Cheng Jiayao came to her senses at this time, and hurriedly said: "It turns out to be the uncle, little girl, oh, no, junior Cheng Yaojia, see... see... the master master Liu Xu."

Then, seeing Liu Xu still maintaining the posture of handing over the sword, he quickly grabbed his own sword.

Suddenly, she felt that she was a little rude to the elders, and quickly blushed her pretty face again, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, the junior uncle is rude."

"Hehe, the sword is yours in the first place, why are you being rude?"

Liu Xu looked at the girl in front of her with a shy expression and pretending to be calm, and fell in love with her for a while.

But he also knew that he couldn't show it now, and the Quanzhen Seven Sons were watching!


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Chapter 1263 During double cultivation, I have to stay still?

If Liu Xu flirted with a beautiful woman as usual, I am afraid that the Quanzhen Seven Sons and other antiques will come over and suppress themselves with ethics.

After all, Cheng Yaojia is currently his niece, but when there is no one in the future, she should have a good chat with this shy little girl.

Liu Xu turned around and said, "Brothers, I'm here today to ask if Brother Qiu's injury is healed? By the way, I'll take a look at my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

At this time Qiu Chuji came up and said, "Thank you for your concern, Junior Brother Sect Leader. After using the Jiuhua Yulu Pill you sent, you are fine. By the way, Big Brother Yang is here, I will take you there."



Lin Yu asked, "Little thief, are you ready?"

Liu Xu said with great ambition: "Of course I'm ready. I prepared for this day long ago."

He will usher in an important moment today. After returning from Chongyang Palace yesterday, he was so excited that he didn't sleep all night. Fortunately, Liu Xu is a natural master, so it's no big deal if he doesn't sleep for a day or two.

Lin Yu came back to his senses and said to the girls behind him: "The little thief and I will practice together these two days without any interruption. No matter what happens, don't come in, or we may go crazy because of it."

"It's Sister Lin Yu (Miss, Master) and we won't disturb you." The girls responded in unison, and now Lin Yu has truly become the eldest sister.

Lin Yu nodded, and said to Liu Xu shyly, "Then... little thief, shall we go in?"

Liu Xu had a smiling and relaxed expression. There were so many people around, and the most important thing was Grandma Sun. He didn't dare to show off just because he wanted to double cultivate with Lin Yu.

However, no matter how the girls looked at it, they felt that at this moment, the boy had a strange expression, thinking in his heart: "Brother and sister Lin Yu just refused to tell us, what kind of kung fu did they practice together? But how could I?" It always feels weird."

After the two walked in, Lin Yu turned a protruding stone, slowly lowered the stone gate, and disappeared in front of Huang Rong and the other women.

As soon as they left, the women outside the stone gate started chattering.

"Sisters, why do I always feel that brother Xu seems to be malicious and sinister." Mo Chou little loli said, "Master, will he be at a disadvantage?"

"Does it need to be said?" Huang Rong explained to Li Mochou's sister as a matter of course, "Brother Xu is a big pervert, and sister Lin Yu is so beautiful, and now he is alone with Brother Xu, he must try his best to take advantage of her."

"Uh, it's not wrong." Mu Nianci also deeply agreed with Huang Rong's statement.

Seeing a few little girls discussing various topics here, the older Grandma Sun shook her head and left without mixing with the little girls.

Xiao Longnu was still sleeping in the stone room where Lin Yu lived, and Grandma Sun had to take care of her.

After entering the practice room, Liu Xu immediately showed his full color.

Holding Lin Yu in his arms, Liu Xu said with a smile: "Sister, how should we cultivate together? I don't know how, but you have to teach me! Come on, it's important for us to get down to business."

Rao Lin Yu had been the fairy sister for decades, and her face was slowly turning red at this time.

Lin Yu also knew that now she really wanted to hand over her innocent body to this little man.

Seeing Sister Fairy taking a deep breath, Liu Xu calmed down and couldn't help but secretly admire her.

At this time, Lin Yu had already started to use the mental method of the Jade Heart Sutra, so that her mood changed like a still water.

She said in a very indifferent voice: "Little thief, double cultivation is also a special method of cultivation, but it is not possible for any man and woman to practice double cultivation. The Jade Heart Sutra I practiced and the innate skills you practiced are also not allowed. , but it was my master Lin Chaoying who worked so hard to create the technique of combining these two kinds of martial arts."

Liu Xu understood as soon as she heard it, probably Lin Chaoying came out and wanted to practice with her cheap master Wang Chongyang, but unfortunately, she never had a chance to try with Wang Chongyang until she died in depression.

"Listen up, little thief. In fact, the method of double cultivation is very simple. You first use the innate skills, and then enter my body. The connection between us is through the bridge of Yin, so that your true energy flows through me. body, my Jade Heart Sutra True Qi also flows through your body, forming a circular circle..."

Lin Yu also completely let go at this time. With the help of the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, she spoke out about the relationship between the man and the woman without any shyness, and also clearly explained the directions where the two people's true energy flows in their respective bodies. Chu.

Liu Xu suddenly remembered a very important matter, touched his scalp, smiled, and said, "How did I forget this? Hey, what if this is urgent? Sister, I remember that there is no toilet in this room!"

Lin Yu's face turned red immediately, and his calm state of mind was broken and he spat, and said angrily, "Why are you thinking about these messy things?"

Then he wondered for a while, if Liu Xu didn't think about these strange things, he wouldn't be her little thief.

Liu Xu said with a straight face: "I'm thinking about important things in life! Didn't you say we're going to 'do' here for a few days? Think about it, how can anyone not go to the toilet for a few days?"

"Don't be so talkative, who doesn't know that a congenital master can't..."

Speaking of this, Lin Yu's face turned hot and she was fooled, and almost said something indecent.

"Okay, do you still want to start?" Lin Yu asked helplessly.

"Yes, of course." Liu Xu replied hastily, and then rolled his eyes, "Sister, I'm asking the last question. During the double cultivation, I have to stay still?"

Lin Yu felt bitter for a while, and the red cloud on his face floated up again.

"You little thief... When we are in the dual cultivation, we can't be emotional, or we won't achieve the best results."

As soon as Liu Xu heard this, he immediately put on a mournful face and said, "Oh my god, you can't move around while doing this kind of thing. Isn't this killing people?"


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Chapter 1264 From now on... I, I will follow you...

Sure enough, although Lin Chaoying is a genius, she is still just a mortal after all. Although this Jade Girl Dual Cultivation is good, it is still much worse than the Yunu Heart Sutra that Liu Xu had practiced before!

Liu Xu felt that this grievance was too big for him. If we had known earlier, we would have practiced better. Not only would the effect be better, but we could also... move freely!

Lin Yu also seemed to feel a little "sorry" Liu Xu, and said in a low voice: "Little thief, the first time double cultivation has the greatest effect, can you just bear with it this time? From now on, from now on... I, I will follow you... ..."

Seeing that Sister Fairy said this, Liu Xu couldn't keep yelling, after all, everyone was doing it for his own good!

Smiling and patting Yuexiong's chest, Liu Xu said: "Don't worry, sister, you know the Jade Heart Sutra, and when you do that, calm your mind. I also have my method, take care."

The method Liu Xu said was naturally the soul-shifting method. He slowly closed his eyes and used the soul-shifting method to hypnotize himself.

Lin Yu was surprised to find that Liu Xu's temperament was slowly changing. At first it was a charming temperament, and then slowly withdrew. Another temperament was forming. Lin Yujue's other temperament gave people the feeling that , so quiet and steady.

That kind of indifferent feeling is as if I used all my strength to use the Jade Heart Sutra to change myself back to my original indifferent self in a short time.

Suddenly, Lin Yu saw Liu Xu opened his eyes. At this moment, his eyes were so deep, she felt that he could not see the end of his eyes, and became spotless, like a fairy who had come out of the world.

Liu Xu said, "Sister, I'm ready, you can start too!"

His tone was as indifferent and emotionless as Lin Yu when he first met Lin Yu.

Lin Yu has been used to a calm state of mind since she was a child. Seeing that Liu Xu was ready, she also packed up her feelings and slowly sank down.

She tried her best to integrate the jade girl's mentality into her mind, so that she could temporarily forget all her feelings.

If Li Mochou saw Lin Yu now, she would definitely yell that her former master is back.

Lin Yu slowly took off the clothes on his body, revealing that perfect body. Normally, Liu Xu must have the urge to have a nosebleed, but at this moment, he just admired Lin Yu as if looking at a perfect work of art. body of.

Lin Yu finished taking off her clothes, and said softly, "Little thief, you can take off your clothes too! We can start now."

Hearing what Lin Yu said, Liu Xu nodded his head and took off his clothes.

In this ordinary state, Liu Xu undressed very quickly, probably because of the cesium wolf's instinct!

"Little thief, I'm ready and you can come in."


The two just sat and embraced each other, forming another world.


Huang Rong's sisters didn't feel anything when Liu Xu and the others first entered, but after three days, they still didn't come out, so they were a little anxious.

Mu Nianci said, "Sister Rong'er, didn't Sister Lin say it was only two days? It's been three days now."

"It's okay, isn't it just that you have practiced for a little longer? My father often does this too. He told me it was a day or two, but it turned out to be three or four days..."

But after the seventh day, not only Mu Nianci, but everyone in the ancient tomb was a little anxious, thinking that the two of them had gone mad because of practicing kung fu and died!

If it hadn't been for Lin Yu's order, no matter what, they couldn't go in, or they would be harmed. I'm afraid the girls would rush in to have a look.

Xiao Longnv also cried for her master.

At this time, Liu Xu and Lin Yu in the secret room were floating in the air inconceivably. Both of them were covered by white air, so they couldn't see the specific appearance clearly.

The white qi was like a dragon leaping like a tiger, rolling continuously.

At this moment, both of them were immersed in that feeling of mind-to-heart blending, and they had no concept of time at all.

After seven days of fusion, the true qi of the two were almost merged into one.

If Lin Yu looks inside at this time, she can find that the zhenqi flowing all over her body is about to break through the critical point from the original early stage of innateness, and go straight to the middle stage of innateness. Now she is only one step away, and she will Reached the realm that only Wang Chongyang had reached before.

By the tenth day, the girls in the ancient tomb were going crazy.

"Sister Rong'er, why haven't the master and the big bastard come out yet!" Li Mochou said with tears.

After all, even a super expert cannot stay inside without eating or drinking for ten days.

Mu Nianci also looked at Huang Rong, because only she has the most extensive knowledge here.

"I don't know either! Daddy never told me that there is such a retreat. Grandma Sun, should we go in and have a look?"

Huang Rong helped the oldest old man.

"Wait a little longer! If the uncle and miss don't come out after three days, we'll go in and have a look."

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