, the nominal head who doesn't care about anything, now come to do the first thing for my disciples, that is to test their martial arts and ability to fight against the enemy, isn't this justified! "

"Junior Brother Liu! How could it be you!"

"Ah! Master!"

The other disciples also looked at the guy in the field with a smirk on his face in disbelief.

I have been nervous for so many people for a long time, thinking that I have met the greatest enemy in the history of the Quanzhen Sect, and I might die heroically today, but after a long time, this person suddenly told me cheaply: "I am here to test Don't blame me for waking you up in the middle of the night for your martial arts and your reaction to the enemy."

One word is dizzy, and the second word is crazy.

Seeing that everyone in the audience was staring at him blankly, Liu Xu posed coquettishly and said, "Today, the master came to test your martial arts and your ability to respond to the arrival of powerful enemies. The result made me still Satisfied, but the martial arts of all of you still need to be improved! Otherwise, how can we secure our position as the number one teacher in the world."

"It turned out to be you kid, who almost gave us old guys a big jump!" Now that the Quanzhen Seven had come to their senses, they ran over one after another and said around Liu Xu.

"Hehehe, my hands are itchy for a while and I want to compete with a few senior brothers. The senior brothers won't blame me, right?" Liu Xuzhuang said pitifully.

"Hahaha, junior brother, I was angry with that arrogant black-clothed masked man just now, but after knowing that it is you, senior brother, I will only be happy! Our Quanzhen sect is hopeful, even though we know that you have arrived Innate realm, but I didn't expect that you have completely reached the level of our master." Qiu Chuji slapped Liu Xu's shoulder on the ground, and laughed loudly.

"Yes, yes, all evils, evils, poisons, southern emperors, and northern beggars are all standing aside. Next time Huashan discusses swords, everyone in the world will know that the number one in the world is still in our Quanzhen sect." Jumping up like a little girl, God knows how much they paid to keep Quanzhen Sect's status in the arena after the death of their master.

The rest of the children also laughed.

Ma Yu pulled Liu Xu up to all the disciples of the Quanzhen Sect, and said loudly: "I know, you were very dissatisfied with us passing the headship to Uncle Liu, who is about the same age as you. An old guy insists, and he may jump out to oppose it, but what about now? Are you all convinced by the head?"

Liu Xu didn't expect that Ma Yu would take advantage of the opportunity to give him the momentum to increase his status in the hearts of the Quanzhen Sect disciples, but he was willing to accept it.

In fact, the disciples of the Quanzhen sect didn't need to shout out the words of "convincing", everyone knew the answer.

The disciples present looked at Liu Xu as if they were idols. These little Taoist priests had never seen anything in the world. They thought that their seven ancestors (masters) were already the highest in martial arts in the world, but they didn't expect What's more, the seven of them working together to use the Tiangang Beidou Formation are still no match for the head in front of them.

Seeing that Liu Xu's age is about the same as himself and others, if he is not an idol, who else will he be an idol.

After a while, a voice like "The head is invincible" resounded through the night sky in Chongyang Palace, which made Liu Xu, a man with a face like a city wall, feel a little embarrassed.

Suddenly, Liu Xu saw a hiding girl in the crowd looking at him evasively. It was the girl whose sword was taken away by him.

Picking up the long sword in his hand, Liu Xu walked up to her and said, "Little sister, what's your name? Thank you for your sword!"

"Ah!" The little girl blushed.

Liu Xu knew at a glance that this was a very innocent and shy little sister.


Little girl, I didn't say anything for a long time, and I didn't dare to look at Liu Xu with my head down.

In the end, Sun Buer couldn't see it, walked up to his disciples and said, "Yao Jia, this is the head of our Quanzhen Sect. Why don't you just stand there and see your uncle soon?"

When Liu Xu heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and said: "Ha! It turns out that the shy little girl Cheng Yaojia in the original book was molested by me! Why did she come to Mount Zhongnan? Oh, yes, she is Sun It is only right for ordinary lay disciples to come and see their master."

Looking at the wobbly little apprentice, Sun Buer said again: "Quickly call Master Uncle, what do you usually teach you as a teacher..."

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