Liu Xu had been going all the way in, so no one might be able to stop him, not even Qiu Qianren.

Although both of them are innate, they are in completely different realms. In addition to Liu Xu's various unique skills, he doesn't pay attention to Qiu Qianren who floats on the water with ten iron palms.

But Liu Xu is such a person, he can lie down but not sit, can sit but not stand, he can go in with his mouth, why does he want to fight with others, alarming the whole Iron Palm Gang to besiege him.

Liu Xu was not afraid of their siege, but he thought it was troublesome, so he just stole a copy of Wu Mu's suicide note, not his wife.

He took out a token in the shape of an iron palm from his bosom and held it in his hand. Liu Xu strode forward, his nose upturned, and waved in front of the eyes of the two watchdogs.

"I can see clearly, what is this? It was sent to me by your leader himself, if you don't give it to the uncle, I will get out of here."

The two men looked at the iron palm sign, their faces turned pale with shock, this is not the badge they carried with the lord, they quickly nodded and bowed, bowed and saluted: "Oh! Your son is indeed a distinguished guest of our lord, the little one has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai , Damn it, really damn it, please don’t count the faults of the villain.”

"Forget it, because you are still sensible, the uncle will spare you this time."


Seeing Liu Xu's appearance like a landlord, the two women couldn't help but giggle coquettishly.

The two big men watching were stunned at the same time, and they scolded themselves for being idiots in their hearts. How can a young man accompanied by such a beautiful woman be an ordinary person? This time, he almost hit the iron plate.

In fact, how did they know that the gang leader's token in Liu Xu's hand was indeed real, but it was not given by their gang leader, but snatched from their elder brother Qiu Qianzhang.

Liu Xu led the two women into the Iron Palm Gang swaggeringly. People saw them along the way but did not suspect them.

Because Liu Xu took it for granted that he was here, which really didn't raise any suspicion.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1292 Mr. Jiao, Iron Palm Tomb

After seeing this situation, Huazheng and Mei Wanying were jealous, and said: "Brother Liu, you are so powerful, you just came in like this, I thought you were going to call in! If you didn't say that you came to steal something , I thought you were their guest."

Liu Xu said with a smile: "I have a lot of strengths! If you have been by my side, you will soon find out, hey, I am so bad at hiding my strengths."

After finishing speaking, he led the two girls up the middle finger mountain in a swaggering manner.

When Liu Xu and the two women came to the middle finger peak halfway up the mountain, they soon found a cave entrance, and after seeing the cave entrance, he quickly led the two women over.

The cave was dark, but Liu Xu couldn't be bothered. He took out three small wooden sticks from his pocket and gave one to Hua Zheng and Mei Wanying respectively.

"What is this?"

Two female wooden sticks looked up.

Hua Zheng couldn't understand what it was, but Mei Wanying suddenly cried out after looking at it.

She covered her small mouth, which grew big, and thought, "Oh my god! Why is this thing given to me by the prostitute so similar to the 'Mr. Jiao' I found when I was playing in Er Niang's room? Is it used?"

"You big whore, how could you give me this kind of thing? I'm a decent girl." Mei Wanying's face turned red.

"What?" Liu Xu looked at Mei Wanying, who suddenly became shy, and wondered, "Is this girl tempted? That's a good relationship. Thinking about it, I haven't touched a woman for many days."

"Why... how can you give me a woman that... that thing..." Mei Wanying's voice was nasty, and she felt her face was burning.

"What is that used for?" Liu Xu still didn't quite understand. With his knowledge and knowledge, he didn't even know what strange things Mei Wanying was thinking about right now.

He shook his head, gently broke the stick with both hands, and the stick became two sections, one of which lit up with fire.

It turned out that the little stick-like thing was used for lighting, commonly known as fire folds.


At this time, the two girls cried out. Liu Xu knew that they were a Xiaojiabiyu and a Mongolian princess. It was normal that they had never seen such lighting props from Jianghu people, so he patiently taught them how to use them.

"Haha! It's fun, it's fun, I've never seen such a fun thing."

The two women extinguished and lit the fire pocket again and again. For them, they had never seen such a practical and novel thing.

"Brother Liu, what kind of treasure is this! Can you give it to me?" The two girls looked at Liu Xu expectantly.

Liu Xu originally wanted to simply agree, but when he saw the expectant eyes of the two women, he suddenly laughed a few times.

"If the two girls like it, of course you can, but I have a small condition. As long as you agree, then this precious fire zip will be yours." Liu Xu deliberately changed a The name of Firebolt.

"What condition?" The two women blinked and said.

"Everyone kisses me on the face as a token of thanks," Liu Xu said.

"What!" The two women exclaimed at the same time, but they just hesitated for a while, and finally they both blushed and kissed Liu Daqilang.

Liu Xu is so proud of two worthless fireflips in exchange for two fragrant kisses!

"Okay, let's go when you've had enough fun!" Liu Xu also understood the feelings of the two girls when they saw novelty things, and after getting a bargain, he said to the two girls who were still playing with the fire book that they got from selling kisses.

Not long after walking in the cave, the three of Liu Xu came to a stone room.


As soon as they walked into the stone room, the two women exclaimed indistinctly, and even Liu Xu was stunned.

"Great thief, no wonder you want to come here to steal things, so there are treasures here!"

Mei Wanying clenched her two small fists in front of Yue Xiong, blushed and shouted, Hua Zheng also muttered to herself.

Liu Xu touched his nose. It was normal for there to be more babies here, so he didn't care.

After all, this is the tomb of the Iron Palm Clan's past lords, and some burial objects should be there, but I didn't expect that there would be such an exaggerated number of burial objects, almost covering everything and everything.

I saw that there are not only many rare treasures in the stone room, but also many weapons that do not look very ordinary, each of which is a fierce weapon of magic weapon, which makes people's hair stand on end.

In addition, there are countless famous antique paintings, and even martial arts secret books. I think Guo Jing in the original book was too worried about Huang Rong's injury, so he didn't look carefully at this place, and missed an opportunity to make a fortune in vain.

What is precious here is not just Wu Mu's suicide note, but even if Guo Jing has the heart to take advantage of it, he doesn't have the ability.

"Huazheng, Wanying, if you have anything you like, feel free to take it."

Liu Xu waved his hands to the two girls with arrogance, and then he started digging out Baolai in the stone room.

Liu Xu's favorite thing to do is to care for others.

It didn't take long for Liu Xu to find the iron box engraved with the four big characters "Key to Breaking Gold".

After taking the tin box, Liu Xu couldn't wait to take out Wu Mu's suicide note inside, and flipped through it.

After reading a few pages, Liu Xu was sure that this was the genuine Wu Mu's suicide note, so he casually put it into the space of the Jade Immortal Sword in his body, and looked back to see what the two girls found.

"Ah! It's really a good dagger, a good knife, and a good sword. If I bring it back to Guo Jing and Father Khan, they will definitely like it."

I saw Huazheng picking up the weapons on the ground, looking at this one, looking at that one, exclaiming from time to time, that small appearance, she is definitely a small money fan, and she doesn't have the usual elf-like appearance.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1293 Erotic pictures, jumping off a cliff

While Liu Xu looked at Hua Zheng's cute appearance, he felt a little upset because she still ranked Guo Jing first.

"This girl still hasn't forgotten that idiot! I thought she was willing to kiss me just now, and I have already chased her. It seems that the revolution has not yet succeeded, and we must continue to work hard!"

After muttering something, Liu Xu turned to look at Mei Wanying again.

"Hey! What is she doing?"

I saw Mei Wanying standing in a corner, holding something like a book in her hand, looking at it with a flushed face, panting non-stop, with a strange appearance.

"Hey girl, what are you looking at?"


With a scream, Mei Wanying jumped up like a frightened kitten, and the book in her hand fell to the ground.

"What are you looking at?" Liu Xu quickly picked it up for her.

"Give it back to me, don't look at it." Mei Wanying rushed forward nervously.

"Haha, so you're looking at erotic pictures!" Liu Xu turned around and laughed loudly, only to see pictures of men and women having sex on the book that Mei Wanying had dropped on the floor.

Seeing that she couldn't grab it, Mei Wanying said with tears in her eyes, "Am I a bad girl?"

"Where are you, how can you be a bad girl! Don't cry! I just like you watching this, you'd better watch it with me, hehehe..." Liu Xu quickly comforted her.

"Wanying your erotic book, oh, ahem, it's the right book, where did you find it?" Mei Wanying was still immersed in shyness, she lowered her head and pointed to a coffin.

Liu Xu went to open the coffin, and saw that besides a skeleton that had been dead for an unknown period of time, there were several books that looked like martial arts secret books and a pile of medicine bottles.

Picking up those few martial arts cheat books and looking at them, Liu Xu broke out in sweat immediately.

"I don't know what the old leader of the Iron Palm Gang did in his lifetime. Could it be that he was a flower picker? It's too strong!"

I saw that those few cheat books were full of erotic pictures and sex tricks. As for those medicine bottles, Liu Xu could probably guess what they were without looking at them.

He picked it up and glanced at it, and sure enough, he was sweating again, only to see the words "I love a mallet" and "Jade girls are also crazy" written on the bottle...

Although he despised the long-dead leader of the Iron Palm Gang in his heart, Liu Xu still planned to keep him, and happily accepted all the "good things" of men.

"Listen to the thieves on the mountain, you are surrounded, come out if you are sensible, or we will set fire to you."

Just when Liu Xu was planning to put all the treasures here into the Zhuxianjian space, ransack them, and pack them away, there were bursts of shouts from the foot of the mountain.

"What should we do if we are discovered?" The two women walked to Liu Xu's side nervously, as if they were caught as thieves.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, I'm here! Besides, they don't dare to come up, so don't worry."

Seeing the two girls approaching in a panic, Liu Xu stretched out his hands like lightning to hug them, and bit their lips lightly.

Hua Zheng pushed him away, panting for fragrance, and gave him a coquettish look, while Mei Wanying lay in his arms with peace of mind.

"Okay, let's go first! If they really set fire to it, I'm not afraid, but I'm afraid it will smoke my two little beauties." Afterwards, Liu Xu walked out of the cave and shouted to the bottom: "Don't blah blah blah! Crooked, come up if you have the ability!"

"Brother Xu, how do we go? The road below is blocked."

The two women felt a little panicked when they saw hundreds of people gathered around the mountain.

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