It turns out that the owner of this voice is none other than Yi Zhiping, the No.

"Brother Yi."

After saying hello in a low voice, Cheng Yaojia never said anything to Yi Zhiping again.

Obviously, it's not that Cheng Yaojia knew that Yi Zhiping was a rapist, but that she was inherently shy, and when the seniors in the sect saw her having dinner with Liu Xu, they didn't dare to talk too much. spoke.

In contrast to Cheng Yaojia, Yi Zhiping said to her excitedly: "I didn't expect to see Junior Sister Cheng here."


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Chapter 1273 Introducing Yi Zhiping Entering the Palace as a Father-in-Law

This guy Yi Zhiping really deserves to be a big prostitute more than ten years later.

After arriving on the second floor, they only focused their attention on Cheng Yaojia, a beautiful woman, and turned a blind eye to Liu Xu who was sitting at the same table with them.

Liu Xu had to sigh, this guy was born to be a prostitute.

However, after seeing Yi Zhiping's two eyeballs spinning back and forth on Cheng Yaojia's body, Liu Xu finally couldn't help it, and said to him with a playful face: "Boy, do you still remember me?" ?”

"It's you!" After seeing Liu Xu's appearance clearly, Yi Zhiping took a step back with a look of horror.

Obviously, he was very afraid of Liu Xu, the master uncle.

It turned out that after Liu Xu took over as the head of the Quanzhen Sect, there were a lot of big thieves, and the two little witches, Huang Rong and Li Mochou, had tormented him enough. Now when Yi Zhiping saw Liu Xu His legs trembled.

"Am I so scary?" After seeing Yi Zhiping's reaction, Liu Xu asked Yi Zhiping somewhat dumbfounded.

" could it be! Disciple Yi Zhiping met the master uncle." Yi Zhiping replied tremblingly.

"Come here, sit down." Liu Xu pointed to the chair beside him and said to Yi Zhiping.

Although he didn't know what Liu Xu was going to do, Yi Zhiping still sat on the chair beside him.

After all, he didn't want to be punished again by Liu Xu in public.

"What are you doing here?" Liu Xu had no choice but to find something to say in order to divert his attention.

"Because I heard that someone has seen my uncle here, so the master sent me here to see if I can meet my uncle." Yi Zhiping replied honestly.

After hearing Yi Zhiping's words, Liu Xu was a little surprised, and then thought in his heart: "I didn't expect the old naughty boy to come here. I don't know what he wants to do here? It seems that there is nothing unusual here. Where? Has he changed his gender? And this scumbag came to find the old naughty boy! No wonder I didn’t see him when I entered the Tiangang Beidou formation that day, and I planned to take the opportunity to bully him again! But now It's not too late, hehehe..."

After thinking for a while, Liu Xu patted Yi Zhiping on the shoulder and said to him: "You mean Zhou Botong, right? I just saw him in the south of the city. If you rush over now, maybe you can see him again." !"

"Really? Then I will take my leave first."

After speaking quickly, Yi Zhiping left the restaurant as if fleeing.

I just don't know if he left in such a hurry to find Zhou Botong, or to avoid Liu Xu as soon as possible.

"Hey hey!" After Yi Zhiping left, Liu Xu had a sinister smile on his face.

"Well, brother Xu, you smile so treacherously?" Cheng Yaojia said in a low voice at this moment.

"No, how could it be? You must have read it wrong." Liu Xu quickly denied, "I was just thinking about a problem."

"What question are you thinking about?"

"Introduce Yi Zhiping to the palace as a father-in-law!"


"By the way, Yaojia, since we're here, let's take a stroll, anyway, we're not in a hurry!" Liu Xu quickly changed the subject.

"Oh, good!" Cheng Yaojia didn't think too much, and went shopping with Liu Xu after dinner.

At this time, Liu Xu was secretly laughing. It turned out that when he was patting Yi Zhiping's shoulder just now, he took the opportunity to touch a few acupuncture points on him. Of course, Yi Zhiping and Cheng Yaojia's martial arts couldn't see it.

As for the acupoints that Liu Xu ordered, they helped Yi Zhiping "cleanse himself", and he even called it "I don't want him to do wrong things in the future."

Liu Xu and Cheng Yaojia had just walked out of the inn and were about to stroll around, but they saw a couple of people surrounded by the right side of the inn, and walked there out of curiosity.

Liu Xu pulled Cheng Yaojia to push through the crowd, and when he entered, he saw a woman kneeling over there, and an old man was lying beside him. .

There was a piece of white cloth in front of the woman, and on the cloth were written the words "Sold one's body to bury one's father".

"Get out of the way!"

At this moment, there were several shouts from the crowd, and then the crowd parted a passage, and saw a group of people walking in from the passage, the leader was a pale young man, followed by a group of subordinates.

Seeing their arrogant and domineering appearance, Liu Xu felt uncomfortable for a while.

"Little beauty, how much do you want to sell it for?"

The leading man pinched the woman's chin with one hand, raised her head and said.

Seeing the woman's appearance, the people around suddenly screamed. It wasn't that she was too ugly, but that the woman was too good-looking.

Liu Xu couldn't help being in a daze when he saw it. Although the woman was dressed in rags and was filthy, it couldn't stop her beautiful appearance. Liu Xu usually saw many beauties, but seeing this woman now is also Can't help but stay.

I saw that woman had a melon-shaped face, crescent eyebrows like black, phoenix eyes like vermilion, red lips with plain teeth, white teeth and star eyes, pink and green moths, crimson lips reflecting the sun, shoulders that were shaved, and waist that looked plain. A peerless beauty.

Under a white filial piety dress, she looks delicate and exquisite, as beautiful as a fairy, but her face is sad, which makes her even more lovable, making people feel like wanting to protect her.

"The little girl sold herself to bury her father, just to bury her father properly. As long as the young master buries my father well, the little girl will belong to the young master." The soft voice made Liu Xu's heart skip a beat.

"If you're dead, you're dead, and you don't want to bury him. Li Er, come on, drag him to feed the dogs." The young man said with a dark smile.

"Yes, young master!" A subordinate behind him came over and was about to drag the dead old man.

"You can't do this, please, don't touch my father's body." The woman wanted to run over to protect her father, but was caught by the young man and couldn't move, so she had to plead bitterly.


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Chapter 1274 Hero Saves the Beauty Ancient Version

Although the people next to him wanted to help the woman, they did not dare to step forward because of the burly men next to the young man. Seeing this, Liu Xu was furious, and walked out yelling "Stop".

Seeing someone stand up, the young man was a little surprised. He thought it was some kind of hero who had come, and was a little scared. When he saw it was just a young man, all his worries disappeared.

Seeing that there was such a beautiful girl next to the boy, he shouted to Liu Xu: "Where is the poor boy, I'm getting impatient, dare to meddle in the uncle's business, get out of here quickly, and hand over that Little girl, let me be happy for the uncle, and the uncle will spare your life."

The woman was very happy when she saw that someone came forward to help, but when she saw that it was a weak man, he was definitely not a match for the other big man, and he seemed to be implicating another girl, so she shouted: "Master, girl, go quickly, you Not their opponents."

Liu Xu smiled at her when he heard this, turned his head and said to the young man: "How dare you plan on my little Yaojia? Before I get angry, I will give you a chance. I will count to three and let go of this girl." , Kowtow three more times, or you will bear the consequences."

The young man laughed loudly when he heard this, he has always been the one who threatens others, but seeing a young man threatening him now, how can he not be funny.

The people around thought that Liu Xu was tired of work, and a weak boy dared to challenge a group of big men.


At this time, Liu Xu started to shout for the first time.

"Haha..." The group of people were still laughing wildly.



"Since that's the case, I won't be polite. You are being blamed on me, so bear the consequences well!" Liu Xu was very angry when he saw someone belittle him, and the consequences would be serious.

"I want to see what you, a brat, can do?"

At this moment, a big man came over and punched Liu Xu.

The fist came very fast, and seeing that Liu Xu was about to be hit, everyone around screamed, and the woman covered her eyes with her hands in fear, and couldn't bear to see Liu Xu being beaten.

Liu Xu didn't care about the punch that hit him. This punch is very powerful for ordinary people. If an ordinary person gets hit, he will be seriously injured if he doesn't die. Liu Xu stretched out a hand, grabbed the menacing fist, and caught the fist.

Seeing that the fist was caught, the big man tried to pull it back, but no matter how hard he tried, the fist still didn't budge. Only then did he realize that he had offended someone he couldn't resist, and he couldn't help but secretly regret it.

Liu Xu exerted a little force on the hand holding the fist, only to hear the sound of "Ka Ka", and then a scream of "Ah", the big man passed out with his hands folded, but it was Liu Xu who gave his fist to him. Crushed.

"You all go to me!" Seeing this, the young man yelled, and all the big men rushed towards Liu Xu.

Of course Liu Xu was not afraid. Looking at the group of people rushing towards him, he didn't dodge and rushed over with his fists waving.

There were bursts of screams from the crowd, and after a while, a group of big men were lying on the ground and howling.

Liu Xu clapped his hands and walked slowly towards the young man.

Seeing that Liu Xu knocked down all his subordinates in a short while, the young man was very surprised. Seeing Liu Xu walking towards him, he felt his body start to tremble, and asked tremblingly, "You, don't come here..."

Seeing that Liu Xu was still smiling and walking towards him slowly, he pinched the woman's neck with his hands and threatened, "If you come again, I will strangle her to death."

Seeing that he was threatening the woman, Liu Xu stopped and said with a gloomy expression, "Let her go, I will let you go."

Seeing Liu Xu stop, the young man thought to himself: "This move should have been used a long time ago. It seems that he is very concerned about the woman's life and death, so he can just use this to avenge his shame."

He said happily: "Boy, be afraid! You'd better get down obediently and give me a hundred bangs, or I will kill her."

After Liu Xu heard what the other party said, the cold light in his eyes flickered and then disappeared, and he walked forward slowly again.

Seeing Liu Xu approaching again, the young man felt frightened, so he tightened his grip on the woman's neck, and said to himself, "Come here again, I'll really kill her."

However, his tone was obviously not threatening.

The woman was strangled by the young man, and she was already short of breath. Liu Xu said to the young man, "Heaven's sins are forgiven, but man's sins cannot live."

After speaking, the whole person disappeared in place.

At the same time that Liu Xu disappeared, the young man let out a scream, and saw that his entire right palm was gone, only his wrist was bleeding continuously, and his palm was lying quietly on the ground at this moment.

The woman had already been embraced by Liu Xu at this time, and she was lying quietly in his arms, feeling how wide his chest was, and how powerful his heartbeat was, and thinking of how he did it for herself and that group of people The appearance of fighting, the sweetness in my heart, I really want to lie in his arms for the rest of my life.

At this time, Liu Xu didn't know that the woman was thinking so much, so he put her down gently, brought her to Cheng Yaojia's side and asked Cheng Yaojia to take care of her, then smiled at her gently and said, "Girl, never mind."

Although it was a simple look and a word, it warmed the woman's heart.

After the woman was put down by Liu Xu, she looked at Cheng Yaojia, slightly disappointed.

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