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Chapter 1285 I'm's all your fault...

Being kicked into the air tens of meters, Liu Xu couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood spurting in the air, and said indistinctly: "You woman is so ruthless, you murdered your husband!"

As he said that, his body fell to the ground, his consciousness fell into a blur, and then he didn't know anything.

Liu Xu only felt that before he lost consciousness, he seemed to hear Lin Chaoying's panicked screams, and then a graceful and moving body caught his falling body, and a tear fell on his face.

"Wake up! I didn't mean it. Who told you to be such a bastard, you just said these things to anger me, and said that I am not as good as your other women..."

At this time, Lin Chaoying didn't still have a trace of the usual Hanyu Fairy's proud and pine appearance, holding Liu Xu and crying, and hurriedly passed the true energy in his body into his body.


Liu Xu woke up faintly, not knowing how long he had been asleep this time in a coma.

The zhenqi in his body turned around, and he found that most of the injuries on his body had healed, and the broken bones in his hands were no longer serious, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Xu opened his eyes, and took a look at the house he was in. It was the log cabin he had built with Lin Chaoying in those three days.

"Could it be Lin Chaoying who healed me? It should be, hehe, it seems that I still can't bear to part with me!"

Liu Xu was thinking triumphantly, when he suddenly felt the door move, he quickly closed his eyes and continued to pretend to be asleep.

A faint fragrance approached, and Liu Xu knew it was Lin Chaoying's scent.

It felt like she stared at him for a while, then sighed.

"Actually, you are not that bad. You have the Zhuxian Sword, and you are young. Sooner or later, you will become as strong as me. It is my fault, sorry!"

After a pause, Lin Chaoying continued: "Sister Nuwa and Chang'e often persuade me that a man can have three wives and four concubines in a lifetime, but we women can only have one man in a lifetime. Now that things have happened, from now on you are My husband is gone, you can't bear me in the future, or I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth."

Lin Chaoying glanced at Liu Xu who was still motionless, and said in a calm voice: "Since you are awake, don't pretend to be asleep for me. Do you think that I am a fake fairy, and I don't even know if you are awake?"

Having been dismantled through the diorama, Liu Xu opened his eyes suddenly, laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you down, after hearing what you said just now, I suddenly thought you were so cute! The anger before fainting disappeared all of a sudden. , and, thank you, Sister Fairy, for helping me heal my injuries, even though you injured me, hehe, I don’t know how long I slept this time?”

Lin Chaoying shook her head slightly, and said, "It's only been three days, don't you blame me for hurting you?"

Liu Xu stared blankly at Lin Chaoying, who looked like a little girl, and said after a long while: "You are my wife, if you still admit that you are, I won't be surprised. Didn't you just confess your love to me?" ?”

Looking at Lin Chaoying, whose face turned red, Liu Xu was extremely proud. This fairy wife has been obtained.

Suddenly, he remembered something.

"The Nuwa and Chang'e you mentioned just now are the Nuwa and Chang'e! Be good, you have mixed up with that level of existence from the little god sculpture plane? Are you familiar with them? By the way, you are not Wang Chongyang's!" Wife, what?"

"What's the matter?" Lin Chaoying caught sight of Liu Xu's lewd smile, and instantly understood, she groaned, and said angrily, "You bastard, let me tell you, I'm still a virgin."

"It's not anymore." Liu Xu looked at her grimly and said.

"But I have never had sex with any man before you." Lin Chaoying had a simple face, fearing that if she spoke slowly, she would be misunderstood.

"Hehe, I see, those are just rumors." Liu Xu said with a smile.

Lin Chaoying looked at this hateful guy bitterly, but she also knew that she did have a relationship with Wang Chongyang before Shattering the Void, and it was inevitable to be misunderstood.

"I am the famous Hanyu Fairy in the world. Wang Chongyang is just an ordinary person who has broken the void, so how could he be my husband? Also because I am named a Fairy, I have a relationship with Nuwa and Sister Chang'e. He is a good friend." Lin Chaoying looked at Liu Xu angrily and said.

"Haha, okay, I was joking just now, I know you are a good girl." Liu Xu smiled along, can a virgin of thousands of years be bad?

Lin Chaoying's face brightened, and she suddenly lowered her head and said, "Am I really old? I'm thousands of years old..."

Liu Xu was taken aback for a moment, did she really care about her feelings?

He hastily made a promise, telling Lin Chaoying that he was speaking in a fit of anger, and then praised her beauty over and over again.

Lin Chaoying smiled when she heard this. Although it was true, she was naturally happier when someone praised her, especially her only man.

Suddenly, as if remembering something important, Lin Chaoying stammered and said, "Actually, I, I... have one more thing to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Liu Xu wondered, is this still the incomparably powerful Fairy Hanyu?

She's just a little girl!

Lin Chaoying blushed and said something that almost made Liu Xu faint.

"I, I... I'm pregnant... It's all your fault..."

"Haha, sister Chaoying, you really love to joke!"

Liu Xu laughed nervously. Even though he was so nervous, he was dumbfounded when he suddenly heard that Fairy Hanyu was pregnant by him.

But if you think about it carefully, it's really possible. After all, they did those men and women's affairs regardless of the occasion in those three days, and they got creamed again and again. At that time, Lin Chaoying seemed to want to have a baby for herself, and she didn't take any protective measures at all. of.


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Chapter 1286 Lin Chaoying, I haven't had time to push Li Shishi yet!

"I'm really pregnant. What's the joke? I'm pregnant with your child. You think I'm rare, don't you?"

It wasn't until Lin Chaoying said something angrily again that Liu Xu jumped up from the bed and hugged Lin Chaoying.

"Aha, I have a baby." Liu Xu snapped frequently, but the chance of getting a woman pregnant is pitifully low, not even one in ten thousand for ordinary people. "By the way, sister, when will you give birth?"

"What are you doing?" Lin Chaoying pushed away Liu Xu who was pressing down on her and groping all over her body.

"I'm happy! My wife has a baby, can I be unhappy?" Liu Xu said extremely excitedly.

"Hmph, what are you so happy about?" Lin Chaoying curled her lips, "I tell you, if you don't have the power to surpass me, if you don't take that last step for a day, and come to the world to propose marriage, I won't do it for a day. You are giving birth to a child, and you are not allowed to touch my body."

"It is impossible for me to give birth to a child who can't even take the last step, or I will be laughed to death by other sisters." Lin Chaoying suddenly raised her head without blushing, and declared forcefully, but in fact it was broken. Liu Xu's child was the reason why she didn't choose to kill him in the end, "Also, don't doubt me, I'm a fairy, and I can give birth to the child in my stomach whenever I want, and it will last for hundreds of years Absolutely not a problem."

"Ugh!" The corner of Liu Xu's mouth twitched, "You don't need to be so realistic! Sister, is it right to discriminate against people who are weaker than you?"

"In the Great Thousand World, power is everything, without power is nothing, you have the Zhu Xian sword, are you afraid that your power will be weaker than mine in the future?" Lin Chaoying said: "I just gave you a goal, if you don't care You can pretend that you didn’t hear what the child and I said.”

What else could Liu Xu say, but he couldn't be despised by the fairy wife, so he hugged her and said, "Okay, isn't it strength! What's the big deal, I have to obediently let you give birth to my Liu family. Now Let's do what we have to do first."

"Ah! What are you doing? I just said... woo..."

The melody between men and women sounded again, but this time there were no other factors.

Three days later, Liu Xu and Lin Chaoying had a three-day honeymoon, but the honeymoon was too short!

"Oh my god! You girl is too strong, it's too much!" Looking at the letter left by Lin Chaoying dumbfounded, Liu Xu was both angry and funny, "You ran back to your own world without saying a word, Next time you meet her, you must give her a good lesson, and her round buttocks will bloom."

I saw the words on the letter: "Dear husband, I have to leave, sister Nuwa has come to look for me, I don't want to be found out by her, otherwise I will lose my life, you must come to me quickly! However, if you don’t want to be torn to shreds by the suitors of this deity, I advise you to wait until you have the strength to defeat me! Otherwise, it is too dangerous for you to spread the world with your current strength, so feel at ease and become stronger Bar!"

"Also, in order to increase your motivation, come to me as soon as you become stronger, I will invite Huang Rong, Lin Yu and other younger sisters in the ancient tomb to visit Hanyu Palace, and none will be left for you. But you Don't worry, with me here, they won't be in any danger. I won't let the evil wolves of the Great Thousand Realm have their ideas. Finally, I say, don't add sisters to us when we are not here, otherwise I won't give it to you. You give birth to the baby."

Liu Xu put down the letter and hurried to the Tongren pawn shop in Liyang Mansion.

As soon as he came here, Liu Xu discovered that Cheng Yaojia's house had exploded.

Passerby A: "Have you heard? A fairy came over just now, and left Miss Cheng and another girl."

Passerby B: "Of course I heard about it, and I saw that fairy! That fairy is so beautiful, I don't want it."

Passerby C: "..."

As soon as Liu Xu heard it, he knew that the fairy they were talking about must be Lin Chaoying. After some inquiring, he found out that after Lin Chaoying came here not long ago, he broke into the pawnshop of Tongren and arrested Cheng Yaojia. And Li Shishi, and then performed a flying and escaping in front of the two girls, until everyone fell to their knees, shouted to the fairy, and kowtowed to her.

Lin Chaoying lied to Cheng Yaojia's parents that she came down to the mortal world to take Cheng Yaojia and Li Shishi, two predestined people, as apprentices, and take them away to study art.

When Cheng Yaojia's parents heard that the fairy went down to earth to accept her daughter as an apprentice, there was no reason not to agree, so they immediately asked Cheng Yaojia and Li Shishi to perform the ceremony of apprenticeship and go with her.

"Lin Chaoying, you little bastard, you really kidnapped your husband and my wives, and... Lin Chaoying, Mr. Li, I haven't had time to push it yet!"

After Liu Xu muttered something, he immediately hurried to Zhongnan Mountain without stopping.

When he arrived at Zhongnan Mountain after spending a day, he found that the Seven Sons of Quanzhen had already left for the appointment at Yanyu Tower.

Of course, Liu Xu didn't care where they went. When he arrived at the back mountain and entered the ancient tomb, he found that there was no one in the entire ancient tomb.

Liu Xu searched all the stone chambers, but only found a few notes in each room.

"Lin Chaoying borrowed a few younger sisters and grandma Sun Xiaolongnv to play in the Great Thousand Realm for a few days. If you want a few younger sisters, hurry up and improve your strength!"

Liu Xu's hands are shaking. All the wives in his Condor World have been kidnapped by this new little wife.

"Damn it, Lin Chaoying, you're serious."

Liu Xu tore off the paper in his hand, but there was nothing he could do at this moment. Even if Liu Xu took the last step of breaking the void and went to the Great Thousand Realm, he would definitely die.


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Chapter 1287 One against a hundred, all slaughtered

After being depressed for a while, Liu Xu suddenly raised his head and said to himself: "Okay! It's decided, Huashan will leave this world first after Lunjian... But, Liu Yifei is gone, how can I leave?"

After a day's rest in the ancient tomb, Liu Xu set off for Tiezhang Mountain to get Wu Mu's suicide note.

After all, it may not be a good thing if that thing is in anyone's hands now, it's best to get it yourself.

Yue Fei's things can't be ruined by foreigners, so Liu Xu raised his true energy and rushed towards the foot of Zhongnan Mountain.

I don't know how long he ran, and the originally bright sky gradually turned dark. Liu Xu still felt full of energy in his body and full of energy. Apart from a dry mouth, he thought there was no discomfort, so he stopped to find some water to drink.

Suddenly, I saw the torches flickering in a mountain village a few miles away, and when I observed it quietly, there seemed to be the faint sound of women crying, mixed with the voice of men shouting.

Liu Xu's heart trembled, and he frowned and said, "Could it be that the bandits attacked the village, or did the Jin soldiers come to the land of the Han people to act wild again?"

Not daring to waste any more time, he quickly raised his true energy and ran towards that direction.

With Liu Xu's current martial arts skills, he arrived at this small mountain village in less than a moment.

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