"Did I say I wanted to go this way?" Liu Xu said.

"If you don't take this road, where else can you go?" Mei Wanying frowned and said, "Could it be impossible to jump off the cliff behind?"

"Good girl, if you get the answer right, you will be rewarded with a kiss."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Xu didn't wait for the astonished Mei Wanying to react, grabbed her little head, and kissed the exclaimed little one.


"Are we really going to jump from here?" The two women looked at the bottomless cliff, their legs were weak, and they kept shaking, "Brother Liu is crazy!"

"You have to believe in me. Those who believe in me will have eternal life. It's absolutely fine to jump off." Liu Xu said with a look of magic stick, promising the ticket.

"Damn, I danced because I was sick! If you jump like this, it's no wonder Miss Ben is so ugly!"

Mei Wanying scorned Liu Xu, who was pretending to be the Lord, Hua Zheng nodded in agreement with her beautiful talking eyes.

Liu Xu shook his head, and without explaining anything, he directly opened the Zhuxianjian space, and shouted, "Xiao Wu, come out, and transport us down later."


On Liu Xu's shoulder, a colorful bird suddenly appeared.

"Ah, how did you do it? Just now, all the things in the cave disappeared, and now a beautiful bird appeared again? Just now I asked you how to change the things in the cave. Things changed, and you didn't tell people."

The two women stared curiously again and said.

"Hey, you want to know? I've already said that, if you want to know how I can change things and make them disappear, I must become the daughter-in-law of our Liu family." Liu Xu smiled lewdly and moved closer to the two girls. "If you sacrifice yourself now, I will tell you right away."

"Who wants to marry you!" The two girls hummed coquettishly at the same time, but their reactions were different.

Mei Wanying was shy from the bottom of her heart, but more or less pleased, while Hua Zheng was extremely disturbed, thinking wildly, "Why would I react so strongly to his words? I should like Guo Jing!"

Ever since she was a child, she always thought that she would marry Guo Jing when she grew up. She even had a marriage with him, and she also had Guo Jing's shadow in her heart.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1294 Watching the sunset and enlightenment, riding the phoenix to fly into the sky

Although Guo Jing has never understood Hua Zheng's feelings for him, he always looks stupid.

Huazheng knows that Guo Jing sees herself more as a younger sister, but this does not prevent her from liking Guo Jing.

Because Huazheng believes that as long as he works hard, Guo Jing will stop treating her as a younger sister sooner or later.

But now something unsettling happened to her, looking at this man in front of her who was to her own taste, and at the same time was much better than Guo Jing in every aspect, Hua Zheng felt her heart began to waver.

During the past few days, I don’t know since when, the illusory Guo Jing in my dreams has become less and less. Every night when I dream back, what appears in my mind is the man in front of me. Originally, it was all the clear Guo Jing. The image of a young girl's heart suddenly became hazy at this moment.

She couldn't help struggling in her heart, feeling very distressed. Although the women in the grassland were a little more forthright, but this kind of emotional matter is not something that doesn't need to be troubled if you are bold.

Suddenly, Huazheng felt his body float up, as if he was flying in the sky.

Well, it does look like it is flying in the sky.



Two screams that could pierce people's eardrums sounded, one was from Princess Huazheng who had reacted, and the other was from Mei Wanying, the prefect's daughter.

It turned out that Liu Xu didn't even say a word just now, he lifted up the waists of the two girls and jumped down the cliff.

With Liu Xu's strength, the weight of the two girls is almost the same.

"Okay, stop shouting, you are the first people in the 'world' who have the opportunity to 'fly in the sky'..." Liu Xu shouted in the ears of the two girls who kept screaming: "Don't you think are you happy?"

After screaming for a while, the two women didn't feel the pain of being crushed to pieces. They couldn't help opening their eyes nervously, subconsciously looked at the distant ground, and screamed again and again.


Flying in the sky with a divine phoenix, holding the two beauties in his arms, feeling the cool air flying around his body and the sunset of Tianshan Mountain, Liu Xu's mood suddenly followed his body's whereabouts, infinite to cheer up.

Originally, because Lin Chaoying had kidnapped several of his wives without even saying hello, and left this plane of divine carvings, more than half of the depression that had arisen had dissipated.

Liu Xu looked up at the setting sun falling from the sky, and sighed in his heart, since he came to this space, he had never looked at the sunset carefully again, and when he saw it today, he felt a little touched by the scene, feeling in his heart, he entered a This kind of mysterious and mysterious realm seems to be connected with the heaven and the earth.

In the distance, the voice of the disciples of Tiezhang who was separated by a mountain, and the sound of flowing water in the stream thousands of feet away, none of these escaped Liu Xu's ears. Everything is reflected in my mind, and the spiritual perception is infinitely improved, and it expands in all directions.

The scene in the distance also clearly appeared in Liu Xu's mind, and he felt an indescribable sense of joy all over his body. Because of the beautiful sunset, his state of mind entered a level of emptiness, and the true energy in his whole body also rioted with the change of state of mind. , expanding circle by circle.

The cool air around seemed to enter Liu Xu's body along with his pores, turning into a part of Liu Xu's body.


Liu Xu couldn't help but let out a long howl, which spread throughout a radius of ten miles.

"Lin Chaoying, if you dare to abduct your sisters and leave none for your husband, I won't spank your ass next time we meet."

With the exit of these words, the remaining trace of depression in Liu Xu's heart was swept away.

With a "bang", Liu Xu felt that his dantian and brain seemed to explode, and he was hazy for a while, and then everything around him became clearer than ever before.

And the two girls in his arms were stunned by Liu Xu's long howl. They looked at him with shock in their hearts.

At this moment, they all felt an extremely absurd feeling. Liu Xu clearly hugged her, but it seemed that it was only a part of this world and did not exist at all.

His brighter eyes seemed to have an inexplicable suction, trying to suck their souls in.

The hearts of the two girls were beating wildly, and their pretty faces turned red.

Among the two girls, Huazheng was the more surprised. She saw an aura of contempt for the world from Liu Xu.

Hua Zheng had only seen this kind of aura in her father whom she admired since she was a child, and now it seems that even her father's aura is far inferior to the man who hugged her.


Liu Xu looked up to the sky and laughed, and Qingyue's laughter spread for several miles, causing the birds and beasts in the forest to run away in panic.

"Nimma, this is the rhythm that insists on driving me away!"

Liu Xu didn't expect to look at the sunset, express a burst of emotion, and then his mood suddenly changed, his cultivation base greatly improved, and his skill soared, and he couldn't suppress it.

The time when he left the Condor Shooting World could be counted with his fingers, and he could break through the void in the next second at any time and leave.

Fortunately, Liu Xu has the Sword of Immortal Jade, which can help to suppress the power. In the world of Immortal Jade, Liu Xu was forced to be ruthless and used his big move. The energy of the planes collected in several worlds was exhausted. Now the energy is replenished, but it is just a drop in the bucket .

"I would have looked at the sun more before I knew it." Liu Xu said mockingly.

In fact, he also understands that this kind of state that is almost equivalent to epiphany is something that can be encountered but not sought after. It is good luck for him to encounter it once.

Looking at the two lovely people in his arms who were staring at him in a daze, Liu Xu said without a doubt: "You are mine, don't tell me that you like other men, and don't tell me that you have anything to do with other men. Marriage, you are mine."

The two women didn't know if they were taken by Liu Xu's aura, so they nodded their heads in a daze.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1295 Five Elements Odd Gate Formation, Magical Fortune Teller Ying Gu

Huazheng suddenly remembered what she had promised, and wanted to say something, but after seeing Liu Xu's inexplicable eyes, she swallowed back the words abruptly. She felt that this man's place in her heart seemed to be Heavier again.

Xiao Wu sent the three of them to the ground, and with a "swish", they changed from a majestic phoenix into a little bird.

"Hehe, if you want to know the secret of my flying, I will tell you the same sentence after I completely become my wife."

"I don't!" Before Huazheng finished speaking, he suddenly felt his mouth was blocked by something.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fine (what are you doing)?"


"Hey, where are we going!" Mei Wanying asked behind Liu Xu, and the limp Hua Zheng who was kissed by Liu Xu just now was almost hanging on her body, her face was red.

"I don't know, there should be someone going forward." Liu Xu shrugged.

He remembered that Huang Rong and Guo Jing in the original book seemed to have met Ying Gu in this way. Originally, he didn't care whether they met Ying Gu, but now that they have come here, it would be a pity not to see them in person.

After walking for about two miles, Liu Xu saw a big mud pool surrounding a two-room thatched hut. As it was getting dark now, lights shot out from the hut, showing that the owner was still there.

Liu Xu shouted loudly: "We are passing guests, it's getting late now, we want to take a rest and ask for a drink, is that okay?"

After a long while, there was silence in the room, obviously people didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

"Damn, you're quite airy." Liu Xu frowned and said, "If you don't answer, it means you agree, and we'll go in."

As soon as the words fell, a woman's voice in the room said: "Hmph, I haven't agreed yet! But if you have the ability, come in and give it a try."

His voice was unusually cold, obviously a little annoyed at Liu Xu's uninvited visit.

"Hehe, that's what you said, we're going in." Liu Xu smiled and said, "I'll be staying at your place tonight, so treat us guests well!"

"Hmph!" Ying Gu just let out a cold and disdainful snort, obviously not believing that Liu Xu could go there.

"Brother Xu, this house is built in a muddy lake, hundreds of feet away from us, how do we get there?" the two women asked.

Although the two of them knew that Liu Xu had great supernatural powers, they didn't believe that he could jump a distance of hundreds of feet.

"I don't care about her Qimen Dunjia? As long as you walk to the round house, walk straight three steps towards the light, take four steps diagonally to the left, take another three steps straight, and take four steps diagonally to the right, and so on." Just walk straight and diagonally." Liu Xu looked confident, after all, he didn't stay in Peach Blossom Island for nothing, do you think he was having sex with Huang Rong all the time?

Ahem, isn't it?

"Wait and follow me, you can go as I go, but don't make a mistake! Otherwise, if you fall into the mud, you will stain your clothes..." Liu Xu coaxed at the person behind him The two women waved their hands, and then walked ahead. As expected, there were wooden stakes where they landed, but they were a little wobbly, crooked or slanted, but this was nothing to Liu Xu.

With Liu Xu's lightness skills, he can easily walk in even with his eyes closed.

"Oh?" A cry of surprise came from behind.

Liu Xu looked back, and it turned out that Mei Wanying, who didn't know martial arts at all, was inattentive, slipped and fell on her back.

As a result, she instinctively pulled down Huazheng in front of her with both hands, and they both fell into the quagmire together.

"Brother Xu, help!" The two women screamed at the same time.

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