It's better for the old man to be calm.

Hearing what she said, the girls also felt that it was the best, and they would not care about anything else at that time.

After the eleventh day, Liu Xu and Lin Yu in the secret room had fallen from the sky, and the white mist around their bodies was sucked into their bodies bit by bit.

On the twelfth day, the white mist on the two of them disappeared, and Lin Yu's already delicate skin became smoother and more attractive, shining like a jade like a goddess.

And Liu Xu's skin is also more "mysterious" than it was twelve days ago. Although the shape of that face has not changed much, the complexion on his face is not an exaggeration to describe it as a crown jade.

If this kid woke up at this moment and took a look in front of the mirror, he would definitely scream.

"My God! The heroism of my man Khan is gone."

"It seems that in the future, I will often go to bask in the sun and become a man again, and I will never be a bad face."

"It seems that I can only be a quiet and handsome man."

"Life is really lonely. Lonely like snow!"


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1265 Do You Have Bad Thoughts About Mo Chou?

Finally, after another day, Liu Xu and Lin Yu opened their eyes at the same time, and both of them had a flash of light in their eyes, and they immediately restrained themselves.

An aura that not to mention ordinary people in the martial arts world, but even the five masters in the world, flashed out from the two of them.

At this time, Lin Yu and Liu Xu were still maintaining the posture that would make anyone blush and heartbeat, and they had come out of the state of wanting nothing.

Lin Yu's face immediately turned red, and she said in shame, "Little thief, I... shall we go out first? I don't know how long it has been, it seems to be far more than three days. I guessed wrong at the beginning, Grandma Sun They must be worried."

Liu Xu smiled grimly and said, "I don't care how much time has passed. Anyway, it's been so long, and I don't care about a little more time. I've endured it for a few days, and now I can finally shoot with live ammunition." , even if the sky falls.”


"Master, big prostitute, don't worry!"

At this moment, the stone door suddenly opened slowly, and Mochou's little loli stuck her head in.

"Ah! The pervert is bullying Master!"




The second "ah" was naturally from Lin Yu, letting the apprentice see such a scene, almost made her die of shame.

The third "ah" came from Mu Nianci who came in right after Li Mochou. Although she reacted quickly and immediately turned around to stop Huang Rong behind her when she saw this scene, the people behind still caught sight of the practice room. The situation inside was called out together.

After the call, all the women at the door rustled and slipped away as quickly as possible, even Li Mochou, who was stunned at first, was not an exception.

"It's all you, you little bastard, now let people how to deal with them in the future." Lin Yu's face turned red.

"Hehehe, good sister, what's the matter? They are all your relatives too. In the worst case, I will..."


"I'll let them all take it off for you to see."

Liu Xu had a smirk on his face, but he thought in his heart that it was a good thing Grandma Sun didn't come, she probably took care of Xiao Longnv!

Otherwise, not only Lin Yu, but also himself will die of embarrassment. His reaction now is probably the same as Lin Yu's!

"What? They! All of them! Don't you have bad thoughts about Mochou?"

Come on, I missed the point.

Lin Yu grasped the handle, grabbed the soft flesh of Liu Xu's waist and pinched it.

"Oh! Sister, please be merciful! That girl Mo Chou is still a child, and your husband and I are so bad?" Liu Xu said quickly, but the guilty expression on his face seemed unbelievable.

"Hmph! She is already fourteen years old, and she is not young anymore, and you are just so bad." Lin Yu pointed out mercilessly that someone had done a hateful thing that ruined the flowers of the motherland, "Don't think I don't I know what you did to Mo Chou the first time you sneaked into the ancient tomb and stole the cold jade bed?"

"Hehe, sister, how can you doubt my good character so much?" Liu Xu couldn't say anything at this time, he could only pat his head and smirk, pretending to be stunned, hoping to get rid of it.

Lin Yu stared at Liu Xu for a while, staring at him until his heart felt hairy, and then he relaxed, and said, "Actually, it's not impossible to give that girl to you."

"What!" Liu Xu was taken aback, thinking he had heard it wrong.

"What? You don't want to? Then I'll marry that girl early." Lin Yu said.

"Ah, no...Actually, I..." Liu Xu wanted to say it but didn't know how to say it. He couldn't tell Lin Yu that he had taken their master and apprentice together!

Lin Yu looked at him, burst out laughing, and said angrily: "I know you have bad thoughts, forget it, as long as Mo Chou is willing, I will not object."

"Uh, sister, that little girl is your apprentice! Don't you think there's something about that?" Liu Xu asked.

"It's unreasonable, right? Your sister and I are not such rigid fellows as Wang Chongyang. Even if Mo Chou marries you, I'm still her master. Does she still deny me?" Lin Yu said. .

Long live!Long live!

Liu Xu kept yelling in his heart that he had found a generous and open wife. The position of the big wife in the Condor World was reserved for Sister Fairy, and she was determined by her.

Half an hour later, Lin Yu and Liu Xu came out of the secret room.

After they came out, all the girls were gone, so they searched, and it turned out that they, Xiaolongnv and Grandma Sun were all in the woods outside the ancient tomb, making roasted rabbit meat, and it was ready.

Originally, people were vegetarians in the ancient tomb, but after Liu Xu came, everything changed.

In his words, a vegetarian diet is not conducive to physical development.

They knew that Liu Xu and Lin Yu must be very hungry after not coming out for so many days.

After meeting, both sides were shy for a while.

Liu Xu is not in this list. This guy has a "slightly" thicker skin. In his opinion, the girls in front of him are all his current or future wives, and they are all family members. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

"Good girls, you are so good, I know your eldest brother is hungry."

Liu Xu grabbed the barbecue on the shelf and ate it.

Needless to say the taste, there are several great chefs in his wife!

If Hong Qigong were here, he would definitely risk his life to grab the food.

In the next few days, Liu Xu practiced martial arts with a few girls, and they both practiced. When he was free, he often went to tease the little loli, because he recently discovered that he didn't know if he saw himself having sex with a woman twice. The little girl looked at her eyes more and more watery.

Moreover, she was often shy when she was mischievous in front of him, which made Liu Xu feel emotional. This little loli is about to grow up, and she can be picked after a while.

This kind of life lasted for a month.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1266 Sun Buer sent Cheng Yaojia to the wolf's arms

This kind of life lasted for a month.

A month later, Liu Xu remembered that the appointment in the Yanyu Tower in the original book had happened in a different way, and it was about time for him to set off and do something.

Because it is already June [-]th, and July [-]th is the beggar gang meeting, so I should join in the fun.

The war between the Mongols and the Jinren also has to intervene, and let them, the guys who are equivalent to the ancient Japanese, fight as badly as possible. Dogs eat dogs, just for the people of Song Dynasty who are also Han Chinese in this world of eagle shooting.

In the sky, the stars are shining.

A young man went to the Chongyang Palace of the Quanzhen Sect, and this person was naturally Liu Xu.

He bid farewell to his daughters just now, saying that he was going to kill some Jin people and Mongols to do something for the people of Song Dynasty, and he also wanted to avenge Yang Tiexin, his father-in-law, and bring Yang Kang back.

When the women heard this, Mu Nianci and Lin Yu both nodded their heads, because these two women are also the masters who often worry about the people in the world. Knowing that their husbands are going to do business, they naturally cannot object.

Only Huang Rong and Li Mochou quarreled and wanted to follow, but Liu Xu vetoed it outright. Just kidding, if the two little girls followed, their original plan would be disrupted.

It's mainly a plan to pick up girls. In Shooting the Condors, Liu Xu feels that he still has a few goals that he hasn't settled yet!

And if I don't take good care of them and let them get hurt or something, I will be the one who feels distressed. After all, they are not such great masters as Lin Yu, and Lin Yu is used to living in the ancient tomb and doesn't want to go out, just like the little dragon in the sculpture of the gods Female average.

Seeing Liu Xu's refusal, Huang Rong and Xiao Luoli were very reluctant, but even if they were allowed to act like a baby, he would not change his mind.

Although Liu Xu left in the end, he was threatened by the two girls before he left.

"Brother Xu, if you don't come back soon, Rong'er will ignore you for a month."

"That's right, Sister Rong'er is right, if you don't come back early, the big prostitute, I will sneak out to find you."


Liu Xu came to Chongyang Palace, found the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, and said to them: "Brothers, I am here today to tell you that I have something to go down the mountain. See you at the Yanyu Building in Jiaxing during the Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th." !"

Liu Xu knew that since Qiu Chuji put down his words and wanted to settle his grievances with Yang Kang in Yanyu Tower, the Seven Sons of Quanzhen would definitely go there.

So when he said this, he just wanted to tell Seven Sons to reassure them that when the time comes, with your invincible juniors around, Yang Kang Wanyan Honglie or Qiu Qianzhang's Iron Palm Gang will be useless.

"Brother, wait..."

"what happened?"

Liu Xu turned to look at Sun Buer suspiciously, and saw that she pulled Cheng Yaojia to his side, and said, "Yaojia is going back today, but the senior sister is afraid that she will encounter some danger on the way home alone. , the senior sister originally planned to send her off in person, but now that the junior brother is going down the mountain, let's send the senior sister's apprentice along the way!"

Cheng Yaojia waved her hands again and again and said, "No need, no need, I'm fine, so I won't bother my uncle."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Liu Xu with embarrassment.

"How can I do that?" Sun Buer objected: "The world is so chaotic now, how can you, a little girl, run around alone, let your uncle give you a ride!"

Seeing that Master was determined, Cheng Yaojia glanced at Liu Xu and said, "Then Yaojia will trouble Master Uncle."

"Don't bother, don't bother, I'm your uncle, I should do something small for you." Liu Xu's face was very sincere, but his heart was full of joy.

Looking at Cheng Yaojia's charming and charming appearance, I really want to hug Sun Buer's old face and kiss her, and then shout: "Senior sister, you are so kind to your junior brother, send all your proud disciples here gone."

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