Master Li is really tired today!

Liu Xu looked at this weak yet strong woman, and vowed in his heart that he would protect her well and not let her get hurt in the slightest.

He got up slowly, afraid of disturbing Li Shishi who was sleeping, Liu Xu hugged her like this, and walked down the mountain with Cheng Yaojia.

The mountain inn.

Liu Xu gently put Li Shishi on the bed, looked at her peerless face, her eyes were like water, but with a touch of coldness, she seemed to be able to see through everything, her fingers were slender, her skin was like cream, white with pink, it seemed that she could see through everything. Twist out the water, with a pair of red lips, the words and smiles are sweet, every move seems to be dancing, the long hair hangs straight down the back, and she has the refined temperament of a fairy.

In this troubled world, it is definitely not a good thing for a woman to be beautiful. If she hadn't met herself, how would her fate be?

After thinking about it, Liu Xu took Cheng Yaojia back to the room.

However, Liu Xu, who was still silent in the gentle village at the moment, probably would not have thought of his trouble, and it was quite a trouble.


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Chapter 1277 Deity

On the Mongolian prairie, directly above King Temujin's tent, a big hole was suddenly torn open in the sky by an inexplicable energy.

The space is constantly distorted and shattered bit by bit, and finally a dark black hole appears.

The incredible color of black, the black seems to absorb all the surrounding light, forming a sharp and weird contrast with the surrounding light.

Thunder and lightning kept flashing inside the dark black hole, heralding the amazing energy inside.

At this time, a terrible coercion came from the black black hole.

"Longevity God! What is that?"

A patrolling soldier accidentally found a black hole in midair that looked like a big mouth that opened wide, feeling the coercion in the black hole and trembling for a while.

"Ah! Ahh..." One after another, exclamations sounded in the night sky.

"Hurry up and report to Da Khan!" A man who looked like a clerk shouted to a guard who came to him in a panic.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang." The guard replied.

After the guards ran away, the black hole in midair was slowly swallowing, as if it was storing energy.

Just when everyone was nervous and terrified, the black hole suddenly opened and closed violently, spit out an object with a little thunder on its body, and then slowly closed it, as if it had never existed, and the object spit out by the black hole It fluttered gently to the ground.


A captain of the guard yelled, pointing at the object from a distance and shouting: "What is that?"

"Cut, what are you making such a fuss about?" Master Jiang said affirmatively to the shouting captain of the guards after being nervous, "In my opinion, this must be because God saw me sweating profusely and caring for the people like a son. The fetish of the sweat."

Then, he looked in the direction of Temujin's palace with a look of respect and surprise, to show his loyalty.

"What Mr. Jiang said is that it is a small fuss, but the adults have insight."

Although he despises this dead man who never forgets to flatter him from the bottom of his heart, the captain of the guard still agrees with Lord Qi Jiang tactfully.

Suddenly, the object on the ground moved and slowly got up.

It wasn't until this time that everyone knew what this object was, it was clearly a living person!

A person whose whole body, even his head, was wrapped under a black robe, but no one noticed it because no one dared to get too close just now.

The guards immediately tensed up and stretched their hands to their waists, ready to draw out the machetes at their waists at any time.

Mr. Jiang even opened his mouth wide, ready to shout at any time: "Catch the assassin."

"Well, I didn't expect to spend so much energy even when I travel back, I feel so dizzy! Alas! The laws of heaven are really powerful, and even my strength will be suppressed here. If I am not in the Great Thousand World, otherwise Fortuitous encounter, it is estimated that ordinary masters will be directly suppressed to the innate level."

The man in black sighed, his voice was male and female, but strangely, it didn't sound disgusting.

Because of this, the slightly neutral voice of the person is so sweet and pleasant that no one will care about whether it is a man or a woman under the black robe.

"who are you?"

"Do you know where this is?"

Lord Jiang and the soldier captain yelled at the man under the black robe together, but they didn't dare to step forward.

Waiting for more and more patrolling soldiers around to take courage, because the strange man in front of him came out of that terrible black hole!

"Huh!" The black-robed man seemed to have just seen them, with endless arrogance and disdain in his voice, "Hehe, it seems that the exit of the space passage seems to be a great place! There are so many people, but a group ants."

"You, you, you... What are you talking about? How bold! Don't you know that this is the palace?"

Apparently all the people present heard what he or she said, but the other party didn't seem to hear the messy shouts around them. A pair of slender hands like white jade protruded from the black robe, and in the surrounding void, they played like playing a piano. Swipe across.

"In the space of this plane, the energy contained in it is less than one percent of the Great Thousand World, let alone some special planes. No wonder they are all a group of ants, but I also walked out from here... "

The man in black took out a crystal clear jade ball that kept shining with mysterious light from his arms, and looked at it carefully.

"I don't know if Han Yuzhu's induction will work or not?"

Suddenly, a violent light emanated from the jade ball.

"It's really here! Hehe!"

At this time, a dimple formed at the corner of the strange man's mouth, revealing a slight smile.

Feeling that the black-robed man who completely ignored them did not treat them as human beings at all, Mr. Jiang shouted angrily: "You are so courageous, you pretending to be a bitch, don't you exist as a master?"

The man in black looked up at Mr. Jiang, with killing intent flashing in his eyes. His eyes were not looking at a person at all, but like looking at a dog that dared to yell at her, and it was the kind that could be slaughtered at any time. dog.

Mr. Jiang felt cold all over his body when he was caught by the other party's eyes, but then he saw the shining jade ball in her hand, and a greedy look appeared in his eyes.

"Quick, you go and take him down to my lord. He must be an assassin pretending to be a king's tent. Take the thing in his hand and give it to me. My lord will dedicate it to the Great Khan."

Although the soldiers were a little scrupulous about the man in black, they didn't take him too seriously because of the large number of people, and ran towards the man in black one after another as if asking for credit.

If you make great contributions here, you will have a chance to be promoted.

"Ants dare to treat this deity...huh! Courting death." The eyes of the man in black instantly turned as cold as snow, and he did not conceal the murderous aura inside.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1278 Fairy Lin Chaoying

Seemingly he slapped his palm casually without hesitation, Mr. Jiang, who was three feet away, suddenly flew out like a football that was shot vigorously, and there was no sound when he fell to the ground with a "plop". A large piece of Yuexiong's mouth was bumped in.

"Ah! Master Jiang! Take down this assassin for me." The captain of the guard said in horror.

The celebrities around Da Khan died, if he couldn't make up for it, Da Khan would definitely take them all present.

The other guards also knew this truth. Although they were very afraid of the man in black, they still rushed forward without hesitation.

The man in black didn't pay any attention to the rushing guards, he just looked at the direction where the jade ball was emitting a fierce brilliance, and then walked in that direction.

But as long as someone stands in front of her walking path, her white jade-like hands will be stretched out and waved lightly.

After a while, the man in black had already left the king's tent, and the place he walked along the way was already piled up like a mountain of corpses.

After a while, Temujin, who was sleeping, was startled by this incident. Hearing that such a powerful assassin had all the way out of the king's tent, he was so frightened that he almost fainted, and quickly mobilized the troops around the king's tent to encircle and suppress the assassins. .

Looking at the more and more heavily armed troops in front of him, the number of which exceeded ten thousand almost instantly, the man in black frowned and sighed faintly.

"If it weren't for the deity being suppressed by the laws of heaven with too much strength, and the aura of this plane is too thin, and he can't even use a spell, how could he be forced to retreat by the number of ants formed by you mortals? .”

Obviously, the man in black was not someone who would never retreat, he chose a road with few troops, and killed them all the way with a sneer.

For a while, screams kept coming out, and the man in black who broke through the encirclement fled towards the east.

When the man in black came to the border of the Central Plains, he stopped suddenly.

"Are you the guardian of this plane?"

There was a sudden twist in the void, and a white-haired old man appeared in front of the black-robed man: "The guardian of the plane, Huang Shang, has seen Fairy Lin Chaoying. I don't know why the fairy came to this world?"

At this time, there was a pleasant laughter from under the black robe.

"Hehe! You can actually recognize me? But my lower realm has nothing to do with you, I just came here to find a magic weapon."

After Lin Chaoying finished speaking, she continued to flee towards the east, and the straight line in the direction she was going pointed was the direction of Liu Xu.

Although the distance is still very far, but according to the speed of the black robe man, he will find him in at most two days...

Logically speaking, Huang Shang is older and more distant than Lin Chaoying. Wang Chongyang's Nine Yin Scriptures were learned from Huang Shang, so Huang Shang can be said to be Lin Chaoying's predecessor, but for the broken void. In this world, everyone depends on their own abilities. Lin Chaoying has an adventure and a chance, and the rewards will naturally be great. However, Huang Shang is trapped in the world of divine sculptures. Now Lin Chaoying in the lower realm can only be cautious.

And Liu Xu, who didn't know it, was satisfied after eating Cheng Yaojia and picking up a beautiful sister. After resting for a while, the three of them kissed me all the way, talking and laughing to Cheng Yaojia. My home, rushing in the direction of Liyang Mansion.

There's no way, I can't put someone else's daughter on the bed, and after having sex, don't send her home, right?

As for Li Shishi, because he has no martial arts skills, he plans to arrange it at Cheng Yaojia's house first.

Although Liu Xu really wanted to take the two of them into the harem of the ancient tomb immediately, he knew it was unrealistic.

The three of them were messing around along the way, basically Liu Xu was messing around, but their speed was not slow.

Because Liu Xu would pick up the two of them from time to time and run with all his strength on the road for a while.

Molesting and taking advantage is indispensable, how fast is the innate lightness skill!

The relationship between the three of them also kept heating up along the way, and the teaching was much deeper than before.

With such a non-stop rush, the two arrived at Liyang Mansion in less than two days.

Colleagues' pawn shop was extremely lively, and there were endless shouts of boxing games and drinking orders.

A group of beggars came and went, very strange and out of place.

But Liu Xu didn't feel anything strange, because it was already July [-]nd, and the day when the next gang leader was elected at the beggar gang meeting in the original book was not far away.

"Brother Xu, are you really not going to meet my parents with me?" Cheng Yaojia looked at Liu Xu with resentment, the girl's eyes made his scalp tingle for a while.

"Haha, Yaojia is good, you take Shishi back to see your parents first, Brother Xu swears that he will come to you soon, I really have something to do!" Liu Xu actually wanted to go Meet with Cheng Yaojia's parents to settle the matter between him and Cheng Yaojia, but he doesn't know what's going on, since he stepped into Liyang Mansion, he has a very dangerous feeling.

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