Mei Wanying was very happy when she heard that, she raised her little face that was still full of tears, and said, "Okay, big bastard, I'm just looking for you, even if you drive me away, I won't leave, but don't tell me!" It sounds good. I will definitely be bullied if I follow you, and you are the one who will bully me the most."

"Hero, do you know this girl? You forgot about her. She cheered for you just now when you killed those bad guys!"

Liu Xu was about to say a few more words of comfort to the unruly girl, but suddenly heard a burst of pleasant and strange Chinese, which was uttered by another cute girl who stayed behind.

"Uh... this costume, is this lovely girl Mongolian?" Liu Xu couldn't help but wondered after hearing the voice.

"Ah! Thank you then! Little sister, who are you and what is your name? How do you say your name?"

The lovely girl like an elf yelled yes and jumped up, and couldn't help but rushed over and hugged Liu Xu's arm, shaking: "Hero, you are so powerful, not only your martial arts are better than the most heroic warriors in our clan!" Much better, and better looking than them. I'm so happy! Ever since I got separated from Torrey and the others, I haven't spoken to anyone again. By the way, my name is Huazheng, what's your name."

"Princess Huazheng."

After hearing what the little beauty said, Liu Xu couldn't help screaming. He didn't expect such a coincidence. A few days ago, he just killed the guards who escorted her. Now she was among the group of women he rescued. He couldn't help but sigh that he also had the protagonist Life!

"Hey, talk!" Huazheng saw Liu Xu was in a daze and ignored her, so she blinked her star-like eyes, took his hand and said, "I'll tell you my name." You, why didn't you tell me?"

Liu Xu looked down at her blinking charming appearance, his heart shook, and the long-lost heartbeat appeared.

my mom!

It is worthy of being the pearl on the grassland, it is really bright and moving.

Thinking of this elf-like girl who waited hard all her life for that idiot Guo Jing in the original book, but died of nothing and was alone, Liu Xu suddenly felt a little distressed.

"Guo Jing in the original book really doesn't know how to be blessed! If I were him, I would take Huang Rong and Hua Zheng together no matter what."

Seeing that Liu Xu didn't say anything, Huazheng just stared blankly at herself.

Suddenly, the girl's heart skipped a beat, her face blushed, she lowered her head and said, "Hey, if you don't talk, Hua Zheng will be angry."

"Hehe, Huazheng, have you always been so familiar?" Liu Xu said.

"Natural familiarity? What is natural familiarity?" Huazheng, the beautiful Mongolian princess, tilted her head with a look of incomprehension.

"Natural familiarity means boldness!" Liu Xu looked at Hua Zheng who was still holding his arm, thought for a while, and decided to explain it this way.

"Of course, our daughters on the grassland won't be as coy as your daughters in the Central Plains! You can do whatever you want." Huazheng raised his head, looking very proud, Suddenly felt wrong again, "Don't try to drag the topic away, what is your name, you haven't told me yet!"

"My name is Liu Xu! Huazheng, why don't you stay in the Mongolian grasslands, what are you doing outside? And, are you alone? What about Torre and the others?" Liu Xu said.

"I'm going to find Guo Jing, but I got separated from Torrey and the others on the way. Ah, by the way, how do you know about Torrey and the others? I didn't tell you!" Huazheng said in surprise.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1290 You're welcome, friend's wife, kidnap Princess Huazheng

"Guo Jing told me. I am Guo Jing's elder brother. He told me about you and Torre." Liu Xu was right to fool the little girl.

"Ha, if you know Guo Jing or his elder brother, then you must know where he is. Tell me soon, I've been looking for him for a long time!" Hua Zheng tightened Liu Xu's arm and opened his eyes wide. Meimu said hastily.

Liu Xu breathed out, because he felt his arm tightly held by Hua Zheng, and when Hua Zheng was shaking, because of the physical contact, it felt so comfortable, it made him breathe a little harder.

"Hua Zheng, can you let me go first, don't you feel bad for doing this? Although I would like you to hold me like this." Liu Xu said helplessly.

Huazheng didn't understand at first, but after seeing Liu Xu's fiery eyes aiming at her mouth, this elf-like girl finally felt it. She was shot away as if struck by lightning.

No matter how heroic and heroic she is, she still has a pretty face shy now, with her hands in front of her moonlight.

"Hehe, the little girl knows she's shy, I thought you never cared about these things!" Seeing her nervous look, Liu Xu smiled on purpose.

"Who said I'm shy, I'm not?"

After Huazheng finished speaking, in order to show that what she said was true, she put down her hand covering Yuexiong's mouth, and said to Ting's delicate body with a blushing face.

"Haha..." Seeing Huazheng's cute and playful face, Liu Xu couldn't help laughing.

Huazheng was anxious to know the news about Guo Jing, but seeing Liu Xu just laughed, and because of what happened just now, he was a little shy, so he grabbed Liu Xu's hand angrily and asked, "Hey, how about you?" What are you laughing at? I’m asking you something, tell me where Guo Jing is? Is it hidden by you?”

"Hey, why are you like this girl?" At this time, Mei Wanying, who was sore after watching the drama for a long time, finally couldn't help saying: "You grab the body of the big whore at every turn, don't you want to be shameless?"

Hua Zheng ignored her.

Seeing Hua Zheng ignoring her own existence, Mei Wanying turned her mouth up, and was about to speak, but saw Liu Xu shaking her head at her, so she moved her mouth angrily and stopped talking.

Seeing that Mei Wanying suddenly became obedient, Liu Xu didn't care. He turned around and couldn't help but tease Hua Zheng, "I didn't hide Guo Jing. He's a big man. What's there to hide? If it's Hua Zheng you Such a little beauty is pretty much the same, I will hide you like a treasure, no one will see it, only myself to appreciate it."

This kind of words is almost equivalent to a confession, even if Hua Zheng is not very smart, he can hear it, and immediately shakes his little hands again and again.

"No, no, you can't say such things to me. The person I like is Guo Jing. You are Guo Jing's eldest brother. You can't say such things to his fiancée." After hesitating, Huazheng added, "Although You are good too."

Seeing that she was talking about Guo Jing, Liu Xu felt a little uncomfortable for no reason, but it was also expected.

"Hmph, as long as I keep you by my young master's side, I'll have plenty of opportunities. If it doesn't work, I still have the soul-shifting method, so I don't believe you won't give in."

Besides, Liu Xu knew that Guo Jing had always regarded Hua Zheng as his younger sister, not his future wife, so he was a friend's wife, so you're welcome.

"Tell me quickly, where is Guo Jing?" Seeing Liu Xu startled again, Huazheng couldn't help shouting again.

"I like you, and you like Guo Jing. I just know why I tell you where he is? I'm not stupid." Seeing Huazheng's anxious look, Liu Xu deliberately teased her.

Huazheng was taken aback, and said anxiously: "No, no, you can't be so sloppy, you are a hero who kills bad guys, how can you be so sloppy?"

"I'm such a rambunctious person. I didn't say that I'm a great hero. You made it up yourself." Liu Xu curled his lips and said disapprovingly.

Huazheng couldn't help but see his eyes turning red when he saw that he was going to rely on it to the end, and said pitifully, "Just tell me! Please. I've been looking for Guo Jing all this time. My father misses him too, and his mother misses him too." , everyone misses him. I want to find him as soon as possible and bring him back to Mongolia."

"Okay, okay, don't look like this, okay, it makes me feel that I have become a sinner who bullies women. To be honest, I don't know where he is, just to tease you." Liu Xu couldn't see her Poor, said.

Huazheng stared, glanced at the pitiful look just now, and said angrily: "You villain dared to lie to me, it's too disgusting, I ignore you, I will find it myself."

The face-changing speed was so fast that Liu Xu wondered if she was just pretending.

Seeing that Huazheng turned around and was about to leave, Liu Xu would not do what she wanted!

He ignored the suspicion of men and women, took her little hand and said, "Don't go! Although I don't know where he is, he will come to me sooner or later, as long as you stay by my side. Of course you will see him. If you leave, you may not be able to meet him."

"Really? Alright! Then I'll stay by your side until Guo Jing gets well." Huazheng said happily.

She was innocent and innocent and didn't care if others lied to her or not. He believed whatever Liu Xu said, and didn't even need Liu Xu to use anything to prove that he was indeed Guo Jing's eldest brother.

Liu Xu made a victory gesture behind him, and another little girl was tricked. As long as Huazheng is willing to stay by his side, Liu Xu will take him down sooner or later, and eat everything...

Liu Xu took the two beautiful girls all the way to Luxi County, because in the original book, Guo Jing and Huang Rong got the news about Tiezhang Mountain in Luxi County.

Along the way, the three of them "robbed the rich and helped the poor", "killed gold men and soldiers", "killed bandits and traitors".


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1291 Monkey's Claw Mountain, Order of the Chief

The two girls who have always lived in their own small world, blushed excitedly along the way, shouting that it was novelty and fun.

The relationship between the two women and Liu Xu became stronger day by day.

The three of Liu Xu stopped and stopped all the way, passing through Changde, Taoyuan, Yuanling, and finally arrived at Huxi. They asked about the location of Tiezhang Mountain, but everyone shook their heads.

The three of Liu Xu had no choice but to stay in a small inn. At night when he asked about the local scenic spots and historical sites, the waiter in the inn talked a lot, but never mentioned the word "Tiezhang Mountain".

Liu Xu took out an ingot of silver from his pocket again, put it on the table, and said, "I just want to ask you a question, as long as your answer satisfies me, this ingot is yours."

After seeing the silver, the waiter's eyes lit up immediately, it was worth his year's income!

The shop waiter hurriedly said: "Guest officer, please ask whatever you want, as long as I know, I will definitely tell you everything."

"Do you know how to get to Tiezhang Mountain?" Liu Xu asked him.

"Sorry, guest officer, I have been living here since my ancestors, but I have never heard of a place called Tiezhang Mountain!"

The store waiter's cheeky kung fu is really not easy, he always talks to Liu Xu with a smile on his face.

Of course, when he said this, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

After all, if he couldn't answer what Liu Xu wanted to know, he might not get the money.

"Oh, by the way, it's called Monkey's Claw Mountain. People here call that Iron Palm Mountain Monkey's Claw Mountain." Liu Xu patted his forehead and suddenly remembered something, "You always know how to get to Monkey's Claw Mountain, right? "

After hearing Liu Xu's words, the waiter's face tightened, and he said, "I don't know what the guest officer is going to Monkey's Claw Mountain for? I advise you not to go to Monkey's Claw Mountain. There are a group of vicious guys there. If you arrive There must be bad luck there. Especially the two girls are so beautiful, those wicked people will not let them go."

"Don't worry about that. I know and know those guys. They can't do anything to us." Liu Xu said confidently: "You just need to tell us how to get there."

"OK then!"

Seeing Liu Xu's confident appearance, the waiter in the shop told him the way to Monkey's Claw Mountain. After all, no one would have trouble with money.

After lunch, Liu Xu and the two girls went to the place pointed out by the waiter.

Although Liu Xu strongly objected to the two girls coming, they couldn't resist their coquettishness.

Although the relationship between the two women is not very good, they are surprisingly consistent in fun things, and Liu Xu can only let them go in the end.

"When you get to the mountain later, don't say anything, it's up to me." Liu Xu instructed the two women.

Both women nodded their heads.

The three went up the mountain and ran along the road. After walking for a meal, there were densely packed pine trees in front of them.

After walking a few more steps, suddenly there was a "hoo", and two men in black jumped out from behind the big tree by the roadside, each holding a weapon.

"Who are you? No entry is allowed in front."

Later, when they saw the two girls behind Liu Xu, they couldn't help showing Brother Pig's look on their faces.

"Go away, sir, I am a distinguished guest invited by your leader Qiu Qianren, looking for death, aren't you?"

Liu Xu's face darkened, and he put on a high-spirited look, like a bully.

Hua Zheng and Mei Wanying looked at Liu Xu strangely for a while, didn't he say he was here to steal something?Why did he suddenly become a distinguished guest of their leader?

"Bold, do you know what this place is? How dare you trick me into coming here? If the boss invites guests, why didn't he inform us? I think you are clearly here to make trouble, so don't leave to see if I interrupt your dog leg."

The two men in black are not so easy to believe Liu Xu's words. If someone casually comes and says he is a distinguished guest of their gang leader, then let them go, then their Iron Palm Gang will become a natural tourist attraction. What gang!

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