Of course, Cheng Yaojia's master and apprentice would not know someone's evil psychology, but Cheng Yaojia felt that this master uncle was kind and not as serious as other elders.

Then it occurred to him that he secretly teased him a few days ago, and that he majesticly single-handedly overwhelmed the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation formed by the master he admired in the past and all the masters.

Cheng Yaojia's face turned red again, and Sun Buer was surprised to see that although his apprentice was a little shy at ordinary times, he was not as shy as frequently as today!

Sun Buer didn't think too much, he pushed his apprentice into the wolf's arms, and then went to do his own business.

Cheng Yaojia followed Liu Xu silently and went down the mountain.

Liu Xu neither rode a horse, nor performed light kung fu, but just walked with his own feet, admiring the scenery along the road while hurrying.

Innate masters need to experience nature more to break through the original realm faster, because the cultivation of the state of mind after innate is also very important, otherwise the skill will increase too fast, and it is easy to go crazy.

At first along the way, no matter how Liu Xu teased Cheng Yaojia, she just replied shyly and simply.

Later, I gradually felt that this uncle seemed easy to get along with, and Cheng Yaojia gradually wanted to say a few more words to Liu Xu.

She gradually opened up and talked more, shy people are so familiar and talkative.

"What happened later? What happened later? Could it be that Xiaolongnv just died like this? Uncle, just tell me!"

Cheng Yaojia took Liu Xu's arm and shook it anxiously, completely forgetting to "respect the teacher and respect the way".

Liu Xu chuckled and said, "It's still the same sentence, you call me brother Xu, and I will continue talking."

It turned out that Liu Xu was walking slowly, telling Cheng Yaojia the story of "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

He modified the names of the characters in the Divine Sculpture a little bit, and said them to make the little girl happy.

When talking about the part where Xiaolongnv jumped off the Broken Intestine Cliff, Cheng Yaojia, who was fascinated by watching and listening, suddenly thought why he didn't let her change her name and get closer to her, so the scene just now happened.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1267 Sister Yaojia called her brother to listen

The uncle can't pick up the niece of the teacher, but brother Xu can, first change his mouth, and then pick up girls, that's easy.

Hearing what Liu Xu said, Cheng Yaojia blushed again, and said, "How can this be possible! You are my uncle, if the master finds out, she will definitely scold me."

"So you don't want to hear the following story!" Liu Xu said as if he was convinced of her.

"I think so!" Cheng Yaojia said.

She looked at Liu Xu with hope, Cheng Yaojia had no friends since she was a child, because she was a lady, so she usually stayed at home with her maids, and it was not easy to go out without leaving the door.

This time I finally went out with the master, and met Liu Xu who was chatting and laughing with her. If it was someone else, it would be appropriate to call him big brother. She dared not speak anymore.

"Okay, then in the future, when you have people, you should still call me Uncle Shi, and when you don't have people, call me Big Brother Liu, the head office!" Liu Xu took a step back and said.

Cheng Yaojia thought for a while, nodded her head, and said, "It's not too bad, but you can't tell my master!"

"Hurry up, I'll continue after you call." Of course Liu Xu agreed.

"Brother Xu." Cheng Yaojia blushed and called in a low voice.

Finally, after all the hard work, Liu Xu was satisfied with Cheng Yaojia's "Brother Liu", and yelled lewdly: "My good sister is so good."

Then, as if taking a stimulant, Liu Xu finished telling the story of the Condor Heroes in one breath.

Watching the finale, Guo Xiang felt sorry for Yang Guo's feelings, and Cheng Yaojia, who was happy that Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv finally became a real fruit, Liu Xu committed an old problem, and was about to spend a few words on her , Suddenly heard a cry of killing.

"Drink! It's so lively!"

After hearing the voice, Liu Xu said with interest, "There seem to be quite a few people fighting?"

"This is the territory of the Great Song Dynasty. It is impossible to fight between armies at all. Maybe two conflicting gangs will fight for the victory here?" Cheng Yaojia thought for a while and said to Liu Xu.

"Is it true? Let's go and see, don't we know?" After speaking, Liu Xu dragged Cheng Yaojia to the battlefield.

To Cheng Yaojia's surprise, the fighting parties were not two gangs, but more than fifty officers and soldiers and seven Mongolians.

And when Liu Xu and others appeared, the situation of the seven Mongols was already in jeopardy. I believe that they would be killed by those officers and soldiers in a short time.

As soon as Liu Xu and others appeared around the battlefield, they were discovered by the officers, soldiers and Mongols.

After all, the place where they are located is quite empty, and if someone appears, they can be found immediately.

After seeing Cheng Yaojia's beauty, a middle-aged officer riding on a horse immediately ordered to the guards around him with lewd eyes: "Go and grab that woman quickly."

"Yes, General." After receiving the order, four soldiers walked towards Liu Xu and Cheng Yaojia with obscene smiles on their faces.

When they thought about it, since their boss had meat to eat, then these soldiers should also be able to have broth to drink.

"Hmph! A lifeless thing." After a cold smile, Liu Xu kicked a few small stones at his feet towards the soldiers.

With Liu Xu's current cultivation, it can be said that flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people.

The small stones he kicked not only hit the four guards, but also pierced through their bodies directly, which stunned the officers, soldiers and Mongols who were paying attention to Liu Xu and others.

"Young man, we were sent by Genghis Khan to discuss an alliance with Da Song, and these people are lackeys of the Kingdom of Jin. Since we are about to form an alliance, please save us!" After seeing After Liu Xu's brave performance, a Mongolian shouted to them.

"Quick! Go and kill that man!" The general shouted to the officers and soldiers around him in a panic.

Unfortunately, under extreme fear, this general issued a very outrageous order.

Although those officers and soldiers knew that Liu Xu was not easy to mess with, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush to where Liu Xu was because they were frightened by the general's usual despotic power.

"Cut!" After curling his lips, Liu Xu kicked a big rock next to him. How could the big rock withstand Liu Xu's huge force, it was immediately broken into a pile of small pieces by him. stone.

Afterwards, those small rocks roared towards the officers and soldiers rushing towards Liu Xu with a mixture of mighty force.

In that case, it was no different from a bullet fired from a shotgun.





Among these officers, soldiers and Mongols, there are not many people who know martial arts.

Therefore, the small rocks that Liu Xu kicked out were not something they could resist or avoid.

Therefore, when Liu Xu's first round of attack was over, most of the officers and soldiers were sent to meet the Buddha immediately.


After seeing this result, the general knew that he had offended someone who shouldn't be offended, so he hurriedly wanted to ride his horse and escape.

However, how could Liu Xu do what he wanted?

The horse had just taken two or three steps when he was hit on the head by a stone.

Looking at the general who was stoned to death, Liu Xu stopped his feet and thought proudly in his heart: "If you go to a football match, with such leg skills, let alone lead the Chinese team out of the World Cup group stage, even It is also a matter of minutes to win the Hercules Cup."

After the remaining officers and soldiers saw that their general was beaten to death, they immediately started to flee in all directions.

It's a pity that Liu Xu had no intention of letting them go, and the Mongols immediately joined the ranks of chasing and killing the officers and soldiers after seeing the officers and soldiers defeated.

Under the joint pursuit of these Mongols and Liu Xu, those officers and soldiers were quickly killed by them.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1268 Killing them is a reasonable and legal thing

"Thank you for your generosity this time, sir." A Mongolian who looked like the leader of the team said to Liu Xu after he came to him.

"It's nothing, you don't have to be polite." Liu Xu said indifferently: "You just said that you were sent by Temujin to form an alliance with Song Dynasty, right?"

"That's right, the mission of our trip is to form an alliance with Song Dynasty." The Mongolian replied quickly after hearing Liu Xu's words, obviously he was very afraid of Liu Xu.

"What? Temujin sent you guys here to discuss the alliance? Isn't that too childish?" Liu Xu asked a little strangely.

"No matter how weak Song Dynasty is, it is a country after all. Temujin sent only seven people to discuss the alliance. Doesn't he take Song Dynasty too seriously?" Yaojia also thought of it strangely.

After seeing the expressions of Liu Xu and others, the Mongolian immediately knew what they were thinking, so he quickly explained to them: "When we set off from the tribe, there were actually more than [-] brothers and Prince Torre and Princess Huazheng were together, but because they were blocked several times by lackeys of the Kingdom of Jin along the way, Prince Torre and Princess Huazheng got separated. There are more than [-] brothers and now we are the only ones left. There are a few people."

In the end, all the surviving Mongolians looked sad.

"Oh? So, how many of you are the only ones who came to Song Dynasty to discuss alliances?" Liu Xu asked with a strange expression on his face.

"That's right, we're the only ones left." Although Liu Xu's expression seemed a little unnerving, the Mongolian still answered truthfully.

"In this case, it's time for you to go to the underworld to report to King Yama." After speaking, Liu Xu pointed at the Mongol's Achilles heel without waiting for the Mongolian's reaction.

Seeing the wide-eyed Mongolian falling slowly, everyone except Liu Xu was stunned.

They never thought that Liu Xu would kill the Mongolian whom he had just rescued with his own hands.

However, they were in a daze, and Liu Xu would not follow them in a daze.

After killing the Mongol, Liu Xu quickly killed three Mongols and grabbed a Mongol's neck with lightning speed.

And until this time, other people reacted one after another.

"You...why did you do this?" The Mongolian who was strangled by Liu Xu asked him with horror and doubts on his face.

"After you go to the underworld, you should ask King Yama carefully!" After speaking with a grin on his face, Liu Xu broke the Mongolian's neck with a "click".

However, these Mongols really deserved to have survived the battlefield. After knowing that Liu Xu was determined to kill them, the remaining two Mongols immediately drew their swords and rushed towards Liu Xu.

Unfortunately, in this world, it is not as long as you have the courage to win.

When the first Mongolian who arrived was about to hack Liu Xu to death with a knife, he flicked the big knife lightly, and the knife flew out by Liu Xu's finger force.

Afterwards, the Mongol who lost his sword was pointed out by Liu Xu and hit the nail on the head.

And the Mongolian who was left at the end couldn't cause any trouble to Liu Xu, and he pointed out that he hit the nail on the head.

"Brother Xu, since you saved them just now, why did you kill them now?" Cheng Yaojia asked with a puzzled face, "They came to the Song Dynasty to form an alliance, so it seems not good to kill them like this?"

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