Seeing Liu Xu's gentle eyes, his face blushed slightly, it was really pretty, and Liu Xu couldn't help being stunned.

Seeing Liu Xu staring blankly at her, the woman was not only not angry but happy.

After a while, she saw that Liu Xu was still staring at her blankly. Although she wanted Liu Xu to look at her like this for the rest of her life, there were still a group of people watching around, and the young man hadn't solved it yet, so she had to gently call Liu Xu was woken up with a "Master".


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1275

After Liu Xu woke up from his daze, he couldn't help but blush when he remembered that he was staring blankly at the woman, and suddenly his heart moved: "This is in ancient times. Looking at a woman like this, she will definitely be angry."

He looked at the woman, only to see that the woman looked at him tenderly, Liu Xu was relieved.

Liu Xu said embarrassedly to the woman: "Girl, I'm sorry, I'm rude, but you really sound too beautiful, I'm dumbfounded."

The woman was very happy when Liu Xu said she was beautiful, and said without thinking, "If you want to see it, I can let you see it for a lifetime."

The woman realized what she had just said, so she covered her flushed face and dared not look at Liu Xu.

Liu Xu was very happy when he heard that, if he was in modern times, he would definitely hug her up and kiss her a few times, but now it is in ancient times, and there are many people around, besides, Cheng Yaojia is right next to her!

He had no choice but to whisper to her: "You said this! Don't regret it!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and walked towards the young man who had lost his hand.

The woman was naturally very happy to hear Liu Xu's words, but she also knew that the occasion was wrong, so she followed Liu Xu.

Liu Xu came to the young man, he was still howling on the ground, Liu Xu had to admire him, his whole wrist was broken, and he was not unconscious yet.

I didn't realize that a playboy had such a strong will, even if everyone in the martial arts world had their wrists cut off, they might have already fallen into a coma.

Liu Xu stretched out his hand and tapped the man's acupuncture points a few times, and the young man's wrist stopped bleeding.

"What's the name, get out of here, and think about the consequences when you bully others in the future, do you know?" Liu Xu said, kicking the young man.

The young man stood up unsteadily, and said harshly to Liu Xu: "My father will not let you go."

After speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Who hurt my son?"

At this moment, a voice appeared, and a middle-aged man in official uniform came in front, followed by a few police officers.

As soon as the man arrived, he saw the tottering young man, let out an exclamation, and immediately rushed over to support him.

The young man leaned on the middle-aged man and said weakly: "Father, you must avenge the child."

After he finished speaking, he passed out.

The middle-aged man saw that his son was seriously injured, and said distressedly: "Don't worry, Daddy will avenge you, and those who hurt my son must pay the price."

After speaking, he handed the young man over to a subordinate next to him, and said, "Take the young master to the medical clinic."

Looking at Liu Xu, the middle-aged man asked word by word: "You hurt my son?"

"That's right, your son bullies others, and he deserves to be taught that lesson," Liu Xu said.

"Do you know that I am the magistrate of this county. If you dare to hurt my son, I will kill you." The middle-aged man said with a gloomy expression.

"Oh, many people have said the same thing as you, but I'm still fine..." Liu Xu didn't care and said with a smile.

"Good, good, good!" After the middle-aged man said three good words in a row, he shouted to a group of subordinates: "Kill him for me."

His group of forty or fifty people surrounded Liu Xu in a big circle.

Liu Xu didn't care about those people at all, turned to the woman and Cheng Yaojia and asked, "Are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid, as long as you are by my side, I'm not afraid of death." The woman said firmly.

"I believe in Brother Xu!" Cheng Yaojia replied affirmatively. After seeing Liu Xu's unparalleled strength in Quanzhen Sect, she didn't think those ordinary people in front of her could do anything to Liu Xu.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet. My name is Liu Xu. What's your name?" Liu Xu asked the woman with a smile as if he suddenly thought of something.

"My name is Li Shishi, you have to remember." The woman said with a smile.

"Then I'll call you Shishi from now on!" Liu Xu was still smiling, but his heart was turned upside down. The woman in front of him turned out to be Li Shishi.

The number one beauty in the Song Dynasty.

Having said that, is Li Shishi from this era?

who cares!

Now that it has appeared and met again, there is no reason to let it go, right?

The people around Liu Xu were very upset when they saw being ignored, so a group of people yelled "Kill" together and rushed towards Liu Xu.

To deal with bad guys, violence must be controlled with violence, and we can't be soft-hearted towards them. Seeing them rushing over, Liu Xu had a thought, and a handful of copper coins appeared in his right hand, while his left hand was holding Shishi's hand.

Seeing those who rushed towards them screaming, a cold light flashed in Liu Xu's eyes, and a burst of killing intent emerged from him and swept towards them.

Those people suddenly felt a chill, which slowed down their progress.

At this moment, Liu Xu moved, and with a wave of his hand, a yellow light shot out from his hand towards the group of people.

Huang Guang was advancing very fast, and he reached the crowd in a short while, and there were screams suddenly.

In the crowd, a yellow light continuously passed through, and wherever the yellow light passed, there were screams.

After a while, none of the people who rushed towards Liu Xu stood still, and they all lay on the ground crying, and some even passed out directly.

That yellow light was Liu Xu's copper coin. After the copper coin knocked down all the rushing people, it didn't stop but continued to shoot at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man, the county magistrate, saw the copper coins shot at him. He was scared out of his wits for a long time, but it was too late to dodge, so he just stared at the copper coins, closed his eyes in despair, and thought about his past life. Thinking of those who have been harmed by me feel the same way!

At this time, he had already begun to regret his former self, but he knew that it was too late now.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1276 From now on, Shishi will belong to the son

After waiting for a while, without the pain he imagined, he opened his eyes involuntarily.

After opening his eyes, he found that the copper coin did not penetrate his body, but stopped in front of him.

He was already determined to die, but now seeing that Liu Xu didn't kill him, he couldn't help casting doubtful eyes on him.

Looking at his puzzled eyes, Liu Xu smiled slightly and said, "I won't kill you, I just hope you can take care of yourself, otherwise even if I don't kill you, others will kill you."

With a "plop", the middle-aged man knelt down towards Liu Xu, and said to him: "Thank you knight, I can't repay you for not killing the knight today, I will definitely change my past in the future, and be a good man official."

After speaking, he kowtowed to Liu Xu again.

"This guy must have been frightened into a fool, isn't he? Why don't you leave after letting him go?" Liu Xu muttered, and then asked doubtfully, "You haven't become stupid, have you?"

Looking at Liu Xu's puzzled eyes, the middle-aged man replied: "Return to the knight, I'm fine, I just figured out some things before I died, I know that I have committed a lot of crimes in the past, and the knight doesn't believe that I will change my ways in the future." , but I will take actions to repay the chivalrous man for not killing me." As he spoke, he rang his head again.

Liu Xu didn't expect that he would feel remorse. Although he didn't know if what he said was true, it didn't matter anymore.

Originally, Liu Xu had no intention of killing him. After all, they were all Han Chinese, not golden dogs and Mongolian barbarians.

So, Liu Xu put away the copper coins in his hand and said to him, "Okay, stop kowtowing, and take everyone away!"

The middle-aged man stood up and left with all his subordinates.

Among his subordinates, Liu Xu didn't hit hard, he just hit a few acupuncture points on everyone's body, and the injuries were only flesh wounds.

Seeing them walking away gradually, Liu Xu turned his head to pull Cheng Yaojia, and said to Master Li: "Let's bury your father first!"

When Liu Xu came to Li Shishi's dead father, he couldn't help having a headache. He didn't know how to bury him!

Suddenly, Liu Xu's heart moved, an idea popped up, and a happy look appeared on his face.

Liu Xu took out a piece of silver and said to the people around him, "A few helpers, one piece of silver for each."

The people around rushed over when they saw it, and shouted loudly: "I, I..."

In the end, Liu Xu selected eight big men to help.

It is easy to do things with money, I saw that among the eight people, some went to the coffin shop, some went to call for the beating of gongs and drums, some went to find a good place for burial, and some went to get white cloth and so on. Done.

Seeing this, Liu Xu couldn't help but sigh with emotion, money is more powerful!

After he ordered everyone to change into white filial clothes, Liu Xu and Cheng Yaojia also changed into white clothes, and a group of people headed for the selected geomantic treasure.

Under the influence of Liu Xu's real gold and silver, the team is really big. It is not inferior to some rich people such as Yuanwai and other big families. There are gongs and drums in the team. It's paper money flying all over the sky.

After a while, a large group of teams arrived at the destination. After arriving, they buried the people after some etiquette.

After the burial, Liu Xu paid the money, and everyone left. Only Liu Xu, Cheng Yaojia, and Li Shishi were left in the cemetery.

Seeing that Li Shishi was still kneeling in front of the tomb and crying continuously, Liu Xu felt a little sad when he saw this situation.

At this time, Cheng Yaojia walked up to Li Shishi and said to her: "Sister Shishi, don't cry anymore, uncle can't bear to see you like this!"

Liu Xu also came over, Li Shishi looked at him, and threw himself on Liu Xu, crying softly.

While crying, Li Shishi said: "Young Master, thank you, my father had a wish before he was alive, that is, to be buried in a grand manner after death. You helped me, and my father went there without regret. From now on, Master will Even if you just stay by your side as a servant girl, Master is willing."

"I won't let you be a maid." Liu Xu said firmly after hearing Li Shishi's words.

"My lord, don't you even have the qualifications to be your maid?" Li Shishi asked sadly.

Liu Xu knew that Master Li had misunderstood what he meant, so he explained: "Of course not, how can you be a maid! I want to treat you as my sister. If you don't dislike me, I will be your brother from now on. .”

Li Shishi said happily after hearing this: "Really? Can I really be the young master's younger sister?"

"Of course, how many people dream of having a sister as beautiful as you!" Liu Xu smiled and said to himself, "You are the most beautiful and talented woman in the Song Dynasty."

Li Shishi didn't say anything after hearing this, but just hugged Liu Xu tightly.

After a long time, the sky had gradually darkened. Liu Xu looked at Li Shishi in his arms and found that she had fallen asleep.

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