Cheng Yaojia was a little confused about Liu Xu's transformation before and after.

"I'm not going to save them who are wolf-hearted and dog-hearted. It would be thankless." Liu Xu said with a look of disdain: "Besides, why did they come to form an alliance with our Song Dynasty? They are just It's just to use our Great Song, and when our Great Song is no longer worth being used by them, then they will tear up the covenant and attack our Great Song as soon as possible."

For these Mongolians now, Liu Xu didn't have the slightest liking for them. It's fine for these guys to keep their promises. After all, there are not many people who can really keep their promises.

But what disgusted Liu Xu the most was that these Mongols were very cruel and easy to kill. They not only slaughtered the city at every turn, but also liked to use ordinary people as human shields when attacking the city.

Therefore, in Liu Xu's eyes, these Mongols are no different from those beasts on the grassland.

"As for why I killed those officers and soldiers just now? Do I need a reason? Jin Guo is the enemy of our Great Song Dynasty. It is reasonable and legal to kill them." Liu Xu shrugged and said nonchalantly: "Kill both sides. , once and for all."

"Oh, by the way, let's get out of here quickly! Someone will definitely come looking for these officers and soldiers in a while, and it would be bad if they saw us." Cheng Yaojia said to Liu Xu.

"Okay, okay, got it, let's go!"

After Liu Xu and Cheng Yaojia left the woods, they continued to move forward, but this time, after he finished talking about the divine sculpture, he continued to talk about Yitian Tulongji.

Suddenly, Cheng Yaojia raised her head, holding back her flushed face, and said anxiously: "Brother Xu, stay here and don't move! I have something to go, and I'll be right back."

"Where are you going? Don't run around!" Liu Xu looked at the shy girl suspiciously and said.

Cheng Yaojia looked around and saw a gigantic boulder that was much taller than a person, and saw that there was no one around, so she hurried over.

While running, she shouted firmly to Liu Xu, "Anyway, I'll be right back, so you can't follow me."


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Chapter 1269 Either marry him, or commit suicide or kill him...

"If you don't let me go, I won't go, so I don't think I will lose face." Liu Xu thought to himself.

Hearing a rustling sound behind the boulder, Liu Xu was very curious about what this innocent little girl was doing.

He sneaked over to the boulder like a gust of wind, and quietly approached the rock to look behind the rock.

"Hiss! Dead, dead, I'm going to die!"

As soon as Liu Xu saw what Cheng Yaojia was doing behind the boulder, he couldn't help gasping, and almost had a nosebleed.

It turned out that this girl was urinating.

Liu Xu hastily raised his hand and pressed his nose. Thanks to his martial arts are much higher than Cheng Yaojia, and she is only a three-legged cat, otherwise Huang Rong and other women would definitely have changed the movement just now. will be found.

Cheng Yaojia behind the stone slowly pulled down her trousers, spread her legs and squatted on the ground, and looked around nervously, for fear that someone would suddenly appear at this time, so that the innocence of Miss Cheng's family That's all.

If it weren't for this place where there is no village and no shops, why would Cheng Yaojia be so worried.


With a sound of "哐", Liu Xu was so fascinated by the sight, it was unbelievable as a congenital master, he stumbled in embarrassment, and rushed out all at once.

Cheng Yaojia was holding up her trousers, and both of them looked at each other blankly, unable to say a word.

"Hehe, little sister Yaojia is good, oops, bad, I accidentally hit my eye just now, it still hurts, and I can't see anything. What are you doing, I can only see your figure vaguely !" Liu Xu looked up at the sky again, pointing at the very dark sky covered by the luxuriant trees, and said, "Sister Yaojia, don't you think the weather is pretty good today!"

Liu Xu, who came back to his senses, started talking nonsense. He doesn't know what to say now, so he can only talk nonsense.

"Ah! Ah..." Cheng Yaojia finally knew what terrible thing had happened, and she wanted to stand up on one side of her footsteps, but what people didn't expect was that she was too panicked and stepped on the ground. The foot of his trousers that had receded below his calves, he fell on his back to the ground after being unsteady on his back.

Now the trousers are even lower...

"Hey, Yaojia, are you okay, did you fall somewhere?" Liu Xu hurriedly ran over, intending to help Cheng Yaojia who was lying on the ground.

Cheng Yaojia stared blankly at Liu Xu who came over and was about to caress her up, without moving her body.

This time, she seemed to not even care about the shameful look that her pants hadn't been pulled up yet, and Liu Xu felt a little distressed when she saw her heart-wrenching little look.

Suddenly, Cheng Yaojia turned her small face to the ground and burst into tears.

She didn't even pull up her pants, and let Liu Xu feast her eyes.

"What should I do? It seems that my mother said that if a girl is seen naked, she must marry him, or commit suicide or kill him... Do I want to marry him? But he is my uncle! Parents Neither I nor the master will I want to commit suicide...but...but suicide must be very painful. If I kill him, I can't beat him, and I can't do it either!"

Cheng Yaojia didn't even know what she was thinking, she only knew that her mind was in a mess, and a bunch of flies were buzzing in it.

Cheng Yaojia, who is usually shy, now has the limit of her face to bear, so her brain is in chaos.

"Hey, don't cry! It's all my fault, I shouldn't have come here secretly to see what you're doing... I'm sorry, if you're angry, just bite me hard."

But no matter what Liu Xu called, Cheng Yaojia didn't respond at all, just cried and said nothing.

"Hey, if you don't pull up your pants again, if someone passes by at this time, you will lose a lot."

After Liu Xu said this, Cheng Yaojia finally had a reaction.


Damn, what kind of logic is this!

Liu Xu looked at Cheng Yaojia, who was only crying after saying a word, with a helpless expression.

"If you don't pull up your pants again, I can't guarantee that I will do anything else?"

Liu Xu glanced at Cheng Yaojia again, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and stretched out his hand...

"Ah, what do you want?"

When Liu Xu was about to meet Cheng Yaojia, she shivered, instinctively came to her senses, and bit the forearm of his salty pig's hand like a puppy.

"Hey, I told you to bite you just now, why are you biting now!" Liu Xu didn't dare to break free, because with his skill, if he broke free lightly, Cheng Yaojia's cute little mouth might be crushed. smashed.

"Have you bitten enough? I'm about to bleed. Also, do you want to bathe me with tears?" Liu Xu endured the pain and turned to Cheng Yao, who was biting him hard while dripping tears on his hand. Jia said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Yaojia felt a trace of blood in his mouth, and quickly let go of his mouth.

She silently pulled up her pants, wiped away the tears from her little face, and sobbed.

After venting just now, Cheng Yaojia's heartache in the face of her exposure has eased a lot, and now at least her little brain can function normally.

Seeing that she had finally pulled up her trousers, Liu Xu was also relieved, otherwise he might really be committing a crime.

"Uncle Liu, what should I do?" Cheng Yaojia looked at Liu Xu with tears in her eyes and said.

But she didn't feel any hatred towards Liu Xu, the culprit. She was originally a big girl who didn't hold any grudges, and she had an inexplicable feeling for Liu Xu.


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Chapter 1270 Yaojia, I will be responsible for you

Liu Xu reached out to wipe the tears on her face, and said with a smile: "You forgot again, you should call me Brother Xu instead of Uncle Shi. Don't tell me you girl is planning to cross the river and tear down the bridge, then I'm at a loss! Even underwear paid for it.”

"Pfft..." Cheng Yaojia laughed when he saw what he said was funny, but then felt something was wrong, and put on a face that looked like she was going to cry, but she still called brother Xu to say that she is not someone who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges.

"Sister Yaojia, don't worry, I was wrong about what happened just now, I shouldn't be frivolous to you."

Liu Xu knew that the current Cheng Yaojia was a pure little girl who was absolutely easy to deceive, so he took advantage of the accident just now and took the opportunity to expose the big bad wolf's tail in advance, put his hands on her shoulders, and said: " But you can rest assured, Yaojia, I will be responsible to you, treat you well, how about I marry you as my wife?"

Cheng Yaojia didn't expect Liu Xu to say that, she lost her mind for a moment, and said with a blushing face, "I don't want it, I can't marry you."

"Why?" Liu Xu was a little surprised by Cheng Yaojia's answer. According to his understanding, she should have a good impression of him.

At least he already knew that he was Cheng Yaojia's little sister since she was a child, except for her mother, her personal maid, and her master Sun Buer, the only friend she could talk to.

In addition, according to the conventional thinking of the ancients, one should be responsible after seeing the body, so Liu Xu was [-]% sure that Cheng Yaojia would agree to marry her.

He was not as decisive and quick as he thought he would be rejected. This made the thick-skinned Liu Xu almost unbearable, and felt a deep blow.

"Why? Am I bad? You hate me?"

After hearing his question, Cheng Yaojia grinned and almost cried again.

"You are my uncle, how can you marry me as a wife! My master and parents will definitely not agree, and other people will also scold us for being immoral..."

After saying this, she lowered her head again, rubbed the corners of her clothes with her hands, and said in a low voice: "If you are not my uncle, it is not impossible to marry... to marry you, anyway, you are not allowed to marry me." You've seen it all, but..."

In fact, Cheng Yaojia, who hadn't seen many men, suddenly met Liu Xu, a man who treated her lightly again and again, and his feelings towards him became more and more strange.

"Ha! So that's the reason? I thought you, a girl like me, who is young and rich, handsome, strong in martial arts, able to enter the kitchen and exit the hall, respects the elderly, loves children, and loves women. In this world, there is no such thing as a peerless good man! Fortunately, it is not, if it is, then you will be a bachelor for the rest of your life. Because it is impossible for you to find a good man I'm dead." Liu Xu said boldly.

"Heck, brother Xu just likes to brag! You're not that good!" Cheng Yaojia couldn't keep the sad expression on her face anymore, and couldn't help giggling.

Liu Xu looked at the little face with wet tears, and finally smiled, and continued to say, "I'm not bragging, I've always been down-to-earth, okay? If you don't believe me, look at the sky."

"What are you looking at in the sky?" Cheng Yaojia asked suspiciously.

"Look, there isn't a single cow flying in the sky!" Liu Xu said nonchalantly, "This can at least prove my innocence! I'm not bragging."

"Giggle..." Cheng Yaojia kept laughing, completely letting go of the sadness just now.

If it was another man she didn't know, maybe she wouldn't recover like that, but Liu Xu, who has a lot of status in Cheng Yaojia's heart, is a little different.

Liu Xu took the opportunity to hold Cheng Yaojia in his arms, and said: "Since your elder brother Xu has said that he wants to be responsible for you, he must keep his word, treat you as a treasure, marry you home and love you well. Your master You don’t need to worry about your father and mother, just leave it to me to persuade. I am the head teacher of Quanzhen Sect (never care about things), and I am older than your master, but she wants to listen to me, right?”

When Cheng Yaojia was hugged into her arms at first, she blushed and struggled for a while, seeing that she couldn't let go, and then listened to Liu Xu's swearing words, although she felt a little wrong, she still nodded her head.

Leaning in Liu Xu's arms, Cheng Yaojia felt uncontrollably happy when Liu Xu said just now that he wanted to take her home and love her.

"Could it be that I fell in love with Brother Xu long ago? How could this be? We haven't known each other for a long time!" Cheng Yaojia thought to himself.

She didn't know when she had the shadow of Liu Xu in her heart, whether it was when he secretly teased her in Chongyang Palace, or when he overwhelmed the Seven Sons of Quanzhen with majestic power alone...

Thinking about it, Cheng Yaojia unexpectedly fell asleep in Liu Xu's arms in just such a short while.

"Hey, Yaojia, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Xu looked down into his arms, only to find that the little person in his arms had fallen asleep sweetly.

"Uh, you girl is so nervous! You can fall asleep right away like this. Oh, it's too bad. It seems that I won't be able to move in a short time."

Liu Xu gently hugged the girl and sat down on the ground, acting as a nanny, and by the way, also served as a bed and a pillow.

"Sit down and watch the sunrise. It's also good to practice the zhenqi in the dantian." Liu Xu hugged the girl motionlessly and spent two full hours in torment.

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