"Didn't I tell you to be careful?" Seeing the distressed appearance of the two girls, Liu Xu shook his head and laughed.

Taking a few steps back, Liu Xu came to the side of the two girls, and one by one, he lifted the two girls who were already half-sinked in the quagmire up.

He didn't let go of the two girls, he only held one in one hand, concentrated his breath, and walked straight in threes and fours. After walking a hundred and nineteen steps, he had already circled in front of the square house.

Liu Xu crossed the wall with his two daughters in his arms, and landed in the courtyard on the left. Looking back, he saw that there was a courtyard inside the wall, which was divided into two halves. The left half was solid soil, and the right half was a pond.

If he landed in the right direction just now, he would definitely become a drowned rat.

Liu Xu put the two girls down and said, "Why, it's very uncomfortable, isn't it?"

"Of course, is there any place to take a bath! It's dirty and smelly..."

From the waist down of the two women, they had been completely blackened by the mud in the quagmire. The two beauties, who were originally fragrant, now had a strange smell from their bodies, and they felt uncomfortable.

The three of Liu Xu crossed the courtyard and walked towards the inner hall. After that, there was no more trap, and they entered Ying Gu's house smoothly.

Pushing the door open and entering, Liu Xu and the three looked up, and saw this woman was wearing a linen shirt, with a clear face and creamy cheeks, she was extremely beautiful, she looked less than thirty years old, she looked like a beautiful young woman.

But when one looks up, the hair is gray and the forehead is full of wrinkles, like a person over sixty years old. The eyes are the boundary of one face, the upper half is old and the lower half is young, but it seems that there is a difference of more than [-] years. So-so, so weird.

Both Huazheng and Mei Wanying looked at her with straight eyes, dumbfounded.

"It's a pity, if it weren't for the wrinkles on her forehead, she would definitely be a peerless beauty."

Both women shook their heads and sighed secretly, because the current Ying Gu is like a piece of perfect white jade mixed with a piece of black, which makes people sigh.

"Who are you guys? What are you doing here? No one is welcome here." Ying Gu frowned and asked, "If you don't make it clear, then don't blame me for being rude."

"Tch, didn't you say that we are guests if we have the ability to come in? Why are you asking who we are again?" Liu Xu said.

"When did I say that?" Ying Gu said.


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Chapter 1296 Beautiful woman, frivolous young woman

"Liar, lie, shameless, shameless!" Mei Wanying said, shaving her jade-like face.

"Hmph, little girl, so what if I'm just a scumbag? You dare to laugh at me, see if I don't teach you a lesson."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but waved his hand and attacked Mei Wanying who was against him.

Liu Xu knew that Ying Gu was moody and would do it when she said she wanted to, regardless of who the other party was, so he had already prevented her from hurting the two girls.

A crotch blocked Mei Wanying's front, but Liu Xu didn't make a move and let Ying Gu attack him.


Ying Gu's palm hit Liu Xu's body, and the person who was beaten didn't even move his body. Instead, Ying Gu backed away repeatedly, leaned back on the chair, and fell to the ground. Xu didn't hurt her heart, so although she was embarrassed, she didn't suffer any injuries.

Ying Gu jumped up angrily, and said angrily: "You bully me, an old woman, don't think that I'm afraid of you because of my high martial arts skills."

"What is it all about? How did I bully you? You didn't attack us first." Liu Xu thought.

Suddenly, the two girls who stared at Yinggu who had just fallen and got up from behind her also yelled loudly. It seemed that half of a piece of skin had fallen off her forehead, and the other half was still stuck to it. Under that half, smooth and white skin was exposed.

Seeing the strange gazes of the two women, Ying Gu felt the sensation on her forehead, exclaimed, and stretched out her hand to press the piece of skin back again.

At this moment, a shadow flashed in front of her eyes, and someone touched her forehead.

"give me back."

Ying Gu rushed forward, trying to snatch the piece of skin from Liu Xu's hand that she used to put wrinkles on.

"Hehe, I said beautiful sister, it's fine if you don't dress yourself up beautifully. With no makeup, why do you want to put a piece of pigskin on your head to pretend to be an old lady? Is it fun to be ugly? You have the ability Come grab it!"

With a sway of his body, Liu Xu passed Ying Gu. How could his martial arts be comparable to that of Ying Gu.

Ying Gu used her skills enough to grab it for a long time, making herself sweaty but didn't even touch a piece of Liu Xu's clothes.

She was so tired that she stopped and was out of breath, her face was flushed red, she stared at him fiercely and said: "Whether I want to pretend to be old is none of your business, give me back the skin."

Liu Xu was stupefied. Ying Gu leaned against the wall and continued to breathe heavily. Her clothes were already soaked in sweat. I don't know if it was because of the intense exercise just now, but a button in front of her collar was undone. Slightly dew, drips of crystal sweat adhered to it, making her look more charming and charming when she was out of breath.

Almost all of Liu Xu's wives were young girls, even Lin Yu, who was a little older, was as young as Huang Rong and the others because of practicing the Jade Heart Sutra.

Not to mention Lin Chaoying, will the fairy grow old after breaking the void?

So this kind of top-quality beautiful young woman has never been owned before, and now when she first sees Ying Gu who seems to be in spring, she feels a little strange.

"Sister, so you are so beautiful!" Mei Wanying and Hua Zheng said in unison.

They didn't understand why Ying Gu wanted to pretend to be old.

"What are you looking at? Believe it or not, I'll dig out your eyes, and return the things to me."

Seeing that Liu Xu's eyes kept piercing her mouth, Ying Gu rushed forward ferociously while blushing.

She didn't care whether she was Liu Xu's opponent at all, maybe it didn't matter to her!

Liu Xu smiled and said, "You brought this to your door yourself!"

She wrapped her arms around her and hugged Ying Gu in her arms.

"Hehe, it smells so good. It's wrong to be ugly. Doesn't it make us men sad?" Liu Xu said while stretching out his hands on Ying Gu and becoming dishonest.

"Dengtuzi! If you don't learn well at such a young age, let me go!" Like a wild cat, Ying Gu twisted her body in Liu Xu's arms and struggled.

Liu Xu's breathing suddenly became quickened, because of that chick Lin Chaoying, he hadn't touched a woman for a long time, and his body actually reacted to being teased by Ying Gu.

Suddenly, Ying Gu felt something strange, her eyes widened and she couldn't believe that Liu Xu had really played tricks on her old woman (she thought she was used to pretending to be old, but in fact she was a beautiful young woman).

While dumbstruck, Ying Gu suddenly felt her mouth was gagged.

Before she could react, she instinctively responded blankly.

It wasn't until there was no more air in her lungs and her pretty face was blushing that Ying Gu suddenly realized and pushed his face away.

"What are you doing? Brat, you dare to belittle me, I'm going to kill you."

Ying Gu woke up in an instant, understood what she was doing, and couldn't help but glared at Liu Xu murderously.

Liu Xu turned around and said to Hua Zheng and Mei Wanying: "You guys are so dirty from the mud, why don't you go take a bath in the pond outside?"

In fact, he didn't need to say, the two girls already wanted to run away, they just stared blankly just now.

outside the house.

"Hua Zheng, brother Xu won't force that sister, will he?" Mei Wanying said.

"It's possible, but a strong man is qualified to do this." Huazheng nodded as a matter of course.

Mei Wanying sticks out her tongue, she doesn't quite understand the Mongolian way of thinking.

In the room.

"What do you want? Don't mess around! I'm old enough to be your mother." Seeing Liu Xu dismissing the two girls, Ying Gu suddenly panicked.

"It's because you can be my mother that I want you." Liu Xu laughed, but this smile is so lewd no matter how you look at it.

"I tell you, if you dare to touch me, my husband will not let you go." Ying Gu said.

"Husband, are you a man with a husband? An old naughty boy or Prince Duan? It seems like neither! You are just alone now." Liu Xu said.

"How do you know about them? Who are you?" Ying Gu said in a cold voice with a startled face.


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Chapter 1297 Do business with Ying Gu, make a deal with the real murderer

"You don't need to know who I am now." Liu Xu said: "I only know the two people who are related to you. One doesn't want to see you at all and hides from you, and the other has become a monk and won't want you. You will only It's just a widow for a lifetime."

"You're talking nonsense!" Ying Gu shouted.

Although she knew in her heart that the old naughty boy didn't want to see her at all, and didn't even care about any woman, including her.

In Zhou Botong's heart, he only knew to play around like a child, so how could he really like any woman?

When she got close to her at the beginning, it was just a momentary involuntary emotion. It can be seen from Zhou Botong's unhesitating rejection of her later, but she still deceived herself into not believing it.

"Am I talking nonsense, you know it in your heart." Liu Xu chuckled, "We should get down to business now."

"What's the business, what business do you and I have to do, get the hell out of here, what's wrong with you being so heavy on me?" Ying Gu said viciously to Liu Xu.

"Hey, of course we have business to do. I haven't touched a woman in the past half a month. Who told you to stir up my fire, so you have to be responsible."

After finishing speaking, only a "hiss" sound was heard.

Ying Gu suddenly felt her mouth go cold, and her clothes were torn.

To be honest, when Liu Xu was watching Shooting the Condors, he couldn't get used to the woman under him, and even hated it.

This woman Ying Gu is not only violent and irritable, vicious and vicious, she resorts to unscrupulous means to kill people for revenge. Forgive her, but also willing to restore the old good.

After learning that Ying Gu was having an affair with someone and became pregnant, Prince Duan even took good care of him, but Ying Gu was so hard-hearted that he didn't feel any remorse and moved her.

Isn't this intentional to provoke and hurt Prince Duan?

She never considered her husband's feelings at all.

Later, when the child was injured, it was reasonable for the Emperor Duan not to save this scoundrel, even a man would not be so generous!

Sacrifice the martial arts that she has worked hard all her life to save a child born to a wife who had an affair with someone. Ying Gu has been brooding over decades, and she is obsessed with wanting to kill Prince Duan for revenge, which makes people speechless.

If you want revenge, you should find the person who killed your son, right?

Has she ever thought about who is sorry for whom?

Prince Duan has nothing to owe her. It is completely unreasonable for Ying Gu to hate him. To be precise, she has no face to hate him at all.

If he were Prince Duan, let alone forgive her and take care of their mother and child, he would be considered insane if he didn't slap their mother and child to death.

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