How could it be possible for Wanyan Honglie and the others to outrun Liu Xu who was faster than a bloody BMW?

All the golden soldiers surrounded Wanyan Honglie and his son nervously, but the group of five villains cleverly moved out, keeping away from Wanyan Honglie and his son.

Wanyan Honglie and his son naturally knew what they meant, and they smiled wryly in their hearts, knowing that they just didn't want to be implicated by their father and son.

The fool can also see now that even if more than a hundred of them go together, they cannot be the opponent of the young man on the opposite side.


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Chapter 1307 The Five Evil Men, Capture Yang Kang

Wanyan Honglie comforted Yang Kang who hid behind him, came out with courage, bent down and clasped his fists and said, "Mr. Liu is invincible, even Xidu Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren are far from opponents, Xiao Wang really admires it. If you don't give up, Xiao Wang is willing to regard you as the first national teacher of my Dajin Kingdom. I don't know, sir..."

Liu Xuli ignored Wanyan Honglie who was there trying to recruit him, making him stand aside in embarrassment, but he didn't dare to say anything else.

Looking at Zhao Zhijing and his apprentices with cold eyes, Liu Xu said, "Zhao Zhijing, why are you here? Shouldn't you stay with the seniors?"

Before Zhao Zhijing could answer, a few disciples around him knelt down and cried, "Master Liu, don't care about our business! It was Master who forced us to betray the Quanzhen Sect, and said that it would be good for us to follow the Jinren. We were wrong." Yes, we were wrong..."

"Bastard, what are you talking about? How did I force you?" Zhao Zhijing yelled at his apprentices angrily, and almost came over to make a move.

"I hate traitors the most, especially traitors who are traitors." After Liu Xu finished speaking, he disappeared in front of everyone like a ghost.

"Master, please listen to my explanation!" Zhao Zhijing yelled, and then realized that his head and body were separated. The last scene in his life was a column of blood rising from his neck. His disciples were also with him. Generally the same.

Everyone had guessed their fate, no one dared to stand up for them, and no one had the ability to stand up for them.Because everyone feels a little weak in their legs.

"Do you want to die or live? Kneel down for me if you want to live." Liu Xu's figure flashed in front of the crowd again, ignoring Yang Kang and his son and many soldiers, and said to the evil five.

"It's not that I'm tired of living. Only fools want to die!" All five of them yelled in their hearts, but no one dared to say anything.

"Why doesn't anyone want to live? Let's all die!" Liu Xu snorted.

"We want to live, we want to live! Uncle Liu, Grandpa Liu, we want to live!" The elder brother who is a master of spiritual wisdom was the first to call out, and knelt down on the ground and called grandpa.

"Shameless." Liang Ziweng and the others looked at him with contempt from the bottom of their hearts, and were about to yell heroically that he would be killed or cut to death. I would be a good man twenty years later, but Liu Xu's eyes caught him. Take aim, and immediately the man is able to bend and stretch, isn't it just begging for mercy, and everyone has learned the same behavior as the elder brother of Master Lingzhi.

Everyone despised them this time, especially the soldiers from the Kingdom of Jin. Although everyone had the same soft feet, it was absolutely impossible to ask them to do such a thing.

Liu Xu looked at the five people and said: "You are doing very well, you can live, but I advise you all to go back to your cottage and continue to be the king of the mountain, and don't come out to make wind and rain, or I will see you again , at your own risk.”

The five of you looked at me and I looked at you in an instant, do they have any choice now?

Of course, what Liu Xu said, they all obediently did what they did.

"Yes, yes, let's go back immediately and never show up in front of Grandpa Liu again." The five of them were very knowledgeable about current affairs.

"One more thing, I don't care if you kill people and set fires, or do robbers and robberies, but you can't do it on the land of the Han people in the Song Dynasty, go to the Kingdom of Jin, Mongolia, or Koryo Fusang, where you can do whatever you want Yes, if I see you doing this kind of thing in the land of Song Dynasty, I will take your heads regardless of the ends of the world. Well, that's all, get out!" Liu Xu said.

"Yes, yes, let's get out immediately, and we will never take a step into Da Song again."

The five of them ran away with their heads down. As for the princes, as long as they can save their own lives, what princes are they?

The five of them rushed out as if fleeing, and disappeared in a moment.

Liu Xu's idea of ​​forcing them to leave the Song Dynasty and go to other countries to cause harm is also a sudden idea. Whether these little minions will kill or not is only in his mind.

So on a whim, just drive them to other countries as pests. As for whether they block the road after they go, or kill people and set fires, it's none of your business.

"Wanyan Honglie, get out too. The Kingdom of Jin is going to become Mongolia's cannon fodder anyway. I'm not interested in killing someone who is destined to die." Liu Xu said to Wanyan Honglie who stood there and dared not say anything.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu." Wanyan Honglie immediately seemed to be pardoned, wiped off his sweat, lowered his head and waved to his subordinates and son, and wanted to leave.

"Wait, you can leave, but he can't." Liu Xu pointed to Yang Kang and said.

"Ah! Father!" Yang Kang seemed to be named by the god of death, and his face, which was originally a little boy, became even paler with fright.

"Mr. Liu, please spare my life!" Wanyan Honglie said nervously while protecting Yang Kang behind him.

"It's good if you can save your own life, get out of here, or don't blame me for changing my mind." Liu Xu gave Wanyan Honglie a look and said.

Wanyan Honglie gritted his teeth, and suddenly pulled the trembling Yang Kang to Liu Xu, knelt down on his knees, and at the same time pushed Yang Kang down and shouted: "Mr. Liu, please spare my son's life, Xiao Wang will always feel great virtue."

"You are good to this fake son." Liu Xu gave the two father and son on the ground a cold look.

Wanyan Honglie twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard the word "fake son", and said in pain, "No matter what, Kang'er will always be my son. I beg Mr. Liu. No matter what Mr. Liu orders from now on, Xiao Wang will fully bear it."

"It's so annoying. I said that Yang Kang will stay if he wants to stay. What kind of help do I, Liu Xu, need from you?" Liu Xu made claws with one hand, and grabbed Yang Kang's collar with the other, as if lifting a rabbit. .

"Ah! Don't! Father, father, save me!" Yang Kang said with a pale face.

"Kang'er! Mr. Liu, please return Kang'er to Xiao Wang!" Wanyan Honglie ran over, pulled Liu Xu and begged in pain.


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Chapter 1308 Ninth Princess Zhao Yanran, Brother Becomes Brother-in-law

Looking at Wanyan Honglie who was pulling his sleeve, Liu Xu's eyes flashed red.

"Joke, let Yang Kang go, what should I give to my dead father-in-law?"


Wanyan Honglie Yuexiong was lightly slapped with a palm, and fell down in the distance like a trapeze person, sprayed a few mouthfuls of blood, and passed out.

"My lord!"

Those golden soldiers hurriedly yelled to check Wanyan Honglie's injuries, and a few brave ones drew out their knives and wanted to save Yang Kang.


Liu Xu stepped on the ground, soared into the air, and stepped on the heads of the golden soldiers.

Every golden soldier who was stepped on by Liu Xu fell to the ground in an instant bleeding from the seven orifices. After a while, more than thirty golden soldiers died, and Liu Xu had gone away.

"Captain, what should we do? Do you want to save the little prince?" A golden soldier shook his legs and asked a guard who was obviously the highest.

The captain looked at Liu Xu who was going away, gritted his teeth and said, "Your Highness is seriously injured, it's more important to save His Highness, let's go first."

Hearing what he said, the other Jin soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, and left while protecting the half-dead Wanyan Honglie.

They all swore in their hearts that they would never set foot in the territory of the Song Dynasty again. The martial arts masters among these Han people were too terrifying.

Liu Xu threw the panicked Yang Kang to Qiu Chuji who had just forced out all the poison in his body, and came to Yang Tiexin's corpse.

Putting his hand on him, Liu Xu checked it out.

"Oh, it's hopeless!" Liu Xu felt a little uncomfortable. If Mu Nianci found out, he would definitely be heartbroken.

"Junior Brother Liu, please mourn!" Ma Yu, Sun Buer and the others came to Liu Xu's side and said.

They all thought that Liu Xu was grieving while squatting beside Yang Tiexin's corpse.

Liu Xu nodded and said, "My father-in-law's funeral is troublesome, senior brothers."

"Master, master, don't! I know I'm wrong."

"You traitor now knows how to call me master. Let me tell you, Yang Kang, that without an apprentice like you, Qiu would not be able to rise to the top. Today I will kill you and sacrifice to the ancestors of the Yang family."


A scream sounded.

Qiu Chuji pulled out the sword from Yang Kang's corpse, and sat down on the ground with a dejected expression.

In the next hour, after the Seven Sons of Quanzhen and the Seven Devils of Jiangnan compensated the boss of Yanyu Building, they bought a coffin for Yang Tiexin and sent Yang Tiexin's body back to Quanzhen Church. Stay in the inn next door.

Of course Liu Xu was among the people who stayed. He told Qiu Chuji and others that he would wait for someone, and he would rush back to see Yang Tiexin die in a day or two.

The other two were Guo Jing and the girl beside him.

The reason why Guo Jing was separated from several masters and stayed was because Liu Xu, the eldest brother, wanted to teach him some martial arts, and the young girl would be there wherever Guo Jing was.

In a room of an inn next to the Yanyu Building, Liu Xu was about to go to bed when he suddenly heard someone calling the door.

"Second Brother, open the door, I'm Yanran." A girl's voice sounded from outside.

"Hey, this brat is quite courageous. He dared to sneak out of the palace alone, and followed Guo Jing and the others to go crazy everywhere." Liu Xu sighed.

This little girl is the girl next to Guo Jing, her name is Zhao Yanran.

She was originally the daughter of the old emperor Ningzong, who is also the current princess.

After Liu Xu's cheap brother Li Zong ascended the throne and entered the palace, only the nine princesses, Zhao Yanran, had a good relationship with him, so they even had a good relationship with Liu Xu.

After Emperor Lizong came to power, Zhao Yanran naturally became the most favored princess, but this girl didn't know where she heard some martial arts legends, so she pestered the big inner guards to learn martial arts every day, hoping very much to go to the rivers and lakes.

But this time he was even more daring, he sneaked out directly from the palace, but somehow he met Guo Jing and the Six Monsters, and he also possessed not-so-weak martial arts.

When the Jiangnan Seven Monsters left, she looked at Liu Xu with admiration, and ran over to meet Liu Xu regardless of Guo Jing's obstruction. She also cried and asked Liu Xu to be her teacher and learn powerful martial arts.

Of course Liu Xu would not accept her. This girl could be regarded as his cousin, and at first sight she was the woman who would replace Huang Rong as Guo Jing's future wife.

Accepting her as an apprentice by himself will not bring any benefits other than trouble, and it is not enough to support him.

"You little girl, why are you here again? Besides, you sneaked out of the palace alone. I'm not afraid that the emperor will punish you! And I said I won't accept apprentices." Liu Xu said bluntly when he opened the door.

"It's not fair. I just saw that you taught brother Guo Jing martial arts. Why did you only teach him and not me? As for Brother Huang, don't you still have the second brother?" Zhao Yanran looked aggrieved and pulled Liu Xu's arm The hand swung the swing.

"Stop, whatever you say, anyway, I'm not your master. If you want to learn martial arts, go to your elder brother Guo Jing. I taught him, so let him teach you? You don't have to ask me to be your teacher. !" Liu Xu dismissed the little girl helplessly.

Zhao Yanran pinched her mouth aggrieved, and said, "He doesn't want to teach me, he said he won't teach others without your master's consent."

"Oh, so that's the case! Then I agree, you can go find him!" Liu Xu waved his hand like chasing flies.

"Ah, really, that's great. I'll go to see brother Guo Jing right now. Goodbye, second brother, cheapskate."

Zhao Yanran changed as soon as she said, and seeing that her goal had been achieved, she slapped her ass and ran away, calling Liu Xu a cheapskate.

"You little girl." Although Liu Xu didn't seem to be interested in Zhao Yanran, he was still grateful to this little girl in his heart, because if Huazheng knew that Guo Jing had a woman and regretted his marriage, he would have had a little affection for Guo Jing. The guilt should also disappear completely.

Moreover, if Guo Jing marries Zhao Yanran, he will be regarded as his brother-in-law, and he will also be connected with the royal family of the Great Song Dynasty. We are all a family, and Liu Xu is very relieved to entrust him with the important task of guarding Xiangyang in the future.

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