Liu Xu found that even though he was a congenital master, he would not suffer from numbness caused by being motionless for two hours as a pillow and a bed, but the scent of the girl in his arms and the soft body were more painful than being a pillow and a bed many.

Finally, after Liu Xu recited "If the heart is as clear as ice, the sky will not be shocked" n times for two hours, the provocative little fairy in his arms finally stretched a little, rubbed his eyes, and looked at it in a daze. around.


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Chapter 1271 Bully you now, okay?

"I'm talking about my lovely sister Yaojia, since you're already awake, can you stop lying in your brother's arms? Otherwise, if I can't help but do something to you, then it's not my fault."

After hearing Liu Xu's words, Miss Cheng's family realized that the comfortable place she slept in just now was not the big bed at home, but in the arms of a man.

How can Cheng Yaojia be a sixteen-year-old girl, how can she bear such a shy thing, she screamed, and jumped up like a frightened deer.

Cheng Yaojia's face was so red that she didn't dare to look at Liu Xu, she pointed at him and said in a low voice, "Brother Xu, you did you do this just now?"

After sleeping and recovering, Cheng Yaojia turned back into that shy little girl again.

"How could I do this?" Liu Xu immediately understood what Cheng Yaojia meant when he heard Cheng Yaojia's words, "You girl still talk about me? You think I want to! You look so attractive, if I don't If that's the case, you're not a man anymore. But you slept comfortably in my arms for two hours, making me dare not move, for fear of disturbing you. Now that the bridge is being demolished across the river, the wicked will sue first."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I want to sleep too much." Cheng Yaojia was blushing and shy when she heard the first half of the sentence at first, but when she heard that little head pointing her head to admit her mistake, she looked a little cute, "I don't know What happened, fell asleep."

Liu Xu secretly laughed that this girl is really cute. If this happened differently, Huang Rong and Li Mochou would stare at her beautiful eyes and say, "It's your fault. Why did the villain sue first? It's obvious that you have bad intentions for this girl."

How could it be possible for him to admit his mistake after saying a few words!

Of course, this is not to say that Huang Rong and Li Mochou are not cute, each has its own personality!

Liu Xu stepped forward, put his arms around Cheng Yaojia, and said with a seductive smile: "I said I will be responsible to you, even if I really did something bad to you girl, it should be right! Isn't it? You don't have to That kind of reaction!"

Cheng Yaojia nodded and leaned on Liu Xu's arms honestly

Liu Xu deliberately let out a big breath of heat by Cheng Yaojia's little ear, and said, "Yaojia, Brother Xu is responsible for you, so let's bully you now, okay?"

After hearing his words, Cheng Yaojia's body suddenly trembled as if being shocked by an electric shock, and lay stiff on the ground, unable to move.

Cheng Yaojia felt that when Liu Xu was talking in her ear, the hot air he exhaled was like insects crawling, bringing out a strange itching, rushing into her heart like a bamboo.

The little girl was numb all over, her brain was blank, she was limp in Liu Xu's arms, her overwhelming sense of powerlessness made her part her cherry lips slightly, and panted softly.

"What is Brother Xu going to do to me? Should I refuse?"

Cheng Yaojia's heart became tense, but she couldn't stop her body's natural reaction.

Liu Xu could no longer stay awake, so he planned to give Cheng Yaojia the Fa-rectification on the spot in broad daylight.

As a result, Cheng Yaojia suddenly struggled.

"No, no, brother Xu, we can't do this now."

"What's the matter? Yaojia, don't worry, Brother Xu will treat you well in the future."

At this time, letting Liu Xu rein in the precipice now, wouldn't it kill him?

Cheng Yaojia's face was red, and she said coyly: "I believe Brother Xu will take care of me, but how can you do this kind of sex between men and women in broad daylight?"

When Liu Xu heard that this was the reason, he lost his mind and then smiled and said, "So... Yaojia means that as long as you have a house and a bed, you can do 'anything' with Brother Xu?"

Whenever he said anything, he especially emphasized the pronunciation.

"I didn't say that!" Cheng Guo Yaojia said unyieldingly, but judging by her expression, it was the same no matter how you looked at it.

Holding her into his arms again, Liu Xu said domineeringly: "I don't care if you said that or not, I will treat it as if you said it now. Marry and follow your husband, you can't object."

Cheng Yaojia really wanted to say that she hadn't married him yet, but when she looked up and saw Liu Xu's firm and domineering appearance, she couldn't say anything.

After nodding her beautiful head, Cheng Yaojia had acquiesced to Liu Xu's domineering declaration.

"Then what are you waiting for, hehe..."

"No, there is no house here, and someone will see it."

When Liu Xu thought about it, this was really the case. Although this small road leading to the Quanzhen Sect is usually not visited by people, occasionally some people will pass by for a few hours or a few days. Suddenly, someone was watching his performance.

It's okay for Liu Xu to have a thick skin, but Cheng Yaojia has also been seen, isn't he a big loser?

"Hehe, but this won't bother me. Sister Yaojia, don't worry, we must have a bridal chamber today."

Liu Xu said, holding Cheng Yaojia's waist, and jumped into the woods.

Looking left and right, there is no need for a house or anything, but there are caves, because there are many people hunting in the mountains, and it is safer to sleep in the mountains when it rains or spend the night in the caves than sleeping in the open.

Sure enough, Liu Xu soon discovered a cave.

"Although it's not a house, it won't be afraid of being seen."

Liu Xu couldn't wait to take Cheng Yaojia into the cave.


"No...Brother Xu, I can't..."

"What's the matter with you?" Liu Xu felt that he was going crazy. No matter how good-tempered he was, he was a little upset when he was interrupted at critical moments one after another. "Isn't there a room (cave) and a bed (straw)?" Miss? Do you have any request, please finish it all at once?"

However, Cheng Yaojia's eyes suddenly slipped two lines of clear tears silently.

"Uh, I was wrong, don't cry, Brother Xu shouldn't have talked to you loudly." Liu Xu was immediately discouraged, "If you don't want to, we won't have a bridal chamber now, okay...don't cry! "


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Chapter 1272 The white tiger is ominous, the number one prostitute

Liu Xu panicked immediately, how did he know that this girl cried whenever she wanted to.

Cheng Yaojia shook her little head, and said in a crying voice: "Brother Xu, it's not your fault, it's just that I forgot one thing just now. In fact, I am an ominous woman! I am Baihu, and Baihu is Cuff's. Don't touch me, it will bring you misfortune."

"The white tiger belongs to Kefu, who told you?" Liu Xu smiled and nodded Cheng Yaojia's little nose. When he saw her urinate just now, he did realize this too.

"Didn't everyone else say that?" Cheng Yaojia said timidly with tears, this was a secret buried in her heart, and no one dared to tell it.

After she was a teenager, Cheng Yaojia found out that she was a white tiger. She didn't think much of it at first, but after hearing some rumors, she started to panic.How dare Liu Xu touch her now!

Seeing her weeping, Liu Xu was stunned. No wonder this girl, a majestic young lady, usually looks shy and inferior. She thinks she is an ominous woman!

Presumably she didn't even dare to tell her parents and master, but it's no wonder that the ancients were so superstitious.

Liu Xu didn't know how to comfort him for a while, so he could only say: "This is actually a normal phenomenon. People, many people deliberately made it like that! The bad luck of the white tiger is just a rumor here. In fact, the white tiger is more popular in our hometown. !"

What he said is also true. As the saying goes, rare things are valuable, and it is because they are rare that they are precious!

"Really? Then why do others say it's bad, even when I secretly asked my mother, she said so." Cheng Yaojia raised her head and asked with teary eyes.

She was willing to believe Liu Xu's words, but because of the deep-rooted rumors in her heart, she still couldn't believe it.

"Of course it's true, let me swear! Brother Xu will still lie to you. In fact, you are a white tiger, so Brother Xu likes you even more! Don't listen to some people's nonsense, they are all talking nonsense, there is no That's what happened." Liu Xu breathed out hot air next to Cheng Yaojia's little ear.

Cheng Yaojia was overjoyed, the girl's intuition made her feel that Liu Xu was not lying to her.


Cheng Yaojia turned her head and was about to speak, but her lips touched Liu Xu's.


After nearly half an hour, the clouds finally stopped and the rain stopped.

Cheng Yaojia dressed Liu Xu shyly, like a virtuous wife.

Liu Xu caressed her hair and smooth back, and said with a smile, "Yaojia, from today onwards, you will be my woman. I will prepare a betrothal gift and come to propose marriage."

Cheng Yaojia leaned shyly on Liu Xu's chest, and said, "Yaojia doesn't really care about asking for a relative now, as long as she can always be with brother Xu."

Liu Xu was slightly moved by her words, women who fell in love are quite cute.

"You girl is really good. It takes at least an hour for your older sisters to let Brother Xu come out!" Liu Xu blinked and said.

"What made Brother Xu come out?" Cheng Yaojia tilted her head and said in a vague way.

"Hey hey... this is it!"

"Ah!" Cheng Yaojia jumped away, the red cloud on his face even spread to his neck, "Brother Xu, why are you so bad."

Thinking that she seemed to be naked, the more Cheng Yaojia thought about it, the more embarrassing she became. She couldn't help beating Liu Xu, and said while beating: "I told you to bully me, I told you to bully me..."

Liu Xu smiled and closed his eyes, as if he was enjoying himself, while Cheng Yaojia's small fists on his body were really like giving him a massage.

Cheng Yaojia stopped beating after a dozen times. She didn't want Liu Xu to be beaten to death by herself.

Suddenly, she said faintly: "Brother Xu, do you have other women?"

It's only now that I realize that this girl's nerves are indeed a little slow.

"What's the matter, Yaojia, are you upset? Do you blame brother Xu for being too careless?" Liu Xu said.

Cheng Yaojia shook his head and said: "No, I'm just afraid that I'm too bad. I'm not as good as a few older sisters, and you will hate Brother Xu! What's so strange about the fact that a man has three wives and four concubines? , my dad is like this too!"

Liu Xu is relieved when he hears that he is so good at looking for men. It's better to date ancient chicks!

Holding Cheng Yaojia in his arms, touching her little earlobe, Liu Xu deliberately said with a straight face: "Nonsense, you are so bad, even if I hate myself, I won't hate my wife! Your sisters They are all good girls, so you can rest assured. If they dare to bully you, see if I won't spank their ass."

He knew that the little girl he had adopted was a little inferior, so he comforted her softly.


"Brother Xu, are you really going to come to my house to ask for marriage?"

In a restaurant in a small town, Cheng Yaojia shyly asked Liu Xu while eating the food on the table.

"Junior Sister Cheng!"

Just when Liu Xu was about to answer, a voice suddenly rang out in the restaurant.

After seeing the owner of the voice, Liu Xu thought to himself with some disgust: "Damn! Why did this bastard come here?"

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