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Chapter 1309 Everyone is happy, confess everything

On the second day, Liu Xu finally waited for the three daughters Yinggu Huazheng and Mei Wanying.

After introducing the three daughters and Zhao Yanran to each other, Hua Zheng suddenly saw Guo Jing who was a bit suspicious behind Liu Xu.

"Brother Guo Jing is you!" Hua Zheng yelled in surprise, and then carefully glanced at her husband, how could she talk to Guo Jing about the dissolution of the marriage?

"Hua Zheng!" Guo Jing was also startled, then looked at Zhao Yanran nervously, his heart skipped a beat, what should we do?If Huazheng and Yanran quarrel...

"Hey, who are you? Why do you call me Brother Guo Jing, obviously I am the only one who can be called Brother Guo Jing! You can't be called Brother Guo Jing..."

Zhao Yanran didn't care about Guo Jing's overthinking...he directly looked at Hua Zheng, who made Guo Jing's face change when he met him, with a hostile face, and said a lot of tongue twisters.

Seeing her stupid look, Liu Xu seemed to have fainted himself.

"Uh... Who are you, little sister?"

The three girls all looked at this chick curiously, and then looked at Liu Xu suspiciously. Could it be another sister?

But it doesn't seem quite like it.

"I'm Zhao Yanran, brother Guo Jing's...wife..."

Zhao Yanran looked at the three beautiful sisters who suddenly appeared in a demonstrative way.

Guo Jing looked at Hua Zheng in a cold sweat, hehe giggled, but he didn't open his mouth to refute.

Liu Xu rolled his eyes. This girl seemed to think that someone was going to grab Guo Jing from her, and only you, a silly girl, would treat him as a treasure.

However, as a child of the royal family, it's good to be able to choose a man you like, at least not being used to make love or marry someone you don't like.

Guo Jing was waiting for Hua Zheng to get angry, but he didn't expect that when Hua Zheng saw him hugging Zhao Yanran, not only was he not angry, but instead he looked happy, as if he had heard some good news.

"Great, Brother Guo Jing, oh, no, it's Brother Guo Jing, congratulations." Hua Zheng said happily.

Liu Xu and the other three girls, except for Zhao Yanran, also knew what she was happy about.

"Hua Zheng, you really don't mind!"

Her strange behavior and sudden change of address made Guo Jing terrified.

"Of course it doesn't matter to me. Seeing that you have a lover, as a younger sister, it's too late to be happy! My little sister is here to wish brother Guo Jing and sister-in-law a happy marriage for a hundred years. In the past, Hua Zheng was ignorant and caused trouble for brother Guo Jing." Zheng glanced at Liu Xu, and then told Guo Jing about her and Liu Xu.

As Liu Xu expected, Guo Jing was overjoyed after hearing this, grabbed his shoulders and yelled to hand over his sister to him.

As for the marriage, it was naturally dissolved, both parties were very happy, and Liu Xu arranged Yinggu and the others to rest in the room next to his own room that night.

After returning to the guest room and closing the door, Liu Xu said evilly to the three beauties: "Okay, the two light bulbs are gone now, let's get down to business now!"

It's just that when he said the word "business", his expression always made people feel particularly lewd.

The three girls naturally heard it, and they blushed and looked at him with white eyes.

Thinking of his business, the body is slightly weak.

Seeing that the three women were already emotional, Liu Xu became excited too.


After the clouds harvested and the rain rested, Liu Xu lay among the three women and said, "I want to tell you something very important, you have now completely become my wives, and you all have the right to know something about me. "

Liu Xu looked at the three women and felt that he really shouldn't keep everything from them.

They are also my closest people, and the plot of the world of eagle shooting has come to an end. I originally wanted to go back after Huashan's sword debate, but now I want to compare with them with his current strength, and compete for the number one in the world. Totally pointless.

Liu Xu plans to return to the real world after Yang Tiexin's funeral is finished, so it's time to tell them the truth.

After thinking about it, Liu Xu slowly opened his mouth: "Actually, I am not from this world. In fact, I am a god who descended from the fairy world. Because I made a mistake, I was knocked down by the Jade Emperor. I want to punish the evil and promote the good. Accumulate merit, restore divine power as soon as possible, and return to the fairy world. Alright, I'm done."

He looked up and saw a few girls looking at him like idiots.

"Hey, I said, what kind of eyes are you looking at?"

"Damn, you are a god descending to earth, who are you kidding, Brother Xu, don't treat us like three-year-olds." Mei Wanying said.

Ying Gu and Hua Zheng also looked at him strangely, and made up a decent story!

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I can only tell the truth." Liu Xu said in surrender.

Seeing Liu Xu's expression, the women thought that he was going to tell the truth, so they all concentrated their energy and listened attentively, but they heard Liu Xu said seriously: "Do you know? In fact, there are countless planes in this space. Yes, a plane is a world, and I have traveled from another world... I don’t understand the word crossing? It means from this world to that world.”

"The world you live in, in the world I originally lived in, exists in the form of a novel story, and I have read that novel story more than once in the original world, so all the stories in this novel story world Famous people, their lives, even their personalities, etc., I know everything."

"But one day, I suddenly got something that could send me to your world and teach me some spells. Because of it, I used it to break through the barriers of the planes and come to your world. In this world, I met you who were supposed to be characters from the world of the novel.”

"Since then, because I am familiar with everything in this world, I have been very successful and powerful. This is why my martial arts are so high at a young age. Now it's time for me to go back. gone."


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Chapter 1310 Fascinated by Bao Xiruo, comforting the pretty mother-in-law

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu looked at the three women very seriously and said, "This is the truth, the real truth, and it's the same if you think I'm from another fairy world."

But all the girls looked at him with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"Why, you don't believe what I said?" Liu Xu asked.

The three girls tilted their heads and thought for a while, and finally Ying Gu said: "You said you can use spells, as long as you use one, we will believe it."

The other two women also felt that it was reasonable to have a bigger head.

Liu Xu smiled and waved his hand, and a ball of water immediately appeared in midair.

"Oh my God!" The three girls looked at the big water polo floating in the air, and they all covered their little mouths and screamed.

"We believe it, we believe it, there is no need to change." Ying Gu looked at Liu Xu strangely and shouted.

"Brother Xu, so you are really a fairy from another world!" Hua Zheng and Mei Wanying both jumped over and hugged Liu Xu's arm.

"Uh, isn't this receiving ability too strong?" Liu Xu thought as he looked at the three women who were almost convinced.

In fact, how did he know that for ancient people, it is easier to accept incredible things than modern people.

Three days later in the evening, several people went to Quanzhen Sect, which was organizing the funeral for Yang Tiexin.

There was a starlight in the sky, and Liu Xu walked around the Quanzhen Sect unconsciously.

Looking at the familiar scenery around me just now, it brought back memories of the girls, and I couldn't fall asleep, so I got up and walked around.

Liu Xu thought in his heart: "Three days to go, I should prepare to go back once my father-in-law's funeral is over. Rong Er, Nian Ci, Mo Chou, Yao Jia, Li Shishi, and sister Lin Yu, you all wait, Husband, I will look for you soon, and I will give Lin Chaoying a good ass. Who told her to take you all away, at least leave Li Shishi, Mo Chou, and Xiaolongnv to me!"

After thinking about it, Liu Xu walked to a place and suddenly heard bursts of crying.

"Sister-in-law Yang, don't cry, go to sleep and eat something! Don't wear yourself down. Brother Yang, in the spirit of heaven, can't bear to look at you like this. He said that his only wish before death is to hope that you are well." survived?"

Only then did Liu Xu realize that he had unknowingly come to the room of his mother-in-law, Bao Xiruo.

"I...I know...Miss Han...you go back to rest first! You have been with me for a day without rest...I, I...I will listen to Tie Xin and live well...I...I don't He'll do something stupid." Bao Xiruo said with twitching red and swollen eyes.

Her appearance was indescribably bleak, and her son and husband were both dead, which hit her too hard.

Han Xiaoying, who was a guest at the Quanzhen Sect and is currently in charge of looking after Bao Xiruo, said, "You still say you won't do stupid things? You have done it three times. If I didn't find it out in time, you would still have done it." What's the matter? I must follow you every step of the way, eat something quickly!"

"Tie Xin... Tie Xin... woo woo woo... Why did you leave me and go first..."

Bao Xiruo didn't answer Han Xiaoying's crying and muttering to herself.

Liu Xu shook his head and was about to leave. Then he looked at Bao Xiruo's life-like state, and his heart moved.

While Han Xiaoying was waiting to persuade Mrs. Yang, she suddenly felt a numbness in her waist, and then a wave of drowsiness hit her.

Her body involuntarily went limp, and fell asleep on the ground. Bao Xiruo, who was extremely sad, didn't notice Han Xiaoying's abnormal state.

With a "creak", Bao Xiruo's door was pushed open, and a rough man stepped in.

"Xi Ruo...Xi Ruo..." Liu Xu yelled a few times but Bao Xi Ruo didn't respond, so he grabbed her by the shoulder and shook it.

"Tie Xin? It's really you! Am I dreaming? You came back to see me." Bao Xiruo stared blankly at the person in front of him, and finally threw himself into Liu Xu's arms, raised his head and touched his face, " Did you come to pick me up, I'll go with you."

Liu Xu hugged the tender female body in his arms, and really didn't know where to put his hands. He saw that Bao Xiruo was sad, so he hypnotized her with the method of ecstasy, turning himself into Yang Yang in Bao Xiruo's eyes. core.

He came to comfort his mother-in-law, not to take advantage of her.

"Xiwei, it's me. I'm already dead, but I came back from the underworld to see you again. I didn't come back this time to pick you up, but to tell you to live well and don't try to do stupid things. You can't Go to the underworld." Liu Xu said.

"I know you are dead, it would be better if I go down to accompany you, don't you want me to go down? And you live there, okay? When will you go back." Bao Xiruo really put Liu in front of him. Xu regarded it as Yang Tiexin's ghost.

"Xiwei, don't think like this. If you die, you will never see me again. The reason why I can come back to see you this time is because I was favored by the King of Hades in the Underworld, and I was sealed as the Underworld You can stay in the underworld without reincarnation. But if you die, you must be reincarnated, and then we will never see each other again." Liu Xu panicked.

"What? Is what you said true? Tiexin, it's so kind. I know that good people are rewarded with good things. Then can you beg Lord Hades to bring you back to life?" Bao Xiruo hugged him ecstatically. Liu Xu said.

"How can this be done! A person cannot be brought back to life after death, and even Lord Hades cannot change it. This is the rule of heaven and earth! Ah, and don't hug him so tightly..."

When Liu Xu was pressed close to her body, he immediately shuddered, and quickly moved carefully so that Bao Xiruo would not notice the strange reaction of his body.

"Then why don't we separate Yin and Yang?" The joy on Bao Xiruo's face disappeared again.

"Well, don't we meet again now?" Liu Xu said comfortingly.


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Chapter 1311 Give birth to a child, you can't be the last

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