This feeling of danger was many times stronger than that brought to him when he met Huang Chang, no, it was a hundred times.

However, Liu Xu couldn't detect the source of the danger. He just instinctively felt that he was being watched by a powerful and heinous enemy, which made him feel uncomfortable all over his body.

That's why he wanted to quickly separate from Cheng Yaojia and Li Shishi for a while, because if Liu Xu was alone, he was confident that he would have a way out of any danger, but it would be troublesome if he took these two little girls with him. , Escape has to take into account a lot of things.

Cheng Yaojia listened to Liu Xu's words, and nodded her head obediently. Although she was a little unwilling to separate from Liu Xu, but her man had something to do, and the little girl who wanted to be a good wife felt that she must not hinder him.

"Brother Xu, you must come back quickly to find us! Otherwise, Yaojia and sister Shishi will be disobedient, and we will go out to find you!"

Seeing Liu Xu stroking her hair and nodding slightly, Cheng Yaojia smiled happily.


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Chapter 1279

Taking advantage of the passers-by not paying attention, Cheng Yaojia kissed Liu Xu on the face, then shyly covered her little face and dragged Li Shishi to the colleague's pawn shop.

Liu Xu smiled and touched the place where the girl who suddenly became bold had attacked, and felt a little relieved when he heard some voices from his colleagues' pawn shop.

I only heard a servant girl shouting inside: "Ah! Miss, are you back? I'll report to Mrs. Madam right away."

Turning around, the smile on Liu Xu's face disappeared in an instant, and he walked out of the city very seriously. Sure enough, the dangerous peep followed him as if promised.

"Damn it, who could it be? People who can give me such a strong feeling, there should be no one in the eagle shooting, right? Even Huang Chang is not so 'vicious'! Didn't Huang Chang say that he is in this world? Is it at most the innate breakthrough strength?"

It was a refreshing day with light rain and haze, and the beauty of the sky did not make Liu Xu feel any sense of relaxation, because that dangerous peep had no intention of leaving.

"Who the hell are you? Come out for me." Liu Xu was displeased with the pressure and couldn't help but yelled.

Passers-by all around looked back at this guy who was yelling inexplicably like a fool. Liu Xu blushed, stomped his feet, and went out of the city with all his lightness kung fu.

His speed was as fast as a thunderbolt, and the passers-by felt that a figure disappeared in a blink of an eye, and they all opened their mouths in disbelief.

"I will try my best to see if you can follow me."

But soon Liu Xu was disappointed. The dangerous peek allowed him to run for a long time, but it didn't feel like it faded at all.

Liu Xu gritted his teeth and ran to the forest outside the city in one breath. He was not afraid of any danger, but he was afraid of the feeling that there was danger but he didn't know where the danger came from.

He believed that when no one was there, the person who had been peeping at him would definitely appear.

"No matter how fast you run, you can't leave my sight. You should stop and have a rest!"

At this moment, a slightly neutral voice came into Liu Xu's ears.

Liu Xu took a closer look and saw a pretty figure with sharp curves, wearing a black robe, with his back to him, leaning against the shade of a big tree.

He couldn't help being slightly startled, he obviously didn't see anyone there just now.

She suddenly appeared like a ghost, standing there pretty.

Liu Xu took a deep breath, calmed down and said, "It finally appeared, but, hehe... I didn't expect it to be a woman."

He said with a trembling voice: "Looking at the girl's back, you can tell that she is definitely the most beautiful of beauties, but why do you keep following her? Hehe, could it be that I am so handsome, girl, you fell in love with me at first sight and fell in love with me? It doesn't matter, because you are a beauty, I will give you a chance to chase after me."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu himself felt that it was impossible, and he murmured to himself: "If those who come are not kind, they will not come. This woman is unfathomable, and she must find a way out."

"Ah!" He suddenly exclaimed.

Because the black-robed woman suddenly straightened her graceful body, turned her head and faced Liu Xu head-on.

Liu Xu's whole body trembled violently, and he was speechless, his eyes shot an expression of disbelief.

Beautiful, so beautiful!

No, the word beauty can no longer be used to effectively describe the beauty of this woman.

Although the whole body of the black-robed woman was wrapped in the wide robe, only showing a pretty face and long hair hanging down her waist, this was enough.

The beautiful jet-black hair poured down like a cascade under her razor-sharp fragrant shoulders, and the elegant and black attire highlighted her outstanding face and delicate skin shining like white jade. Exuding scorching youth and enviable health.

Her pair of pupils are like a lake of autumn water, absolutely worthy of her peerless appearance.

Liu Xu has only one evaluation of her, a glamorous ice beauty.

"Do you dare to tease me?" The woman clearly saw the words "there are such superb beauties in the world" from Liu Xu's eyes, but she had seen this kind of reaction from men so much, she didn't care at all, and the corner of her mouth curled up. He made an arc and said lightly: "It's been thousands of years since no one dared to tease me, it's been so long that I almost can't remember..."

"Thousands of years? Haha, sister, you are joking! But you are right in one sentence, I am indeed teasing you, who told you that you are so good-looking!"

The woman pouted her sexy little mouth noncommittally, and said, "Do you know? If it wasn't for the Zhu Xian sword on your body, and you were the person Huang Chang liked, you wouldn't have had an equal conversation with me at all." Qualifications, in my eyes you are nothing more than a stronger ant."

"How do you know Zhuxian Sword and Huang Chang, who are you?"

The forced smile on Liu Xu's face was gone. He had already had this feeling since he saw this woman, and he vaguely guessed who she was.

Because he has seen her.

To be precise, Liu Xu has seen her portrait.

In the ancient tomb pie.

The woman spread out a small white jade hand and said, "Give it to me, and I won't kill you."

Liu Xu said step by step, "Sister, I don't understand what you are talking about."

The woman turned cold and said: "You don't understand what I'm talking about? Give me the Zhuxian Sword, it's not something a mere mortal like you is qualified to have."

"Hmph, it's not up to you to say whether I am qualified, at least I am more qualified than some people who are inexplicably arrogant and dare not report their names."

As soon as Liu Xu said such angry words, he suddenly felt that the temperament of the opposite woman had changed drastically. She was still arrogant, heroic, and noble, but she was innumerably more powerful, standing in front of him like a peerless female powerhouse. In front of him, he almost couldn't breathe.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1280 Believe it or not, I will strip you naked and hang you up later?

He tried his best to circulate the true qi in his body to fight against it. Although he had already given her a high look, he didn't expect Sister Lin to be so strong.

Cough cough, Sister Lin is not Lin Zhiling, but Lin Chaoying.

"Hehe, sister, stop now, let me think about it." Liu Xu said calmly, "If you kill me, it won't be good for this plane!"

The coercion around him disappeared in an instant, Lin Chaoying glanced at Liu Xu, then turned his head slightly.

"I'll give you one day, and I'll come to you tomorrow. If you don't obediently hand over the Zhuxian Sword by then, I'll grab it by force, and you should have already guessed who I am, so don't try to play tricks."

After a pause in her footsteps, she turned around again, smiled affectionately at Liu Xufeng, and said, "It's a pity, if you take the last step out of the Shattered Void, under the circumstances that my power is temporarily suppressed by the will of heaven, You can say no to me, but you are only at the innate level and have no qualifications."

Looking at the woman going away, Liu Xu didn't want to run away, he was not an idiot, the other party must have a way to find him easily, otherwise he wouldn't have just left like this.

Sitting paralyzed on the ground, Liu Xu said bitterly: "Damn, didn't Huang Chang say that people who came to this world have the innate strength to break through at most? How could they be at the Sky Broken Void level! Damn it, Lin Chaoying is Broken Void! Once again, I am a person from the lower realms, and now I am not an opponent at all. Fortunately, I have the Zhuxian Sword to cover up my cultivation, and even she didn't see it, and there is still a chance to come back..."

Gradually, he fell into deep thought. It is absolutely impossible for him to hand over the Zhuxian sword. Liu Xu pointed his middle finger and said, "The soldiers will cover up the water and the soil, and the worst is to leave this world early..."

His so-called leaving means breaking the void and leaving, not hanging up and leaving.

Liu Xu did not go back to the city, but found a towering giant tree, sat under the tree and began to practice luck.

Time passed unknowingly, and the next morning, Liu Xu opened his eyes, and the eyes flashed away. After a night of breathing adjustment, his condition has returned to the best.


Liu Xu let out a long roar, feeling extremely relaxed.

"What the hell are you screaming about? It's time for the day, give it to me!"

Liu Xu looked up, only to see Lin Chaoying standing on a branch of a giant tree more than ten meters away from him, looking at him.

She still dressed like that, still looked down on Liu Xu with the same look, and still looked down on all living beings.

"What are you? A goddess is amazing!" Liu Xu could be said to be furious when he saw her eyes, "How dare you look down on me, believe it or not, I will strip you naked and hang you up to beat me later?"

Without saying a word, he took out the black iron epee and the nameless sharp sword in the space of Zhu Xianjian and pointed them at Lin Chaoying.

Lin Chaoying froze for a moment, and said, "Why, is this your answer? You must know that this deity is already kind enough to you, so don't force me to kill you."

"Hehe, it's not impossible to ask me to hand over the Zhuxian sword, but you have to answer me a few questions, otherwise you won't get it even if you kill me." Liu Xu said firmly: "If you don't believe me, you can try it ?”

Anger flashed across Lin Chaoying's face, but seeing Liu Xu's resolute look, he thought about it and said, "You win, hmph, it's been a long time since I've seen such a bold person like you. Just ask!"

"The first question is who are you and what is your name?" Liu Xu asked.

"I am the head of the Ancient Tomb Sect, Lin Chaoying." Lin Chaoying said without hesitation, "You should have already guessed it!"

She didn't know anything about Liu Xu. As for the source of the information, it was naturally Huang Chang.

Liu Xu nodded, it was indeed her.

"Second question, how did you cross over to this world? As far as I know, the powerhouses of Shattered Void usually communicate with the lower realm with their avatars, and their strength will be suppressed to the innate level, but you are really Physical strength has also reached the Broken Realm."

Lin Chaoying quickly put away the murderous aura that flashed across her face, and said with a light smile: "It's nothing surprising. Although the world of low martial arts is scarce, more importantly, it is full of mortal energy and the power of cause and effect. If the real body Breaking through the lower realm of space barriers not only suppresses one's strength but is also easily contaminated with the aura of the world of mortals. Not to mention one's cultivation level cannot be improved, and if one is contaminated with the power of cause and effect, one will be in danger of falling.

As for me, it is because I got a treasure on the lunar star, a branch of laurel, which can protect me from the air of the world and the power of karma, and at the same time, it can also cover part of the energy fluctuations and exert the strength of the broken state Without being discovered by Heavenly Dao. "

Damn, when did the laurel tree on the moon become so magical?

Nima, it must be that time-traveling novels are no longer wearing people or beasts, but trees!

After Liu Xu cursed in his heart, he continued to ask: "The third question, how did you find me? Does anyone else know me besides you?"

This is what Liu Xu wants to know the most.

"It's your own fault. There is energy in your body that has absorbed the transformation of the cold jade bed. This is my spiritual treasure, but I didn't take it away when I broke the void. As for finding you, it is because I have a cold jade bead that was conceived in the extremely yin place at the same time as the cold jade bed, so I can sense the position of Zhu Xianjian. As for the others, they probably don't know." After saying these words, Lin Chaoying suddenly sneered After a while, "Okay, it seems that you don't plan to give me the Zhuxian Sword at all, what a stupid decision!"

Lin Chaoying shook her head for a while, as if mocking Liu Xu's overreaching. Although she looked surprisingly beautiful, Liu Xu looked very angry and his teeth itched.

"Hehe, sister, you are joking, how dare I think so!"

"It's just that I'm not reconciled to handing over the Zhuxian Sword like this."

"How about this, as long as you can beat the sword in my hand, I will give you the Zhuxian Sword."


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