They're not fools either, so they naturally know that they won't be able to catch them if they fight together, and they may even die.

So many people didn't even touch the corners of their clothes just now, isn't it obvious enough?

As for what the gang leader will blame when he comes back, there is a saying that "the law does not blame the people", it is impossible for Qiu Qianren to kill all of their hundreds of people!

And Liu Xu took the three women to Jiaxing Yanyu Building. August [-]th is approaching. Since Qiu Qianren will go there, Quanzhen Seven Sons will go there, Wanyan Honglie will go there, and Ouyang Feng will probably be there too. Then he can't help but join in the fun.

Besides, he still had to collect the bill from Qiu Qianren and Ouyang Feng. After collecting the bill, it was almost time for Liu Xu to leave.

After a few days of driving, on this day, after having sex in an inn, Liu Xu wanted to make fun of the three girls who were getting more and more harmonious.

At this time, one thing suddenly came to mind, and I got up all of a sudden.

"Oops, what day is it today?"

"Today is August [-]th! There is one more day until August [-]th, we can go to Yanyu Building."

Ying Gu looked outside at the already bright sky and said.

When Liu Xu heard this, he quickly put on his clothes. He always remembered that the time when Quanzhen Qizi and others settled their grievances with Yang Kang, Wanyan Honglie was on the [-]th of August in Jiaxing Yanyu upstairs, but he forgot one thing, that is, in the original book, it seems They almost started fighting on August [-]th.

Given their personalities, they would all arrive early, could they have met and started a fight now?

Thinking of this, Liu Xu felt a little anxious.

The Tiangang Big Dipper Formation of the Quanzhen Seven Sons is very powerful, but there may be some mistakes.

After all, without the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, their martial arts were far behind Qiu Qianren, and Ouyang Feng might go there as in the original book, so he had better go there quickly.

"What are you doing? You're in a hurry. Didn't you say that August [-]th is the appointment you mentioned in the Yanyu Building?" Ying Gu said.

"No, those guys have the habit of arriving early, who knows if they are already fighting. I'll go first, and you all come slowly to Jiaxing Misty Rain Building to find me."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu disappeared in front of the three women like a gust of wind.

"Sister Yinggu, this guy just left." Huazheng stared blankly at the direction where Liu Xu disappeared, "Should we leave now!"

"Of course! Everyone is up."

Ying Gu patted the two girls' white and tender butts, and put on her clothes first...

Liu Xu galloped on the official road, and with his lightness kung fu, he was definitely much faster than the bloody horse.

If he was alone, it would not take much time to run all the way to Jiaxing, but if he brought the three daughters with him, it would take about a day.

In less than half an hour, Liu Xu had stepped into the woods outside Jiaxing City.

Looking at the Jiaxing mansion not far away, Liu Xu said silently: "I hope there is still time, otherwise if the Quanzhen Sect fails a few more, it will make me as the head teacher ashamed! Of course, if it is someone like Zhao Zhijing, he will die." die."

Liu Xu didn't know that the Quanzhen Sect was facing a crisis...

Jiaxing Misty Rain upstairs.

Qiu Chuji pointed his long sword at Yang Kang, Wanyan Honglie and their five lackeys, Liang Ziweng, Sha Tongtian, Hou Tonghai, Peng Lianhu, and Master Linghui's elder brother.

"Yang Kang, you traitor, today I will give you two paths as a teacher. Either roll over immediately and die, or go back with my brother Yang to receive punishment and recognize your ancestors."

"Qiu Taoist...I..." Yang Tiexin beside him hesitated to speak.

"Brother Yang, Qiu knows that you feel bad, but you don't have to plead for him, let Qiu seek justice for Brother Yang."

"That's right, brother Yang, let senior brother come!" The six sons behind Yang Tiexin and the Jiangnan Seven Monsters tried to persuade them one after another.

Yang Tiexin sighed bitterly, looked at Nizi opposite him with infinite disappointment, and stepped aside.

He can forgive Yang Kang, but what about the ancestors of the Yang family who have been desperately defending their family and country?

"Master, this man is not my father at all. Why should you be deceived by him? If you hand over my mother to my father today, you will still be the master of my little prince of Dajin Kingdom." Yang Kang said with a hard head.

"Yes, everyone, what Kang Er said is right, as long as the Taoist priests of the Quanzhen Sect and the Seven Heroes of the South of the Yangtze River are willing to return my concubine and submit to this king, I will read you all as talents, and I will definitely treat you well. I don't have to worry about past grievances." Wanyan Honglie said politely, cupping his fists.


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Chapter 1304 Quanzhen traitor, life for life

Although he knew it was impossible, he still hoped to get more talents to help Daikin resist the increasingly powerful Mongols.

You know, Daikin has been fighting and losing repeatedly with the Mongols now!

"Damn, what is it? Tell me to work for the golden dog, Yang Kang, I think you are a dog at all." Ke Zhen'e was the first to curse.

Although the martial arts contest between their apprentices and Yang Kang was cancelled, and Qiu Chuji was willing to bow down, they still came to help the Quanzhen Seven Sons, because self-proclaimed chivalrous people really can't understand Yang Kang and Wanyan Honglie, who are golden men and traitors.

"Brother Yang, you are Han, Uncle Yang is your father, Taoist Qiu is your master, how can you do that?" Guo Jing glared at Yang Kang and said.

"Brother Guo Jing, don't be angry with this kind of person. He has been betrayed all over the world. He is nothing at all. It is not worth being angry with him." There is a more beautiful girl beside Guo Jing, who looks at Yang Kang with contempt. Humming his little nose, he persuaded in a crisp voice.

"Hmph, it seems that you don't accept the lord's kindness, so let's do it! Watch me, Sha Tongtian, the ghost dragon king, beat the lord until you obediently hand over the princess."

Seeing that Sha Tongtian was showing off in front of Wanyan Honglie, the others were not far behind, rushing to yell at Quanzhen Seventh Son and others.

Qiu Chuji looked at Yang Kang coldly.

"It seems that you will never turn back. The most regrettable thing in my life, Qiu Chuji, is to accept you as a traitor. I thought I would give you a chance to reform for Brother Yang's sake, but you, a traitor, don't know how to cherish it. Now Don't blame me for cleaning up the Quanzhen sect."

"Hahaha, you bastards are still so arrogant! Let me, Ouyang Feng, meet you on Wanyan Honglie's behalf."

A burst of laughter containing strong inner strength came from the stairs, shaking the people upstairs dizzy.

"Haha, brother Ouyang, don't scare them little devils, let me come down and clean up these jumping clowns!"

Another voice sounded from under the stairs, and the skill displayed was no longer inferior to Ouyang Feng.

"Leader Qiu, please don't rob me, I still have a problem with them!"

"Xidu Ouyang Feng? Iron palm floating Qiu Qianren on the water?"

The Quanzhen Seven Sons all turned pale with fright, and the Seven Devils of the South of the Yangtze River also grasped their weapons tightly when they encountered a formidable enemy.

As soon as the voice fell, two figures jumped up from under the stairs.

"Mr. Ouyang and Chief Qiu are here, and Xiao Wang has seen them both."

Wanyan Honglie and Yang Kang hurriedly came over to pay respects, and their team of five also nodded and bowed, obviously knowing that the strength of the two of them was far beyond what people like themselves could compare to.

Ouyang Feng cast a gloomy glance at the Seven Masters of Quanzhen, and said, "Wang Chongyang is dead, and you seven trashes really won't be able to become anything great."

The violent Qiu Chuji said loudly: "Ouyang Feng, stop talking nonsense, do you think we are afraid of you? Brother, Tiangang Big Dipper Formation."

Now that the seven sons are all here, they are really not afraid of Ouyang Feng.

"Wait a minute, master, there is no need for masters and uncles to deal with this kind of person. It is enough for the disciple to wait for someone to come." Zhao Zhijing led his disciples to stand in front of the Quanzhen Seven Sons.

"Zhijing, what are you doing? Do you know who he is? You are not an opponent and you still want to quit." Qiu Chuji went to pull Zhao Zhijing.

"Daoist Qiu, be careful."


Yang Tiexin, who was closest to Qiu Chuji, suddenly saw Zhao Zhijing stabbing the unsuspecting Qiu Chuji with a dagger, and quickly jumped on him to block him.

"Bastard, what are you doing?" Quanzhen six sons and Jiangnan seven monsters shouted loudly, and were about to rush over, but saw Zhao Zhijing and his apprentices running fast, afraid of being overtaken, and headed towards Wanyan Honglie run away.

"My lord, the Quanzhen teacher Zhao Zhijing is willing to serve my lord." Zhao Zhijing looked back at Qiu Chuji who was holding Yang Tiexin, who was breathing faintly, and the angry Quanzhen Seven Sons and others, and said, "Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and my lord once again." How could we refuse such a kind offer, Master, don't blame me."

Wanyan Honglie was very happy and took Zhao Zhijing and others into his account.

"Hahaha..." Ouyang Feng laughed loudly, "Stinky Taoist priests, even your own disciples don't like you."

"Uncle Yang, how do you feel?" Guo Jing fell to his knees, and everyone ignored Zhao Zhijing and others and surrounded him to check on Yang Tiexin's injuries.

"Brother Yang, why are you bothering?" Qiu Chuji couldn't help but shed tears, looking at the dagger pierced into the heart and the black blood on the wound, Qiu Chuji knew that Yang Tiexin exchanged his life for his own.

"Qiu...Qiu Daoist...the kindness to my husband and wife is as great as a mountain, how can I...I, Yang Tiexin, watch you being...killed by a traitor...the Daoist priest doesn't have to blame himself..."

Qiu Chuji said to Yang Tiexin: "Brother Yang, if you have any unfinished business, tell me, I will do my best to take care of it for you, even if it costs Qiu's life."

His heart was sore, and his speech was choked up.

"For, kill Yang Kang, the traitor, for me. I've figured it out. Even if the general of the Yang family is extinct, he must not let the ancestors be ashamed...clear...clear, clean up the family, and...have to cherish the weak... ...Unfortunately, I'm sorry for her...We only met again for less than a year, and I want to make her a widow again...Don't let her do stupid things...If she knows that I am dead, she will, will...will..."

Having said that, Yang Tiexin could no longer continue, and slowly closed his tiger eyes.

"Brother Yang, Brother Yang..." Qiu Chuji shouted out of grief, holding Yang Tiexin's body.

The Six Quanzhen Sons, the Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River and Guo Jing all looked up to the sky and sighed, with tears in the corners of their eyes, they continued to grit their teeth and looked at Wanyan Honglie's side.

"Okay, have you had enough crying? Didn't you say that you came here today to understand the grievances? Why did it become mourning?" Yang Kang said.

"Brother Yang is your father, and now that he is dead, you don't shed a single tear." Qiu Chuji looked at Yang Kang with red eyes.

"Brother, he is simply a beast."

"Don't talk nonsense to this bastard, Taoist priest, let's avenge Brother Yang." The Jiangnan Seven Monsters, Guo Jing and the girl said that and started to do it.


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Chapter 1305 Tiangang Beidou, one against two

The attack of several people was taken over by Liang Ziweng and five people.

Guo Jing faced two or three of them by himself, and he was still not at a disadvantage, but the seven monsters and girls from the south of the Yangtze River combined could only tie with two of them. For a while, none of them could do anything to the other.

"This untouchable is not my father at all. He said he wanted to kill Xiao Wang just now. Why should I cry for him? You Taoist priests are stubborn, don't blame me for being cruel." Yang Kang said.

"Good, good, good Yang Kang." Qiu Chuji hugged Yang Tiexin's body aside, gritted his teeth and said, "Tiangang Big Dipper Formation."

The Quanzhen Seven Sons stepped on the Seven Stars in an instant and went towards Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren in a row. They were extremely sad and indignant, regardless of whether they were opponents or not.

The disciples they brought also charged forward, and met swords with Wanyan Honglie's soldiers, Zhao Zhijing and others.

"Hahaha, Tiangang Big Dipper Formation really deserves its reputation, but the people who use it are too bad. You Taoist priests can't kill us even if they become mad dogs."

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