While fighting, Ouyang Feng said to the Seven Masters of Quanzhen who were desperately attacking them.

He teamed up with Qiu Qianren, and the Quanzhen Seven Sons were pressed and beaten by the two of them even though they were protected by the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation. After a long time, the defeat was inevitable.

And the Jiangnan Seven Monsters can't take advantage of it.

Ouyang Feng's eyes flashed, he took out small green snakes from his bosom with one hand, and threw them at Quanzhen Qizi.

Seventh Son knew it was definitely not a good thing at a glance, so he quickly dodged it, or wanted to shock it to death with his inner energy.

But I didn't expect that the little snake exploded in the air, and a black rain of blood fell.

Although the Quanzhen Seven quickly evaded, they still let it occupy a little bit, and then became weak all over in an instant.

"go to hell!"

Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren attacked Quanzhen Qizi respectively.

The Jiangnan Seven Monsters and others saw this scene out of the corner of their eyes, roaring again and again, but suffered from being entangled by their opponents.helpless.

Wanyan Honglie and the others were overjoyed, this Xidu was indeed the number one expert in using poison.

"It's you who should die."

A figure, at a speed almost invisible to the naked eye of ordinary people, flew from downstairs, stepped into the battle field between Ouyang Feng Qiu Qianren and the Quanzhen Seven Sons, released a strong zhenqi from his body, and hit them on the head.

Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren felt the sudden tyrannical pressure on their heads, and they were shocked.

What kind of skill is this!

If he and the others don't take back the attack on the Quanzhen Seventh Sons and turn to defense, they will definitely be smashed to pieces by this force.

Without hesitation, the two of them withdrew their moves to attack the Seven Masters of Quanzhen, and instantly hit the top of their heads with both hands, transporting their skills to the extreme.

Because they all know the power above their heads, if they have any reservations, they will definitely die miserably.


A loud bang.

The hands of the power master and Ouyang Feng Qiu Qianren's four hands hit together heavily.

The energy shot out, and the surrounding tables and chairs were blown upside down.

Everyone felt the ground tremble, and two big holes had appeared where Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren were standing.

The two of them were forced through the mezzanine on the second floor by someone who came, and they were blasted to the first floor, where they fell heavily.

A full-strength blow against the Broken Realm with innate skills is obviously a reward.


"Junior Brother Liu."

"Big brother!"

"Liu, you're here."

Different voices shouted.

Some were delighted, some were terrified.

Standing by the two big holes, Liu Xu scanned the scene upstairs in Yanyu with a pair of eyes, and saw that the Seven Devils of the South of the Yangtze River had already separated from Sha Tongtian and the others because of Liu Xu's sudden appearance, each standing side by side looking at each other vigilantly.

However, the Seven Quanzhen Sons all languished on the ground. What made him shattered the most was that Yang Tiexin was there, and judging from his induction, it seemed that his vitality had died.

"Damn it, no wonder I have a bad feeling, father-in-law..."

Although Liu Xu and Yang Tiexin didn't have any deep feelings, they still couldn't help but feel sad.

After all, Yang Tiexin has always been kind to him, and even married his precious daughter to him as his wife.

But Liu Xu also knew that it was useless to be sad now, and it was true to see if he could be saved first.

Turning around quickly, Liu Xu touched all the Quanzhen Seven Sons and found that they were poisoned, but luckily the poison was not fatal.

Taking out Jiuhua Yulu Pills and giving them to them, Liu Xu said: "Don't say anything, leave it to me, first take Jiuhua Yulu Pills to force the poison."

Looking up at Wanyan Honglie and the others who were looking at the two big holes in disbelief, Liu Xu said angrily, "You guys did a good job."

Wanyan Honglie and the others were coldly glanced at by Liu Xu, and suddenly shuddered.

What did they see just now?

The second of the two people with the highest martial arts in the world actually let the young man in front of him be knocked downstairs with a slap, and it was obvious from his leisurely look that he didn't exert all his strength.

Liang Ziweng and five people who knew the level of martial arts were even more panicked, riches and honors are not important, and Zhao Zhijing and other traitors were even more unbearable and anxious.

They knew how much Liu Xu's martial arts were when they were teaching Quanzhen, and secretly scolded themselves and others for being confused.

This Little Uncle Liu didn't show up for a day, the Quanzhen Sect still had enough strength, and he was so anxious to be a fool.

Guo Jing and the Jiangnan Seven Monsters also retreated cleverly behind Liu Xu, looking coldly at Wanyan Honglie and his group.

With a "bang", Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren who were downstairs jumped up again, with a trace of blood hanging from the corner of their mouths, they looked at the proud young man in horror.

"It turned out to be you, how could you have such martial arts? Have you practiced the Nine Yin Manual? It must be, only the Nine Yin Manual has such power."

Ouyang Feng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. In his heart, the Nine Yin Manual has almost become a divine book.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1306 Two masters, one dead and one injured

But Liu Xu just said indifferently: "You don't need to know whether it is the Nine Yin Manual, anyway, you and Qiu Qianren are going to die."

After he finished speaking, he didn't give them a chance to speak, so he split his palms at Ouyang Feng and the two of them, making the sound of cracking the air.

After this move, Liu Xu used [-]% of his internal strength, and with his Broken Realm skill, [-]% was enough to make Ouyang Feng and the others suffer.

Both Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren had tried Liu Xu's strength just now, and they were afraid in their hearts. How dare they be negligent when they saw him make a move!

After this blow, the air mechanism completely locked on the bodies of Qiu Qianren and Ouyang Feng, making it difficult for them to move.

An extremely strong pressure almost made the two top masters lose their fighting spirit, but Qiu Qianren and Ouyang Feng are the top masters in the world of carving after all, and there are still some real materials. Interlaced, the strength of the iron sand palm and the toad kung fu were fully exerted, and they stuck to Liu Xu's palm.

The two of them felt the astonishing true energy contained in Liu Xu's palm, and they didn't dare to fight recklessly. When their respective palms slightly touched Liu Xu's single palm, they tried their best to pull them to one side.

It's a pity that the strength of the two is really far from Liu Xu's. How can the strength of the Broken Realm be pulled aside by the two Innate Realm at will.

The two found that Liu Xu's tyrannical zhenqi didn't intend to change direction at all, and came straight towards them. They were so shocked that they had to fight with each other with both hands together.

Although it was two against one, they were still sent flying by Liu Xu.

The two flipped back and forth several times in the air before barely stopping and did not fall down the stairs again.

Even though he lost his strength, he had already suffered serious internal injuries, and both of them let out a "wow", spurting blood from their mouths.

"how can that be?"

The people present all exclaimed in amazement. If they saw Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren being slapped downstairs by Liu Xu just now because they were not prepared enough, then they would not dare to think so now. The most important thing is strength.

Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly an extremely huge force came from above their heads faintly.

Liu Xu looked at the two people under his eyes, and sneered in his heart: "The strength of the Shattered Realm, can your mere Innate Realm be able to block it? Die!"

Liu Xu didn't want to waste time with them anymore, they were already dead in his eyes anyway.

With both hands, he slashed down with unrivaled power. Liu Xu pushed down with his hands at an incredible speed, and the streams of air flow were suppressed by the naked eye, forming vortices one by one.

The appearance of the vortex almost makes people think that the space is full of illusions, and there are layers of distortions.

The old faces of the two were full of horror. They didn't expect Liu Xu's blow to be so powerful.

"I'm afraid, even Wang Chongyang, who was number one in the world back then, would die from this move without accident!"

Fearing together, both of them thought of avoiding, but when they moved, they realized that the huge force from the palm directly directly locked the space around them completely, and there was no way to retreat.

Because of the tyranny of this force, the fighting spirit in the hearts of the two of them completely collapsed, and there was only one thought in their minds.

Run away!

But escaped?

Both of them burst out with true energy, wanting to escape from the blockade of that tyrannical force and escape from the attacking range of that terrifying force.

But both of them immediately painfully discovered how weak the power they were once proud of was, and there was nothing they could do even if they were struggling and unwilling.

Under everyone's disbelieving eyes, Liu Xu swept towards Qiu Qianren and Ouyang Feng who were below him with might and power, and his palms hit their resisting hands as if they were shattering. There was a cracking sound instantly, followed by the sound of the Tianling Gai being cracked like a watermelon exploding...


The ground on the second floor was hit again with two bigger potholes, and the ground made of solid wood was cracked.

The entire second floor of the Yanyu Building was crumbling, as if it was about to collapse.

"The building is about to collapse, everyone hurry up!"

I don't know who screamed, and everyone rushed out quickly.

The Seven Sons of Quanzhen who hadn't fully recovered were also excluded. Guo Jing carried Yang Tiexin's body in his hands, while the bodies of Ouyang Feng, Qiu Qianren, and Liu Xu had already fallen downstairs.

After everyone left the Misty Rain Tower, only a short while later, the Misty Rain Tower finally made several loud noises, and the entire second floor collapsed.

Everyone was stunned, their eyes froze, and they really couldn't believe it. Could this be the power that a human can unleash?

The world is crazy.


Liu Xu rose from the ruins with the seriously injured Qiu Qianren in his hand, and landed in the camp of the Quanzhen Seven Sons.

He withdrew some strength from Qiu Qianren just now, because he had promised Ying Gu that Qiu Qianren's life was reserved for her.

When the camp on the other side saw him appear, it immediately became a mess. It was obvious that the evil five, more than a hundred soldiers, and Zhao Zhijing and other traitors protected Yang Kang and Wanyan Honglie to escape. Liu Xu's power just now made them all terrified.

Putting Qiu Qianren on the ground, Liu Xu told his group: "Look at him, I'll just go after him."

Everyone is now looking forward to him, and naturally accepts orders.

"Why are you running? Is Liu Xu so scary?"

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