Of course, apart from these, Liu Xu's infatuation with Ying Gu was also somewhat moved, otherwise he wouldn't be putting her under him now.

"Ah! Don't be like this, let me go, okay? If you want women, I can catch you some for you to enjoy. I will catch you as many as you want, and the two girls outside are too. Younger and more beautiful than this old woman like me, why don't you look for them?"

Ying Gu's clothes were torn to pieces by Liu Xu, her pretty face flushed and she screamed again and again.

After hearing her voice, Liu Xu cast his fiery eyes over her, and couldn't help but be moved by her shameful and angry expression.

There was a red light in his eyes, and he couldn't bear it anymore...

"No, we can't do that."

"What can't be done?"

"You little prostitute, if you dare to harm me, I will show you to death."

"Ha ha!"

"Ah! Don't! Woooooo..."

"Okay, don't cry, open your eyes, I haven't started yet! If you don't believe me, look."

"How can you let me go?"

"Beautiful sister, you are wrong, I should ask you how to do business with me willingly!"

"What kind of business is this?"

Ying Gu almost yelled, but her heart was so painful that she died.

"Haha, I said yes!"

Liu Xu laughed out loud.

"You refused to follow me so desperately because of Brother Zhou, right?" Liu Xu said.

"You know him? Where is he?" Ying Gu hurriedly hugged Liu Xu and said.

"I don't know where he is, but I know that he doesn't love you at all, and even hopes that he will never see you. If you insist on waiting for him, even if you die of old age, don't expect him to come to you. Believe it or not?"

"You are talking nonsense."

Although Ying Gu firmly refused to admit it, she believed it in her heart.

The old urchin had avoided her for decades, and when he was in Dali, he abandoned her without hesitation. This is the best proof.

And a few days ago, she also met the old naughty boy, but when the old naughty boy saw her, he seemed to see a ghost, kept yelling "Don't come to me", and then ran away without a trace. Ying Gu, who was happy to see him, felt a big chill in her heart.

"Forget it, I knew you would say that, how about I make a deal with you?" Liu Xu said.

"What deal?" Ying Gu asked.

"I'll tell you who killed your son, and help you avenge it, but you, how about you, you will be my woman and never think about other men?"

After hearing what he said, Ying Gu suddenly became excited.

"Do you know who killed my son? Who? Tell me! As long as you help me kill him, I will do whatever you want me to do."

"Hehe, you said this yourself. Don't go back on your word in the future. It was Qiu Qianren who killed your son." Liu Xu said, "Qiu Qianren floats on the iron palm."

"What?? I'm going to kill him, let me go."

Ying Gu was about to get up as soon as she said that, regardless of whether what Liu Xu said was true or not.

Anyway, as far as she is concerned, as long as it may be the person who killed his son, she would rather kill the wrong person than let it go.

Even if hundreds of people are killed by mistake, as long as one of them is the real murderer, it will be fine.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1298 How Did I Be Yours?

Liu Xu had expected Ying Gu's reaction, so why should she leave now!

He pushed her to the ground and said viciously: "I've already told you, shouldn't it be time for you to fulfill your promise?"

"I, I, I... I, can I wait..." Ying Gu stammered.

"No!" Liu Xu didn't care what she had to say, he resolutely refused, and rushed forward, "I have already told you who the murderer of your son is, do you still want to renege on it?"


Just as Liu Xu and Ying Gu were being rolled by the waves, a young girl was walking around outside the house with a pretty blushing face, wondering if she should take a peek.

This girl was Princess Huazheng who had just gone out to wash the mud off her body. After she and Mei Wanying washed their bodies, they found that there was no change of dress to wear. Luckily, besides the three women, there was only Liu Xu here. It didn't make them feel too embarrassed.

But even so, they can't always run around without pants, can they?

In desperation, the two had no choice but to split up, let one clean the original trousers there, and the other sneaked back and borrowed dresses from Ying Gu for them.

Knowing Liu Xu's perverted character, Mei Wanying guessed that he would not do anything good in there, so she voluntarily stayed to wash their clothes and let Hua Zheng come back.

As soon as Huazheng arrived at the door, he heard some strange voices...

This kind of voice is not unfamiliar to Hua Zheng. Her father is Genghis Khan, her brothers are princes, and there are many wives. Sometimes when she goes to find her father and brother, she often hears this voice.

As he grew older, Hua Zheng naturally understood what this meant.

After staying outside the door for a long time, Princess Huazheng's little face became more and more red when seeing the weird voice inside.

"Brother Liu, how could it take so long?"

Huazheng stomped her little feet, couldn't help but walked over curiously, and gently pushed the door open a little.

She didn't dare to make a sound at all, and squinted her lovely big eyes to peer inside.

When Hua Zheng saw the scene inside, his face became even more rosy.

After watching for a while, with a panicked cry, a figure of a cute girl whose body was already too weak broke open the door and came in.

"Hua Zheng, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Xu was taken aback, but reacted immediately.

He wanted to go up to help her up, when he suddenly saw this flustered little girl, not even wearing pants, plus her little red face and watery eyes.

Liu Xu immediately understood. He thought something happened, but he didn't expect it to be a little girl peeking outside?

He put Huazheng, who was curled up in his arms like a kitten, on Yinggu's bed, and said next to her ear: "Little girl, have you been peeking just now?"

When Huazheng heard Liu Xu asking her, she knew that she couldn't avoid it, so she raised her little head and said with a twitch, "So what if I just peeked? You...you can't laugh at me."

Seeing her pitiful and cute appearance, Liu Xu smiled and said, "So what if I laugh at you? Are you crying for me?"

"You...you bullied me, I won't play with you anymore, find me a pair of pants." Huazheng said with a flushed face.

"I haven't started bullying you yet! Little girl, why are you looking for pants? Isn't it good now?" Liu Xu teased.

Liu Xu said in a weak voice: "Brother Liu, it's not right for us to do this. I still have a marriage contract with someone else."

Liu Xu was not angry but happy when he heard that, because what Hua Zheng said was that she had a marriage contract with someone else instead of Guo Jing, which meant that she had fallen in love with herself and gradually forgot about Guo Jing.

"Hua Zheng, I told you that you are mine, have you forgotten?" Liu Xu said.

Hearing what he said, Huazheng remembered his domineering declaration not long ago, and she didn't seem to object. She felt shy for a while, but felt a little guilty towards Guo Jing.

"Does this count as a bad woman who has cheated on me? I shouldn't! Brother Guo Jing and I haven't married yet, besides, brother Guo Jing has never treated me as a woman, and has always called my sister over." .”

Thinking of this, Hua Zheng shyly retorted to Liu Xu while making excuses for himself: "I didn't promise you! How did I become yours?"

"It doesn't matter if you agree or not. Big Brother Liu wants you now. Let's see what you have to say, little girl."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu suddenly pushed Huazheng's two small hands that were protecting Yuexiong's mouth away, pressing them on the sides of her small head.

"What are you doing? Big bastard! Mmmmmmmm!"

Huazheng struggled to resist at first, but she also knew that resistance was useless.


"Okay, I knew you didn't do anything good, big bastard, you actually gave sister Huazheng and this sister together..." A young girl figure appeared at the door, with a red face, pouting her mouth, and her tone was full Yes sour.

"Uh, why did you come here without wearing pants like Huazheng?"


"Yeah, don't watch."

Two screams sounded, one was from Hua Zheng who had reacted, and the other was from Mei Wanying who appeared suddenly.

"You girl came in without pants, do you want to play with us! Brother Xu is very welcome here." Liu Xu looked at the shy and angry girl triumphantly, and said with a smirk: "Look where there is something to do comfortable!"


Huddled in her arms like a cat, Hua Zheng pinched Liu Xu hard, and pushed her little head into his arms, as if this would relieve the embarrassment of being ruined by Mei Wanying.

In fact, she is not too embarrassed now. After all, she is also from Mongolia, and her atmosphere is quite open. It was only because of the sudden incident just now that she was particularly embarrassed.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1299 Give birth, the third girl

Mei Wanying regretted it so much now, she would have asked Hua Zheng to wash her pants if she knew about it, and came by herself, so that Hua Zheng wouldn't get ahead of her.

She didn't know that she was shy for a while, but she became the last one to enter the door. Mei Wanying waited for a long time by the small pond to wash her pants, but Huazheng came back, so she finally couldn't help but peeked.

As soon as she got outside the door, she saw Liu Xu and Hua Zheng having sex.

Mei Wanying of Huaichun, a young girl, felt a little sour in her heart at the same time her desire was rising.

I remembered that I had known Liu Xu for so long and hadn't made any substantial progress with him, while Hua Zheng and Liu Xu had not long known each other, and they had completely become his wife.

Under the strong smell of vinegar, Mei Wanying couldn't help shouting out, hoping that he would also pay attention to herself.

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