Originally, she didn't want to give it to Liu Xu so early, but now that Hua Zheng got it first, the chick became anxious instead.

Although she knew she was not wearing pants, Mei Wanying rushed in to interrupt Liu Xu and Hua Zheng's good business.

Liu Xu let go of Hua Zheng, walked up to Little Pepper Mei Wanying, who had flustered eyes, hugged her in a daze, and whispered into her little ear, "You really don't want to play games with me? Today Brother Xu How about turning you into a real woman like Hua Zheng?"

Smelling the scent of a man so close at hand, Little Chili couldn't get hot anymore, and stammered: "No...no...don't...you scoundrel, I don't want to play such a bad game!"

"You said it doesn't count."

"Yeah, what are you doing?"

"Of course it's doing what I've already done twice."

"Woo! Don't do this! Liu...Brother Liu..."

"Hey, when we take the child home directly, my father-in-law won't force you to be a concubine."

"You bad guy, I knew you were a bad guy from the first time I saw you, and you've been bullying others... who wants to have a baby with you..."

"I, I am willing to give birth to him...Brother Liu, you can't be partial, Huazheng also wants a child..."

"And me, you little bastard, you actually bullied two little girls in my room."

Liu Xu looked up, but found that Gu Ying had woken up at some point, staring at him and said, "Little pervert, you won't think I'm old after having two little girls!"

"Haha! How could it be! You are also a girl, you are all my girls..."


After sleeping for less than two hours, Liu Xu woke up refreshed.

It was twilight outside the window, and a few cicada cries could be heard faintly, knowing that it was already dawn.

He pinched the three girls a few times until they were murmuring in sleep, then Liu Xu carefully pushed away their white and tender bodies and stood up.

Liu Xu opened the door and breathed in the fresh air in the forest.

"Ah, don't snatch my child... don't touch my child, kill me if you want... please... Prince Duan, please, save my child... I know I was wrong, The child is innocent... I beg you... woo..."

"Brother Xu, come quickly, something is wrong with Sister Ying!"

Liu Xu, who was pretending to close his eyes and feel what it was called the way of nature, heard the noise in the room and ran back quickly.

"what happened?"

"Brother Xu, you are back, what do you think happened to her?"

Mei Wanying pointed to Ying Gu who was dancing around on the bed. Liu Xu looked up and saw that she was being pressed by two women, her eyes were still tightly closed, she hadn't woken up, but she was sweating and crying profusely. Shouting such words as the child and the fact that he is innocent, his hands and feet trembled everywhere.

Knowing that Ying Gu was having a nightmare, Liu Xu hurriedly signaled the two girls to let go of her, then walked forward, hugged Ying Gu's writhing body tightly, put one hand on her back, and stretched her True Qi was sent into her body...

After doing all this, Liu Xu patted Ying Gu's red face to wake her up.

"Little thief, is that you? Where's my child? Where's my child? Have you seen my child?"

As soon as Ying Gu woke up, she pushed Liu Xu away, got up and turned around, looking around.

"Ying Gu, wake up it's me, your child died long ago, what you just had was a nightmare from twenty years ago."

Liu Xu looked at her dazed appearance, and suddenly felt a little distressed, how could Ying Gu be considered his woman now.

"He died a long time ago... He died a long time ago, yes, he died a long time ago... Huh... It was all caused by me... It was all caused by Duan Zhengxing... Zhou Botong doesn't want me, he hides from me, no one wants to Everyone hates me when they see me... woo woo..."

Ying Gu didn't seem to wake up until this time, holding her cheeks with both hands, shaking her body non-stop, and finally sat down on the ground, holding her two calves tightly with her hands, weeping, tears running down her face .

"Brother Xu, what's wrong with Sister Yinggu? She seems very sad, do you want me to comfort her?" Hua Zheng blinked her big eyes and said.

"Uh, Sister Huazheng, she is very sad. Everyone seems to be able to see it. If you want to comfort her, don't you need to ask us?" Mei Wanying once again confirmed that she and Sister Huazheng have a generation gap of different ethnicities.

"That's not true. If Brother Xu doesn't like her, I don't have to comfort her. Let her cry..." Huazheng said naturally.

Mei Wanying and Liu Xu were speechless for a while, the communication between the two girls seemed to be somewhat problematic.

"Yinggu, don't cry, I said I will avenge your child."

Liu Xu wiped away the tears on Ying Gu's face with his big hands, and sighed in his heart that women's tears are really powerful.

Originally, I could not get used to Ying Gu's actions in the original book, but now seeing her crying so sadly, I feel that she is justifiable.

"Little pervert, yesterday you told me that the murderer of my son was Qiu Qianren, Qiu Qianren from the Iron Palm Gang. Is that true? How did you know that?"

Ying Gu was both nervous and resentful, her complexion was extremely complicated.


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Chapter 1300 Calling Husband, Do Business

She tightly grasped Liu Xu's shoulders with both hands. Yesterday, Liu Xu released her desires that had been suppressed for decades, and her mind was full of that kind of male and female matters. Now she is finally awake and knows what she should do. The two The word "revenge".

Liu Xu originally wanted to make a joke, you shouldn't be called a little prostitute, you should be called your husband, otherwise you will spank your ass, but seeing Yinggu's teary eyes, he couldn't bear to make a joke, so he stretched out his hand to hug her, sat down Said on the bed.

"Yes, it's Qiu Qianren. Can I still lie to you, your husband? It is true that Qiu Qianren killed your son twenty years ago. As for this news, I learned it by accident. I promised to help you kill him yesterday. Don't worry, now you just need to be my baby lover obediently."

"I don't." Ying Gu said through gritted teeth.

"What, do you want to go back on your word? You know we have done everything, did you not punish you enough by sitting on the bed yesterday? Let me tell you, no one can rely on your husband and me. Believe it or not, I will do it now Put you on the ground and perform the Fa-rectification a hundred times." Liu Xu said with a cold face.

"Okay, okay, brother Xu will treat sister Yinggu like this." Mei Wanying and Huazheng seemed very tempted by Liu Xu's proposal, and Huazheng showed anticipation even more.

"Shut up the two little perverts, don't make fooling around."

Liu Xu stretched out a hand and scratched the noses of the two girls, making the two girls shake his arm reluctantly.

And Ying Gu was also disturbed by the three of them, her sad mood faded a lot, and she gave her little husband a shy look.

"I mean, I want to kill the man who killed my son myself."

"Oh, so that's the case! I thought you were going to play tricks even after I hugged you to bed, to scare your husband."

When Ying Gu heard that Liu Xu claimed to be her husband, she couldn't help but blushed.

Thinking of the woman's happiness she got from him yesterday, Ying Gu's heart pounded even more. She knew that she was finished, both physically and mentally were taken by this little man who was twenty years younger than herself.

"I don't admit that you are my husband! I can be your mother, and you are my son." Ying Gu lowered her head and said.

"Okay, mother, wife, I can call you mother! As long as you want, after we have a baby, I will call you that, hahahaha..." Liu Xu said with a teasing smirk: " I want milk!"

"You...you are so shameless." Ying Gu didn't think that someone could be so shameless, her face instantly turned red with embarrassment.

"Haha, I'm just shameless. Do you want me to call you mother or wife now? Both are the same to me, anyway, you have to raise children for me." Liu Xu said.

"You...you...you should call me my wife!" Ying Gu was helplessly defeated by someone's shameless words.

If Liu Xu were to be called a mother, he would say such nonsense when he was having sex with him in the future. Wouldn't he be shy enough to wipe his neck directly, and be laughed to death by others? .

Especially those two little girls, Ying Gu looked up at the two little girls who were still fighting.

"You still don't call me husband, call me quickly!" Liu Xu said aggressively.

"I don't..." Ying Gu was halfway through speaking, seeing Liu Xu's unquestionable expression, she couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "Husband...husband...it's all right now...are you alright? You bastard."

Seeing that she was subdued and satisfied, Liu Xu said with a serious face, "Okay, enough joking around, it's time for me and Ying Gu to get down to business."

"It's business!"

The three girls were taken aback when they heard the word business, and then they all blushed.

"Bah, the little pervert is thinking about bad things... It's only been half of the night, and you're not tired!" Gu Ying said angrily with a sip.

"Uh! Hahaha..." Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed. It was only then that he remembered that the meaning of the word "business" had been distorted by himself.

"Three little perverts, what are you thinking! Your husband and I are not studs for breeding in the ranch. How can I be so exaggerated after eating and cooking! What I'm talking about is that now we are going to go away from here together. The Iron Palm Mountain is far away, just to avenge Ying Gu earlier."

"Ah! You are bad." Mei Wanying and Huazheng girl Qiao said.

Ying Gu immediately got up and put on her clothes, she changed instantly from before, with a face full of resentment and vicious gnashing of teeth, muttering in her mouth: "Qiu Qianren, wait for me, I'm going to tear you to pieces .”

Seeing Ying Gu's appearance, the scalps of the other two girls became numb. After listening for so long, they also knew that it was the child named Qiu Qianren who killed this sister, but they didn't expect Ying Gu's resentment to be so frightening, so they couldn't help thinking to themselves: "In the future, we must not provoke this sister for nothing."

At the same time, I wiped away the sweat in my heart for Qiu Qianren, whom I had never seen before, and may the Buddha bless you not to die so ugly, but looking at sister Ying's appearance, it should be impossible.

After Ying Gu got dressed, Liu Xu left with her.

Although Hua Zheng and Mei Wanying also clamored to follow, they were rejected by Liu Xu.

He's here to kill, not to play, it's better for the two girls who barely know martial arts to stay here and not go anywhere.

Iron Palm Mountain is indeed not far from here, and the two arrived in less than half an hour.

As soon as they reached the gate, several big men with machetes jumped out and stood in front of them.

Liu Xu counted eight people. Compared with the two people yesterday, the guards were obviously a little stricter. It seemed that they were still taken aback by their breaking into the forbidden area yesterday.

"Who are you? Idlers are not allowed to enter here. If you don't want to die, you can go down the mountain." A big man in the lead shouted.

"Wow, Brother Qian, don't let them go. Look at that girl, she's really delicious. She's much more beautiful than the girl we caught in the village at the bottom of the mountain a few days ago! We are blessed." Another big man pointed at Yinggu. Said.


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Chapter 1301 Aunt Ying is ashamed, dedicated to her brother-in-law

Since Ying Gu didn't put a piece of pigskin on her forehead to pretend to be ugly, she is very eye-catching now.

Hearing what he said, the other big men obviously found this exciting thing and swallowed their saliva.

"Hey, boy, you can go, leave this chick here, and let the old men enjoy it."

Both Liu Xu and Ying Gu frowned. When the previous leaders of the Iron Palm Gang were around, the whole gang was so benevolent and righteous. Even compared to the current Beggar Gang, it was even worse. How did you know that Qiu Qianren It became like this in his hands, and he was no different from a bandit.

What kind of boss really has what kind of subordinates!

"Where's Qiu Qianren? Tell him to get out and die." Ying Gu said coldly.

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