"Okay, I believe you, you just need to hold the Zhuxian sword in front of Yuexiong..." Liu Xu pointed to the Zhuxian sword in Lin Chaoying's hand.

"It's that simple." Lin Chaoying was stunned, as if he had lost a lot.

"Of course it's not over yet, you want to hold it in front of Yue Xiong." Liu Xu spread his hands in a helpless gesture.

"Hmph." Lin Chaoying held the Zhuxian Sword in front of Yuexiong without even thinking about it.

Suddenly, the Zhuxian sword turned into a long rope and tied Lin Chaoying up.

I saw the Buddha's light continuously pouring out from the Zhuxian sword on her body, and the tingling feeling spread all over her body.

Tianyin Temple, Demon Subduing Formation.

Lin Chaoying's reaction was still quick, and she immediately wanted to break free from the demon-subduing array cast by the Zhuxian sword, but her strength was suppressed by the will of heaven, and she couldn't break free.

"You...you dare to plot against this deity, but don't think you can do anything to this deity..."

At this time, Liu Xu suddenly walked in front of Lin Chaoying, his eyes lit up with green light.


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Chapter 1283 Soul-shifting Dafa fascinates Chaoying, Fairy Hanyu falls into the mortal world

Suddenly, Lin Chaoying felt in a trance for a while, feeling that the person who was eager to kill just now was so Yingwei.

Wait a minute, an inexplicable thought came to my mind, he was my husband in the previous life!

"I'm sorry, I hurt you just now! I shouldn't have snatched your things." Lin Chaoying looked at Liu Xu who was in a bit of a panic at this time, feeling distressed for a while.

As he said that, he wanted to hand the Zhuxian sword to Liu Xu, but he found that he couldn't move at all.

"You, don't tie him down...I won't hurt you again..." Lin Chaoying said while wanting to return the Zhuxian Sword to Liu Xu.

Liu Xu smiled and closed the crouching formation.

"Give you!"

Lin Chaoying handed the Zhuxian Sword into Liu Xu's hands naturally, feeling normal. He didn't blame him at all for what he did to him just now, and wanted to throw himself into Liu Xu's arms to act like a baby and make him love him.

Lin Chaoying only felt that as long as she looked at him in front of her, she would feel a sense of happiness that she hadn't experienced in thousands of years, and an extremely strange emotion arose in her mind, and her heart was full of his shadow.

"No! That's not right, Chaoying, it's my fault. I can't give you what you want, but a big man insists on bullying you. It's my fault. I deserve it if you beat me. You want the Zhuxian sword? Is it? I can give it to you right now."

Liu Xu recruited the Zhuxian Sword and handed it back. At this moment, the two of you are talking about each other. When Lin Chaoying wakes up, I hope my sister will not go crazy.

The two pushed each other to say their faults, and then fell silent at the same time.

Suddenly, Liu Xu stepped forward and hugged Lin Chaoying's beautiful and slender waist, and said softly: "Chaoying, I like you so much, will you marry me? I, Liu Xu, swear that I will treat you well."

Lin Chaoying didn't object to Liu Xu's hug at all, and said quietly: "I don't know what's going on, I know something is wrong, but I still don't want to reject you at all. If you want me, I can marry you .I just don’t know what I will think in the future, whether I will kill you.”

After listening to Lin Chaoying's contradictory words, Liu Xu didn't think it was strange. He hypnotized Lin Chaoying with the soul-shifting technique and gave her an unfounded memory. Help, Liu Xu is also very reluctant to control her.

After Lin Chaoying finished speaking, she suddenly felt a wave of fear in her heart and kept shaking her head. "No, no, I will definitely not do this. I love you too, how could I do this?"

After Lin Chaoying finished speaking, he suddenly heard Liu Xu's panting and heavy breathing, and his eyes fixed on himself, who was almost naked.

Regardless of whether Lin Chaoying agreed or not, Liu Xu put his arms around her fragrant shoulders, bowed his head and kissed her.

Lips for a long time.

"You... want me! You are my love... lover. I don't know if I will regret it in the future, but at least I know that I am now... I will not regret it. "

When Lin Chaoying spoke, her voice was intermittent, and her eyes were blurred, as if she was about to spit out water.

Liu Xu raised his head and looked into her eyes affectionately, and said in the most sincere tone: "Chaoying, I like you! I really like you! I can't control myself anymore! I want you! Don't worry, you will love me forever .”


After the clouds gathered and the rain was resting, Liu Xu kissed the forehead of Lin Chaoying, who was almost in a coma, and gently stroked her jet-black hair.

Liu Xu asked with a smile: "My fairy sister, do you feel comfortable?"

"Comfortable, I'm so happy, I really like this feeling of happiness." Lin Chaoying gently circled Liu Xu's mouth and said: "Liu Xu, I will always love you. I will not go back to the Great Thousand World , I just want to be by your side forever.”

Liu Xu picked up the Zhuxian sword they had forgotten on the grass, and said, "Take this if you like it! Yours is mine."

"No, I don't want it anymore." Lin Chaoying returned the Zhuxian Sword to Liu Xu's hand and said, "I used to always think about cultivation and becoming stronger, but now I realize that none of these things are important. The only thing I can do is to be with my lover." It is the most important and the most satisfying to be around you.”

Liu Xu hugged Lin Chaoying and fell asleep beautifully. The sky and the ground were the bed. When he woke up the next day, he found that all the injuries he suffered yesterday had completely healed, and his whole body was full of incredible strength.

But now he doesn't care about this. For Liu Xu now, Lin Chaoying is his great gain.

Nothing else was important. With Lin Chaoying in his arms, Liu Xu had a happy smile on his face.

For the next two days, Liu Xu and Lin Chaoying seemed to have forgotten everything, only seeing each other's smiles.

The two built a cabin in the woods and lived a hermit-like life.

They have sex with each other when they have nothing to do, which has almost become the whole theme of their lives.

Today, the two of them are under the moon again, leaving the built cabins behind and not entering, but learning from primitive people, using the sky as a bed and the earth as a bed, and learning from Nuwa's movement of creating humans.

The next day, Liu Xu was still sound asleep, but when Lin Chaoying woke up, she felt naked and being hugged by someone, and her hands were tightly around the man's waist.

That person's smell is so good, I really want to be hugged by him all the time, Lin Chaoying is frightened by her own thoughts, how can she, who is known as "Fairy Hanyu", have such unbearable thoughts?

In fact, she didn't know that although the effect of the soul-shifting method had passed, the deep love and lingering with Liu Xu in the past three days had planted deep seeds in her psychology.

Suddenly, Lin Chaoying recalled her memories of the past three days, and seemed to be in a daze. She seemed to have been very happy these three days.

After some clips flashed, Lin Chaoying broke out in a cold sweat instantly, feeling that her body was still in the closest contact with Liu Xu, and her brain was struck by lightning, and then went blank.


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Chapter 1284 The incident happened in the east window, and the fairy went berserk

"My body has been taken! My body has been taken!" This thought kept pounding Lin Chaoying's brain, "I have been willing to be with him for the past few days..."

Lin Chaoying finally couldn't bear the heavy blow, two lines of tears poured down like a waterfall.

She can't remember how long she hasn't shed tears, whether it's a thousand years or tens of millions of years, she has always been strong as "Fairy Hanyu", but now she only knows that she is desperate and wants to cry.

After crying for a while, Lin Chaoying remembered Liu Xu as the culprit. If he hadn't used the Zhuxian Sword to set him up, or because his power was suppressed by the will of heaven, none of this would have happened.

Of course, the number one criminal is still Liu Xu, the first man in his thousands of years of life.

After staring at Liu Xu coldly for a while, Lin Chaoying suddenly felt unwell, and only then remembered after great grief that this man still maintained the most intimate relationship between men and women with her.


A low cry sounded, Lin Chaoying stood up tremblingly, looked down at Liu Xu again, suddenly a burst of inexplicable emotion came to her heart, but it was immediately covered up by boundless anger and humiliation.

The overwhelming cold and murderous aura woke up Liu Xu who was sleeping, and he muttered in a daze, "What's wrong? It's strange, the sky has suddenly become cold?"

As soon as his voice fell, Liu Xu suddenly felt his body fly up, and then a slight cracking sound came from Yue Xiong's mouth, making Liu Xu understand that even if his ribs were not broken, they must have been seriously injured.

With a "bang", Liu Xu smashed a big hole in the ground, dust overflowed, and a little blood spewed out of his mouth.

"Why? Why? I obviously wanted to kill him..." Lin Chaoying looked at the man who was kicked away by her stupidly, "Why do you have to be merciful in the end? I can't be cruel."

She wanted to kill Liu Xu with one kick, but when she was about to kick him, she suddenly remembered the lingering memories of those three days in her brain, and forcibly withdrew [-]% of her strength.

Liu Xu, who had been hit hard, also knew that "the incident happened in the east window, and the fairy went crazy", and the only sentence he could think of now was "you will have to pay back sooner or later when you come out to mess around".

"This... Chaoying, it's none of my business. I didn't do it on purpose, and I didn't expect such serious consequences! I hypnotized you just to protect yourself. Cough cough... Your lord has a lot of things to do." Let’s pretend it never happened, modern hymen surgery is very advanced, don’t take it too seriously, I’ll take you to get it back!”

Liu Xu acted like a good boy when he got a bargain. His tender affection for Lin Chaoying had been dispelled by the blow just now, so he said the above death words.

Lin Chaoying became angrier the more she heard it, and Liu Xu seemed to mean that her body was worthless, so she decisively gave him another kick.

Although Liu Xu was prepared this time, he still couldn't hold back Lin Chaoying, and he lost his head again.

"What are you doing, mother-in-law? I told you that I didn't do it on purpose. If it wasn't for you, a woman who has nothing to do, and it's wrong to leave a good fairy, but came here to play a robber and forced me to hand over the Zhuxian sword, we would have done something like this." What happened? After all, it is still your own responsibility, I was treated so badly by you, so what if I fell in love with you?"

Liu Xu got angry when he was kicked twice as a sandbag. Although he is strong in martial arts, he is not used to ruin like this!

Lin Chaoying, whose eyes were red and swollen from tears, felt aggrieved when she heard that Liu Xu and other good-looking villains complained first. If it wasn't for no reason, she would always think of the scene of lingering with him for three days and couldn't do it. He must be slaughtered and whipped.

"you you you……"

"What me? If you really feel that you are at a disadvantage, at worst, I will take you. Although you have a bad temper, I just bear it."

Liu Xu was angry with Lin Chaoying, he was not afraid that she would kill him in a fit of rage.

Because Liu Xu is the same as Lin Chaoying, the memory of the love between the two during these three days is still fresh in his memory.

Although Lin Chaoying is now sober, Liu Xu still habitually regards her as one of his wives.

"You...you...you, a person who didn't take the last step, what qualifications do you have to have the body of this deity?"

Lin Chaoying pointed at Liu Xu's nose with tears in her eyes. The arrogance in her bones was vividly displayed. She said mercilessly: "What qualifications do you have? Me, me and you... why this happened, it's all your fault... ..."


Liu Xu roared and stood up, but his face was more gloomy than ever.

"Lin Chaoying, don't act like I care about you here. Let me tell you, compared to my other wives, you are nothing but older. Didn't you just live for thousands of years? What kind of shit Fairy, what are you proud of. Let me tell you, if you really want to say it, it’s that you are not worthy of me, not that I am not worthy of you. Look at you, except that you are a little better than ordinary people Aside from the strength of your body, what else is there to be like a woman? You don't have any of the gentleness and virtuousness of a woman, knowledgeable and interesting, I'm sorry!"

"You, you dare...you dare to say that I am old? How old am I?"

Lin Chaoying, who was extremely angry, kicked Liu Xu without holding back.

Liu Xu used his internal strength to resist. He thought he would spit out blood like before, but he miscalculated the power of Lin Chaoying's blow.

After three days of having sex with Liu Xu, Lin Chaoying's strength has increased again, far from what she was three days ago.

As soon as Liu Xugang and Lin Chaoying's legs touched, they knew something was wrong. Where their hands and feet touched, even the space was shattered.

It wasn't until Liu Xu became a trapeze man that the space began to heal slowly, and his hand bones broke instantly.


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