"Bold, you dare to call our leader by his first name, do you know what you are talking about?" Several big men shouted in unison.

"Why don't you dare, his name Qiu Qianren was originally called by people." Liu Xu stepped forward, looked at them and said, "It's his blessing that my woman is willing to call him by his name? He doesn't want to call him by his name." It deserves my Liu Xu's attention."

The eight people were about to explode when they heard the arrogant words, but their eyes immediately softened when they touched Liu Xu.


The eight big men gasped, their legs trembled slightly, and they were no longer as arrogant as before.

A terrifying aura erupted from the body of the young man in front of them, a trace of murderous aura erupted from the eyes that had a flash of blood just now, and the wanton breeze blowing around seemed to be They all stopped because of his murderous aura.

The tyrannical momentum fluctuated, spreading out like ripples, and it actually directly lifted the nearby flowers and plants.


Liu Xu snorted coldly.

The eight people were already lying limp on the ground, trembling, but they dared not get up no matter what.

Perhaps they would never have imagined in their dreams that one day they would be frightened to the ground by just their aura and the murderous look in their eyes.

Even if I and others think that the gang leader with the best martial arts in the world can't do it, a terrifying thought flashed in the hearts of the eight people: "If the young man in front of me who looks like he is about [-] wants to kill their gang leader, it may not take a long time." trick."

Although they thought their idea was absurd, the eight of them still thought so in their hearts.

"Where's Qiu Qianren?" Liu Xu said calmly.

"Big brother, my lord..." Qian Dabiao, the big man called Big Brother Qian, said bravely, "Our leader said that he has something important to go out, so he is on the mountain now."

After barely finishing a sentence, he felt that his back was covered in cold sweat.

"What, he's not here, how could he not be here? You're lying." With red eyes, Ying Gu grabbed Qian Dabiao's collar and shook it vigorously.

Qian Dabiao didn't dare to resist, and hurriedly said: "Sister, our leader is really not here, I swear what I said is true. The villain watched him leave the iron palm with his own eyes, if you don't believe me, you can ask a few people around me brother!"

"Forget it, Yinggu, he's telling the truth." With Liu Xu's current cultivation, if ordinary people lie in front of him, unless they are master-level liars, they will definitely not be able to outperform him, and what about the gangster in front of him? It doesn't look like he got the true biography of Qiu Qianren's elder brother Qiu Qianzhang.

After hearing her little man's words, Ying Gu angrily put down Qian Dabiao's collar, still pointing at the other seven people unwillingly and shouting: "Is that old thief Qiu Qianren really not here? If you dare to lie, I will tear you apart." Your mouth."

"It's really not there! How dare we lie to this lord and you!" Several people said one after another.

"Since Qiu Qianren is not on Tiezhang Mountain, where has he gone?" Liu Xu frowned, and then said to Ying Gu: "Ying Gu, don't panic, where can he go with his Tiezhang gang here. "

After listening to Liu Xu's words, Ying Gu calmed down a bit, looked at him with a moved face and said, "Thank you, if you hadn't told me that Qiu Qianren killed my son, I'm afraid I would never know who the real culprit is and give up on myself for the rest of my life." Husband, thank you."

"I just like to talk silly things. Since you call me husband, can I still help you? If you really want to thank me, you can just serve husband well like last night. Oh, it's better to give husband a few more children." That's even better, kid."

"You, you really are not a good thing." At first, Ying Gu was touched to death after hearing the first half of Liu Xu's sentence, but she didn't know that he couldn't spit ivory out of his dog's mouth, so she suddenly brought up that embarrassing thing again.

"I never said I was a good thing!" Liu Xu moved his ears and immediately noticed that many people were running towards them, "Hehe, let's go, a bunch of people are coming towards us, it should be the Iron Palm help people."

"Let's go!" Without hesitation, Liu Xu picked up Ying Gu and was about to leave in broad daylight.

However, today is obviously an eventful day for Liu Xu.

Just when he was about to perform lightness kung fu and leave, Liu Xu was stopped by a young man in his mid-twenties and a rather pretty woman.

Behind them was a group of people dressed the same as the eight gatekeepers outside, but they didn't see Qiu Qianren.

"Hehe, we are going to find the real Qiu Qianren and kill him, please let me go." Liu Xu waved his hand casually and said, "Your Tiezhang Mountain's scenery is not very good, I don't have time to appreciate it, so you don't have to be polite to leave us alone." The husband and wife have eaten."

With that tone, demeanor, and voice, Liu Xu didn't seem to notice that there were hundreds of big men with knives in front of him.

"Stinky boy, what did you say?" The young man jumped out and shouted loudly: "If you want to die, don't find Tiezhang Mountain. I will capture you, a brazen brat, and present it to brother-in-law."

"Who are you?" Liu Xu said lazily.


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Chapter 1302 Iron palm lotus, poisonous woman and evil man

"I am..." The young man was about to say something, but was stopped by the woman behind him, "You go down first, how can I have your say here?"

"Yes, yes." The young man nodded and bowed quickly, and said respectfully.

He obediently retreated behind the woman, but Liu Xu saw the deep hatred in the flash of light in his eyes.

"Hehe, this handsome little brother, so you like this one too! As long as you obediently stay and serve my sister, my sister will not pursue the matter of you brazenly trying to kill my second brother." The woman threw a Said with a wink.

"Okay, what do you mean by that?" Liu Xu was a little confused. Seeing her staring at Ying Gu in his arms strangely, he probably understood what she meant. It probably meant that he had an Oedipus complex!

Wait, his name is Brother Qiu Qianren, could it be...

Also, what did the young man just say to his brother-in-law? Qiu Qianren is his brother-in-law?

Then his identity...

"Uh, isn't your name Qiu Qianchi?"

"Hey! Brother, how do you know your sister's name? It seems that you and your sister are very destined? Do you want to stay as my sister's little lover?"

Woman, oh, no, it was Qiu Qianchi who said.

As soon as her words came out, everyone on the stage had different expressions. That Gongsun Zhi, who Liu Xu probably guessed was the villain in The Condor, turned green, and his wife blatantly wanted to cuckold him. green?But he didn't dare to say a word, so he could only stand aside angrily.

Yinggu's face also changed, she struggled to get out of Liu Xu's embrace, then pointed at Qiu Qianchi and scolded: "Shameless whore, don't even look at how old she is, and what kind of virtue she has, to seduce men in broad daylight .”

Qiu Qianchi's face turned sharp, and he said angrily: "Stinky bitch, you are not much younger than me, why do you say that about me? Don't think it's all about being good-looking. Believe it or not, this old lady will tear your face to pieces? See if you are still What capital do you have to make this handsome little brother love you?"

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly felt a figure flash past in front of her eyes.

With a "snap", there was a crisp slap.

Qiu Qianchi stared blankly at Liu Xu who looked at him with a gloomy face and cold eyes.

"Stinky boy, you are so courageous." Gongsun Zhi was shocked and jumped out, but he didn't dare to go forward.

He knew Qiu Qianchi's martial arts, and Qiu Qianchi was slapped when he couldn't react, and it was useless for him to do it.

Liu Xu ignored Gongsun Zhi for a moment, stared at Qiu Qianchi and said, "Is my woman someone you can scold?"

From the moment he confirmed that the woman in front of him was Qiu Qianchi and the man was Gongsunzhi, he thought of the poor girl Gongsun Lue in the sculpture, and suddenly felt panicked.

The more I look at these two people, the more disgusting I feel. Such vicious women and men should not live in this world at all.

"My boy, you dare to hit me. I wanted to spare your life because you were handsome, but now I won't let you or this bitch go." Qiu Qianchi said harshly.

"Hehe, don't let me go, are you sure you didn't say the wrong thing?"

Liu Xu looked at her like an idiot, curled his lips in disdain, who else in this world of eagle shooting is qualified to say this to him.

"You die for me."

Apparently, Liu Xu's attitude angered Qiu Qianchi, a vicious woman, again. She pushed him towards him, intending to kill Liu Xu with one blow.

She is known as the Iron Palm Lotus, and her martial arts are naturally not low. Although she is not as good as Qiu Qianren, she has reached the peak of Houtian.

But Qiu Qianchi didn't know that the person she was going to face was an innate peak being.

Liu Xu sneered at the corner of his mouth. Ever since he knew they were Qiu Qianchi and his wife, he planned to disappear their names from this world.

Qiu Qianchi watched helplessly as he slapped Liu Xu's mouth with an iron palm, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, she felt something was wrong, as if her iron palm had been slapped into a ball of air, there was no force, and it did not have the usual power of crushing rocks and cracking iron.

Qiu Qianchi wanted to withdraw his hand from Liu Xu's Yuexiong mouth, but felt powerless, and suddenly panicked in his heart.

She originally thought that when the boy in front of her slapped her, she just lost her mind for a while, but now she realized that was not the case at all.

While panicking, he suddenly felt his neck being grabbed by a big hand and lifted up.

There was a "click", the bones on the neck were twisted, and then there was darkness in front of the eyes, and the body that was far away from consciousness disappeared instantly.

Liu Xu shook the corpse in his hand, and threw her to Gongsun Zhi's side like a piece of trash.

"Ah! You killed her?"

Gongsunzhi looked at the corpse under his feet in disbelief. Normally, he wished that this stinky woman would die quickly, and he would be too happy to die, but now seeing Liu Xu's unfriendly eyes towards him, he just felt that his whole body was covered with blood. Cool.

"Quick... catch him quickly...he killed Gang Leader Qiu's sister!" Gongsun Zhi shouted at the hundred big men behind him while running backwards.

In fact, he didn't need to say that those big men had already reacted, and rushed towards Liu Xu with their swords drawn.

"Hahaha..." Liu Xu couldn't stop laughing at Gongsun Zhi who was running away. He picked up Yinggu and chased him, dodging left and right. Waving the knife in his hand, he couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

Seeing such a scene, Gongsunzhi became even more frightened, and ran away with all his strength, but if Liu Xu was allowed to run away with his current cultivation, then Liu Xu might buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

Gongsun Zhi, who was running fast, suddenly felt his body lighten, and he was held in the air with one hand, and his whole body was enveloped by an aura, unable to move.

"Please let me go, as long as you are willing to let me live, I will definitely give you countless benefits." Gongsunzhi begged for mercy in a struggling voice.


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Chapter 1303 Gongsun Zhi died, misty rain upstairs

"Since you are so afraid of death, you should be a good person and not come to me, let alone let me know that your name is Gongsun Zhi." Liu Xu thought for a while and smiled: "Uh, well, I can still Give you a chance, as long as you tell me where Qiu Qianren has gone, I will consider saving your life."

"He was invited by the Sixth Prince of the Kingdom of Jin. I only know what seems to be the agreement with the Misty Rain Tower in Jiaxing, and I don't know anything else." Gongsunzhi said hastily.

"Oh, so that's the case! Then you can die." Liu Xu said.

Under Gongsunzhi's terrified, unwilling, and disbelieving eyes, Liu Xu casually stamped his palm on his Yuexiong mouth, and sent him flying.

There was a sound of bone shattering, Gongsun Zhi lay on the ground with reluctance to die, Yue Xiong's mouth was dented.

"I'm just thinking about it, I didn't say I'll save your life." Liu Xu said coldly to the corpse on the ground, "So you should go down and accompany Qiu Qianchi!"

"Let's go! Go to Jiaxing Yanyu Building, and you don't keep hugging me, I can walk by myself. Although my martial arts are not as good as yours, they are still very good!" Ying Gu looked at Liu Xu and said.

Liu Xu nodded, took Ying Gu's hand, and left here as if no one else was there.

The members of the Iron Palm Gang watched them leave blankly but did not stop them.

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