He walked in carelessly, and after a closer look, it turned out that they were not bandits, but a group of more than [-] golden cavalry, each of whom was driving fifty weeping young women through the night. They're all gone.

Several military officers were hugging a disheveled woman on the horse, boasting to each other with lewd smiles, and even a few golden men had already raped women in the village on the horse.

Seeing this, Liu Xu couldn't help feeling angry and furious. What made him unbearable was that he heard those golden cavalry speak authentic Chinese. Needless to say, this was actually a traitor army.

"If I leave you the whole body today, my surname will not be Liu."

For Liu Xu, the most hated thing is not the invaders, but the traitors who help outsiders to harm their compatriots, and the invaders rank second most.

"who are you?"

At this time, the traitor army had forced more than [-] women into a corner, and at the same time found Liu Xu.

"You scumbags must die."

Liu Xu came out, yelled violently, jumped up and kicked the head one away.

He shot with anger, and naturally he showed no mercy. At the same time that the person hit by Liu Xu flew out like a piece of broken wood, a cloud of blood mist erupted from Yuexiong's mouth.

When he flew nearly ten meters away, his body was completely unrecognizable in human form, and it looked more like a mass of bloody rotten flesh. Even the war horse under his crotch was crushed by Liu Xu's extremely powerful force. Bleeding from the seven orifices, he fell to the ground and shook a few times before being silent.

The soldiers of the Han army were ordered to capture the young women and bring them back to be enjoyed by their master Jin soldiers. In the past, all the Han people who dared to resist in this area have been wiped out, so they no longer care about it. .

Unexpectedly, at this time, someone with such high martial arts suddenly came out, kicking the other person to death with a random kick, and the death condition was still so miserable.

Even though they had experienced hundreds of battles, the team became chaotic for a while.

Those captive women were also frightened by the pile of rotten meat not far away, their faces turned pale, they shrank their heads while screaming, lying on the side of the road.

Seeing Liu Xu's almost shocking blow, those traitor soldiers who were still venting their lust in the body of the snatched woman immediately trembled in fright. This life.

Standing in front of more than [-] traitor soldiers with bloodshot eyes, Liu Xu looked like a demon god. The murderous aura overflowing from his body made all the traitor soldiers tremble when they had seen the battlefield.

In order to vent the fear in their hearts, they couldn't bear it anymore, pulled out their waist knives, and rushed towards Liu Xu howling.

Although they were all telling themselves not to go, if they went, they would die, but they all comforted themselves in their hearts: "He is just one person, even if he is really a martial arts master, how can he be an opponent of more than two hundred people?"

How did they know that the people they were facing had completely surpassed the level of ordinary martial arts people.

Thus, a slightly weird scene took place.

Hundreds of fully armed soldiers with machetes rushed forward with fear on their faces, while that one person showed disdain and sneer.

"A good person doesn't want to be a dog, but who taught you? Today, you actually met me, so just turn me into a dead dog."

Like a cannonball fired into the group of traitors, Liu Xu's body was covered with an extremely thick layer of true energy.

Every time Liu Xu, who was exuding his true energy, took a step on the ground, frightening cracks appeared on the ground, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed the arm of the traitor soldier who was riding in front.


As soon as he let go of his internal energy, under the horrified eyes of everyone, the soldier who was held by Liu Xu was torn into two halves, blood and flesh scattered all over the ground, and the horse under his crotch neighed, and was pulled away by that force. hit the ground, fell heavily on the ground... motionless...


The horse's hoof stepped on the ground, but there was a sound when it stepped into the water.

"Wow..." Following the blood splashed by the horse's hoof, it splashed lightly around, fell to the ground, and merged into more blood.

The blood flowed quietly, completely covering the smooth and flat land. Some of the corpses soaked in the blood were torn apart, and some were separated from their bodies. In short, none of them was complete.

In some places, the bodies had piled up, forming small mounds.

Even the vegetation on the ground has been covered with blood.

Now here are real corpses piled up like mountains and blood flowing like rivers.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1288 The unruly daughter moved her heart, wandering the rivers and lakes to find a husband

None of the dozens of surviving soldiers around him dared to come within three feet of him, and all of them looked at him with eyes of extreme fear.

Most of them want to run away from this demon as soon as possible, and the women in the corner have gone from screaming incessantly at the beginning to becoming numb now.

In less than a cup of tea, at least one hundred and fifty people had been hissed into corpses by Liu Xu. Liu Xu was not happy about Lin Chaoying taking away the women. Indescribably fun.


Liu Xu shouted loudly, and the remaining fifty people fled as fast as they could after hearing his shout, but would it be useful to face a congenital expert who could run faster than a horse?

Liu Xu ran wildly, followed by a rush of blood, and the traitor soldiers were cut to pieces one by one.

When the last traitor's head was beheaded, Liu Xu finally withdrew from the state of madness.

There was no shame in looking at the blood all over the place, what he killed was just a bunch of scum.

Returning to the original spot, seeing the captive women shrunk to the side and buried their heads trembling, Liu Xu was about to step forward to comfort him softly, but saw the woman screamed and backed away, embracing a companion behind, not daring to look at him .

Liu Xu couldn't help being startled. He lowered his head and realized that his blue shirt was already stained red with blood. He was really similar to a devil at the moment. He smiled wryly and said, "It's okay, you guys go home! I'm sorry to scare you."

When the group of women heard what he said, they remembered that Liu Xu had come to save them, and all knelt down on the ground to thank them.

"You are welcome, get up! Go home!"

When those women heard the order, they all dragged each other and stumbled away. After all, although they knew that Liu Xu would not hurt them, the way he killed people just now was indeed scary enough. It was the women who wanted to stay away from him at this moment.

Liu Xu looked at it, couldn't help but wryly smiled, and said to himself, "The next time you kill someone, you have to be more handsome, or you won't be able to scare good people."

Suddenly, he found that all the girls ran away, but there were still two pretty girls standing still and staring blankly at him.

"Uh, what are you looking at me for?"

After Liu Xu said something, he suddenly felt that one of the two girls in front of him looked very familiar.

"Little sister Mei Wanying, why is it you? Ha! We haven't seen each other for more than half a year, why are you here today?"

It turned out that the girl who looked familiar was the savage little girl Liu Xu met in Ganshui City who competed with him for a seat. Her father was Miss Mei, the magistrate of Ganshui City. After being rescued from the hands of Ke's subordinates, she quarreled with her, um, even took her first kiss forcibly!

"Is it really you, the big prostitute? I've worked so hard to find you!"

Mei Wanying was dressed in tattered clothes, as if she had been wronged so much, she rushed into Liu Xu's arms, crying bitterly, her little nose kept twitching.

"Uh, Miss Mei, we don't seem to know each other that well yet!"

Liu Xu looked at the little girl wiping his nose in his arms, and thought to himself: "What's wrong with this domineering little girl today? Look at her in tatters and being chased by the traitor soldiers, and now she's crying again, not at all. Like the original Miss Qianjin, and remembering the last time I saw her, this girl wanted to bite off a few pieces of flesh from her body."

Unexpectedly, after hearing Liu Xu's words, Mei Wanying pushed Liu Xu away, knelt down and cried bitterly.

"You bad guy, big bastard, people don't even want your home just to find you, but you still say that... Daddy doesn't want me anymore..."

The more Mei Wanying cried, the more sad she became. Liu Xu looked at the high-spirited, high-spirited, and nervous young lady who suddenly looked so sad, and felt inexplicably sad, and couldn't help comforting him: "What's wrong with you, little girl? You If you’re not in Ganshuicheng as your daughter, what are you doing here? Don’t you know it’s dangerous outside?”

Seeing that Liu Xu was nervous about her, Mei Wanying seemed to be a lot happier, so she whimpered and told her recent things intermittently.

It turned out that since being bullied by Liu Xu a few times, Miss Mei hated him to death, and would beat Liu Xu every night in her dreams through gritted teeth.

But the gap between love and hate is not that big for a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, especially after Liu Xu forcibly took her first kiss, which made it difficult for the young girl to fall asleep every night.

A few months later, Mei Wanying gradually and unknowingly did not feel that the guy who had bullied her a few times was so hateful, but was full of his shadow.

miss him, miss him...

Sometimes the little girl scolds herself for being cheap, and she falls in love with someone who bullies her for no reason.

I haven't seen Liu Xu again for a few months, but the little girl wants him to show up again every day and bully her like before.

The days passed day by day, until more than half a month ago, her father, the prefect, went to welcome a distinguished guest.

The little girl was bored at home, so she followed secretly, but just happened to be discovered by that distinguished guest.

The honored guest was astonished when he saw her appearance, and immediately proposed marriage to her father.

The little girl got angry, and she, who was savage by nature, stepped forward and slapped the distinguished guest.

Because although the honorable guest was barely tall, he was already in his thirties, and he shamelessly said that he wanted himself, a rich lady, to be his third concubine.

It's too damn, what is Miss Ben?

But Mei Wanying didn't expect that her father, who has always loved her, would lose her temper with her after she hit that distinguished guest. Even her father who had never hit her since childhood even gave her two slaps. She covered her face and ran away crying. out.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1289 Mongolian Pearl, Princess Huazheng

It wasn't until the next day, when she painfully learned that she was betrothed to yesterday's distinguished guest as a concubine, that she didn't know why his father beat her yesterday.

It turned out that yesterday's distinguished guest came to inspect officials from various places as an imperial envoy. In fact, to be more precise, he came to collect protection fees from officials from various places.

In other words, as long as that distinguished guest goes back and tells her that his father is a corrupt official, then her whole family will be ruined, and the worst result will be that everyone will be executed.

Although Mei Wanying's father loves this daughter very much and knows that the distinguished guest is nothing, compared with the lives of the whole family, he still knows what is more important.

Under the pain, she had no choice but to pretend to be very happy to agree to the guest's "request" to let his daughter be his concubine. Miss Mei hated the guest to death, but no matter how she made trouble, she usually loved her father very much. He just shook his head and sighed bitterly, persuading her to accept her fate.

After a few quarrels, Ms. Mei gradually understood her father's difficulties, but she is not someone who dares to love and hate easily.

As a result, Miss Mei sneaked out with some valuable things at home, and she was going to find Liu Xu, the villain who bullied her.

Although I can't explain why I must go to him, I probably like him!

But after all, it was a little girl who had never left the house alone. After wandering around aimlessly for a few days, she finally encountered something bad.

Miss Mei's money was all stolen, and the magistrate's daughter's ability to survive without money dropped to a freezing point. She didn't want to go home and couldn't find a way to go home. After several setbacks, she finally fainted from hunger. past.

The only lucky thing is that after she passed out, an old lady in this small village who was hunted down by the traitor soldiers happened to save her life, otherwise she would really have to stage another scene of a girl's fate.

After hearing what happened to her, Liu Xu felt both pity and distress in his heart, because Mei Wanying had suffered so much for finding herself halfway.

He was not someone who was immune to beautiful girls, especially Mei Wanying's sentence "I've been thinking about you for no reason since you left", which moved him very much.

Liu Xu held Mei Wanying halfway into his arms, wiped away the tears on her little face, and said, "Little girl, just follow me for now! Now that you have found me, I won't let you be bullied anymore." .”

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