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Chapter 1281 The body is also fairy-level......

"All right!"

Liu Xu laughed loudly, his heart skipped a beat, and he rushed over.

Preemptive strike!


Lin Chaoying didn't take Liu Xu seriously from the beginning, and never thought that he would launch an active attack.

However, Liu Xu's level of attack, not to mention Lin Chaoying in his heyday, even her now, seems to be without danger.

With a wave of Lin Chaoying's long robe sleeves, an inescapable force collided with Liu Xu just when he swung his sword.

"Hmph, you have to ask me for advice even with your little ability. Forget it, for the sake of your courage, I will let you see what real power is."

Lin Chaoying looked at Liu Xu, who was lying on the ground gasping for air, after being pulled by her sleeve more than ten meters away, breaking several big trees.

Liu Xu stood up struggling and pointed his sword at Lin Chaoying.

"Do you know? Lin Chaoying, I really hate the way you look like I am superior and great. I will let you know no matter what. In my day, there is a saying that one day is like three autumns, do you understand?"

At the end, Liu Xu didn't forget to tease Lin Chaoying, saying that the one-day absence is like Sanqiu's yearning for men and women.


Under the dual effects of Lin Chaoying's coercion and the injury just now, Liu Xu spurted blood from his mouth, and almost half-kneeled down again, but the direction of the sword tip did not change at all. This mouthful of blood made Liu Xu feel much more comfortable. The pressure is greatly reduced.

With a kick on the ground and a deep hole in the ground, Liu Xu turned over and volleyed towards Lin Chaoying. The dark iron epee and the nameless sharp sword slashed from top to bottom with a cold light.


Lin Chaoying's hand was covered with a layer of energy, and collided with the black iron epee and the nameless sharp sword, she took a slight step back, her face filled with astonishment.

The blow just now of this human being has completely exceeded the innate level, almost equivalent to the early stage of the Broken Realm.

But he obviously only has innate strength!

But Lin Chaoying didn't know that when Liu Xu was practicing in the Jade Sword space, Wucai Shenfeng Xiaowu told him that as its strength continued to improve, it gradually learned some secret techniques. In the space, the secret method was used to pass its power to Liu Xu, and combined with Liu Xu's own power, it suddenly displayed the strength of the Shattered Realm.

Blood flowed from the corner of Liu Xu's mouth, and his body flew upside down in the air. He turned around in mid-air and kicked a big tree behind him.

With a "boom", the big tree broke and at the same time he used his strength to fly towards Lin Chaoying.

Lin Chaoying reacted and said, "I didn't expect you to be so interesting."

The little white hand danced lightly, causing ripples in the surrounding space, showing the power of this blow, which was already very close to the power of Shattering the Void.

The powerful and unparalleled breath rushed out of the body, directly tearing the surrounding plants and trees to pieces.

Huge pressure enveloped Liu Xu who was flying towards her in mid-air.

Liu Xu couldn't bear the pressure around his body any longer, and shouted, "The True Art of the Excalibur to Yulei."

In the sky, the situation changed, and the thunder and lightning were dense.

As soon as the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue came out, the pressure around the body disappeared.

Lin Chaoying was startled by Liu Xu's sudden increase in strength over and over again.

"What's going on here? Doesn't he only have innate power?"

Looking at the place where the black iron epee and the nameless sharp sword passed, there was a large space that was on the verge of shattering. This... This force is already very close to the late stage of the broken state, and it is not incompatible with the will of the world.


An earth-shattering loud noise resounded at the place where the two collided, like a thunderbolt, frightening.

Huge shock waves spread out in circles.

Lin Chaoying's muffled groan sounded, and he was smashed into the ground by Liu Xu's blow.

Liu Xu's figure also shot backwards at the same time, flying tens of meters away, breaking a dozen trees before stopping.

Although Liu Xu used the Excalibur Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue, he was very reluctant, and only lasted for a few seconds, but even so, and with the injuries caused by Lin Chaoying, he was still weak all over.

With a "bang", the ground in the distance exploded, and Lin Chaoying jumped out in embarrassment, her beautiful face turned livid, but there was no scar on her body.

Even though her current strength has dropped to the level of Broken Realm, her body is still completely reborn, and it is not easy to get her injured.

In the great thousand worlds, she is a very proud fairy, but now she was smashed into the soil by a little guy with a sword, which is simply a huge shame.

Lin Chaoying walked towards Liu Xu angrily, as if she was going to whip the corpse.

But just approaching the other party, Liu Xu who was lying on the ground made her almost go berserk again.

"Sister Lin Chaoying, your figure is also at the level of a fairy..."

When Lin Chaoying heard it, she suddenly felt a cool feeling on her body. The two perfect peaks at Yuexiongkou stood tall in the wind, attracting Liu Xu's attention.

"Ah... bastard, close your eyes for me." Lin Chaoying screamed, covering Yuexiong with one hand and legs with the other.

It turned out that she had fought with Liu Xu just now, and the powerful energy generated had already torn her black robe clean, even her close-fitting underwear.

The only thing Lin Chaoying can be thankful for now is that there are still scattered rags hanging between her waist and legs, and her body is not completely exposed.

Liu Xu drooled indistinctly, wiped his mouth and said, "Sister, if I close my eyes now, I won't be a man anymore."

"Believe it or not, I gouged out your eyes?" Lin Chaoying's face had turned completely livid.


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Chapter 1282 Fairies just feel different

She really regrets her carelessness now. If she hadn't been so proud and indifferent to the other party, she wouldn't have come to Liu Xu just wearing a black robe casually; This kind of embarrassing situation will not happen again after wearing the sleeve flow fairy skirt.

She is used to fighting people and does not protect her clothes, because Lin Chaoying usually wears an innate Lingbao wide-sleeved fairy skirt in battle, but today she forgot that she just wore a casual dress. Just ordinary cloth.

Lin Chaoying saw Liu Xu's unchanging brother Zhu and knew that she was talking for nothing, her pretty face turned red and purple, and it was the first time in thousands of years that she had suffered such a big loss.

A body that has been pure and pure for thousands of years!

Lin Chaoying's face turned angry, her heart sank, and she ruthlessly put down the hand blocking Yuexiong's mouth.Just smash the can and throw it to the bottom, anyway, it's just a look, no matter how you block it now, it's useless.

She is such a strong woman, but she doesn't allow herself to cower in front of a man, she would rather let herself be radiant.

"Have you seen enough? I didn't want to kill you, but now you have to pay the price."

Lin Chaoying approached Liu Xu in an instant, and the fierce look in his eyes made him have no doubt that she would tear himself apart to return her innocence.

After all, as long as he is dead, who knows that Fairy Lin Chaoying will be gone today?

"Stop, stop, I surrender! I have something to say!" Liu Xu hurriedly raised his hands high with interest.

"Hmph, you have to die today, what else can you say?"

Lin Chaoying's eyes looked like he was about to eat Liu Xu, and his tone was even more unquestionable.

Liu Xu looked at the two high peaks not far from him, swallowed hard, then stepped forward inexplicably, stretched out his hand desperately and squeezed it.

"What I want to say is that the fairy feels different, it feels so good!"

This girl is pure courting death.

Lin Chaoying was small. Her mouth was wide open, and she looked incredible.

She stared at the pig's hand who was doing evil in her Yuexiong's mouth. She never thought that Liu Xu would dare to be sexual and desperate to do this kind of thing to her under such circumstances, and she would also do it because of A momentary loss of consciousness made him succeed.

"Despicable and hateful guy, I will squeeze out your soul, crush it into pieces, and whip the corpse." Lin Chaoying roared almost gnashing her teeth, and with a wave of her plain hand, she wanted to make Liu Xu look good.

"Stop!" Liu Xu hurriedly jumped away, scolding himself in his heart for being obsessed with ghosts, why are you looking for death if you have nothing to do?

Coughing, he hurriedly said: "I said Sister Fairy, even if you want to kill me, you have to take the Zhuxian Sword first and talk about it! If I die, you will not get the Zhuxian Sword."

"Bring it."

Lin Chaoying's frozen face relaxed a little when she heard the Jade Sword. It could be seen that she still wanted the Jade Sword very much.

Liu Xu called out the Zhuxian sword and handed it to Lin Chaoying.


As soon as Lin Chaoying received the Zhuxian sword, she immediately kicked Liu Xu away, causing him to drag a long dirt hook on the ground, and broke several big trees.

"You bitch, if I hadn't been strong, I would have been played to death by you." Liu Xu knelt down on the ground, coughing non-stop, and cursed in his heart at the same time.

Seeing that Lin Chaoying was about to rush over again, he quickly supported the ground with one hand, and raised the other hand: "Damn, are you deaf, mother-in-law? Do you want me to say it a few times."

"Don't think that if you give me the Zhuxian sword, I will let you go now. If you dare to do this kind of thing to the deity today, you must die."

"Okay, let me die as the head office. You can do whatever you say, but I have re-sacrificed this Jade Immortal Sword with my secret method. You can't solve it. If I die, it will disappear."

Seeing that Lin Chaoying cared so much about Zhu Xianjian, Liu Xu didn't believe that she didn't take the bait.

"How to untie your sacrificial chain, just say it if you don't want to be tortured." Lin Chaoying was really hooked.

"You must kill me, why should I say that!" Liu Xu climbed up the pole and said intentionally.

Lin Chaoying thought about it, but still felt that Zhu Xianjian was worth more than Liu Xu's life.

"I, Lin Chaoying, swear to the Dao of Heaven with all the gods in the sky, as long as you help Zhu Xianjian and recognize me as Lin Chaoying again, I will let you go and heal your wounds."

"Why should I trust you!" Liu Xu rolled his eyes and said.

"Hmph, believe it or not, but I want to tell you that the greater the power, the more restrictions you will be subjected to. It's just that your level is too low, so I can't tell you. If I really break the oath, yes You will be punished by the laws of heaven."

Lin Chaoying seemed a little annoyed, she had sworn a blood oath, yet she was still suspected by Liu Xu.

Liu Xu looked at the serious expression on Lin Chaoying's face and felt that it should be true, but of course he didn't care whether it was true or not.

Just now, I just made it difficult for Lin Chaoying on purpose. If I didn't mention any conditions, and taught Lin Chaoying how to recognize the Lord, she would definitely become suspicious.

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